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is that just the wind or a furious vexation? — Whitestone Monadnock 
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Played by Vet who has 367 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Wraith Kael

As Capable urged him to wait, Wraith's lips curled up with equal parts anger and impatience as he bared his teeth at her. Were it not for Craw's insistence for him to go as he felt he needed, the brute may have regretted his rash actions against her. As such, he had no need to act on the knee-jerk reaction and instead used those emotions to drive him forward. The large male kicked up dust as he ran, trailing behind Greer as they made their way back to the monadnock.

Their home was under attack by the very sky itself and she insisted he wait. The growl rumbled in his chest, though as he drew closer to the violent wind, the sound was drowned out by the storm itself. He'd wait to run to the pack's defense when all four of his legs were broken, and even then, he would worm his way to them! Even if his run for them was a pointless endeavor, he would still run. And she insisted he wait!

As he drew closer, he could spot Morganna's and Celandine's dark and light forms racing to pluck up the pups and carry them to safety. The brute breathed a little easier then and felt his initial anger towards Capable drain. Whatever her reasons, it wasn't his place to judge. He hadn't stayed behind to listen to whatever it was she had to say. Maybe it would have granted some insight into how the woman thought.

Temper drained, Wraith hugged the cliffside, eyes blinking against the brutal, whipping wind. Sand was kicked up in his face along with mist from the small pool being ripped into by the cyclone. The brute made his way into the safety of the den and called out for the others, hoping to hear for the safety before his eyes could determine it without question.

[Image: wm2_by_becuffin-dblzotz.png]
Played by Ghost who has 61 posts.
Inactive Pup
Kára Archer
oops sorry guys, I seriously have no idea how I missed this thread


The wrestling match was just getting good and as Kára though she might be knocked to the ground Odin suddenly looked away. Not one to be deterred by a little rain (something she had already gotten used to) she leapt, sinking her teeth into her brother's ear. However she was quick to release, even before the typical flail as something felt wrong very wrong. The gagging sound was lost on her ears as she cowered down next to her bigger brother, flank pressing into his side as her blue eyes sought out Momma.

The wind whipped around them furiously, causing tears to cloud her vision and her ears to fold back in fright. Suddenly her paws were no longer connected to the ground and for a moment she thrashed with all her might screeching, "No no no NO!" Then she realized that it was not the wind that had picked her up and carried her away but Momma who had come to rescue her. Changing her tactic her small body went completely limp in acceptance, knowing that her mother would keep her safe from any harm that might befall them.

That is until her sight settled onto the twisting clouds that seemed to meet the ground. She had never seen the clouds anywhere but in the sky before and the sight would have intrigued her if her instincts had not been screaming at her to run. Red paws beat uselessly at the air as if she could still control herself to scramble backwards from in her mother's jaws. What were they going to do now?

Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall

He did not look behind him as he streaked across the tundra, his mercury gaze fixated on the monadnock and the storm clouds above. Never in his short life had he seen such a sight before and there was nothing but fear pulsing through his veins. Just like the clouds, fear was not something he was familiar with. Greer did not fair well with emotions, especially ones as prominent as fear.

Wraith was not far behind him — he could hear his heaving breaths behind him as they neared the rock. Wind whirled around them, whipping his fur into his eyes as he struggled to keep his balance. They needed to get to the top — and quickly. His gritted his teeth as he pushed forward, fighting his way through the swirling wind. Oh, how the fates were cruel. They had just begun to grow comfortable in this new home and there was already something threatening their safety.

However, if they were able to overcome this nothing could ever stand in their way. But that was if they could defeat this formidable foe.

After battling the storm Greer stumbled toward Morganna and Celandine, his thin legs quivering in the wind. He lunged forward, scurrying after the children as the fae’s plucked them from the ground. Retreating into the den was the best option — but where were Craw and Capable? Had the clouds reached them before they stumbled upon the monadnock? His lips tightened into a thin line as he nudged his pale packmate to encourage her to keep pushing against the wind. The storm would pass — it had to. This was their home and they would not go down without a fight. 

