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Just the way I'm feeling — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
 @Drestig and maybe @Jessie if you feel like it.

This wasn't a conversation that Askan wanted to have. Just the thought of admitting that he was wrong and what he'd done was enough to make his throat tighten in discomfort. Sure, he could have kept his mouth shut and pretended that nothing had happened, but Askan knew full well that if he did that then it would probably all come back and bite him in the ass. If Drestig was going to hear about this, then it would be far better if Askan told him of his own free volition. 

Still, it was difficult- almost impossible- for the Yukon wolf to gather up the courage to seek out the Old man. Askan had no reason to fear him, Drestig had been nothing but kind to him and yet the thought of pulling him aside and telling him how much of a screw up he was.... Askan flinched at the thought. He hadn't screwed up, even now Askan stood by his actions. He had no regrets when it came to saving Percy and well Lorcan... They were sort of even now weren't they? He didn't like the Whitestoner, but at least he was alive, he had Askan to thank for that. Or so he would claim.

Come on, he could do this. Talking to Drestig wasn't hard, it felt easy, comfortable even. So what did he have to lose? A lot really, if he screwed this up. Everything even. What sort of idiot would he be if he lost his once chance of redemption? His one chance to actually mean something? But no, he could and would do this. It was now or never.

Steeling himself, Askan sought out the Old man. To his relief, it wasn't difficult as he hadn't strayed to far from the den. Lucky too, as the snowfall was heavy and Askan was in no mood to wade through the snow in his hunt for the old man. Squinting against the white, Askan approached Drestig's dark form, which stood out as stark as could be.

"Hey, Old man." Askan greeted, his voice even more solemn than usual. "Can we talk? It's nothing serious... Well maybe it is. Sort of? Ugh, I don't know. Just figured I should be the one to tell you." 

Askan glanced down at the snow swallowing his stumpy legs so that he didn't have to look his boss in the eyes. Well, he'd gotten off to an awful start, how bad could this be? Terrible, most likely. Not that he didn't deserve whatever came next.
(This post was last modified: Oct 17, 2016, 08:50 PM by Askan.)
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon

Snow. Not the first of the year, but the heaviest yet. Drestig found himself in a rare, idle moment, perched on a low rock near the water, gazing out over his Fields. Soon the rye would be blanketed in white, all traces of gold lost until next summer; Already, several of the ears lay flat against the ground. It wasn't the loss of the grain that made his brows furrow though, but what it represented; Can we make it? He believed in his pack, they were strong, hard working wolves. But this would be their first winter in the Lowlands, Percy's very first; We'll make it! They had to.

Askan's voice broke through his worries, ears flattening back towards the sound. With a small shake of his head, the leader loosened himself, turning to face his subordinate, a crease still on his forehead. The tone was an unfamiliar, serious stumble, and it kept the usual smile from the elder man's face; Something MAYBE serious? He wasn't sure he could handle any more serious right now. But if it had the lad this unsettled, it wasn't likely something that could wait; How often does he ask for anything? So he looked into the bright yellow eyes, clearing his throat lightly; "Tell me what?" His voice was uncharacteristically gruff, but the look he gave the younger male was not unkind. Whatever Aksan had to say, the very fact that he had come to say it at all spoke in his favor, and it would take quite a bit to actually rile the alpha towards him. The kid was part of his family now, and a treasured on at that; So don't disappoint me…


Word count: 281

Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
Askan could tell that his words were not ones that Drestig welcomed. But at least he wasn't mad, not yet at least. Askan had been scolded before, countless times by his Father, he knew he could take it. He knew how to respond, he knew it was best to bite his tongue. But he wanted things to be different with Drestig, he wanted his life to be better, he wanted to become a better man under his guidance.

Askan's ears pressed down against the top of his head and he swallowed thickly. Again, he didn't regret what he had done by a long shot, but admitting it aloud like this to his superior really made him feel as though he was in the wrong. In doing this, he'd probably get Percy in a bit of trouble too, but the sooner she learned to stay within pack lands, the better. Maybe hearing it from her dad would be enough to teach her. 

He had stalled enough though, he could feel the weight of Drestig's gaze getting heavier and heavier with each passing second. He couldn't delay this any longer, and so Askan licked his lips and began to speak.

