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Poking Snails and Slugs — Whisper Marsh 
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Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
For @Enoki only | Afternoon | Freezing fog, 2 ° F, -17 ° C | Edge of Cedarwood Forest where it meets with the Marsh

He wanted some alone time but didn't feel like going too far. If he left first thing in the morning he figured he could be back by mid-night or sooner. So off the young male left before the sun had even made way over the horizon. His paws leading him towards the marsh. He didn't have the desire to go past the marsh so maybe just tipping around the more shallow parts near the cedarwood forest.

Deacon wasn't overly familiar with the more northern areas away from the willows but he was beginning to learn them better. He always stopped to admire the trees as his large form grazed pass them. The way they reached for the clouds and stars amazed him. Nothing would ever compare to the wispy willows but the cedars made him feel some sort of comfort. The scent of them mixed with the cooling weather gave him some sort of feeling. One he couldn't really pin.

A breeze came through that chilled him to the core, and a soft whine followed after. Maybe he should have spent a little longer in the den or bundled up in a ball. His fur had always been a little thick but if the temperature was just right, or the wind blew the right way, a chill would run down his spine.
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Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer
Whispering Pines send my baby back to me

Amber eyes narrowed against the freezing fog blown constantly into Enoki's face by the presence of a wintry breeze, a chill still managing to run its course down the length of her spine despite the thickened fur of her winter pelt that had by now grown in completely. The force behind the shake enough to dislodge stray fragments of frozen ice crystals attempting to hitch a free ride upon her guard hairs, ear tips and cheeks instead of clinging onto the various reeds calling the shallow edges of Whisper Marsh home. That is if the freezing fog hadn't got its icy grip on them already and cloaked the wetland vegetation in a thick layer of frost, transforming the normally reddish and tan hued plants into pieces of snowy art.

Bombarded by the foul weather on her journey beyond the borders of Willow Ridge to expand upon her search radius further in hopes of crossing paths with lone wolves eager to seek a warm place to wait out the winter and increase their numbers; even if only temporary, the piebald female hadn't been entirely aware of just where her paws led her. So when the sound of a faint whine shattered the silence Enoki had no choice but to halt in her tracks and pivot ebony ears forward to listen closely, finally taking a few seconds to gather her barrings. A deep inhale filling her lungs with the rich aroma of cedar which warranted dark brows to knit in confusion. When had she started drifting off course toward Cedarwood Forest? 

Regardless of when her paws had acquired a mind of their own, there was a greater question that needed answering. Who had she heard whining? A loud chuff was forced out before smoldering amber irises strained against the fog to try and make out a blurry shape on the horizon, the distance too great yet to decipher any tell tale features.

Word Count: 320
Ashbash 2016 - Ian Schneider 
(This post was last modified: Dec 05, 2016, 08:28 PM by Enoki.)
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
fell like rain, got lost in the sea

He was not alone. The breeze had carried a scent and one he could just about call familiar. Not exactly of Grizzly Hollow but of someone close to him. But exactly who it was, was still a partial mystery. The fog made it hard to tell just by looks but he could see a silhouette. Dark and light colors. Or was that snow on the creature? Lowering his head Deacon started to prowl forward carefully. His tail staying low as his bright eyes stared at the other wolf cautiously.

The closer he was the better he was able to identify her. While the scent was not of cedars it was of willows, the colors made sense, and before Deacon knew it he had risen to his full height with excitement. His tail slowly wagging behind him. "Hey! Is that who I think it is?" Enoki. She was still around and that was perhaps the best thing that had happened to him in a while. He had known her since he had still been a small boy running in the willows. He was grateful for everything that she had done for him so the least he could do was spend some time with her. "Enoki, yeah? It's Deacon." His voice a deep bark out towards her. "What are ya doing all the way out here? A little far from home."

have you checked out my player preferences?
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer
Enjoy a wall of text!

Whispering Pines send my baby back to me

Slowly, but surely the distance between herself and whomever this stranger was began to shrink enough that a blurred outline became more crisp which allowed the magpie to make out distinct features, albeit, individual features remained a mystery. From where she stood amber irises could make out the tips of rounded ears, a swaying tail and stark ebony fur upon a large framework that stood out like a sore thumb against the snowy backdrop, but that was it. Nothing more could be deciphered until more distance was covered. So cautiously Enoki pursued further, limbs halting when she noticed the other shifted their position into a prowl. A sense of unease washed over her, mismatched fur gradually beginning to rise from their rested position along her hackles while the skin covering her tarnished teeth twitched in readiness to bare them should this stranger hold threats of ill will. The presence of the thick, obscuring fog doing little to help the situation.

Although the woman of the Ridge remained steadfast to the white painted ground underfoot, a sense of relief soon came to alleviate the unease that plagued her upon noticing another shift in the other's posture. Adopting a more excited stance at full height, banner waving freely at their rump which only served to confused the woman further and her facial features expressed such. Dark brows knitted together in said confusion until a familiar voice sliced the silence and tension that lay just as thick upon the air as the freezing fog itself, a whine escaping her maw when her mind put the pieces together in regards to whom was now standing before her despite the Archer-Lyall revealing his identity already. "Deacon.." A look of utter shock plastered across her marred face from being presented with a familiar face she hadn't seen in what felt like ages.

