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One Step Away From Home — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon
@Icicle first, and then open to @Askan, @Jessie and/or @Phoenix
- Set on the evening after this thread, as they return for the first time.

for refference on the territory: Right at the edge of the Lowlands, where open fields meet the forested out-runners of Serpents Pass, flowers and more common grasses give way to a much brighter sort. Waving ears of wild rye stand high, blanketing the rolling hills in a golden sea, from mid spring until the first winter storms knock down the stalks. The fields run all the way to the tree line, only yielding for lighter underbrush where the low pines put the ground in shade. Out in the open, the grain is almost uncorrupted, only a rare few weeds managing to hold their ground among the yellow stalks, mostly along the banks of the wide creek cutting straight through the hills before pooling near at the forest's edge, forming a small basin. Close by, among the shelter of the trees, a small den is dug out between the roots of a lone oak in the midst of a wood of pines.

Deep orange light painted the plains in shades of gold and magenta, as the sun was setting in the distance. The heat of the day was beginning to wear off, temperatures quickly dropping on the open semi-tundra. Not something to complain about for the dark wolf, well-covered even in his sleek summer coat. But he glanced sideways at his companion, wondering how the extremely pale lad would hold up against the shifting degrees. He still wasn't completely clear on the full extent of his condition, other than the sensitivity to sunlight and odd appearance, but he was confident in his decision none the less; He's made it this far! And that despite all the world had thrown against him.

Drestig gave an encouraging smile, letting his shoulder brush lightly against Icicle's. He was determined that this would be a turning point in the young wolf's life, he trusted that his pack would welcome him despite his oddities, and give him the support he needed. "Not much longer," the elder man commented in a low hum, turning his eyes back to the slightly sloping landscape ahead. The mountains had grown steadily closer as they trekked across the land, and now the first glimpses of green from the retreating forest could be seen as well. Once they rounded this small hill, the fields of grain would come into view. Pride swelled in Drestig's chest at the prospect of showing his newest recruit their chosen homeland, a territory they would soon be able to claim for good.

Cresting the slope, the chap couldn't keep a grin from his lips, slowing for a moment to gaze out over the fields while he waited for the other to catch up. The ears of rye stood high and golden in the evening light, waving in a faint breeze. In the distance, the small creek could just be glimpsed, blinking as it reflected the last rays of the sun; and beyond, the small pool stood out bright blue against the yellowed grass and deep green pine woods. "This is home," Drestig rumbled, saying the word with more certainty than he ever had before. Then he slowly started the decent into the stalks of grain, making sure to keep Icicle by his side as they moved to meet the rest of the pack.

Word count: 385

"Speech" Thoughts

Played by Brian who has 77 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Icicle Whitefang

Icicle trended carefully as he moved next to his darker furred companion, his face set into a determined mask of indifference to the pain that the bright sunshine caused his pink gaze. Drestig had literally opened his home up to the albino and had saved him from a worse fate of death. Icicle wasn’t intending to repay that kindness by complaining, he’d suck it up and deal with the pain like he had always done before.

Catching the occasional side glances, he returned them in full, though positive that their trains of thought were going down different paths.His head bobbed slightly at Drestig’s comment, only half hearing it as he was lost in thought. What did I do to deserve this…? This kind of a friend… He couldn’t figure out, how had he come across a wolf like Drestig? He had little to offer in return, only himself and literally nothing more.

A noise drew him out of the confusion as he picked up upon the soft murmur of the stream, this time, he heard Drestig clearly and looked down upon the peaceful scene, his mouth hanging partially open as he repeated it.

“Home…” He couldn’t help it, unaware of what it was, he felt something welling up deep inside and for the first time Icicle truly felt hope.

Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
Askan yawned and bowed down into a stretch.  He preferred to keep himself busy, patrolling the borders and keeping an eye on little Percy, but when the weather was this warm he didn't want to do much else but sleep. He resisted of course, after all he was no dosser, but that didn't mean his fatigue didn't show. It was obvious, really. Aside from the fact he was yawning nearly every five minutes, his eyes were narrowed and his breathing was deep and slow. He was the very picture of sleepiness. Maybe a quick nap wouldn't hurt. It wasn't as if he were slacking off, he was free to do as he pleased for now.  

And so, the dark wolf stretched himself out on the cool, lush grass and sighed in content. A quick nap would be fine. He wouldn't be missing out on anything, evenings were always quiet and not much had happened around here lately. Everything was calm and right, and Askan couldn't wait to just get some rest. His piercing yellow eyes had just flickered closed when he heard the old mans voice. Not that unusual, he lived here and came and went as he pleased. If he'd been more awake Askan would have gotten up to greet his elder, and shown him the respect he was due, but he was teetering on the edge of being awake but not quite. Hopefully, he'd manage to catch a few winks without Percy tugging on his ear again. The mere mention of that painful memory was enough to make his lips twitch into a frown. But ah, peace and quiet. The distant tinkling of the creek, the evening breeze rustling in the trees and-huh, who said that? Gah!

