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this kind of love — Red Fern Forest 
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Played by Ghost who has 291 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Draven Leigh
For @Nalda
Back dated to Sep 1st if that's okay

Draven could feel it like a stone settled in the pit of his stomach, the memories of the year before. He could feel in each and every breath how close it was getting to the time that his mother died, as if he were stealing the air she should have been breathing. While the dark yearling was typically working in solitude at the Cove anyways he had become even more reserved. He still completed his duties as necessary but made excuses to be away from the territory, scouting for plants mainly and slept in the infirmary claiming he was up working late when he was back. He hadn't visited @Neha in the last couple of weeks despite usually going down as frequently as possible.

Truthfully he wished to keep her memory to himself, unblemished by the thoughts and voices of the others.  When he had been in the Crest all he had wanted was to speak of her and was met with silence and now that's all he wanted. Nobody in his new pack knew of her and the yearling knew he couldn't bring her justice with his own words so he made excuses.

It was working quite well for the Cove's benefit anyhow, the infirmary was becoming well stocked for the winter. Now Draven just needed to learn how to dry the plants in the sun so they would keep better for the colder months. Making a mental note to ask @Namid about it when he returned he didn't notice when the typical forest gave way into red until he was deep within the boughs. Glancing about him he hardly even took note of it now, other than to wonder if he should bring some of the bark back to the pack. Maybe another month he would have marvelled at the sight, but right now he felt nothing but absence.

Played by PuppyThief who has 181 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nalda Zamora

She'd come to like the red ferns, her bright markings blended in so well with their russet hues, and their oddness seemed off putting to most others, meaning she usually had the patch of forest to herself. Nalda had gotten back into her old habits of observing, hiding in the red vegetation to study the life around her. Deer would travel through the woods, unmoved by the air that was so disturbing to her own kind. She saw gathering groups of does, pursued by young, eager males, and older males rubbing their impressive crowns against tree trunks, leaving deep marks as witness of their deadliness. It was such a stark contrast against the growing darkness inside her, all this bustle. Why are they suddenly so interested..? She wondered, watching the young bucks dancing after the does, squaring off against one another to prove their strength. It made her feel odd, lonely.

Today the forest was unusually quiet though, a dim mass of red and brown, completely lagging of its magic without the life that normally filled it. Nalda stalked through the ferns, hoping to find, if not some semblance of activity, then perhaps the source of its absence. And she did come across something, no someone, walking slowly through the underbrush, seemingly without purpose or direction. The young lass froze, concealed in the ferns where she crouched low, watching the stranger. At first glance she thought it might be @Arion, but a closer inspection revealed faint hints of brown in the dark fur, and when his head turned she saw that his eyes were different. Not the stunning, bright blue of her den-mate, but a deep, intense green quite unlike anything she'd ever seen before. Where'd he come from? She was absolutely certain she'd never seen him before, and what little scent reached her through the stale air didn't help identify him.

After a few more moments of watching, she gave in to her curiosity, if nothing else, the boy might at least give her information about a pack she didn't know; And perhaps just a BIT of entertainment! So she pushed into a stand, slowly, so as not to startle him, freeing herself of her red cover. A casual smile creased her lips, such an easy thing, and she made sure to soften her usual harsh tones: "Y'lost?"

Word count: 389

”Speech” Thoughts
Because of work, my activity will fluctuate every other week. For more information and OOC preferrences check out my profile
Played by Ghost who has 291 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Draven Leigh

Absentmindedly Draven took note of the scent of another in the area but other than a brief glance to the side didn't take much action about it. Whoever was around obviously didn't want to be seen and that was fine by him, he would rather keep moving anyways. As long as he was moving he didn't have to think, didn't have to dwell on the ache in his chest. He just had to keep moving.

Once again the movement in the nearby ferns were met with a brief glance and even after spotting the stranger Draven kept walking. The look had been enough to tell him that the stranger was a she and she was around his age, her scent spoke of a pack he was unfamiliar with but the lands around them didn't carry the same. He wasn't trespassing so he had no real reason to fear, especially given she seemed to be alone. He supposed her sudden appearance was meant to spook him away from her hiding spot and so the large form kept moving.

He had assumed wrong. It was the girl's words that finally slowed Draven's paws until he stopped, turning to look at her with questions written across his maw. Her scarlet markings were vibrant against the russet trees and the green eyes lingered on the way they spread across her face and ears. The teen tilted his head slightly to the right as he replied, "uh, no?" It hadn't been meant to be a question but the surprise that she had actually spoken was enough to pull his voice up at the ending of his words. Maybe if this had been Neha he would have been embarrassed to seem foolish but this wasn't Neha, this was just a girl.

[Image: draven-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health
Played by PuppyThief who has 181 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nalda Zamora

A scoff rose in her throat at his answer, the dumbfounded look in those green eyes utterly destroying their appeal. But she managed to shift the air into a more benign chuckle as it crossed her lips, gaze shifting down to her paws to feign embarrassment. The ill masked question in his tone had betrayed his lie, but rather than confront him, Nalda chose to do what she did best: Play along. "S'ry," She muttered, in her most innocent, timid tone, shifting awkwardly; "I jus'thought… M'by, if y'needed help..?" Her voice trailed off, eyes lifting to his again, lips curled into a coy smile.

