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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 350 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nineva Hervok

oh yeah your skin and bones

Nineva had often wondered what the state of the Willows was. While she'd been too young to ever get into the politics of it all, it had certainly been odd when the atmosphere had changed from they are dear allies to they must be avoided. It had never been explicitly stated to her that Elettra and her pack were dangerous or untrustworthy, but the possibility had been made clear. It was something she would need to sort out for herself on her path to reviving her homeland. Maybe Deacon could help with that, too.

Of course, there was only so much she could ask of the man. Ultimately, it depended on how grand a design he wanted to be a part of, or didn't.

He then questioned where this new pack might be lead, and she gave him yet another smirk, this one easily reading you-know-better-than-that.

"The Caverns, of course. There's nowhere else I'd rather be, I'd go now if I could, but it all must be done properly. I don't yet know where exactly my parents went wrong, but I'll figure it out. I won't repeat their mistakes."

If it took away her very last breath, she would see to it that this time, the Caverns lasted.

When Deacon spoke of morals, her interest grew, and this was reflected in her curious eyes. Again, he chose to limit his words in favor of using action instead to give the answer she wanted. That made it more of a gamble, but Nineva found it was a bet she was willing to take. She very much wanted to know more about Deacon. Already, there was much that she wanted to talk to him about, things he could perhaps help her figure out. She wanted to see more of him first, however.

"I'd like that," she answered, finally with a genuine smile upon her black lips.

"Here, we should just gnaw the spine in half, and drag the two halves..."

turn into something beautiful
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate

He really did know. The caverns, she pronounced so matter-of-factly. He gave a true, toothy, grin to let her know he approved despite his own internal struggle with the location. "Who all knows about it?" The subject had him interested. Deacon was, of course, interested in his own home but wasn't willing to get too tangled up in Nineva's plans depending on who else was or how much she wanted him in.

"I'd like that."

For once in a long while, the Archer-Lyall felt he had done something right. He had managed to make someone he had hurt at least slightly trust him again. It'd be a strong lie if he said his heart wasn't growing inside his chest. Perhaps flowers were blooming in his lungs too. He felt it'd be better to not say too much more and do what he had offered. Carrying the dead moose to Grizzly Hollow.

The Hervok girl made her instructions clear on what to do with the animal before them. He nodded and began digging into it. Being careful to avoid any meat left in the area. His jaws clamping upon the spine with force. Deacon was tempted by any leftover flavors but he had sworn to himself he'd get it to Nineva's pack before even thinking about asking for a bite.

Pausing in his work on the spine, the young male lifted his head up and looked at his company. "Hey Nineva, can I ask you something?" He paused allowing the younger female to answer him. His dark tail in a neutral hanging position, not wagging but not tucked either. "I know I just got here but, would you maybe wanna help me find my family? Or maybe you know where they are? Maybe point me in the right direction I guess. I need to make sure they're okay and the Ridge is in the right hands. I can come right back though and help you out with your plans. Swear on my life, and if I don't come back you can have me dead when you're leading your own place." His head ducking after those last words in a submissive manner. He felt a little queazy thinking about his home pack falling into the wrong hands. If his parents weren't in charge, Deacon was praying that at least his brothers or Morganna got a hold of it. Maybe it was selfish of him but he didn't see anyone but an Archer (or perhaps even Lyall sense he did carry that name himself) being fit to own the Ridge.

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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 350 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nineva Hervok

oh yeah your skin and bones

"It's pretty common knowledge in both the Hollow and Secret Woodlands. I've made no secret of it, and Veho, the Hollow's alpha, is tutoring me in how to lead. As for recruits..." she rolled her shoulders back, eyes resting upon the carcass thoughtfully, "I'm hoping for my father and siblings to return with me. Other than them, I have only @Tomen."

Who was a marvelous asset, but it could not be only family again. She would need to start gathering support, seeking allies that would come with her but without robbing the wolves, and their packs, that were supporting her. If she worked hard enough, Nineva was certain this could be accomplished in time to establish the Caverns before the next Winter.

"Who is a relative of yours, actually. Rook's son."

Deacon knew of him, didn't he? The man had served the Ridge before, she was certain she'd heard that somewhere.

She waited patiently for him to sever the dead animal's spine, having little else to do until that business was finished. Her paws itched against the lack of action; she was always one to despise standing still while another worked. When he paused, and addressed her again, her ears perked. He wanted a favor, and the gears within her head immediately began churning. She easily knew the way to the Ridge, but there was so much more that could be achieved other than merely pointing out the way. This advantageous plotting ground to a halt, however, when he surprised her with a vow.