Askan's eyes flashed open and sat up just in time to see Drestig approach with a.... Askan was not rude (he didn't think so anyway, most of the time) but that wolf was a mess. It could hardly be called a wolf really. It was a mangy, feeble thing. White and sickly, like it was knocking at death's door. Askan sniffed and then wrinkled his nose at the unfamiliar smell. He'd never met this wolf, surely he would've remember his striking appearance, which led him to the conclusion that Drestig had found another stray. Another member for his rag-tag pack. Pushing his assumptions and his sleepiness aside, Askan clambered to his feet and shook himself off. He was playing it cool, acting as though they hadn't caught him in the act of grabbing some shut eye.Whether or not they would believe his pretense was yet to be seen.

"Evening." He greeted with his usual deadpan tone. He looked to Drestig first and nodded, before granting the new comer the same respect. Askan was an ass, but he could play nice. Especially when the stranger had done nothing to offend him. "Was wondering where you'd gone Old Man." 
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

The gray woman was less worried about leaving Percy alone. As she got bigger, she allowed her daughter her own space to explore and do things on her own. Jessie did not want to be controlling even though every part of her wanted to keep Phoenix as close to her a possible throughout every part of the day. She could not deny that it was nice when she was alone. When Drestig was away, there was no chance of a small bicker. And when Askan was no where in sight, she had no one to glare at. During the heat of day, and no one to bother her, Jessie contented herself to a dip in the stream to cool herself off. The luxury was not one she got often and she knew that once the pack formed, it would not be one she partook in often. The woman knew she should have gone out to look for others, others to join their cause, but once again, she did not find it in her heart to go out and whenever Drestig returned, the guilt readily returned to eat up her heart.

Today, his familiar paw-steps were uneven upon his return and Jess' ears flattened back in concern. She lifted her head, emerald eyes scanning the area in the direction of the sound. Askan was immediately upon them and the pepper-and-salt colored woman's eyes flashed with annoyance. He will do. With a huff, she hoisted herself up from the ground and trotted towards the entourage, eyes landing on the bright white. She almost wanted to say that the wolf was familiar to her but something did not sit right and as she approached, Jessie began to understand why. The white wolf's bone structure made it look as if he was underfed in the worst possible way and the mother almost wanted to ask if he was but she bit on her tongue to refrain from such a blunt question. Not all men were as accepting of her honesty as her mate was. What was even worse was the smell. She kept her face professional, much like she would on a scout run during one of her many trips and it was then that she realized that she was staring. Breaking out into a shy smile, she introduced herself, ”I'm not sure if Drestig told you who we are, but I'm Jessie and this is Askan.” She inclined with her head towards the other man before continuing, ”And somewhere around here is Phoenix.” That wasn't too awkward. She looked towards her dark mate for the first time for approval.

Jessie Tainn
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon
Sorry for leaving this hanging guys - @Icicle you're up <3

Drestig hummed appreciatively at the pale wolves reaction, nudging him ever so lightly. Yes, this was his home. The two continued peacefully through the rye until they reached the shade of the pines – something the white lad would no doubt appreciate – and there they fund Askan, sitting up to greet them. The elder wolf grinned at his first recruit, quirking his brows ever so slightly, just for a moment. As they came to a stop , Drestig took a half-step to the side, to stand partially in front of Icicle. This was for the sake of the youngster, he trusted Askan not to assault his latest acquisition, but he wanted to make sure the lad felt as safe as possible. At Askan's question he barked a single laugh, responding jovially: "Out working for the cause, unlike some people." He shut the dark chap a pointed look, but it was all in jest, the humor clear in shimmering, ember eyes.

Paws against the springy floor drew his attention from the young men instantly, eyes lighting up as he saw his mate approaching. She joined them pretty smoothly, and though Drestig caught her unusual stare, it was hardly extreme; No doubt Icicle was used to much worse, and he could hardly blame Jessie. Besides, she quickly slipped into the amiable role she had surely perfected long ago, working as a diplomat, and the unusual, coy smile on her face, brought a warm one to his own lips. She addressed the boy so kindly that the leader had to fight to keep a silly grin from his face. Instead he smiled encouragingly, nodding his head lightly when she looked to him. He took a moment to simply look into her eyes, sending her a silent and much more private greeting through his gaze.

Then he cleared his throat, looking down to the pale boy by his side. "This is Icicle," He introduced, then continued to explain: "We met once back at the start of spring, and he seems to have found us again. He's gonna be our fifth family member." The statement was ended with a court little nod, confirming the truth of it to himself and the rest of them. He looked back to Askan and Jessie, giving them a prompting smile; Now was the time for questions, to get them cleared right away, all together. To further illustrate that, he added: "He's got a few… Unusual traits, but nothing we don't have room for."

Word count: 413

"Speech" Thoughts
