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Played by Namara who has 184 posts.
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Maera Slayer

He seemed to be following her, and in a lot of ways, Kerb reminded her of Kael, but at the same time, he was completely different and she found it incredibly refreshing. Of course, they had a lot to learn about each other still, and he had a lot to learn in general… she was thinking later in the week she could give him his first fighting lesson. They’d have to see though! He asked her a question as she dropped her leg on the ground, sniffing around the base of a tree nearby. Her paws started to dig at it. “We can bury our portions near the base of this tree – it’s nearby and it’ll keep them away if the cat comes back.” She explained her reasoning as she dug, carving out a hole deep enough to completely bury the food.

Then, she dropped her piece in and started to cover it back up, licking the last remnants of blood off her maw as she looked to him, waiting for him to do the same, or at least deal with his own meal. He’d been the one to find the den, so she’d follow his lead on digging it out, especially since he’d already been working on it while she was off finding food. “What do you want me to do on the den?” She could do a variety of things, after all!

[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
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Kerberos Rigel

Moving towards the base of the tree, Kerberos dropped his food down and began digging. Following @Maera 's example. A hole deep enough to cover his food. Dropping the leg in he quickly covered it back up. He only hoped it wouldn't become rock solid overnight and leave for a hard meal in the morning. Proud of his work the young male turned around to face Mae.

"I just kinda started digging near the front, I guess. Clearing out enough for us to fit in, stay warm and dry." His body moved closer to the den and he continued where he had left off. Making a little walkway into the den he decided he could work from there. None of it would be easy but at least he now had Mae to help him.

Letting his paws grow cold and sore from the digging he'd take momentary breaks before going at it again. He knew they could get this den ready by sundown if they just tried their best. It would make sleeping much more relaxing, especially with a stomach half full of deer. The closed in space would also allow for a transfer of heat between the two wolves. Kerberos had become more and more pleased with his plan as it went along.

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Played by Namara who has 184 posts.
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Maera Slayer

She analyzed the den and the progress that had been made so far (granted he’d only had a couple minutes before she’d been calling for him) and started thinking about different ways to excavate it out. It’d provide ample protection against the snow – that much she was confident in. He explained that he just dug near the front and she nodded, following suite as she started to dig the dirt out, scooping and scraping at it with her paws, first to loosen the dirt which was hard from the cold and snow, and then to remove it so they could have a place to rest.

It had been a good find, and she was feeling more confident in her decision to travel with him, especially if he could offer more things like the den they were digging out to the table. Still, she was trying not to focus on the worry that he was actually some kind of sadistic sociopath stringing her along only to just try and kill her… she’d seen stranger things and she liked to think she was better at reading wolves than to not be able to see that in a wolf. Sometimes her mind thought nasty things. She had to allow herself to pause for a few seconds every once in a while because she could feel the dull ache in her paws, but her warm brown eyes remained focused on the goal.

[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel

He felt strange working in silence but that was okay. The sound of their paws scraping against the hard dirt was enough of a sign to Kerberos that they were both doing their part. He had started to clear out that pathway he wanted and a big grin grew on his face. "Hey, Mae! How's it going?" His head turned and eyes gestured towards her chunk of work. He knew she was a naturally devoted creature already so he assumed she might be racing through this better than him!

Nosing at his work gently, a collection of loose snow built up on his nose. The coldness on his nose caused a sneeze to erupt from him. Any snow that had not melted was shot into the air. Laughing lightly his pale eyes looked to meet @Maera 's eyes. "Did you see that? When I sneezed the snow shot everywhere!" He hoped she wouldn't mind the little interruption he had caused. The tawny Rigel was aware they had work to do but why not make it fun!

This time his put his nose down and tried to build up more snow on his muzzle. Waiting for a sneeze to appear so he could watch the snow fly away.

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Played by Namara who has 184 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Maera Slayer

The worked as fast as she could without sacrificing quality of her work, intent on perfection down to the last spec of dirt. She was, in some aspects, a perfectionist, and not in others. It really depended on the scenario and how much she cared for it. A warm place to sleep? Yeah, she cared a lot about having that, funny enough. He asked how she was doing, and she almost didn’t notice that he had spoken to her, catching on the last word ‘going’ and her head raising like she was coming out of a daze. “It’s going… we should be able to have it excavated by nightfall.” She said with a grin finding her before returning to work.

She didn’t know what happened until he sneezed, instant reaction to what she’d been taught as a child by her parents. “Bless you.” She said glancing over her shoulder to find him laughing, which confused her. She didn’t see the snow fly when he sneezed, which was the source of her confusion, a puzzled look and a shake of her head. She hadn’t seen it… but it looked like he was going to try again, a puzzled look still on her features. Was he really doing that? Part of her wanted to roll her eyes, and she was definitely amused, but instead she just watched. “I didn’t see it!”

[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel

Kerberos nodded at her mention of being done by nightfall. What a joyful blessing! They would have a warmer place to sleep than at the base of some snowy tree. The job was going to take a while but Kerb knew they had food stocked up in case the work was that hard. Things were absolutely splendid between them already! A true winter miracle.

