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Northern Downpour — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain
This will be the last round, please get your posts in as soon as possible so we can archive it and claim pack points :c

She knew she needed to be strong, knew there was the possibility of this happening as it was only a part of nature. But it didn’t make it hurt any damn less. Her heart felt as if it were going to fall around, tears an unending steam down her cheeks as she attempted to stifle her sobs. Her living pup at her stomach gave a small mewl and her heart broke once more, wishing with everything she had that the still one at her chest would make the same forgiving sound. But, it was not meant to be.

Auds swiveled and head snapped up as Cernan invaded the den without any reserve, the utterly alarmed look in his eyes wounding her only further. Auds laid back and for the first time in her life she growled at her son, baring her fangs. “Out!” she ordered, mismatched gaze moving to her husband as well, “Both of you, out.” She knew it wasn’t fair to Vespertio, knew it wasn’t reasonable but instinct was taking over. She wanted to be alone, needed to be alone. Namid didn’t want anyone seeing her this way, especially not the love of her life or her child.

Once they were out she was finally able to relax at least a little bit. Her nose went to press against the motionless, wet body gently. She didn’t know if she should name him, didn’t know if it would help her heal or make her never recover again. If she ever felt better, perhaps it was a conversation she’d have to have with Vespertio. Suddenly, another contraction hit and her head shot up with alarm. Her heart thudded violently in her chest. Oh, god. Please, let this one life. Please, please, she begged as she winced, totally convinced that if another child came from her breathless she herself might perish as well. She gritted her teeth and bore down, taking in a breath before beginning again. A good two pushes later and another small bundle came from her, holding her breath as she examined it then broke the sack. A single lick was all it took, and a cry came. Emotional as she was, she literally cried in relief, pushing the child, another girl, next to her sister. Oh, how would she be able to tell them when they grew older that they might have had a brother littermate. It was a conversation she would dread until the time came and even after.

With the two feeding at her teats, she suddenly wasn’t sure what to do with the boy. He couldn’t stay in the den with then, it was wrong and no matter how much she wished for him to suddenly come to life with a gasp she knew it wouldn’t happen. He was gone and there wasn’t anything to fix it. She bit her lip gently, “Vesper,” she called quietly, attempting to keep the shaking from her voice. Once he came, she gingerly placed the body in front of his paws. “B…bury him…next to Anthem. It is the best place, he will be well taken care of by him,” she whispered, turning away as he took what would have been their child. Shame burned on her cheeks, knowing the entire pack was out there. Knowing that they would see her fault, know that she had done something to cause a loss of life. Oh, how could she ever look them in the face again.

Limply she laid her head down, tucking it around to rest just behind the suckling girls. Her mismatched gaze fluttered closed from exhaustion and she fell asleep, dreaming of her boy and what he might have been.


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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

Outside the birthing den the rain still pelted him as it fell from the sky. Kajika wasn’t sure that he’d ever seen a storm like this in his life. Though he sat with his back to the rain and hunched over to keep warm it still wasn’t doing much to protect him. That wasn’t as important as what was going on inside the den though which was why he kept an ear in that direction in case he should be needed. The dark male did take notice when Moonshadow arrived and he was aware of her taking up a place to the right of the den. A small smile crossed his face despite the pelting rain as he was glad that she seemed to be taking her duties quite seriously.

The cry he heard from inside the den was a sound that he’d never heard from Namid and it worried him. His gaze flicked to the den entrance as the sound reached his ears before he crept a little closer without trying to invade the family’s privacy. Kajika was worried that there might be something terribly wrong with his alpha. Then he heard the growl from Namid for Vespertio and Cernan to get out, he’d never heard her sound like that before though he didn’t dare to go any closer. Then he caught her words ‘Bury him next to Anthem’. This saddened the dark male as it could only mean one thing and he hoped that Namid could get through it. His heart went out to her as he knew how much her pups meant to her though he couldn’t imagine what she might be putting herself through.

(This post was last modified: Jul 18, 2016, 11:59 PM by Kajika.)
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Please see OOC Profile for OOC Preferences, Thank you.
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 71 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nathaniel ColdHeart
Cernan and Vespertio slipped back into the world, and Nathaniel's seafoam eyes passed over them swiftly to try and glean what information he could from their expressions. His heart, as small and selfish as it was, went out to the boy while feeling nothing for the crestfallen father. He could only guess that something unfortunate had befallen one or more of the children that Namid had birthed, but the queen herself must have been fine. Physically, at the least. For Nathaniel, it was all that he could hope for. Without any established attachment to them, such as had occurred with Cernan and Neha, the guardian would not be swayed by the misfortunes of the whelps inside the den. It only mattered what impact it would have on the favored heirs and their mother.

A heavy sigh fell from his lips as he lifted his snout, gazing up into the sky against the rain. The man returned to his pitiful attempts to take his mind elsewhere. With Kajika and the girl, not to mention Cernan and Vespertio if they were not too distracted by their emotions, helping to keep the area protected, Nathaniel was able to use all of his focus on trying to run away with his thoughts. He had no such luck, and when finally Namid's voice siphoned up through the tunnel once more, his attention was wholly on her once more.