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall

Despite the wind whipping around her, the struggling child in her jaws, she couldn't help but stop and turn around to get another look at the storm gods finger reaching down to caress her rock. Eyes squinted against the onslaught, a growl growing in her chest as the funnel bent towards her. She was torn between the desire to bolt to the crack in the rock that was the pack den and the need to stay and fight for what was hers. She wouldn't have to deliberate for long though as it seemed the simple act of turning to face the spire was enough to stop it in its tracks. The wind began to die down, the tendril of cloud retreating.

Odd, she dared to think for just a moment before placing her daughter on the ground between her paws, tongue passing over the red girls head and nose prodding here and there to check her for any injuries. Peach eyes glanced distrustingly at the sky before seeking out @Celandine with a chuff (perhaps she had made it all the way to the den when Morganna chose to stop). Once she was certain her son was ok she could worry after those who had been on the Tundra below.

[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by Pinn who has 460 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Celandine Argyris

Somewhere in her mad dash for the den—squabbling child between her parted jaws—Celandine had missed the wind's ceasefire  It wasn't until she had her body nearly wedged between the rocks that Morganna's chuff forced her attention. Turning, the woman found her alpha still out in the open, peach-coloured eyes turned to the sky. The Argyris' own amber gaze followed. She had expected to see the swirling clouds touching down, or threatening to at least, but where there had been the beginnings of a tornado only moments ago, there was... nothing?

Still, the woman remained rooted to her spot, glancing around as though she was just missing the enormous swell of clouds somehow. It didn't make any sense. Could.. could tornadoes even do that? Hesitantly, Celandine moved forward, leaving the safety of the den behind her in favor of reuniting Morganna with her son. Setting the boy down beside his sister, and stepping away, she allowed the mother some time with her child. Surely she would want to check him over for any injury, and Celandine sure as hell had no idea what to look for.

"What.. What was that?" She'd usually alter her tone, or smear it in honey before speaking, but the uncertainty in her tone reigned supreme.

(This post was last modified: Jun 30, 2016, 08:00 AM by Celandine.)
Have you seen my OOC preferences?
[Image: YCWYGS9.png]
Played by Siki who has 497 posts.
Inactive No Rank
you guys are the best.
@Morganna @Wraith @Isuni @Greer @Celandine @Kara

Wraith's ire at the woman's declarations had not been missed. The pale wolf, though, was less certain - there was not a shred of doubt that he would be joining them, would not linger out here in the tundra like some gawping coward, but there was something almost fanatical in Capable's face which he could not ignore. Intellectually, he guessed it meant she knew what the formation was, but the reverent expression she wore did not suggest any ordinary explanation. As Wraith fled back towards the monadnock, Craw only stared at Capable, and she did not disappoint.

Following her gaze back to the white cloud which reached so delicately and desperately for his home, the wolf inhaled, feeling the air rattle through his throat and down into his lungs, filling him with cold which snaked its way down into the tips of his extremities. She spoke so confidently. The notion of being tested like this by some higher power, it grasped his soul and would not let go, seeping its promise of grandeur into his blood, hiking up his heart rate and setting his core on fire.

Yellow eyes turned back onto Capable, seeing her calm, and once more Craw felt that curious mixture of total control and exhilaration. She made no signs of moving from her spot, feet planted and eyes wide as she watched what was happening to the furious sky above the monadnock.

"And you choose to wait out here?" he said, the tone less accusatory than it was simply disbelieving. "And watch the rest of us be judged from this safe, distant place?" He stepped towards her, trying to force her attention back onto his face, just for a moment - "If I am to be found worthy, it will be as I stand upon Whitestone."

He did not wait for her. As he ran, eyes trained on the pale finger reaching for what was his, he witnessed it slow, the tendril retreat, start to dissipate. He didn't slow. If it was a feint, and would rekindle, then he would be there to experience it. Worthy or dead, it would be decided upon the monadnock.
[Image: wm_by_euphoriclies-da4medx.png]
Played by Ace who has 125 posts.
Inactive No Rank

A wild laugh bubbled forth from the wolf as Craw’s absurd question, head thrown back as the raw noise was lost somewhere to the roar overhead.  She was lost somewhere between hysteria and reverence, with no intention of finding her way out of either.  Finally, the spell did break, and blown pupils fell back on the pale man’s face as he fought for her attention.  The questions were hollow, stupid.  Stupid boy!  He took off towards the tourbillion with great haste and she did not wait to spring after him.  Her mind still filled with untamed laughter.