Well, she was polite too for sure. He had been blessed after his sneeze and it made him chuckle a little bit more. Obviously she was missing out on what he had done! With the snow piled up on his muzzle, he could feel the ticklish cold settling in. A loud sneeze sent the snow outwards and his head shaking. Another fit of laughter rolling up from within. "Try it, Mae! It's real fun!" He continued clearing out snow while also stealing glances at @Maera to see if she would try a snowy sneeze.

"Sheesh, she's so nice! I really hope she does keep me around for a while." Kerberos's tail swaying behind him with ease. They should be working but it was so hard not to play with all of the snow around! It was bringing up feelings from the last time he'd experienced a little bit of snow. Playing with his mother and a few of the elders who could get out of the den despite the cold.

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Played by Namara who has 184 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Maera Slayer

She was facing him when he sneezed for the second time, amusement hinting in her eyes and on her maw as her tail wagged a little. She saw the snow go everywhere and it caused her to let out a soft chuckle, shaking her head. “I can’t sneeze on command!” That was her response when he started pressing her to try it. She just sneezed when she needed to, and she couldn’t force it! Plus… was that sanitary? She wasn’t entirely certain that it was and she didn’t want either of them getting sick from this little experiment, regardless of how funny it was.

The swarthy woman, instead of sneezing, took a paw and scooped up snow, aiming it in his direction as it flung all over the place, trying to hit him with the flakes that were fast melting on her pads. She couldn’t sneeze, no, but she could fling his sneeze-covered snow at him! That was fair, right? She didn’t stop with one scoop, picking up another, trying to get as much as she could onto her paw before she flung it at him, moving around to take cover from any sort of revenge he might plan upon getting hit by the cold substance. Come on, come and get me. She was ready for the challenge and she saw an educational merit in it: strategy.

[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel

A hearty laugh greeted her words. He hadn't really been sneezing on command but he wasn't going to explain all of that to her. "Fair enough!" His eyes shined brightly, watching @Maera briefly before having his full focus on digging again. Until some of that cold snow hit him! Looking above him, the tawny male wondered if it had fallen from a branch. It didn't take more than a moment for him to realize that it had been Mae who was throwing the snow!

"Hey! Now that's no fair!" He barked and lifted his tail in a playful manner. Kerberos took a jump towards his dark companion and watched her form swiftly. He wanted to tussle a bit of course! Why use snow when there were paws and teeth? Kerberos knew better than to get too rough (possibly because he knew he'd get his ass kicked) but what was the harm in a tiny bit of nipping and pawing?

Playfully the Rigel male growled at Mae. His body language giving off what he was declaring to her. "Ya want it? Come and get it!" A friendly challenge between two travel partners. It was going to be hard to get through the winter if they didn't do something to distract themselves!

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Played by Namara who has 184 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Maera Slayer

It had been her to distract from the task that time, and she took responsibility for that with a wide grin. Just because life as a loner was hard, something she constantly reminded herself and others of, didn’t mean that it was all work, especially when travelling with a partner. Her tail wagged, her rump following suite as she lowered her front to the ground, laughing a little as he declared that it was ‘no fair’. She rolled her eyes playfully at the expression as he jumped towards her. He was taking her challenge and that was when her eyes narrowed at him.

A knowing and sly smirk crossed her features as she pounced, aiming to lightly bat at his left shoulder with her front paws, balancing on her back ones while also somewhat using him for support in her attack. It was just a friendly tussle, nothing that had her entirely worried about protecting herself from severe injury. In a real fight she would never do that because it gave her opponent too much power – particularly with balance and exposure. It would make it easier for her opponent to rake open her belly or maim one of her legs… that was something she’d normally never risk.

A playful growl fell from her lips though she said nothing as her tail continued to wag and she swiped at paw at his ear, challenging him to make moves against her. It also helped her size him up when it came to what he could do in a real fight.

[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel

While he agreed and had been practically begging to fight, Kerberos was not fully prepared for her at all. @Maera's dark paws met his shoulders and the young male stumbled for a moment before barking and pouncing forward in an attempt to lightly nip at her shoulders. Wishing to cause no more damage than a mere pinch. His tail rose above his back and wagged fiercely. A quick and loud yip to signal his enjoyment and eagerness for her next move. Now more prepared than when she had first struck him.

A paw met his ears and Kerb couldn't help but chuckle. "That tickled!" It was more than a gentle touch but not enough to hurt him. He used his own paw in an attempt to lightly push on her haunch. Curious as to if he could make her stumble or fall. The tawny male knew he was practically dreaming thinking he could take the larger woman down but who knew! He wasn't fully sure of her capabilities and wasn't exactly sure of his own either.

Finding it hard to stay still he shuffled around in front of her slowly. They might even clear out the den moving all the snow from wrestling! Maybe that had been just more hopeful thinking from the young Rigel male.

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