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A little family value — Kingsfall 
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Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
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Alastor Leigh
@Larkspur @Sahalie @Ruenna Backdated to 7/26 mid-morning because I am poop. Going ahead and tagging @Kisla @Lachesis and @Karina though wait until Sarah's posted with Sahalie to enter c:


Like he’d thought it would, it had taken the small band another day and some to reach the Hearthwood wolves. The day after they’d left they’d managed to reach about halfway around the massive lake that seemed to go on forever, other than the scattered islands in the distant middle. That’s where they’d made camp, and Kino had even attempted a bit of fishing. He’d been lucky enough to catch a small bass, but that had been all. It seemed that the water was not his element after all. After resting up they’d set off again in the early morning, the scent of a pack finally reaching down in tendrils from upwind and he knew they were close. Another hour and they were right on the border, his head tilting back in awe at the massive trees that surrounded them. This place was a virtual haven, and he would be lying if he said he wasn’t a little bit jealous. So open and free, unlike the dense and slightly crowded Spectral Woods, the light that filtered in between the branches of the canopy overhead only added to the mystical aura that the woods portrayed.

Turning around he made sure everyone was good and that they knew the plan before turning to Sahalie. Topaz gaze landed on her and he nodded encouragingly, “It’s your family, makes sense that you be the one to give them a call,” he offered.

(This post was last modified: Jul 29, 2016, 04:19 AM by Kino.)
Played by Sarah who has 612 posts.
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Sahalie Leigh
Sahalie had only seen the land of one pack before, and while the snow covered willow trees of Sven's home had been appealing, even pretty, they had not struck the dark little girl with the same magnitude as the towering redwood trunks of the Kingsfall. Out the corner of her eyes she could see Alastor's head tip up and mouth open a little and she knew he felt it too: awe. Willow Ridge had been an interesting experience, something new, but in the end it remained simply that. But the Kingsfall was, in a word: grand. Somehow this cheapened the conviction in the loveliness of her own home, made it seem just a little duller, a little less interesting. Her teeth curled around her bottom lip as she chewed on it absently, perhaps catching an inkling of understanding of Drestig's desire to escape for something new for the first time in her life. She shook her head.

Alastor's voice pulled her from her pouty reverie, and Sahalie blinked a few times, surveying the wolves that had trekked up here with her. "Uhm, if you say so," suddenly shy. She wasn't even sure how much Kisla knew about her existence. Her packmates had traveled up here in the winter time when she had been so little, and who knows what they had talked of. Sahalie had never heard a word of it, she had been so wrapped up in the death of Anna and her missing brother. Taking a deep breath, the girl threw her head back to the sky, summoning anyone who knew what a Tainn was.
[Image: sahalie_by_loccian_love-dc6mt9c.png]
[Image: sahalie-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Marina who has 189 posts.
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Larkspur Ritter
Being near a new pack was making him on edge. He tried not to show it, but Lark wasn't exactly capable of hiding how he felt. As the pack's scent got stranger, he started to hang at the back of their small group. Then he noticed the two yearlings looking up, so he felt inclined to do the same. Above, there was nothing. Nothing but the trees and the birds, nothing to look up in wonder with. Unable to remember the last time he'd felt so awestruck at anything as plain and boring as trees sent a spark of jealousy through him. He lowered his head, keeping his eyes forward. "You two haven't been too far from home, have you?" at first he'd said it not expecting a response. But then he wondered: how far had the yearlings traveled from home? Was this their first time?

Kino stopped, leaving Lark to slowly catch up to the lovebirds and sit himself down a safe distance from them. His jaw locked shut as he looked off to the side, trying to concentrate on something else. It would be rude to leave right then, and better if he just played nice. He could cut through the territory, and then be on his way.

Larkspur's ears lowered, his gut burning with every passing moment.

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
@Kisla @Karina @Larkspur @Sahalie @Kino <3 sorry for keeping you waiting!

It had been almost a month since the dragon had challenged him for the throne; a challenge XIX had not expected to win, but was thankful he did. While he knew that Kjors had been focused on taking over the river pack since he joined them, many months ago, Lachesis was curious as to what had brought on the sudden desire to challenge when he did. There had been opportunities before, especially when Maksim had been weak or when XIX had been unsure of his position, but why now? At first the ghost had no desire for the throne; in fact, he detested the position. He had always been better as the ‘right hand man’, or second in command, not as the king. However, having children had changed him. He was furiously dedicated to ensuring that both Atropos and Kyrios were safe, and although he would like to believe that Kjors would never harm a cub, Lachesis was still wary. After the unexpected deaths of both Maksim and Naia, the twins were all he had left. He would do everything to ensure their safety in the pack.

Lachesis was on his way to visiting the twins when the call sounded out, calling for someone with answers. Perplexed, he changed direction, his spindly legs carrying him quickly over the leaf-covered terrain. Border calls always made him nervous; the amount of loners wandering around the expanse was unusually low, so it was always concerning when a pack wolf lay waiting at the edge of Hearthwood. With a soft frown creasing his dark lips XIX approached the three wolves, both his tail and head held high. “Can I help you?” He asked as his head cocked to the side, his voice holding only genuine curiosity as he observed the trio before him. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Alace who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karina Baranski
Assuming the Kjors/Lach challenge is common rumor-mill type knowledge, let me know if that's not the case.

