See, this was how amiable, diplomatic leaders interacted. Entirely satisfied with Lachesis' manner, Craw glanced at the ghost's companion in silent acknowledgement before resting his attention back on the white wolf. Just like @Wraith, the subordinate girl said nothing, out of respect for the fact that they were present to an exchange between two wolves more powerful than themselves. If it was indicative of the kind of respect Hearthwood River members showed each other, Craw could see their packs getting along just fine.
The answer of the pack's age came easily, and was a mixed bag; a year was hardly well established, but nor was it young. It was a longer period of settlement than Whitestone could boast, anyway. While already listening attentively, an ear nevertheless perked up at the implication that Lachesis was familiar with the more southern packs, and wondered if that meant that Whitestone's birth pack (pah!) would also be known. But that line of questioning was put on hold as the ghost went on to say something even more interesting.
"Indeed?" he said, clearly intrigued. While the word Lachesis had chosen was entirely open to interpretation on its own, the grimace which had accompanied it said everything. "For our part, we are already aware of the Pines wolves to your south, and there is another to our own near the springs, but we have not yet made formal contact. I can't say I care much for either group. Are you referencing one of them, perhaps, or a third? I would be interested in what you know of any of them."