Surprise was still clear on his face, but as she studied it closer, through lowered lashes, she saw something more. It was subtle, not something she could put her paw on exactly, but clearly something weighed on this boy; Just like the rest of us! But she wasn't stupid enough to broadcast it on her coat. Instead she wore masks, like the one she had on now, the shy neighborhood girl, just trying to help. "There's not much'o'nything 'round'ere," She framed it as an apology, lazing it in abashed tones and shrugging her shoulders lightly; "P'haps… Why're y'here? I could… point y'in th'right direction, m'by?" Whatever was troubling him - putting that light slump in his shoulders, the shadows under his eyes – would be the way in! Get him to confide in me… And then she'd be able to learn anything else he might be hiding. I was right, this is fun!

Word count: 256

”Speech” Thoughts
Because of work, my activity will fluctuate every other week. For more information and OOC preferrences check out my profile
Played by Ghost who has 291 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Draven Leigh

The laugh that passed the air between them seemed insincere in a way that Draven couldn't quite place. The confused look in his eyes quickly shifted to a more guarded expression, not threatening in anyway but what he hoped would be unreadable, emotionless. She ducked her head away and shifted awkwardly, something that the yearling himself could sympathize for but he held his mask closely. After all he had learned the hard way what happened when you trusted someone blindly. He had trusted them all, Gent, Raela, Calanthe and every single one of them had left him or abandoned him or mistreated him.

Pursuing his lips for a moment and letting the silence drag out between them the teen watched to see how she would respond. Glancing around he turned back to her quizzically, "If there's nothing much around here why are you here?" Draven avoided the questions that had been presented to him, shrugging them off with ease and indifference. Maybe a month ago, maybe a month from now he would have been more welcoming and accommodating to the girl who was frankly, beautiful. Maybe then he would have been tongue tied and tripping over his words, maybe he would have blushed and muttered and cursed himself for being rude or stupid.

Today none of that mattered, the reminder beat in his head like a drum over and over again. None of this matters.

[Image: draven-greypixel01.gif]
Played by PuppyThief who has 181 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nalda Zamora

His face shifted, just slightly, that little note of vulnerability disappearing, hidden behind a blank shield. Clearly she wasn't the only one versed in wearing masks; But I saw! She had to hold back a smirk; Two can play at this game! But clearly this would not be an easy sell, as evidenced by his deflection of her questions. It didn't face her though, eyes still wide and innocent, oversized ears flipped slightly sideways, timidly. As the words fell from his lips, she opened her mouth in a slight 'oh' looking down at her paws again with a bashful bite of her lip. For a moment she was quiet, completely focused on playing the role perfectly, and when she answered her voice began small: "Oh, well…" Golden eyes flicked back upward, a nervous smile slipping onto her lips; "'am n'much'o n'thing. Jus' lil'ol' me." Her gaze met his briefly, then quickly shied away, paws again shifting awkwardly as her smile faltered. In every fiber, she was the perfect picture of nervous teenage girl.

As silence fell, the slate yearling took a few small steps to the side, like she just couldn't bear to stand still any longer. Her eyes drifted over the ferns, smile fading artfully as she stopped up again, lifting her head up a little to look at the trees, their dark needles a stark contrast to the bright red of the underbrush. In a more musing tone she said: "Guess th's why 'am here. Fit in well w'all this n'thing." She struck up a fresh smile, though it looked pale and forced, as she turned to look at the boy again. Her tail waved lightly, ears still flopped in a none confronting manner; What do you say to that? She had to admit that she much enjoyed taking on this role, getting a chance to forget her worries and zero in on someone else's.

Word count: 317

”Speech” Thoughts
Because of work, my activity will fluctuate every other week. For more information and OOC preferrences check out my profile
Played by Ghost who has 291 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Draven Leigh

The green eyes remained focused on the girl from behind his cold mask, taking in every shift and change in expression. Every mannerism, the tip of her ears and the way her mouth popped open and the shy biting of her lip, all of it was watched and stored in his memory, burned in there. The way she described herself as little, not much of anything seemed so sincere. None of it added up with her false laugh before and the thin smile that followed it.

For maybe the first time in a month Draven was interested in something, he was interested in her. Not the same way he thought about Neha, but as if he could figure out this puzzle then maybe everything would be okay. If he could fit together the pieces of this stranger to make a whole picture than maybe he could fit together the pieces of his life again.

With that passing thought everything changed. The mask dropped away from his face and instead a warmth returned to it that mostly reached his eyes, mostly. Moving forward cautiously so as to not startle her he mumbled, "Oh you are not nothing and you do not blend in, you are beautiful." The last word was said carefully, as if it was a fragile tragedy that he had to hold dearly in his mouth lest he break it. Louder and clearer this time he repeated, "Beautiful," let me fix you, let me fix me.

[Image: draven-greypixel01.gif]