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To Whom It May Concern — Kingsfall 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon
For @Kisla and @Lachesis too, if you'd like.

The giant trees still felt unreal, even though it wasn't the first time he'd seen them. Walking between colossal trunks, he felt like an ant, marching endlessly without getting anywhere. Only the scent told him that it was an illusion, the marks of wolf steadily growing stronger as he neared the borders he sought. Last time he'd come here, he hadn't been alone, and he had brought very different news. But it was with a light heart that the Avalon now headed for Hearthwood River again, trusting that the meeting would bring him a step closer to the stability he sought for his new home.

Coming to a halt as the scent marked a clear line before him, Drestig took a moment to look around, wondering to himself how Kisla and her mate had ended up choosing this place for rehoming their pack. He couldn't imagine living here, the towering sequoias felt intimidating, smothering now that he had gotten used to the freedom of the Lowlands. But luckily he was not looking for a longer stay, he simply came to fulfill a promise, and hopefully make himself a much needed ally. With possible tensions to the north, it would be nice to know that the east at least held no threat.

So the newly crowned king lowered his tail in the humble manner required from visitors to another's territory – an action he found uncharacteristically easy in this instance – and raised his head to howl for Kisla. The voice was strong, but friendly and undemanding, and as it rang out, the visitor prepared himself to wait; There was no rush.

Word count: 269

"Speech" Thoughts

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
i'm so sorry for the awful wait! ;c <3

While he was a wolf born of the tundra, Lachesis felt most at home among the trees. Since his arrival in Relic Lore many, many months ago, the arctic wolf had found comfort beneath a balcony of branches. Water, too, had been a source of comfort; after leaving Southern Eden behind, he and Anastasia had followed the rivers north. And that was exactly what Maksim had done when they had been forced to move. The green-eyed king had always done what was best for his family and pack; always putting them before himself. His throat tightened at the thought—XIX missed his friend dearly. Hearthwood wasn’t the same without the agouti’s soothing presence. The ghost felt a tremendous amount of pressure to ensure that the river wolves flourished; he did not want to tarnish Maksim’s memory. The fallen king deserved so much more than that.

The ghost snaked through the trees, distancing himself from the river as he prepared to head out on patrol. As he neared the edge of Kingsfall, where the trees melted into the lowlands, a call sounded. But it was not like most he heard coming from his borders. This one was direct, reaching for a particular wolf—Kisla. He blinked, his lips tightening as his forehead wrinkled with concern. He was closer—surely the wolf wouldn’t mind Lachesis accompanying the tawny queen.

The wolf before him was not familiar but the scent that clung to his dark fur was. He had come across it a few times while patrolling the lowlands, assuming that it belong to a travelling rogue. Now, there were other scents mingling amongst his own, which alarmed the Stark. Had another pack finally settled in the north? “Is there something I can help you with?” He said after a pregnant pause, both head and tail raised high as he studied the older male with burning curiosity. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon
Scout Demonstration 1/3
It's okay, I think this one dropped off everyone's radar. Still hoping for @Kisla too, when/if you have the time Rach <3

He did get a wait, but he really didn't mind, enjoying the break for his legs after travelling for so long. Looking around at the towering trees, he appreciated the novelty, trees in and of themselves almost seemed wondrous to him with all the time he now spend out in the open, but these especially were curious, so different from the low pines edging his home to the south. Home, he mused, finally! A smile of joy lit his face, and it was still there when someone finally appeared to answer his call. It was not the familiar golden-brown form of Kisla though, but someone pale and more leanly build. A male, but not the Tainn's hefty mate. Drestig quirked a brow, but otherwise kept his relaxed, unassuming posture, watching the stranger without quite meeting his eyes, as the silence stretched. Only when the ghost finally spoke did his visitor get to his feet, meeting the pack wolf with appropriate respect.