She couldn't help a soft giggle at the idea of sending her future pack to hunt him down over a broken promise, but his face was so serious that she quickly stifled the amusement. He had made it clear he wanted to make amends with those he had hurt, and she had already considered the prospect of him helping to restore the pack. That was an offer she had thought to make after she'd learned he could be trusted, however, and after she had more compelling reasons for him to do so. He wished to do it of his own accord, however, and another smile graced her lips. Maybe this grown-up Deacon really was genuine and reliable.

"Of course. I would like to come with you, actually, if you don't mind? There's... much I could accomplish, by talking with your mother if the Archers still have their hold. I will need to speak with Veho about it first, which can be done after we've got this thing stored away. And I... would really appreciate a partnership with you, Deacon."

If he were to help, if anyone decided to assist her, it would never just be Nineva waving her paw and doling out commands. She did not want servitude born of guilt from the young man, and would strive for his happiness and fulfillment as much as her own. It was simply the way of the pack.

turn into something beautiful
(This post was last modified: Nov 07, 2016, 04:39 AM by Nineva.)
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate

It's good she wasn't keeping secrets. Deacon was aware leaving could be a messy ordeal so the cleaner they kept things, the better. "I'd love to meet this Veho, he must be a nice man." His ivory teeth making a friendly appearance at her words. The young male appreciated how much action she was taking. Nineva was perhaps the most serious wolf he'd seen about leading something. His tail wagging at a slow pace. "Tell me more about Tomen when we have time?" It was more of a curious statement than a demand. Deacon wasn't one to pressure anything out of anyone unless it was necessary.

But when she mentioned that Tomen, was a relative of his Deacon made a rather confused face. "Well if Tomen is the son of Rook, who is Rook's father? Do you know? I don't think I'm extremely familiar with either of those names." He dug hard in his brain to try and figure out if Angier had ever mentioned those. The Archer-Lyall had, of course, heard stories of the Hollow, Borden, Dove, Jaysyek, and even a few other creatures but he didn't believe he heard about a Rook Lyall or Tomen Lyall. How peculiar...

The moment he had really been waiting for arrived, though. He didn't get the reaction he was fully expecting. Nineva had taken it much better than he expected. While he couldn't blame her for chuckling at his offer at first Deacon had been fully serious about it. He thought himself better off six feet under if he couldn't hold any more promises. Yet there was something in her words that not one part of him was ready to hear. "I would like to come with you, actually, if you don't mind?" The young man was thrilled beyond belief. "Oh Nineva!" He barked like an excited child. "I'd be more than joyed to have you along with me, and I'm sure my family would love you too. Besides, I don't see why my mother and father wouldn't want to ally with you or strike a deal to help." And he was more than certain that if his mother or father happened to not want it, he could persuade them to agree. He was their eldest out of the litter and his father had offered an undying support, didn't he?

It seemed he was getting all sorts of surprises, though. She wanted a partnership with him. His mind felt rather puzzled for a second. "A partnership? What kind?" Was she asking for him to lead with her? Was she asking for him to simply be a loyal pawn? It appeared the former Willow Prince was getting more tangled up than he had just told himself he would. Funny how things turned so quickly.

Looking down at the moose he dug a paw into the snow. "How about this, we get this thing hauled out, get everything spoken about with Veho and then we can discuss all of your glorious plans more and get this trip going before the winter really settles? Besides, it seems to already be snowing." Deacon couldn't really remember when it started to snow last year. Was it this early? He guessed it didn't really matter, thinking about past events would do no good with all of these new events happening before his eyes.

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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 350 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nineva Hervok

oh yeah your skin and bones

This time, she straight out laughed at the mirth her own request caused Deacon. He was certainly one that was difficult to stay angry with. Maybe her parents would disapprove, but she had not yet been weathered down by life as they had, and thus found it much easier to forgive and extend this offer of redemption. After all, if she had been cut off for her sins, all of this promise within her might have been extinguished completely. There was a limit to second chances, but it was better to build upon scorched soil than lose ground altogether in her eyes.

"A mutual one," she answered him simply, as he grew curious about what her intentions exactly were. There was no more structure to it than that, and hopefully that sufficed. Deacon suggested then that they complete their scavenging work, so that they might delve into details later, and Nineva agreed with a nod.

