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The Sun And The Sound Of Birds — Grizzly Hollow 
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Played by Melorama who has 194 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yvly Doramor
Yvly, you wake up covered in a pile of leaves! // @Amaryllis <3 // Sunny ; 42*F, 5*C ; 9AM

Autumn was really starting to take hold as evident by the way her breath began to frost the air as she exhaled; the discolouring of the leaves as they slowly began to fall off one by one; the days slowly shortening. Now that she had risen in the ranks it was ever important she do her best to provide for her pack, whether that be filling the caches littered around or patrolling the borders. Veho had his own things to worry about, most importantly his three children. If she could her fair share, or even more, of the hard work he may have more time to spend with them. That was a sacrifice she was willing to make.

The tawny female settled down at the base of a particularly large cedarwood tree, burrowing herself in the small shrubberies around it as she made a 'nest' for herself. She did not feel like returning to the main pack den, and was not sure if Rook was still using the fox den. Her dark amber eyes glanced up at the night sky as she lay her head upon her front paws. It was a quiet night, the type of softness that did not feel unearthly, but rather peaceful. Her eyes fluttered closed and she could feel herself slowing drifting off to sleep, welcoming its embrace from the hardworking days.

Her eyes opened suddenly, though she did not move. Something had awoken her, but she could not hear nor smell something which could have done so. Only after the rest of her mind had woken up did she notice an odd feeling, as if something was pressed upon her body. Upon moving her head, neck craning to look at her body, she heard the rustling of crackled surfaces and saw the orange-based colours of leaves. It seemed she had been covered by them while she slept, and with a quick glance upwards, she knew the opuscule had been caused by the leaves falling off the branches. All at once, it seemed. How fortunate for her. With a sigh Yvly stood up and shook out her pelt, hoping to rid herself of every last leaf that had stuck itself to her fur. She glanced around furtively, hoping no one had seen her in such a state. She had a high position to uphold now and could not afford to look so... childish.

398 words

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by Silvia who has 164 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Amaryllis Azalea
(Ama is on Yvly’s right side btw, I just wanted a way to have her unconsciously show her new scar so Yvly might notice it XD plus I imagine the wound, while on the smaller side, probably wasn’t exactly a clean one.)

The sun had risen a few hours ago and Amaryllis was on her way from her den to do a simple border patrol. But the rustling of some leaves caught her attention as she maneuvered between some undergrowth and managing to see over the bushes, she spotted Yvly. It looked like she had just woken up and was shaking some leaves off of her coat.

Yet Amaryllis couldn’t help but laugh lightly at her friend's slight...problem. All but one leaf had fallen off and it was quite stuck in her fur, flapping around as Yvly shifted about.

"You missed one," she called with a small giggle as she ambled towards her friend, tilting her head up and plucking the leaf from where it situated itself on the back of her neck. Taking a step back, Amaryllis dropped the leaf to the side. "I suppose it didn't wish to leaf you alone?" The silver pelted wolf had to keep a grin crossing her face as she finished speaking. Gently bumping shoulders and giving her chin a slight nudge in greeting, Amaryllis moved to go in front of Yvly, her left side bared as she went to settle a few feet away. It would be obvious to Yvly if she was looking, what with patchy fur nearly covering  ragged pink skin, like there had been a wound there before and the fur had slowly grown back over it. Yet Amaryllis didn't seem concerned with it as she looked to Yvly, smile on her face as she wrapped her tail around her feet. “I was about to do a border patrol, did you want to join, unless you have other plans?”

