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what has passed is gone — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

It was concerning that she had not heard from her family since she had sent them up there. It was probably time that she took matters into her own paws in order to find out what information she could from them, but Nina knew she could not go up there on her own. If she went up there by herself, it would be easy for Iopah to detect her, and perhaps even easier for Koda and she knew she couldn't have that. She was not unaware of what had transpired when Minka had been alive and Nina had mourned her death for an appropriate amount of time one would mourn a potential ally and had also made clear that there was to be peace during this time. Iopah's actions were inexcusable, to both Minka, and now to Nina, but for two completely different reasons and while Nina was plotting something for Broken Timber Pine's demise, it was comforting to know that they were not allies of any kind with Gent. The alpha of the Thicket pack, however, did not relax, her emerald eye pinned on the male counterpart of Round Rock Crest. Her single eye narrowed when he continued, the tension only growing. It seemed that he was saving his most dangerous topic for last and Nina was not entirely sure how to feel about it.

The topic he brought up was not one she was expecting and it made her blood run cold before it heated back up again with a renewed anger. How dare they... But she kept a level-head, remaining silent so that she could reign in her tongue. After all, it would do no good for her to make a fool of herself and she was still the reigning Queen of the Woodlands. Before she could speak, Raela spoke up and the Queen's heated gaze landed on the other woman. What they were saying had weight but they knew nothing about her brother's past and he had full immunity. One thing that truly stuck out to her was that this was all coming from the River wolves and Maksim a wolf that Ash had never truly gotten along with and had spread lies about Ash in the past.

Taking a deep breath, Nina finally spoke, "My brother isn't a killer." That was a lie. He had tried to kill her when he had first come to the lore. It was his mission, given to him by their father. After all, he was a trained assassin from birth, but he changed and Nina believed that. But she continued, "But you're right about one thing. The River wolves should not be trusted. They have done something like this before...to try and tear my brother and his wife apart. They claimed that he left their pack during a flood and almost let the pups drown...which...is not how it happened at all." Nina shook her head in disappointment. She remembered this in particular because both of them had been extremely distraught over that situation. Even during his cruel times, Ash would have never let a child die, or Nina would have liked to believe. But even now, Gent and Raela planted the seed of doubt in Nina's brain and she would be sure to talk to her brother about this. After all, he did have cause for wanted to kill Tokino, he had attacked Narime once upon a time, and Nina knew that Ash could easily hold a grudge.

(This post was last modified: Jun 02, 2016, 07:17 PM by Nina.)
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 711 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gent Lieris

Gent was feeling far more nervous than he had anticipated he would be in discussing these matters, though he supposed that was foolishness on his part. While he could reason out Nina's position from a logical standpoint, he absolutely did not have the empathy needed to be able to step into her paw prints and consider the emotions that would encourage her thoughts and reactions. Raela's input aided in soothing him as well, as her soft but solid voice always did.

When Nina voiced that declaration of Ash's innocence, it wasn't exactly relief that Gent felt. Now, he would need to dissuade Kova from any rash actions the boy might want to take upon his return, possibly offering up yet another reason for the youth to rail against him. Now, there were no answers anywhere. Yet it meant too that he could maintain his relationship with Nina (if the inquiries themselves had not done damage), and for now that was worth the uncertainties. Hopefully, it would continue to be in the long run.

Don't make me regret trusting you, Nina.

She continued then, informing them that Kisla and her kind had lied before about Ash Hervok. Perhaps using him as a strategic scapegoat once more? He knew nothing of the history that she spoke, but that his suspicions and this revelation formed a pattern was more comforting that Nina's claim of innocence alone. His pale gaze sought Raela's sunshine, knowing that she had been less convinced of his little conspiracy theory and wondering how she was taking the information. This was but a glance, and his eyes were upon Nina's muzzle once more when his jaws parted again.

"Thank you," he spoke with a complimenting nod of his head, "for everything. I know it's far from pleasant, but I'm glad these matters could be aired out. Your perspective holds a lot of weight with me," potential nepotism and all, "far more than any claim made by Kisla."