No hesitation prevented what happened next as excitement of her own overcame the piebald female, white hued hips dancing from the sheer strength that fueled the wagging of her ivory dipped banner before her entire weight was sent barreling for his frame. The two sent tumbling to the ground in a pile of light and dark fur, the sounds of Enoki's whines filling the air between attempts to steal a lick at the boy's; more like a man now, face. Displays of affection continued for a brief expanse of time before the older wolf peeled herself away, taking a slight step back to truly scan the child she had helped raise. My how he had grown into the fitting persona of the 'tall, dark and handsome'  man. Such thoughts warranted a chuckle to leave her lips, realizing moments later that she had yet to answer a question he had asked prior to her bombarding of whines and licks.

What are ya doing all the way out here? A little far from home. Smoldering amber irises easily searched for and held the likened pair of his own, a deep frown etching itself upon her stark facial features recalling the reason for her journey out this far west from Willow Ridge. Immediately her throat threatened to tighten and prevent an explanation from leaving her salmon tongue. How could she bring herself to admit what had come to transpire within the Archer kingdom? There was no pleasant way to bring up the mutiny of his older sister Morganna and her followers, the death of his Aunt Adele, their decreasing numbers that very well threatened to end the existence of Willow Ridge all together if they insisted on dropping further. She was trying her damnest, though, to keep the pack alive. Expending any excess energy she had after attending to her daily task to travel beyond the borders like she was currently to try and find wolves to rally for their cause. A woman hell bent on bringing Willow Ridge, her home, back to a state of glory that it rightfully deserved. A pack that continued to strike awe and fear within those that hear its name.

A heavy sigh fell from her dark lips, the warmth of her breath leaving in near transparent tendrils to join the fog that surrounded them. "Honestly, I'm out looking for wolves I can bring back home with me. Willow Ridge isn't doing too good.." She admitted, ears splaying back to rest against the back of her skull. Hopefully, though, she could turn their fate around in time.

Word Count: 735
Ashbash 2016 - Ian Schneider 
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Oh goodness ;-; big old puddle of feels for @Enoki. also gotta be a little vague bc of WR meeting thread but Dea would def still wanna hear Enoki's side of things

His name had fallen off of her tongue in a rather shocked kind of way. Before he could give a snarky response he was met with Enoki's bicolored form tumbling into his own. The two wolves met the ground and Deacon barked and laughed. Greeting his old caretaker's whines with his own kisses and nose bumps. Breathing in her scent. If the feeling of being home had a physical form then it was certainly Enoki. Deacon didn't wanna pull away from her so it was a relief that the woman peeled herself off first.

It was noticed that she examined him, he let out a hearty laugh. "I've grown up! Not so small anymore." His own eyes traveled down to his large paws. It was obvious that Deacon was no longer the small wandering prince of the Willows. He was a regal man, second of the Hollows. The dark boy also noticed his question had gone unanswered he simply let it be. Surely she just had a lot to process, right? Seeing a familiar face that had definitely changed a bit. But his head leveled out with his body in a reaching out manner.

When Enoki's voice had finally met his ears again he was a little taken back. Wasting no time to close any space, the large male placed his head delicately on her shoulders. "Enoki, I-I'm sorry." That was his home. His kingdom. A soft whine escaped his throat. "How bad are we talking?" He wondered what her side of things had been. A million things had been racing through his head but his thoughts were cut short. This wasn't about him. It was about Willow Ridge and the kind woman before him. He was tempted to throw everything out the window with the Hollows and come home. He hadn't even been with them long but his true family, the Archers and Archer-Lyalls had to come first. He had learned that the Hollow while being great, was certainly not all he heard in bedtime stories. But was anything truly like the stories?

It concerned him that the Willows were in enough of a rough condition to shake Enoki up and make her come this way looking for members. She had always been so fierce and strong. Fighting off wild animals, putting up with three young boys, just living amongst the Archer women alone was a task. "I'll do anything to help. Just tell me." There Deacon went again. Making another big promise. Granted this would only be his second big promise (the first was given to Nineva). But didn't big promises count for two or three little ones?

(This post was last modified: Dec 06, 2016, 02:45 AM by Deacon.)
have you checked out my player preferences?
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer
Sorry for the wait! @Deacon

Whispering Pines send my baby back to me

There was no hesitation on the boy's behalf to come forward and embrace the magpie upon hearing his original home was in a bit of turmoil, the weight of his head upon her ivory clad shoulders doing a mixed combination of easing the metaphorical weight that rested on them and adding more by reminding the inky lady all that had come to transpire within the Ridge to bring them to the slowly crumbling state they were now in. Ebony ears splayed back further catching the whine that left his throat, her own head coming to rest upon his shoulders in return before taking a step back in order to answer his question. Despite the golden rule the pack had in place not to inform others about their weaknesses, Deacon was a loophole to that rule. He was born underneath the umbrella canopy, it was his home just as much as hers and didn't he deserve to know the truth?

A heavy sigh fell from her dark lips while pale haunches lowered to bring her frame into a seated position, smoldering amber irises locking intently onto Deacon's counterparts. This was going to be a long explanation. "Bad, Dea. In all my time serving your mother I have never seen our numbers drop as low as they have. If we continue to lose more there may not be a Willow Ridge for you to come home to. Your sister, Morganna, and a large handful of members that believed in her bratty cause left to form their own pack somewhere with no consideration as to how the rest of the pack would fair. She left us to crumble." Granted Enoki's explanation leaned closer to a personal rendition of the tale, the general truth remained the same. A low growl soon fell from her lips and her head gave a quick shake, finding herself still dumbfounded by the whole ordeal.

Word Count: 316
Ashbash 2016 - Ian Schneider