Karina couldn’t decide how she felt about having all the pups weaned. It was certainly liberating to be able to wander the packlands again, free of the invisible tether that constantly pulls a nursing mother her back to her pups.   She found that she was beginning to see less and less of the twins as they spent more time in the company of their father, and even Bennet was developing an independent streak that kept her from Karina’s side for long hours.  The new mother never thought she would miss the days when the children looked to her for everything… she was free now, but freedom was a little lonely.

 The salt-and-pepper girl’s curiosity piqued as the border call met her ears. It was not usual for a stranger to approach the border and howl for a leader, but one requesting a Tainn specifically was odd. This was not an area heavily populated by her mother’s side of the family- the Tainns were further south, she understood—so Karina could only assume that the stranger was seeking Kisla herself. And me. I’m a Tainn, it dawned on the girl. She hurried toward the call, slowing only when she reached the outskirts of the packlands. 
The new mother approached warily. Had she still been nursing she would not have come at all, well aware of the danger that a stranger at the border presented. Karina had little knowledge of her Tainn family history, and for all Karina knew the caller could be an enemy here to carry out some act of revenge. It calmed her to see that Lachesis had already arrived, his pelt a dash of white in Karina’s very nearsighted vision. Karina did not detect her mother’s presence yet, neither by sight nor smell, which made the young Baranski question again whether it had been prudent answering the stranger’s call. Perhaps her mother knew something about the caller that Karina didn’t.
Karina barked a low, questioning chuff to Lachesis. Though the meeting was too far off for Karina’s cloudy eyes to survey, she could scent that multiple wolves accompanied the original caller. She sent a quick prayer up to the Mother, Please, let this be a friendly meeting. Karina was absolutely no good in a rumble—really more of a liability, truth be told-  and after Lacheisis’s recent (rumored) fight with Kjors, the girl was certain he was not up to protecting Karina while holding off multiple attackers.
(This post was last modified: Aug 12, 2016, 02:32 PM by Karina.)
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Played by Siki who has 80 posts.
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Ruenna Tainn
She couldn't help it; being able to wander free was too intoxicating, it was far too easy to let herself stray. Each time she had promised 'I'll see you in a bit!' or 'I'm just going to check that out quickly!' or 'I'll be right behind you!' and despite herself, she had kept each one. It still meant that she had spent a good portion of their journey dashing about by herself, pretending that life was like it used to be. She loved @Sahalie and liked @Kino well enough, and their company made it worth ensuring that she kept those promises. Maybe once or twice she tried to subtly help @Larkspur fall down a hill. Maybe. Nobody could prove anything.

"Shitshitshit," she whispered to the wind as the voice of the Two Als (Alastor and Sahalie could both be basically turned into the same name and they blatantly adored each other it was so cute) rang out, making that summoning call which was the whole point of this journey. But they'd already seen so much and now this was the halfway mark and while Rue was super pumped to meet more family - Serach's half-sister would be here! - she was not looking forward to having to turn around afterwards.

That was gonna be super lame. Maybe she could convince them to return via a quick trek all the way around the mountain? That would be fine, right? Sahalie was so ridiculously sheltered and ignorant of the world that it would surely do her some good to stay out of that gloomy forest for a little bit longer.

Not wanting to miss it, nevertheless she did, and by the time she caught up to where her three delightful (cough cough) fellow travellers were waiting, there was already some handsome white fellow there to greet them, authority writ all over his posture. And there, in the distance, another woman approaching. Where Rue might normally have felt panic at the thought of being so close to another pack's territory (something she had strictly taught herself to be wary of) the mere possibility that these might be family had her dashing up with a broad smile on her face.

They had talked about this, though - and Rue knew that she wasn't in charge, so while she just wanted to hop about and greet everyone, this was the moment of the Two Als. Thus, it was only right that she not try and steal the show, and came to stand beside her cousin, practically hopping. "Hi!" she chirped merrily at the pale man, before leaning into her cousin. "Sorry I got sidetracked again... again," she grinned, the apology very far from the first, and then forced herself to wait impatiently for someone else to introduce them all and explain to these lovely wolves why they had suddenly had four strangers on their doorstep.
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski

The honeyed woman had become a ghost within the lands of Hearthwood River – she heard little, she spoke to none. Maksim’s death and Orren’s departure had all but shattered her, and when she was beckoned to the borders, she would wince outward at the thought of being required to actually speak.

Hollowly, her eyes glanced in the direction of the borders, and she paused for moments, uncertain of what to do. She longed to remain where she was, beneath one of the tall trees that had once shadowed over her family – now broken. Everything felt broken.

She pulled herself up – the dignity she once might have held herself in was certainly lacking, and the thinning of her form from lack of appetite could have perhaps been alarming. Still, the regal loped to her borders, prepared to meet her family – to answer the questions she sought to avoid for so long. To having to announce it once more to the world that her soul mate was buried in the soil, and she had nothing left.

She had partially expected a familiar face, but as she pulled up along the end of the already gathered wolves, there were none – two yearlings, none of whom reminded her of anyone, and two adults. Lachesis seemed to address the group – her own eyes were drawn momentarily to her daughter, who had seemingly strayed from the side of the children. She pushed forward to greet their visitors, her green eyes studying each of them. “Welcome, Oak Tree Bend,” she murmured, not realizing her co-leader had also addressed their visit. “I'm Kisla. What news do you have? Would you like to rest?”

sparking up my heart