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Milk and honey — Broken Timber Pines 
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Played by Ashbash who has 170 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eirian Asurn
AW to pack members. Dated 5/15 late evening.

If there was one thing the rain was good for according to Eirian it was softening up those tough layers of soil compacted like cement from the constant foot traffic of the Pines members weaving in and out of their cedar encased home, making the normally laboring act of unearthing hidden treasures tucked away from wandering eyes a breeze. The sediment just melted away with no complaint after each powerful sweep of muscular forelimbs, although this did tend to leave one's paws an awfully dark shade of brown afterwards. Twas the prize one had to pay sometimes in order to keep valuable trinkets safe, dirty paws a cheaper priced item on the scale of sacrifices and Eirian was not one to shy away from getting dirty.

Today's trinket was to be a well worn moose bone the young male had come to relish as a personal stress reliever, the various puncture marks along its ivory exterior indication of each time the buzzing world around him halted just long enough for some pent up hostility to be released. It was taxing playing nice to these filthy wolves he reigned over, but the part had to be played and he'd be damned if he didn't earn himself an encore at the end of it all. Surely the Asurn boy had earned himself a bone, right?

Dull nails dug feverishly through the softened soil in their haste to unearth the marred bone, gunky mud left behind from the latest storm; that didn't cake itself onto the lengths of once cream colored legs, flung with little care as to whom it may land on out behind his rump. Thunk! came the glorious sound Eirian had been waiting to hear as nails scratched the surface of what he assumed to be his current prized possession. Oh how wrong the poor lead male would soon come to be.

Finally the last clumps of mud were swept clean, but... "What the hell?" The object that now lay between his paws was not the bone he was expecting to find, but instead something else entirely. "Where's my bone and what the flying fuck is this?!" Lifting his left paw Eirian jabbed the thing twice before snorting his disapproval being greeted with nothing but the sound of faint humming that caused russet ears to prick forward for a split second before any hint of curiosity was quickly cast aside, body turning in preparation to begin moving the muddy soil back over the useless thing, whatever it was.

A low grumble fell from the male's lips while his back now turned to the unbeknownst fallen, yet still active bee's nest, mind already beginning to run through the mental check list of all possible culprits who could have moved his stress ball. There would be hell to pay should he ever find the rotten -- ouch. A sudden sting square on his rump that caused the unsuspecting patriarch to jump a bit. Soon one sting turned into a couple and -- when did that humming become so loud?

(This post was last modified: May 16, 2016, 12:18 AM by Eirian.)
Played by becuffin who has 114 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Oh she had known the bone was his, but she had taken it anyway. It was hard to miss his familiar scent marking the earth around what he supposed was a well hidden cache. The bone had been unearthed some days ago secreted away where nobody else would find it.  His shouts were what caught her attention first, smirk etched on inky lips of the slyboots lass as the young leader seemingly realised his prize was gone. A concerned look replaced the one of mirth as she composed herself. This was a test, after all.

The buzzing of the bees overhead had been noted during her excavation but unless it was likely to attract a bear (not very given how high the nest sat in the tree) then Eek had little reason to bother the bees and the same had gone for them. She happened upon the scene just as the fiery male lifted his paw, but before she could manage a You really don't want to do that... the nest had been riled. His flinch betrayed the well placed mark and she couldn't help but shake as the laughter overtook her, an uncharacteristic break from the harmless, caring wolf she so often portrayed.

Struggling for breath between her raucous fits she managed to squeeze out some small words of whatever wisdom she could offer from her safe and distant perch. "GET TO THE WATER! I... I HOPE YOU CAN SWIM!" It took all she had not to collapse in a heap, looking far more hyena than wolf in that moment.

[Image: eek_sig_by_becuffin-db8e3ou.png]
Played by Ashbash who has 170 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eirian Asurn

The humming soon became near deafening and the pin prick like sensations began happening all to frequent over the course of his frame for the russet wolf's liking, but above it all nothing could drown out the sound of unbridled laughter undoubtedly evoked from his unfortunate turn of events. A burning heat separate from that created in the wake of each sting the furious bees delivered soon licked at the young male's skin under his russet and agouti hued pelt as fiery orange irises scanned the immediate vicinity for the audacious wolf daring to find hilarity in the wake of his predicament.

It wouldn't take long to spot out the culprit against the vibrant backdrop as he followed the sound of raucous laughter to an all too familiar body of black fur and colorless eyes, a snarl managing to only form half way before another true to its mark sting landed square on his rump again. Yelping, Eirian whirled about to drag the surface of his tongue over the assaulted portion of fur in an attempt to soothe the minor pain that seared at his skin, the ear closest to where @Eek shook in her fit of laughter barely catching the words that fell from her lips as they offered a small piece of advice. Get to the water.

