If he had thought the flat lands of the tundra were bad, he was utterly unprepared for the hills that lined the Fjord. Perhaps she had grown sick of slowing down for them or maybe she just wanted to scout ahead unhindered - but when their mother told them this was where they were sleeping tonight, and to stay put, the boy did not complain.
The trees were a foreign concept to the duo, the strange things that adorned their limbs, both fascinating and concerning. Who knew what they might be hiding? And while the sky seemed clear enough so far, the pelting rain of the tundra that seemed to come out of nowhere had instilled a wariness in the lad that inspired him to seek out some sort of shelter. No caves or burrows in sight, he decided they could make use of the fallen tree, supported in the fork of its neighbour - for what little shelter it might offer should the weather decide to turn.
Satisfied with his bed for the night, Odin had only closed his eyes for a moment he was sure! But Kára had wandered off and a strange scent filled the air. Pushing himself up into a sitting position, pale peach eyes surveyed his surroundings quizzically. What WAS that smell?