"Borden Lyall, by the way. He was Rook's father. He passed away last fall," and no longer did she fall into the memory of that awful day. She was too old for such dramatics now.

Reaching down, she clenched her teeth over the strained vertebrae and sawed them apart, completing her old friend's work before promptly grabbing hold of the loosened skin at the beast's shoulders and proceeding to tug.

turn into something beautiful
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate

"A mutual one."

Well, that was the simple answer he assumed. Perhaps not very specific but it let him know she was either considering him for a lead or letting him be a right hand maybe. He really appreciated the offer. It was nice of her to allow him the opportunity. He felt this was the perfect way to prove himself to the Hervok.

Here was a feeling he wasn't ready for. A lurching in his stomach at her words, about his uncle. He'd never met the man in person but all of the stories from his father had been so vivid he felt just as distraught. "B-Borden Lyall? Passed away?" His voice a soft whine. It would be fickle new to tell Angier if he was already not aware. "I'd like to see Rook too, if I can. Borden was my uncle, the brother of my father." He shoved the moment away with watery eyes. Why was this working him up so much? Was he feeling a collection of sorrow? Deacon wondered if maybe he was feeling so sad for his father and this Rook fellow (along with Tomen).

Following Nineva's example Deacon clamped down on a leftover leg and began to drag his half of the body. Watching where she walked he was careful to not drop any meat off the carcass or have anything break off. The snow certainly helped to preserve it from rotting but he wondered if it would get frost bite. Did dead things suffer from frostbite like the living? Was it even called frostbite if they were dead? Silly questions to fill the silence always worked.

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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 350 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nineva Hervok

oh yeah your skin and bones

While her teeth completed their work, her eyes flashed upwards to catch Deacon's features as he reacted to the news she had passed on so blase, and she realized her matter-of-factness might not of been appropriate. Him having not known about Rook, she did not expect him to be so familiar with Borden as to be impacted by his death. That was a mistake that was wholly hers, however, and she would learn then and there not to repeat it. Simply enough, he recovered, and was quick to assist her, leaving the girl with the whole walk back to the outskirts of the Hollow to think on this.

When they found a cache frequented by those acting as hunters and scouts outside of the borders of the pack, they stopped to bury their scavenged boon. Before her paws set to digging, however, she turned to face Deacon again.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to catch you off guard like that. Borden was a good man, and he went peacefully. You'll get to meet them all; Veho, Tomen, Rook. There's time. Plenty of it."

turn into something beautiful
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate

Together, the work of moving the moose was done quickly. They were both large creatures more than capable of dragging a carcass that had already been picked away at. Safely securing their discovery in one of the Grizzly Hollow's caches. After hearing news about his passing uncle Deacon no longer felt the need to eat or ask for any meat. He'd snag something on his own time perhaps.

Nineva assured him that Uncle Borden had passed peacefully. That was a relief to hear. While he had so many questions he'd save them for later. Not everything needed to be fixed and found out at once. If the two really wanted to get to know and trust each other they could take their time. Deacon didn't plan on going anywhere and clearly, Nineva was content on sticking by his side, or so it seemed. "Thank you for telling me, I appreciate hearing it from a familiar face." A gentle and sincere smile made way to his darkly colored face.

His head nodded in agreement. "Yes, plenty of time now. I say you get things sorted with Veho and we can get on heading to the Willows. I believe the trip there will give us plenty of time to catch up and discuss anything." His tail swayed behind him gently. Sitting down upon the cold ground he looked to his company. "I'll stay in place like a cub and make sure no coyotes come back for seconds." His eyes quickly glanced at where they had stored the not so fresh kill.

This was a good new beginning. Everything was going surprisingly easy. The first face he saw was a familiar, and grown, one. They had sorted out feelings and struck up a deal. While there had certainly been bad news among all the good things he assumed things could have had been much worse. Deacon was going to keep being optimistic, though, so far it was doing him good.

-possibly fade?-

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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 350 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nineva Hervok

oh yeah your skin and bones

Nineva's head bobbed with agreement as he spoke, her smile returned as he took her apology easily. Her tail even began to wag, at the idea of Veho saying yes and the two being able to get under way for the adventure that would be seeking out the Willow monarchy. Hopefully, when they got there, everything would be more or less as Deacon was hoping for.

His offer to stay put until she had an answer earned a smirk and she wasted no time in turning right around to head off into the territory and seek out her alpha. Over her shoulder, she threw him a grin and a "I'll be back soon," and off she went.

turn into something beautiful