"The other day, I found Percy by the river with this wolf- Lorcan- standing over her. She weren't moving. She was soaked and I thought... He'd hurt her, tried to drown her or something. I just lost it, couldn't think straight. I attacked him, would've killed him if Percy hadn't stopped me. I don't regret it, I'd do it again." Askan squinted and bared his teeth a little, before he remembered his company. The tension leaked from his shoulders and they sagged down as though they were tremendously heavy. "I left not long after that... I haven't been feeling... Good lately.Figured some time on my own would help. I know I get snappy sometimes, didn't want to take it out on anyone. It helped a bit, so I came back. Then I ran into Lorcan again and there was a bear. Figured, it wasn't my business if he got mauled. He's an ass. But then I couldn't just do nothing-asshole or not. So I baited it, gave him time to get away but he just..." Askan sighed as he recalled the unpleasant memory. "Then Craw" Askan spat his name like it was sour, "showed up. Everythings just a mess. Though you should know is all."

And while Askan wouldn't admit out aloud, he felt as though somehow he had brought it all on himself. That he deserved all of the ire and rage that Drestig would no doubt send his way.
(This post was last modified: Oct 24, 2016, 04:30 PM by Askan.)
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon

Silence. It stretched as the swarthy lad seemed to shrink before him. The longer it lasted, the more worried he grew; What? What is it kid?! Askan didn't seem like the type to grow tongue-tied easily, speaking further to the grim nature of what he had come to say. Drestig wasn't the type to go imagining worst case scenarios, but the line of his mouth did tighten as he waited, patience wearing thin. Finally his lips parted, tongue seemingly escaping its knot as it darted out briefly, and then the words began. An awful many. Keeping his expression neutral, the alpha listened carefully, trying to predict the ends of this story, but failing utterly.

Percy's wandering was not new, though hearing that she had gotten so far as to run into a stranger before being caught did startle the father slightly. Had he not known that his daughter was safe and sound, he had seen her not long ago, he might have been more shaken by the unfolding tale. As it was he stayed put, simply raising his brows slightly as the younger man worked himself up. He deflated just as quickly, continuing his story in a more ire manner, fitting the darker details. When finally it was done Drestig stood quietly for quite a while, sorting the information's and questions in his head; There were quite a few.

His voice was low when he decided where to start, more solemn that it had probably ever been before in his second's company; "How much of a mess?" Ember eyes sought to meet the bright gold, voice rising in volume, though not intensity, as he continued: "How bad did these wolves get hurt, Lorcan and Craw?" In that way that seemed characteristic for his young subordinate, half of the information seemed to have been forgotten as the story was relayed. Drestig was left putting the pieces together, figuring out what exactly the boy had meant to say; How much trouble are we in here? Did someone die?! So much for not imagining worst case scenarios. Shaking his head lightly, the leader released Askan's gaze, looking out over the snow as he gritted his teeth quietly. Eyes narrowing, still not turning back but rather staring somewhere into the middle distance, he muttered: "I suppose they belong to these northerners?" His tone was laced in irritation, tail flicking faintly; Nothing's ever easy, is it?


Word count: 401

Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
Askan sighed and took a moment to gather himself and his wits. His rush of words hadn't exactly been all that coherent , so Drestig's confusion was understandable. If he wanted the Rye King to help him, then he had to do his part. He couldn't just offer the alpha shreds of information and assume that he could act on them. That was asking too much. Drestig was capable, smart, but he wasn't a mind reader. 

However, as most wolves who has met him would likely notice, talking was not Askan's forte. Especially when it concerned admitting to his faults and mistakes. It'd likely be easier to drain blood from a stone. But all those months ago, Askan had sworn that he would do everything in his power to serve both Drestig and Jessie, as well as their interests. And time had not changed that. Till the day he died, Askan would remain loyal. They had given him purpose, they had welcomed him into their fold and Askan's eyes, they asked for so little in return. He didn't deserve their kindness, not in the slightest.

He could do this. He could set the matter straight. He could help his alpha understand, and in turn do his part to help make this right. With that in mind, Askan held his head higher and risked a glance at his alpha. What he saw took him back, there wasn't anger or disdain in his eyes. Instead they shone with worry, and his lips were curved down into a troubled frown. Oh. That was.... Not what the Rye subordinate had been expecting. Not at all. 