It took straining his ears to hear, but her muffled words fell upon them all the same, able to grasp that she was asking for something to be buried with Anthem and his mind quickly filling in the holes with assumed information. When it all clicked into place, he abruptly felt sick to his stomach, and his mind began to stutter and freeze. He didn't know why he felt the way he did, but he did not want Vespertio's dead child with his brother. A large part of him wanted to stand suddenly, to step in the father's way and tell him no. Wanted to fight the man over it, wanted to fight him over anything but the same mantra that always stopped him from doing anything stupid where the alpha was concerned played on loop within his head: this is for Namid.

Mechanically, Nathaniel took to his paws, and without a glance back, he left. His swift strides took him away from the den, and eventually away from the pack. He needed time to breathe.
Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain
Sorry for the wait! @Cernan @Moonshadow you're up

There was no denying the sting her shouting had inflicted on the tawny male as he was forced out of the den with their son in tow after nudging his plump frame out of the den's entrance and back out into the awaiting storm and surrounding pack mates outside. Wishing he could have stayed to comfort her when he was the only other wolf sharing in the pain she felt tearing at her heart. There was no denying those whom had gathered outside had began to fit the pieces together either on what had occurred just mere feet from them, the amount of drooped ears and adverted gazes tell tale signs enough. Vespertio couldn't bare to look at any of them, instead focusing his molten gold gaze on the muddied paws below until the faint voice of his wife broke through the howling winds and rain to beckon him back into the black hole

Slowly his frame turned and slipped into the birthing den, ears pinned back against his skull while she delivered her request, but not before noticing the third tiny body nestled at her teet. Alive and breathing. Bury their eternally slumbering son with Anthem she requested. No words were said, his tongue incapable of remembering how to form such as he lowered his head to grip the tiny scruff of the lifeless pup, a couple tears streaking down his cheeks as he turned to leave. The heat of his own shame from his inability to sire a healthy child warded the cold of the rain as he pushed past his subordinates toward the resting place of Anthem with his head held low. Only once did Vesper pause to watch the fleeing form of Nathaniel disappear into the storm before continuing. A piece of him wanted to seek out the guardian to be, but first he had a son to bury.


(This post was last modified: Aug 09, 2016, 11:39 PM by Vespertio.)
Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall

OOC! I am sooooo Sorry everyone that this took so long DX life just got really hectic.

It had seemed like an eternity before Cernan had arrived but it was most likely only a minute at most. Worried thoughts filled the girls head as she tried to think what could have possibly caused Namid to cry as such. Silver eyes watched the mousy figure of Cernan rush into the birthing den. Her eyes widened in shock as even she knew that was a no no. before she knew it Namid had demanded that Vespertio and Cernan leave immediately. With flattened ears and a low hanging head she watched her alpha and his son emerge. The lake kings demeanor was not one she had ever seen before and she could tell something was seriously wrong.

The next words that came from Namid caused the shadowy girl to silently gasp. “Bury him next to Anthem” floated into her ears. While she did not know who Anthem was the words ‘bury him’ were understood loud and clear. Tears began to flow out of her eyes and mixed with her already rain soaked fur. She looked at the ground not knowing what to do when she saw Nathaniel take off from the corner of her eyes. Her gaze followed his disappearing figure before being redirected to another movement. Her alpha emerged once again but this time carrying a tiny lifeless form. The girl immediately knew that that was the pup and laid down in sorrow as he passed her to carry out his wife’s request. The girl was so overwhelmed and unsure about what to do next.

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Played by Jenandra who has 142 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cernan Vuesain

The whine met his ears; a sound so foreign to be coming from his father. He couldn't see them well, only the hint of their forms in the blackness while the rain pelted his back. He was motionless, watching and begging for an answer. He heard the shuffling of feet, and saw the melancholy frame of his Papa slipping toward him, looking more broken than he had ever seen. The second he spoke, the drenched air cracked like lightning. What Cernan then realized was his mother's voice slashed out from behind the King like the bared teeth it was caged behind. 

The boy visibly flinched, pupils contracting in fear as she commanded them away. His young mind reeled and he stepped cautiously back, feeling the sting in his chest. Wh- what had he done? Why? The prince's ears fell pinned to his tawny scruff. None of this made any sense at all! The King of the Lake emerged beside him, shoulders and head drooping in defeat. Cernan gawked at him silently; jaws agape and heart hammering ceaselessly, driving that stinging pain and panic all through his body. His father said nothing, did nothing, until finally the timid and broken voice of his mother crept out again. 

The rain drowned the words within down to a faint mumble, and Cernan dared not move from his spot. His ears flicked upward to catch what little he could. One of the mumbles sounded like 'Anthem.' Further confusion furrowed his brows, deepened by the sudden soggy footsteps and retreating shape of Nathaniel into the storm. Wha- At last Papa trudged outside, and the dim light revealed so much... too much. His eyes fixated on it, wide and horrified, and the breath left his lungs. It was dead... wasn't it. It was no creature he'd ever seen before, and suddenly it all made sense.  That's... that's a... His feet were like roots. Dimly he was aware of Moonshadow, and the way she laid down in sorrow. 

Was that it then? Was his one little sibling dead? He badly wanted to go to his mother's side, but she would not want him, he knew. That much was all too clear. Dread settled into his core as he watched Pa shuffle mournfully, swiftly into the trees. In the end, he was the only one Cernan could hope to get answers from, and all at once he was jogging; fleeing the scene to catch up with his father. The last thing he wanted was to be left there alone; wondering. Oh god. How would this have been if Neha and Al had been here? For once, he was both grateful and not for their absence. Neither would ever have to see what he had... 

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