Chest rumbling with a growl thick in warning that portrayed his desire to charge the woman and physically reprimand her blatant disrespect with his teeth as he did so many times before to the foolish few that did similar back home, it was by the grace of some higher being and having had enough of the nuisance insects relentlessly aerial bombarding him that persuaded the copper toned brute to do just as she advised instead. Head for the water. Creamy lips propelled Eirian toward the nearest source of water with a fiery determination, paws launching all 115 pounds without hesitation into the cooling liquid of the creek. Splash! and suddenly the world went quiet and dark as his head sunk beneath the white coated surface of the flowing water, eyes squinted shut tight and ears splayed tightly against the back of his skull.

For a good solid minute it felt like he remained submerged, the burning of his lungs in need of fresh air replacing the once fiery hot heat of a million stings now. Kicking his paws, the patriarch emerged with a loud gasp as he released the stale air and inhaled deeply while shaking the water free from his head. Already he could hear the humming growing quiet until it stopped entirely and only then did Eirian dare swim for the shore, vigorously shaking out the liquid from his pelt once his paws dragged him out of the watery domain and back onto solid ground.

Played by becuffin who has 114 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Eek could handle that murderous glance knowing herself to be spared by and from the onslaught of the bees. Finally seeming to register her suggestion he flew, faster than she would expect of a wolf his size, the distant splash betraying his mark. Well, perhaps he would forgive her fit of laughter for the advice she had chosen to dispense in his hour of need. The buzz of the bees, less frantic than before signalled their return and she gave them a wide berth, the one or two that chose to investigate her, warn her that she was being watched - determined her distance to be safe enough and returned to their battered hive. Whether the bees chose to relocate or repair was yet to be seen, she supposed it would depend on whether the queen had survived. She would keep an eye on the tasty treat over the next few days just in case they did decide to vacate.

Limiting her remaining chuckles to little more than a smirk she sought out the river from which the splash had come. "I didn't know we had otters living so nearby... Oh wait!" she jibed, "It's you!" Teeth were exposed in a grin, barely contained laughter threatening to break free again. Struggling to contain herself she tried to force a serious face, "Need me to help you remove some of those stingers, or did they all fall off in the current?"

[Image: eek_sig_by_becuffin-db8e3ou.png]
Played by Ashbash who has 170 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eirian Asurn
Apologizes for the wait! @Eek

Droplets of water scattered about in every direction imaginable as the copper male shook out his fur, a sigh of relief that was leaving his charcoal lips cut short when his ears pivoted forward to catch the jibbing voice of Eek confusing him with that of a river otter. Swifter than a cheetah running at full speed a pair of citrus daggers were cast in the nub-tailed woman's direction with lips curled back just enough to reveal the points of his teeth underneath, dampened fur bristled part way along his nape and shoulders. The sight of her toothy grin only served to boil his blood further while his charcoal dusted tail quivered in its high held posture above his spine. Clearly the Asurn was not finding the humorous side to this.

Silence hung between the two wolves for a moment before Eirian dared to speak, voice taut in his irrefutable anger that scorched his insides and almost reached a level of capability to dry the moisture from his pelt. Any moment now the steam would begin to rise and bellow out of his ears. "Why don't you fuck off instead?" He quipped before adverting his gaze to begin searching his body himself for any stray stinger that hadn't been swept away in the current, refusing any help the woman may offer. All she earned from Eirian was a cold shoulder and if she jested further he wouldn't be afraid to upgrade her prize to a repeat of his earlier warning that this time he wouldn't hesitate to fulfill.

Snorting as his nose sifted through his damp fur his teeth clasped themselves around a tiny stinger buried into his skin more often than he would have liked, jerking his head back with a wince to remove the object. At this rate it would take forever to remove them all by himself it seemed, but there was not a single way in hell the fiery male would allow himself to seek assistance from her of all wolves.

Played by becuffin who has 114 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Teeth were flashed, the woman degenerating to little more than a laughing jackal. This just got better and better. His suggestion that she fuck off instead  was met with an expression of mock injury. "You wound me!" she responded, finally getting her laughter under control. Her head dipped submissively and the rest of her body followed, rump dancing in a merry wave as she crawled closer, nose outstretched in an offering of apology. He might lash out but she very much doubted it he would inflict the sort of damage on her that others had. She hadn't fucked up that badly yet.

Silver eyes had fallen on a stinger sticking out of the thin fur on his foreleg, he really would be here for days if he didn't accept some help. Barely tentative in her movements, teeth claped gently around the stinger and pulled it free, nose inching upwards to seek out the next. "Look on the bright side!" the dark woman dared to chirp, "The ones that stung you are dead and that hive is full of honey..." A rare treat. We should probably sort it out before it attracts bears. "Maybe we should send @Koda after it?" she teased. Try to make some light out of a very dark situation indeed.
[Image: eek_sig_by_becuffin-db8e3ou.png]
Played by Ashbash who has 170 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eirian Asurn

Another snarl wrinkled the skin covering the top of his muzzle at her jesting announcing his words had wounded her, gaze narrowing as they settled evenly upon her mercury pair. "Come a little closer and I'd gladly wound you, wench. Maybe remove what little tail you have left." He threatened and the tone of his voice held such conviction one may just believe his threat was to be taken seriously. With a snort he turned his head back toward his rump to return to the agonizing task of removing the surplus of stingers lodged within his coat and skin, tenderly licking over the sensitive location once said object was discarded.