(This post was last modified: Oct 12, 2016, 01:32 PM by Amaryllis.)
[Image: ama_sig_by_becuffin-db825cv.png]
Played by Melorama who has 194 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yvly Doramor

The tawny female froze at the tittering laugh of another wolf, eyes glancing around until they fell upon the smaller form of a fellow pack mate, eyes lighting up and tail wagging. Lily may very well be the only wolf she did not mind seeing her in such a compromising position. "I did?" Yvly asked, neck twisting back and forth as she tried to see where the said leaf was still stuck to her fur. The blasted things. She stilled as her friend ambled closer and reached up with her muzzle to pluck the leaf away which had decided to situate itself on the back of her neck. With a huff she glared at the leaf as Lily dropped the leaf, watching it float carelessly to the already leaf-littered ground.

A soft grumble left Yvly's maw at her friend's word, rolling her eyes as she retorted back in a mock annoyed tone. "Go be a nudnik somewhere else." She grinned widely, head tilting a little to the side as she thought over what they could do for the day. "I suppose I'll join you. Walking and talking sounds fun, plus we'll get some work done too." However, her joyous mood was thoroughly crushed when Lily moved to sit across from her. The tawny female immediately spotted where there was once nothing, but now a ragged pink scar upon her hind leg. It did not look like a bite from an animal, but she still felt worried. How had she not known about this before? Dark amber eyes rose up to meet Lily's own eyes, moving even closer so she could be near her friend. "What happened?" She asked, concern lacing her slightly higher-pitched voice. All thoughts of a border patrol were cast from her mind as she waited for Lily to tell her how the scar had come to be.

310 words

Played by Silvia who has 164 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Amaryllis Azalea
At first, Amaryllis was confused at her friend’s question of what happened, a half formed ‘What do you mean?’ rising in her throat until she followed Yvly’s gaze and saw she was speaking of her newish scar. Oh that thing is what happened, that's right.

“Oh, that.” Amaryllis was already used to her new scar so she spoke almost casually, like Yvly had pointed out something totally normal and that that is was nothing to worry over. “It happened a few months ago, I nearly got hit by an old rotten tree that fell over but thankfully, only a branch got me.” She didn’t mention anything about the male who helped her, not wanting Yvly to worry even more about a complete stranger.  Truthfully, she had just about forgotten about the encounter and what had happened. “It's honestly better than it looks. Mostly superficial and nothing more, other then it seems like the fur isn't going to grow back completely fine.” Amaryllis attempted to assure her friend, knowing she'd most likely be freaking out, not knowing she might be actually making it worse. “ I mean, I did go into a bit of shock and it hurt like hell and did bleed quite a bit when it happened but there was some ergot nearby that helped with controlling it.The bleeding, I mean, so it would have been a lot worse if it hadn't been there.”

Amaryllis pauses, tilting her head slightly. "Actually, I could show you where it is if you want? It's obscuring an old hunting trail and I meant to go back to clear it away. It'd be good to have some help in moving it too."
(This post was last modified: Oct 21, 2016, 11:26 AM by Amaryllis.)
[Image: ama_sig_by_becuffin-db825cv.png]
Played by Melorama who has 194 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yvly Doramor

The scattered pile of leaves lay forgotten at the base of the cedarwood tree as Yvly sat cautiously next to her companion, her body was tense and most definitely not going to rollick anytime soon. Tawny ears swivelled backwards to press against her skull at the mention of a felled tree. The fact that it had been a branch rather than the entire tree that fell on top of Lily was the only thing stopping her from completely freaking out. She had just gotten settled in and made friends; there was no way she would lose them now, from either being left behind or injuries. The greyscale female's attempt to soothe her concern with words of the wound looking worse than it actually was did near to nothing to dampen her concern. Her rational thinking had all but flown out the window by this point and she felt almost responsible for what had happened to her friend and that she had not been there to help. What was the point of her being there if she could not help those in need?