“You won’t catch it!  You can’t find Valhalla until your time!” she shouted after him, legs burning as they sprinted across the flat earth.  How good it felt to run!

But even as they raced the wind itself, the furious figure began to recede back into sky from whence it came.  The moment had passed – whatever judgement was to happen has happened.  It was over.  Judgment had come and gone with all its witnesses, for death was not the worst a wolf could face.  But should the pack have been found unworthy, well.  Craw would soon know the truth.

Played by becuffin who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Odin Archer
I'll chuck Odin in once more after this to get him his three.

It was a jostle to be sure, the boys small heart beating with each of @Celandine's pale paws beating against the earth. What was going on? Was the world ending? He tried to stay as still as possible to make the flight easier on his white pale saviour, but he was just a child, and each pinch and jostle left him squirming to try and fit more comfortably within her powerful jaws. Her sudden stop left the boy swinging, his mother's voice the cause of the halt. His face scrunched up but he did not wince or cry, especially when he could see the wind and sky monster were gone and his sister was ok.

As Cela placed him on the ground he pushed up to plant thank you kisses on her retreating jaw, small rump waving erratically with his relief and the adrenalin that still coursed through tiny veins. His mothers attempts at checking him over were met with reassuring nibbles along her jaw, he was just fine and while the bigs spoke he turned his own attention to his rust coloured sibling. "Ka okay?" he questioned as he raced forward to perform his own once over, speed enough to bowl his sister over if she did not brace or retaliate.
[Image: sigodincheeb_by_becuffin-dahhpv8.png]
Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall
Children accounted for, Celandine also safe, Morganna allowed herself to release a breath she had not realised she had been holding. The voice with which Celandine spoke seemed at first to be foreign until she realised it was perhaps the truest the woman had ever sounded. She smiled, the gesture hardly enough to wipe the confusion from her dark face but enjoying the change none the less. She wished the other wolf spoke this way more often. "I honestly 'ave no idea..." but surely the sight had been visible from the tundra below as well, she hardly wanted the rest of the pack having heart palpitations as severe as her own.

Taking a moment to steady her breathing she tipped back her muzzle to howl out her message, all was well on the Monadnock, but what of the Lowlands? She could only imagine the party had most likely turned for home, and would probably join her sooner than it would take to howl a response so she shook out her coat, ears turned attentively as she waited for a response one way or the other, the tendril reaching down to brush against the earth before retreating at her challenge playing over and over in her head. What on earth was that all about?
[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall

The wind was retreating. The sky was growing quiet. Things were returning to normal. He blinked, his brows knitted as he studied the dark skies overhead. It didn’t make sense… how did something so frightening — so potentially destructive — disappear just as quick as it had arrived?

Morganna remained in the open, just as perplexed by the strange weather as he was. There was no longer anything to fear, but why did it still pump through his veins, rooting him to the stone as he studied his packmates. He swallowed, though the lump in his throat did not budge, and took a hesitant step forward. Craw and Capable were still on the tundra — had they been lucky or unlucky to miss the strange phenomenon? Mercury eyes blinked slowly as he inched closer to his packmates, his ears still pressed to the back of his skull as he observed the sky.

It still appeared angry, dark grey clouds jumbled together as the funnel continued to retreat from the monadnock. It didn’t make sense. Would the strange clouds and wind return? Was it a warning, or was it a very peculiar way of welcoming the Whitestone wolves? A frown creased his dark maw as he came up beside his sister, his nose touching her cheek briefly. He was just as confused as she and Celandine were. His curiosity was at an all time high as his fear began to fizz out. Would their absent packmates know anything about the strange formation in the sky? 

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]