feel free to try and wrap this up in your next post, since we have their newer thread to get to the heart of some of this stuff
The "maybe" sounded like just a polite formality, as if Kyna was giving her friend's ideas consideration but was not drawn to or sold on them. Sahalie felt a little helpless: she could not change anyone's mind, could not find the words to describe her perspective in a really attractive way. But with an open, heavy heart she listened to the golden girl's sighs as they tried to make sense of the complicated notion of "family." The description of Kyna's
friend sounded eerily familiar, and had it been really important Sahalie might have asked if she was talking about Greer—but in the end the knowledge was inconsequential. She pretended it was Greer because it made things easier.
Her mind was a churning ocean of ideals that had been set adrift in her heart by all the wolves she had known in her life. Sven always talked about not abandoning his home or his family, even if they had been cruel to him or cruel to others. There were others in Oak Tree Bend that felt this way about deserters, but the ones with the strongest opinions, in the end, were the ones that had left. Maybe-Greer had said, once upon a time, that he wanted what was best for his family, but what was best for his family was not what was best for him—not in so many words, of course, but that was the gist. So what was the answer? Was a wolf supposed to suffer for their family or was that suffering pointless? Sahalie wasn't sure she had ever seen family as the wolves that had given birth to her, but it did always seem to be made up of the wolves who had been there when she was born: everyone who had had a hand in raising her. She didn't
choose them, but she could always choose to add more.
Could she get rid of any?
Her dark lips twisted in concern: there was no doubt Kyna had suffered, but it was confusing to hear that she had suffered under her mother specifically. Then again, Sahalie had never really known or been close to Aponi. She had seemed like a nice enough woman, though maybe that was not true.
Was she replacing Kyna? Her gut clenched. It seemed all too familiar: the story of a mother abandoning her children. A dead father. Her young heart ached. "
No," she said quietly, "
I don't think we were ever meant to."
She sighed, "
I don't know what the right answer is... about family and stuff. I just want you to be happy Kyna. I want everyone to be happy. Some wolves are happy when they know they're doing everything they can to keep their family together, some don't. And..and I don't blame anyone. I think if you want to make your own family you should do it." A genuine smile played at the corners of her mouth. "
I think happiness is important."