The tawny female flinched at Lily's description of what she went through at the time, not wanting to listen to the words but being unable to not know what had happened. "I'm sorry for... for not being there to help." She said softly, slowly reaching out with her muzzle to gently prod her companion's shoulder. "I should have been there." Even though it was not her fault and she should not feel guilty about it, she still did. For so long she had had no friends, and now that she did she wanted to protect them from harm, and right now she felt like she had failed her friend and herself. At the same time she was glad that Lily had helped herself out of the bad situation, but the disappointment she felt (mainly in herself) brought her head swinging down and eyes to focus on the ground by her paws. At the mention of the tree and where it was, Yvly tilted her chin up to glance at her friend. At least this way she could do some good in unblocking the trail. "Lead the way," she murmured, pulling herself to her feet, ready to follow Lily to where the tree was.

385 words

Played by Silvia who has 164 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Amaryllis Azalea
Noting the flinch, Amaryllis realised she should have kept what had happened sweet and short. To her, it wasn’t such a big deal - it happened long enough ago that the wound had healed both physically and mentally. But she hadn’t realised that others had yet to really see it so she had no clue as to how they would react, particularly what she would call her closest friend.  

“Yvly, it’s not your fault.” She tried to assure her friend,  returning her friend’s nudge to her shoulder with one of her own to Yvly’s chin. “It’s mine at most, because I should have been paying more attention to my surroundings. Besides, it was an accident and it happened in the past, nothing more.”  

Amaryllis smiled lightly as Yvly stood and asked her to lead the way to this tree, so they could perhaps move it. “Sure, it’s...” Shifting to stand up, Amaryllis oriented herself and attempted to remember where the tree was. Swiftly recalling where it was, she nodded to herself and continued on saying, “It’s this way.”  as she started to move. A small silence fell between them as they headed towards the south of the pack lands, something in Amaryllis chest slowly bubbling to the surface as she remembered a topic she had been meaning to ask but she tried to keep it contained. She felt like it wasn’t something she should bring up.

But it seemed it have other ideas, as it continued to nag at her and the minutes went by very slowly..  

"I'm worried," she finally confessed, the words falling from her maw with a worry as Amaryllis glanced back back at her friend. Even if Yvly knew, it wasn’t her place to ask after all. "I haven't scented Oula on the borders now for some time and I'm worried something has happened to her, because she wouldn't have left the pups, at least not without a good cause." She was worried for Oula, because the woman did seem to be very nice and Amaryllis would hate to hear something bad had happened to her. But she was also worried for Yvly, who had been second under her and thus has taken Oula’s spot due to her disappearance. Which, in turn, made Amaryllis Yvly’s second and she felt that as both her friend and the one directly beneath Yvly, Amaryllis had a duty to make sure Yvly was alright. She was anxious that as fine as her friend appeared outwardly, that there might be something terrible brewing underneath that no one could detect. It bothered Amaryllis that Yvly would immure herself and not allow others to know something was wrong.  Like too much stress or whatever came with leading a pack and Amaryllis didn’t want it to come to Yvly potentially having a break down before anyone noticed anything was wrong, if there was something wrong.
(This post was last modified: Nov 13, 2016, 12:20 PM by Amaryllis.)
[Image: ama_sig_by_becuffin-db825cv.png]
Played by Melorama who has 194 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yvly Doramor

Yvly's jaw clenched tightly at her companion's attempt to soothe her. Even though she knew that, technically, the incident had not been her fault, the assurance did nothing to change her mind about it. As she was now leader she was supposed to look after her pack mates, and knowing that her friend had been hurt while she had been out making herself busy made her feel as if she was not doing her job. The thought was completely irrational, and while she knew that, it did little to ease her mind. Tawny ears twisted back and forth as she tried to get her emotions under control whilst listening to Lily say it was her fault. No, I should have been there, she thought silently, doing her best to smile at her friend's nudge, but probably failing quite miserably.