"Perhaps," he answered jovially, smiling at the unknown, yet clearly high-ranked man; "I'm Drestig Avalon, a friend of Kisla's." His head was bowed lightly in greeting, tail swaying pleasantly around his hocks. "I promised to come visit once I'd found a place to settle." There was no knowing how much the tawny queen had told this man, hell he didn't even know who he was, so he decided to keep it at that for now, hoping it was enough for the other to offer some information of his own.

Word count: 250

"Speech" Thoughts

(This post was last modified: Aug 09, 2017, 06:47 PM by Drestig.)

Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski

Drestig's call was faintly familiar to her -- she had never been close to the man, but he had been a friend of her family's, and had run with Oak Tree Bend. Unless he had done something to the Tainn's, as far as she was concerned, he remained a family friend. And so she was quick to respond to him -- her paws quickening in pace as she made to close the distance between the two, but it would seem Lachesis had beat her to it, and she offered a small smile as she sidled up alongside her co-lead.

She caught only the back end of his words then, and lifting her wolfish eyebrows, the regal studied the dark male with mild intrigue. "So you and Jessie have found a place to call home, now?" The silver woman also did not hurt Drestig's status in the eyes of the Baranski woman -- Jessie had been a part of the pack since Swift River. How could she not take an interest on where the two had chosen to settle? Especially if they struck forward an alliance -- something she was certainly not opposed to.

Her eyes drifted from Drestig to Lachesis, quieting for a moment so the talented healer could also introduce himself

(This post was last modified: Mar 05, 2017, 12:58 PM by Kisla.)

sparking up my heart

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
@Drestig @Kisla sorry for the delay!

Fortunately for the ghost his co-lead was quick to arrive. He returned the small smile with one of his own before returning his attention back to the inky wolf before before them. His tongue was pressed to the back of his teeth as Drestig announced the reason behind his visit. Surely it was somewhere close; the southern territories were filling up quite fast, whereas the expanse still remained mostly unclaimed. Was he part of the wolves he had discussed with Craw? His curiosity peaked, his brows narrowing slightly as Kisla spoke, mentioning another wolf. If she was familiar with these wolves perhaps they were not to be treated as a threat, but as allies. XIX could not help but wonder if this Drestig and Craw had the pleasure of meeting yet—the ghost was curious as to what the spider thought of the older male.

“Lachesis Stark,” he introduced once silence had settled between them once more, his words accompanied by a small dip of his head. The ghost did not offer anything more after giving his name. Instead, he waited for their visitor to respond to Kisla’s question, for his own curiosity burned furiously within his chest.  

(This post was last modified: Jan 03, 2017, 11:18 PM by Lachesis.)
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon
Scout Demonstration 2/3

Hardly had the words left his lips before Kisla joined them, the honey-colored fur easily recognizable as soon as she cleared the trees. Drestig smiled, bowing his head to the river queen taking up position beside her pack mate, a light hum given in greeting. "We have," he confirmed with a wry grin, tail waving lightly at his hocks as he looked back up; "Good to see you again, Kisla." Ember eyes shifted to the pale man, another light nod given at the introduction; "And nice to meet you. You lead beside Kisla?" It seemed the logical deduction, given the man's posture and greeting, though that did beg the question; What about Maksim? Last he'd visited the River, Kisla's mate had been in charge.

The question would be answered in due time no doubt, and meanwhile, the Rye king owed some answers of his own. "We've settled beyond the last ridge of the pass, at the edge of the Lowlands. About three days travel from here," he announced, motioning lightly over his shoulder, towards the mountains; "Wild Rye Fields, we've called it, if you visit one day you'll understand why." There was pride in his voice as he explained, a glimmer of humor in his eye. Gaze shifting between the two River wolves, the elder man continued: "Just a few of us yet, a couple younger wolves, Jessie and I, and our daughter, Phoenix." Again the father's pride was clear as he spoke, a tender note to his voice at the mention of his pup. There could be no doubt that it was a happy wolf who stood at their borders.

But once the explanation was out the way, he sobered a little, again glancing between his hosts before asking: "And how have you been faring?" Last he'd spoken to Kisla, she'd seemed content, but a lot could happen in half a year. Naturally he was curious about what had happened in Hearthwood since, and he hoped the leader's offer was still standing.