It was the best assurance that he could give her of 'don't worry about any retaliation from us against Ash,' for he was unwilling to outright make a promise. Not without consulting Raela privately, and certainly not with so many wildcards in play, such as Kova and the dastardly possibility that Ash truly was guilty. Regardless of how the cards fell, with Minka dead and gone, Gent had little intention of seeking revenge on behalf of anyone else. Yet he was responsible for the actions of those subordinate to him as well, and he would be damned if he was made a liar to Nina.

With a deep breath and audible exhale, a small smile returned to Gent's lips as his eyes once more passed over Raela.

"Well, that was all the murky business we had to address. Have you been well?" he asked of her, genuine interest apparent in his blue gaze. Unless she now wished them to move along, Gent had no intention of dropping such weighty matters upon her shoulders and then running off; he cared as well about Nina's well being and anything that she might find pressing to address.
(This post was last modified: May 01, 2016, 07:16 PM by Gent.)
Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Raela Lieris Asurn
OOC: Sorry, Rae's just kinda hanging out :P 

Raela's anxiety reared anew at the older woman's sudden shift in temperament. Her sunshine eyes darted away, but kept creeping toward the thicket Queen's paws. She was caught between showing submission and keeping tabs on the situation. It was obvious that the inquiry had riled her, just as suspected, but just how far Nina would go on emotion remained to be seen. The deep breath that followed seemed to be good news. However, she was quick to deny her brother's possible involvement. Raela was left with her own suspicions, for of course a sibling would defend another, if any decent relationship lingered there. As her elder went on, the new Alphess turned her gaze higher once more. 

Here was another that also distrusted their former allies. Again though, Raela was unsure. The conversation seemed to be leading to more questions than answers. What did seem to be valid was the opinion she'd formed of the River pack. Untrustworthy. That however, was not what they'd come here for. Kisla and her band could have decided to frame Ash, but with what she knew of the man before, and his status as a danger to both of Minka's packs, she continued to be skeptical. It was all a mess. Perhaps the safest route for now would be to label him as potentially dangerous and leave it at that. 

She met Gent's glance with a thoughtful one. They would have to speak of it later. At the black King's show of gratitude she nodded; not wanting to seem as though she disagreed. While he talked, the gears in the matriarch's head continued to turn fruitlessly, right up until he changed the subject. Not feeling any need to add verbally, she chose to look up to the foreign Queen with another polite little smile. If the Woodlands also had business to bring forth, she was sincerely interested to hear it.   
            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

Nina's gaze remained cool as she looked towards Gent, her good mood thwarted by the topic of conversation. She knew that her brother had anger issues but coming here on empty claims and accusing her brother of murder was wrong. The Thicket queen could not hold it in her heart to hold it against them though. It was their fallen king and if she had any answers as to what happened to Hollow, she would have taken them and gone to search, without second thought. The graying Hervok was not familiar with Kisla and the only way she intended to become familiar with the woman was through others. Her pack did not need a blackmailing lying serpent among them, not now that they had stability after all the strive they had endured over the years. Secret Woodlands was finally in a good place and the matriarch intended to keep it that way. For a moment, her single eye slid to the ever submissive Raela, amused, almost, by her position.

It seemed that, unlike in Willow Ridge and the Woodlands, the position of power and diplomatic relations did not belong to the woman in the case of the Crest. Nina did not judge the woman but she did wish that she could have been dealing with equals. During their conversation, Raela had barely spoken and the Woodlands queen was quick to turn her attention back towards Gent, a tight smile painted on her black lips. His question was filled with good intent but she had no interest in speaking of how she was doing. Her time was running out and she wanted to get as much done as possible before that. However, she was not rude and answered the question with grace, "I've been well. My joints have been a little achy but nothing out of the ordinary. There is something that I wanted to speak with you about though." She paused for a moment before adding, "The both of you."