The tawny female moved to silently shadow Lily as the greyscale female led the way to the felled tree, paws trudging through the undergrowth of fallen leaves. Her dark amber gaze listed up at the other's confession of being worried, brows furrowing slightly and a small frown on her face. She did not know Lily to often be worried. Concerned, maybe, but to her it was unusual. A sharp intake of air was her initial response to Lily's words. She knew the gist of what had happened, and while initially hesitant to explain the reason why, she decided Lily could be trusted with the information. It was likely at some point everyone would know why, and she figured it would be better if it came from her first. Plus, she felt as if she confide in her friend, no matter what it was. "She went to go look for Rook," Yvly started off, "I guess she was worried about him and wanted to find him and bring him back... but I'm a little worried about how long it has been." She did not tell Lily about Rook returning as she was not sure if he and Veho had hashed it all out yet and did not want to anger or disappoint her co-leader.

352 words

Played by Silvia who has 164 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Amaryllis Azalea

"I'm sure she's fine," The words leapt to her lips, her first instinct in wanting to assure her friend. But it was now out in the air that both were worried for the woman who had left and not yet come back. "I mean, the weather is still fairly decent. As long as she's back before the bad part of winter, she'll be fine. And Oula's smart enough to get somewhere safe if she needs to." Now she was trying to assure both Yvly and herself. The amount of time Oula had been gone surely hadn't only been notice by herself but she refused to think that Oula had come to any sort of harm or that she wouldn't one day return. But she knew now why Oula had left and that eased her worry somewhat.

As they walked the trail, Amaryllis picked up on slight landmarks and knew they were drawing close. "It's not too far now..." She mused, thinking that it was perhaps best to change the subject away from scars and wayward pack mates. Should have known they weren't very good topics to dawdle on, especially since it appeared to put Yvly in somewhat of a sour mood. They had been traveling for a small amount of time now, nearly long enough to be at the tree Amaryllis felt. A few minutes of silence and Amaryllis perked up at the sight of a tree fallen across the trail. "Ah, here we are. This is-" Trailing off, Amaryllis finally saw how big the actual tree was.

In her shock and need to get away from the tree originally, before it actually killed her, the woman had thought the tree to be much smaller. But looking at it now, in fresh eyes, Amaryllis realised it was quite bigger then she remembered. It was as thick as she was and much much longer than her. It was clear part of it was rotted but even than, it would be difficult to move. "I...guess my memory was a little fuzzy on how big this tree actually was." Admitting sheepishly as she was turning to look at Yvly, Amaryllis wondered what they could do now. It was just that little bit too big for them to move themselves so unless they got other pack members to help, it would have to stay there.

[Image: ama_sig_by_becuffin-db825cv.png]
Played by Melorama who has 194 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yvly Doramor

The tawny female nodded slowly at Lily's attempt at assuring her. It did a bit to appease her. She was right; Oula was smart, she could handle herself out there. "You're right," she said softly with a single wag of her tail, glad that she had Lily to talk to. Even if she had not conversed with the creamy female much, or particularly liked her all that much, she was still worried for her well being, especially where the pups were concerned. How would they handle never seeing their mother again? Not too well she could imagine after losing her at such a young age, though she supposed it was better than losing her when they were old enough to understand fully what was happening.

Yvly followed behind her friend as they walked along the well-trodden trail as it weaved between the trees. After some time they stopped upon sighting the felled tree blocking the path. Dark amber eyes widened at the size of it as she glanced sideways at Lily, jaws partially opening in horror. That had nearly crushed her? It was a wonder she had only gotten a wound on her leg and not been squashed under its weight. The tree was as thick as a wolf and much longer... far too heavy for them to move it even with their combined strength. She turned to her companion, ears perking up just slightly. Even though her mind was going a little crazy from seeing the sheer size of the tree that could have crushed Lily, she had enough brain function to try and come up with a solution to move it so it no longer blocked the trail.

"It's too heavy for us to move by ourselves... but maybe we could lever it out of the way?" That would only work if the tree was on a slight slant, such as if the end where it broke off from rot was still laying on the stump left in the ground. She moved forward cautiously, nose twitching as she scanned over the tree for any weaknesses in it.

349 words