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Played by Arla who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arion Celencio
@Bennet <3

His entire world had shifted. His birth pack, the only home he had ever known, had disbanded. Broken Timber Pines was no more and Arion was technically homeless. The smudge stuck to Nalda and Ember like glue, as they were the only ‘family’ he had left. He had never really connected with the other members of the pack; if it had not been for the girls, he would have fled the lands after the disbandment of the Pines. There was talk of going south, joining the pack that made their home in the woods below. Arion didn’t really know where he wanted to go. He didn’t really want to go anywhere. The Pines had not felt like home for quite some time, and without family in the Lore, would anywhere truly be home? The smudge almost wished that his father would suddenly reappear and give him a sense of belonging, but he knew it would never happen. His father was as good as dead.

While they mulled over their decision of where to go Arion explored the nearby territories. There was still so much of the neighbouring areas that he had yet to explore. R was still tentative about getting close to the mountains, for visions of his mother’s broken body filled his thoughts as soon as the rock came into sight, but he knew he needed to overcome his fear. Especially if he wanted to travel west—although he wouldn’t make that journey until after winter had left the lands of Lore.

Today he skirted the base of the mountain, his inky body streaking across the foothills. He followed the river, his pace slow as he observed his new surroundings. This wasn’t so bad—this he could work with. The ghost of a smile found it's way onto his dark maw as he inhaled, deeply, his sea-green eyes focused on nothing but the pace before him. He dismissed the feeling of stress that consumed him; he would worry about where to call home when he met back up with Nalda and Ember. Until then, he wanted to enjoy being alone. 

Played by Ace who has 84 posts.
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Bennet Kjorsdottir
The eagle soared lazily overhead, now barely a speck against the grey, cloudy sky. She had spotted it a good while ago when it had been much lower to the ground, scanning the foothills for a meal, and at one point it had come so close she'd even been able to count the flight feathers on its outstretched wings. Where once she might have had to worry, now Bennet was too big to be of much interest to a bird of prey unless she was already dead or dying, and though she might have been hungry, she was certainly not that.

She recognised the need in the bird's manner, the winter's desperation. Saw it in how it glanced sharply about, in how it rose higher and circled wider, and yet still found nothing - and soon it would move on and she would not be able to watch it anymore. But that was okay, she never expected them to stay for her sake. In the absence of tangible dragons, the birds of the world had filled that void - and eagles were her favourite. If ever there was a creature which blurred the definition of dragon, then surely those great raptors were it.

The den where they slept was within sight, just tucked behind that rolling mound of earth and rock, for her feet had not taken her anywhere today. And up until now, nobody else's feet had ever brought them this close to where the little family of dragons roosted, but that was about to change. Gaze drifting down as the dot in the sky vanished beyond the tree line, her eyes were drawn to more movement. Ground movement. Ears pricking forward in immediate attention, though the figure was black she knew instantly that it was not @Kjors back from his morning hunt - the gait was all wrong, the way the wolf moved. For a moment she considered leaving the stranger be, for perhaps they were just passing by harmlessly, but maybe they were here to talk to @Karina, maybe they knew -

And she was up and trotting forward to intercept their guest, eyes bright, a growing fire in her belly which, momentarily, took the place of her hunger.
Played by Arla who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arion Celencio

It felt weird, being isolated. While it felt wrong, terribly wrong, it was also oddly… comforting? Was that the right description? Arion had been surrounded by others since birth—even with a disappearing father and absent mother, the smudge was never alone. Ember and Nalda had been his support system (as well as Bracken, prior to her own disappearance) and had always been there for him when he needed them. He couldn’t imagine his life without them, even with their differences. They were family—all they had was each other.

The appearance of another had taken the smudge by surprise, his blue eyes widening as a girl with the same coloured fur marched towards him. Was he infringing upon pack borders? Brows pinched together he frowned, nostrils flaring as he inhaled the surroundings scents. No, there wasn’t a border for miles… the closest pack had been the Pines… so why was this girl acting so defensive? Blinking, his head fell to the side, his toes curling into the ground as curiosity lapped hungrily at his throat. “Uh, hi,” he started, lamely, unsure of what else to say. As far as the smudge was concerned, he wasn’t doing anything wrong, so why the strange greeting?

Played by Ace who has 84 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bennet Kjorsdottir
The closer she got, the easier it was to tell that he was older than her - but that was no surprise, most wolves were - and yet despite that, the moment he noticed her the dark stranger seemed to... shrink a little? Just as his ears slipped back, hers pushed forward, her curiosity and openness a evident as her lack of doubt. The same doubt which, comparatively, touched his own manner, and she couldn't help but wonder why. Was it something she had done, or was he feeling guilty about something?

His greeting was as hesitant as the rest of him, and she slowed at hearing it, wondering if maybe that would help. She had little empathy for whatever he was feeling, but not through malice, only ignorance. Nevertheless, in her own way, she sought to help fix it, because she saw no reason for him to act like he was. This place might've been very close to where she called home, but it was hardly the same as having pack territory; it wasn't theirs, she felt no need to chase him from it. Only their den needed that kind of protection. That was their one truly sacred space. "Hello," she replied, steady, looking him over unashamedly. He looked a little thin, perhaps, but that was no different to herself; it seemed that there were no easy lives to be had in these foothills.

Wanting to alleviate his discomfort, she wondered what her mother might say. Unaware that it was a little out of the blue and forward for such an encounter, she settled quickly on: "Are you well?"
Played by Arla who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arion Celencio
don't mind awko ari <3 

His stance softened with her expression, his ears resuming their former positions. He was nearing his second year and he had been startled by a pup! A frown creased his features at the thought: how incredibly foolish of him. If Nalda had seen him she would have laughed at him, he was sure of it. The smudge blamed it on being wrapped up in his head, distracted by memories he wanted to sweep under the rug.

The stranger responded to his greeting, her voice steady and welcoming. He was curious as to where she hailed from, for her fur did not hold the oaky scent that slung to Sahalie. Was she of the mountains, like Neha and Cernan? Questions hesitated on the tip of his tongue but they quickly retreated as the raven girl spoke. He blinked slowly at the inquiry, his brows knitting together. “Well enough, I s’ppose,” he answered with a soft roll of his shoulders, dismissing the question. “And you?” As the words rolled into the space between them the smudge’s head tipped to the side. She was interesting to say the least, and quite different from the fiery personalities he had grown up with. Good different.