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the hanging tree — Bowed Maple Bend 
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Played by Dot who has 133 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Merys Adroren
19 Jun.
1/6 of hunting posts.
The two hunters strode in step west until they finally passed the borders of White Fir Notch. It was about time that the designated providers of the pack started working together, despite the unsocial traits of half of the party. While they had not been officially given their elite 'titles' as hunters, a thought that caused Merys' eyes to roll furiously, they were definitely the ones who were most committed to proving so. Therein, here they were. They had discussed that it would benefit the pack for a change in menu, and something more substantial than what a single wolf could provide. Though if their intent was substance and variety, Merys suggested that they leave the borders to find something exotic. 

Their journey had brought them into the Stonewatch Timbers, placing a temporary stone in Merys' gut as they pushed past a number of familiar spots that had once led him to a tiny glen north of here. He wondered how difficult it would be to find that little glen again, and if he would find himself alone this time. He knew he would never be able to focus if they filled his curiosities, so he steered them in a new direction to level the playing field. He wasn't about to have that discussion with Jynx, or anyone really. He preferred their minimal conversation, choosing to discuss hunting techniques and ideas for approach. Business only. He liked that best. 

His weathered nose caught wind of something that would be of interest to them, and Jynx agreed to check it out. Their casual lope changed into a stealthier gait. There was water on the air, perhaps a small pond or reservoir. He had not been to this neck of the woods. When their prey came into view, Merys looked to Jynx instinctively, hoping to message silently, as their prey had not yet made any indication that they knew about their encroaching fate. He pressed himself low to the ground, glancing around him to ensure he could avoid a jamboree of cracked twigs or swiped dead brush. It was go time. He would not head back to White Fir Notch empty-handed.
(This post was last modified: Aug 04, 2016, 02:47 PM by Merys.)
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
Sorry for the wait here!

During the majority of their journey west in search of a new source of prey, a comfortable silence hung between the hunters. Jynx did not oppose healthy conversation, nor did she mind extended moments without speech. And in the case of Merys, who seemed not to favor small talk, their relatively wordless trek suited her just fine. Unlike some of the other wolves within the pack, she did not know the older male on a more personal level. But that didn't stop her from feeling as if she could almost know what he was thinking. If she was right, then all the better. Cohesive hunters performed at their best when on the same wavelength, where words were unnecessary.

With the trio of pups back home growing like little weeds, plus larger appetites of the adults to satisfy, it was crucial that the two aspiring hunters stayed on top of their game. Variety in prey was not only good for the diet and hunting experience, but as a steady introduction to the diversity of prey the children would one day hunt, too. She found it curious that she and Merys were passing through the Stonewatch Timbers again. The very region in which both of them had started their newest chapters with the pack. But they were not here to reminisce. The smaller, more vibrantly colored female strode through the area without missing a beat, unphased by the familiar surroundings. Her mind was on hunting, and nothing else.

Like her counterpart, she too, caught the scent on the wind. She inhaled it through her nostrils deeply, softly. Assessing it carefully, weeding out any hints of infection or weakness. Her easy strides had slowed to much more carefully placed, deliberate steps. Up ahead water glimmered distantly, but the pond was not what had forced her to tense up. It was the animal swimming in it. Ceasing movement altogether, Jynx had lowered her body almost to the ground. Their prey...a large beaver in this case, continued to swim back and forth like the hard little worker their kind were. Gathering chunks of dead wood, twigs and grass to add to it's self constructed dam. The large rodent had not yet noticed the two hunters, who were so focused on it's every move. Only a subtle shift of an eye was given to her partner, before initiating the hunt. She edged forward in short, tense steps. Her timing was such that she only moved when the beaver was looking the other way. When it neared the bank closest to them, or turned it's head in their direction, she froze. With luck, this sneak attack technique would hold up.
Played by Dot who has 133 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Merys Adroren

Seemingly, the hunters were on the same page. Merys was glad that there was very little teaching left to do with his young counterpart. She was fully into adulthood and it was good for her to be picking a role at a young age so that she could become an expert as she grew. Merys couldn’t imagine too many other roles that he would be willing to do other than hunter now, as he had been doing it for so long now, his other trades were seriously lacking. Besides, collecting plants nor babysitting did not seem at all on the same level of exciting or meritorious in nature.

The beaver, like most prey if approached correctly, was dumb to their arrival. Merys nodded at Jynx’s slight motion and watched out of his peripherals as she moved forward toward it. The thick brush surrounding the shore would benefit their plans so long as the beaver planned to rest on it soon. It was busy building its water home as they always were, diligent little fellows they were. Merys couldn’t remember the last time he had had the taste of beaver in his jowls. Mm.. what else was best to wash down your meal with than some delicious water prey? He smiled at his paronomasia towards himself,

His legs moved underneath like they had a thousand times in his life, taking him instinctually to the right positions, mirroring and complimenting Jynx’s with his own. Clearly the water would be their best bet, so they would have to take the chance between waiting for him to come close enough to the shore to be ambushed, and lingering too long so that the beaver picked up on their presence. He kept his body low, frequently losing sight of his partner, but never underestimating her presence. The beaver was still on his way back to the dam now with a stick, but he would be back soon. Depending on which direction he decided to swim, the ambush would begin with that wolf.
(This post was last modified: Aug 04, 2016, 02:47 PM by Merys.)
[Image: o8qr2qh.png]
founding member | 2016