Consumed in his task the submissive stance and slow approach were nearly unnoticed by the copper male until a light prick along one of his forelegs drew his attention downward to the dancing she-devil. A low rumble of a growl sounded out against the back of his throat, head lowering to snap his jaws together loudly within the space above her ears in warning. @Eek had a free pass this time, but she was not immune entirely to his fits of rage and dominant displays. One wrong button and she'll experience the wrath of a pissed off Asurn. Once more his teeth went back to work removing stinger after stinger along his rump, a single russet ear turned backward to catch the words the ebony female muttered. Snorting, he began to mumble a response with a stinger clamped firmly between his teeth. "For what? So Koda can take the treat for himself? Although it would be entertaining to watch him squirm under their assault." No, no. If anyone was going to enjoy the sweet taste of honey on their tongue it was going to be him and him alone.

Played by becuffin who has 114 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oh, she was trying so hard to keep her cool, to seem so normal and he went and bought up that. The one thing that she couldn't ignore next to her secretly barren state (another in a long list of denials the woman held dear). In nice and close now she tried to push the echo of his words down, tried to focus on what he might think of sending Koda in to gather what bees remained but there it was, over and over. What little tail you have left. She was in perfect striking distance to grab him by the throat, bite down with powerful jaws and rip his tongue right out through the back of his treasonous mouth. He'd never be able to make such an insensitive statement again.

So wrapped in her own violent fantasy she hadn't realised how dangerously still she had grown, the way her muzzle wrinkled with obvious intent, the rasp of frantic breathing hinting at the growl she was trying to suppress. Where she came from, you didn't let people get away with comments like that. It had always been fight or die, but wasn't he worth more to her alive? So instead she struck out, aiming higher to try and grab the thick fur and skin about his neck or shoulder. She hardly had the size or weight to topple him but that didn't stop her bringing up her right paw to try and shove at his flank - a novice move that left her half on her back with her own stomach and throat exposed. But it was clear in that moment that she was hardly in a stable state of mind.
[Image: eek_sig_by_becuffin-db8e3ou.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Ashbash who has 170 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eirian Asurn
@Eek Let me know If I need to change anything <3 I suck at these post xD

Half expecting the nub tailed woman to partake in another bout of laughter at the idea of Koda being cursed to the same predicament Eirian currently was trying to recover from, the copper man was instead struck with a look of puzzlement when citrus eyes noticed her body had became dangerously rigid and the skin covering her snout began to wrinkle. Her breathing had gone from smooth and fluid to a more raspy, frantic variation and the Asurn wasn't liking this sudden shift in demeanor one bit, but what in the hell had brought on such a change in the woman to flip her lip so swiftly? Narrowing his lids warily he took a step back from Eek and then another as her fur continued to bristle and a low rumble filled the small gap between their bodies. The fuck? he thought while studying the transformed feral beast standing before him. If he thought she was crazy now, just a mere split second later he was finding out just how psycho the ebony bitch was.

Confused as all hell there was no time for Eirian to react and properly defend himself from the black ball of fur that was suddenly lunging at him with jaws splayed open and ready. Immediately a grunt escaped the fiery toned man when the weight of her body slammed into his own and a throbbing pain began to make its presence known when the points of her teeth found purchase along his shoulder, jaws clamped firmly on the area. Suddenly a fire exploded within the Asurn as realization of what just happened began to sink in, his own internal beast that had been longing to taste the blood of another and properly assert his bailiwick as patriarch since stumbling upon these land now awake and ready to rumble. In her attempt to strike and shove him at his flank she had made a novice mistake. By attacking so high up she had left the most vulnerable areas open to a counterattack and there was no way the royally pissed off Eirian was going to let a golden opportunity to put her back in check pass him by while also expelling some of the pent up hostility he has had to keep under control.

The skin around his muzzle wrinkled back to reveal the tarnished teeth that lay beneath his lips, twitching, charcoal dusted tail curled over the length of his spine as a rumbling growl was emitted from behind a toothy cage. "You stupid bitch." He spat quickly, head whirling like a snake to take advantage of her open stomach which was within closer striking range than her throat. Nipping harshly at the vulnerable area along her ribs he then shoved with all of his might to try sending Eek completely onto her back before him. She would have to learn the hard way the wrath of a pissed off Asurn.

(This post was last modified: Oct 11, 2016, 07:17 PM by Eirian.)