Drestig's concern for the Whitestone wolves simply proved his kind and compassionate nature. But in Askan's eyes, both @Craw and Lorcan were undeserving. A fact Askan was eager to point out. And quite vehemently too. His tone turned acidic and his eyes narrowed in thinly veiled distaste. 

"No one's hurt. They're fine. Wish that weren't the case though. Craw's the Whitestone alpha. Nasty piece of work. Likes to make people feel small. Gets a kick outta hitting you when you're down. Never met a wolf like him. Probably thinks he's King of the North, or some shit like that. Lorcan's the only other Whitestone wolf I've met, but if I had to guess there's a few of them. More than us anyway."
(This post was last modified: Dec 11, 2016, 04:26 PM by Askan.)
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon
And we're back! Super sorry, this one just hated me for some reason >.>

This was turning out to be a right mess. From the sound of it, Askan hadn't exactly made a golden first impression with their new neighbors, and while they might be as dislikable a crowd as he seemed to think, they couldn't afford bad blood; Not already! The young man hurried to reassure his alpha, not just of the pristine condition of the wolves in question, but how undeserving they were of it. Drestig sneered, unconvinced, his eyes narrowing at the cynical notion. No matter how unlikable these characters were, wishing harm on them was rather severe, certainly not a mindset he liked to see in any member of his pack. It was the finishing comment that caused him to recoil though, ears flattening back as he snapped: "You say that like it's important!" What exactly was he thinking? Did he want to start a war? Ember eyes flared, but then slowly cooled, ears rising back up as his tail gave an irritated twitch. "'King of the north', you're one to talk..!" He muttered, mostly to himself, gaze drifting out over the snowy fields.

A rugged sigh fell from dark lips, silvered brows furrowing in thought as his eyes closed for a moment. This wasn't good, but at least with no one seriously injured they still had a chance to mend the gap; I hope… The Fields were supposed to be their haven, a new start and a safe place for their family. These new neighbors would not sour that. "Whitestone… That's what they call themselves?" The elder man drawled, turning back to his subordinate; "I suppose we'll have to pay the a visit." Hopefully things hadn't gotten so messed up that they couldn't be fixed. "In the mean time, you leave them be, no need to make this even worse!" He ordered, voice steely but low, eyes not unkind as they met Askan's; "Find something else to do with you time." Silvered brows wrinkled again, for a moment, then he tilted his head, flicking an ear at the younger man; "Perhaps it's time to find you a role?"


Word count: 349

Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Askan's ears pressed to his head at the rebuff and he averted his eyes to the ground. It's not like he wanted to be the King of the North, in fact he found the whole notion completely ridiculous. But if there was such a title he'd do everything he could to keep it out of his grasp. His tail, that had been stiff in annoyance curved between his legs and he dipped his head just a little more to show that he was sorry. He'd do anything for Drestig's approval, he only needed to ask.

The King sighed and he sagged somewhat, as though a little tension had eased out of his shoulders but still, it was clear Askan wasn't out of the woods yet.

"That's what I heard. I've never actually seen their territory for myself, but I know it's to the north. Maybe a days walk?" It had to be, otherwise why else would they be poking around in the Lowlands, as they were?

At the mention of a visit, the second bristled and opened his mouth to protest but soon decided against it. It wasn't his place to say what Drestig could and couldn't do and at this moment in time he doubted his opinion was worth much. So he kept his mouth shut and just nodded. Perhaps it was time that the two alphas of the Lowlands met. It'd be like a clash of titans and if things didn't go so well, just like Drestig said, things could end in war. Which despite Askan's penchant for fighting, wasn't something he wanted anytime soon.

 Just as his King ordered, Askan had no intention of going north. He was to keep his head low and avoid causing trouble. Which would be difficult, as trouble seemed to follow in his wake whether he wanted it to or not.

Tilting his head in thought, Askan thought long and hard before he responded to the Rye King's question. "I was thinking about being a guardian, maybe. If you don't mind." He shrugged, hoping Drestig would approve of his idea.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]