She was silent for a moment before continuing, "I have had the intentions of bringing an alliance to the attention of the two of you but due to the tragedies that we keep facing, I always felt it was the wrong time. I do not want your answer today, I want you to think it over, nor am I in the mood to hear it. I've talked it over with my partner and he agreed that there would be no harm in discussion of an alliance between our packs." Of course, that would only mean alienating Iopah's pack more, which was one of the key points of this alliance...but this would also help them gain more allies. Willow Ridge was so far away and it would be easier to travel to the Crest if they were in need of something.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 711 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gent Lieris

Achy joints, yes that had been becoming ever more apparent each time he saw her. As poised as she always was, the discomfort she was in could still be perceived by those who paid attention. It worried the man, remembering elders at Trance Timbers that had been quickly crippled by such an affliction. Hopefully, she had far more time on her side than those memories. His mind was in gear to make an offer on this topic, but she fluidly changed course, steering them into waters that surprised him, especially given the uncomfortable turbulence they'd just experienced.

Alliance passed from her lips and immediately Gent's cool eyes fell upon @Raela's features once more. They were definitely being given a lot to discuss on the trip back home. Thankfully, Nina seemed to take such a decision as seriously as he desired. She did not want a snap decision answer, but rather a decisively thought out answer in due time. This skerrick detail boded well for the man, but there were so many other factors to consider as well, and all four leaders would need to agree on them all.

Gaze transferring back to Nina, Gent gave her a few nods of his large skull.

"We'll give it serious deliberation," he promised her with a thin but genuine smile. "I'll be sure to bring you some scrub pine when we next visit, too. For your joints. You can never have too much."

With a swing of his muzzle, he tapped his companion's cheek and took a step back, marking his desire to leave.

"If there's nothing more..."
(This post was last modified: Jul 06, 2016, 11:10 PM by Gent.)
Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Raela Lieris Asurn
The Woodlands Queen hardly seemed to miss a step. Stiff joints, and all else was well. Good. A small smile pulled at Raela's lips politely, though she was always glad to hear that others were doing just fine. The expression faded to something much more serious though, as again they were addressed. Another small flicker of worry danced in between her ribs. There was yet another topic of discussion to be had. Orange ears tipped forward curiously, and for a moment she feared the coming words. It slowly became apparent, however, that the offer was a benevolent one. 

Her mind snagged a little on Nina's admission; “...nor am I in the mood to hear it.” Perhaps she was not wrong, but the sentiment still caused Rae's notched ear to rotate a tiny bit right. She would remain cautious. Raela managed to meet her partner's eyes for a split second before he again looked away. Even after treading such sensitive ground, Nina was suggesting an alliance of all things. Her brows rose. Raela's smile returned to compliment Gent's reply, broadening sincerely at his mention of the scrub pine for her pain. "Yes," she nodded, accepting the black King's touch with a gentle wag. The younger woman angled the slightest bit toward him, once more gazing at the foreign Queen with curiosity. She had been very quiet this whole time, but it was the new Matriarch's very first diplomatic meeting, after all. She hadn't made any mistakes yet, right?
            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

She kept her single eye trained on Gent, determined that he was certainly the one that called the shots. Ever since Minka's death he had certainly taken over and she was glad that Secret Woodlands could finally have decent relations with his pack, especially since they resided so near. At Gent's mention of scrub pine, Nina's eyebrows shot up in surprise, unable to be contained. Nina was formerly unaware of the man's knowledge of plants and it pleased her greatly to know that they had, yet, another thing in common. She smiled pleasantly, a graceful, "Thank you," falling from her lips. This truly was the beginning of a happier chapter for the Woodlands wolves and Nina was grateful that it was now. That she would get to live to see it and that her legacy would live on.

She did not miss Gent's act to leave. Her nose twitched in amusement having no means of stopping him. The graying Hervok spoke one last time, "I hope the next time we see each other, the song we sing has a happier tune." She blinked, waiting for them to leave before making her way back into her thickets. There was much to do. But most importantly, she had to speak with her brother so that they could clear the air with one another.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.