Word count: 333

"Speech" Thoughts

(This post was last modified: Aug 09, 2017, 06:48 PM by Drestig.)

Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski

Drestig had come to fulfill her request he tell her of his whereabouts – not because she had wanted to keep tabs upon the small family, but because they were an extension of her own family. Jessie had been a consistent presence for as long as Kisla could remember in her life – and it would seem this was the man at her side now. With a pup between the two of them, she allowed a gentle smile to press upon her lips – Jessie deserved a happily ever after in her life.

“I’ll visit sometime – I’d like to see Jessie,” she offered quietly, her bright eyes drifting to Lachesis only briefly to verify he did indeed lead beside her – and upon the dark visitor’s question about how they had been faring, she would cringe only inward at the loaded question, as innocent as it might have seemed to the man. “Times have been better,” she quietly noted, the words feeling so wrong upon her tongue. As if Maksim’s death had been anything less than a tragedy for her – it was such a lie, and yet here she stood, her emotional shield up, her shoulders squared as she tried to remain diplomatic rather than emotional. “Maksim is no longer with us. He passed earlier this year.”

Never would it get easier to speak those words, and she felt the raw lump in her throat tighten as her shoulder would itch to brush against Lachesis’, for as strong as she would try to be, she sought the quiet support like a child reaching toward their best friend.

sparking up my heart

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

The alabaster male listened patiently as the Rye wolf as he spoke, his chartreuse gaze never once wavering from his dark features. He had arrived at the borders because both leaders had been summoned, but he was quickly beginning to feel out of place. He had no knowledge of Drestig, or his mate, prior to this visit—unlike Kisla, who appeared to be quite familiar with the Rye wolf and his mate. Despite feeling a little uncomfortable, he did not allow it to show. His tongue lay heavy in his mouth as the pair exchanged words, his apple-green eyes flitting from one wolf to the other.

A frown traced his pale features as she spoke of Maksim, a line forming between his brows. While Lachesis had lost a friend, the agouti at his side had lost so much more. His heart ached for her. But like Kisla, he maintained the diplomatic appearance, his eyes focused on the dark wolf. It had not been easy for the river wolves since Maksim’s unexpected passing, but they were slowly recovering. Adjusting. But the wolf before them did not need to know that. If anything, the river wolves were stronger—their bond strengthened after suffering not one, but two losses.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon
Scout Demonstration 3/3

He noted the small smile on Kisla's lips and bowed his head appreciatively, acknowledging her comment. She would be welcome any time, and he trusted she knew so. Then the conversation took a darker turn as the river queen answered his question, all semblance of smiles disappearing from all three faces. Drestig's brows lifted slightly in surprise, mouth curving down at the tragic news. While he had not known Maksim very well, personally, it was not hard to empathize with Kisla and her pack, suffering such a loss. And yet there was nothing the visitor could do, no words or gesture that could change their grief. Still he would try, somberly meeting both Kisla and Lachesis' eyes in turn; "I'm very sorry for you loss." He wished the condolence wouldn't ring so empty, but it was a sad truth that all he said would seem hollow next to their loss.

But that didn't mean he should stay silent, nor could he; "I now it isn't much," Nothing really "But if you need anything, now or in the future, we'll help." It wasn't an offer really, as much as an emphasis of their existing friendship, but he wanted to make it clear all the same. Then silence fell. There seemed little more to say after that, both sides having outlined their situations, the question of an alliance now in the paws of the River leaders. Drestig could do little more than wait for their answer, though he tried to think of a way to change the subject. Finally an idea struck him, and he felt pleased at being able to suggest something concrete, though he kept his manner subdued as he extended the offer: "Perhaps our packs could share in a hunt, once you feel ready? Take down some of the larger beasts roaming the Lowlands?"

Word count: 305

"Speech" Thoughts

(This post was last modified: Aug 09, 2017, 06:48 PM by Drestig.)
