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Duck, duck, wolf? — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Hex who has 40 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Latif Itri
Bugs of all things it was bugs that the duckling ate. Latif didn't really care for them when they started to bite at his face and ears but otherwise they didn't bother him. Now he was going to be deliberately looking for them. The things that he hadn't even thought about. He couldn't help but find it a little amusing. This situation kept getting more interesting as time went on. What next would a baby fox join the group? A large grin spread across his face as he glanced at his companions, that would make things more interesting.

His wandering thoughts were back to the present as Enoki spoke. She apparently did live in the area which was a good thing for them. Maybe her knowledge of the land around them would make this escapade a bit easier. Have you guys had an bad storms in the past? Might narrow our searching area for a moldy log or stump. Bad storms tended to leave damage in their wake. If there had been a bad storm that had gone through in the past years then maybe there was an area that had been more affected by it and then they could find there moldy stump there a lot easier. Of course if there hadn't been then they would just have a larger area to search that's all.

Now that they had an idea and were working on it they were probably going to get results a lot quicker but the pale mane wanted as much information as he could so that they might speed up the process even more. The only thing about that was it was a double-edged sword. If they did too much talking and they would sit here all day with a very hungry duckling who likely wouldn't stop pestering them.
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer

Ebony ears perked once more to give Latif her undivided attention as he questioned whether or not a big storm had come through these lands in recent years. Honestly the magpie couldn't quite recall a massive storm rolling through, but then again she wasn't one that paid too much attention to the weather unless it helped, or hindered her during hunting expeditions. The only area she could recall having such a large scale amount of damage and possibly some insect infested stumps was the charred ruins of the Wildwood which was slowly starting to acquire new life. Albeit, even if there were bugs to be found there in mass quantities it was quite a ways to travel with the little duckling and Enoki didn't have enough time on her paws to travel that far just to aid the abandoned creature. Soon enough she would need to return to Willow Ridge as it was.

Shaking her head, a faint frown marred her facial features. "I can't recall any specific large storms to hit this area, but I'm sure there's bound to be some moldy wood around here. If you head upstream to search, I'll take downstream and if we find something that looks promising we can let out a bark for the other to come?" It sounded like a solid enough plan since there surely had to be fallen logs somewhere along the creek which would be prime shelter for all sorts of bugs. All that mattered now was that they find it and soon.

Played by Hex who has 40 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Latif Itri
To his dismay Enoki announced that there hadn't been any storms in the area in the recent years. Though what was he to expect? Dangerous storms like that would leave a lasting mark and he hadn't seen any signs when he had been traveling in the area. Plus the locals were going to remember them if they had come through. The marbled lady went on to say that he should go upstream and search while she went downstream. Not able to see a reason to argue against her idea he nodded. Give a shout if you find something. He told her before giving the duckling one last glance then Latif turned and began to wander up the waterway.

Moldy wood. Moldy wood. Moldy wood. It was a mantra that kept repeating itself in his head as he walked his gaze scanning the surrounding area, ears twitching. He saw a downed branch and went over to investigate but the wood was still too hard to be moldy. Shaking his head in dismissal he continued to walk following the winding stream. There was a stick floating in the river, caught on the side but the pale man didn't think bugs would make it there home. When it dried out maybe but not waterlogged as it was. He didn't know how far he walked too focused on his task when a lowered shadow on the other side of the stream caught his attention. Hoping that it was a large log he bounded through the water to get to the other side so that he could investigate.

Dripping water he got closer to his target and found that it was actually a stump. An older stump. It was about shoulder high the top of it cracked and jagged while the remaining bark seemed to hang on by sheer will. Circling it Latif saw that its top half was laying on the other side. Wanting to know if there were indeed any bugs before he called Enoki over with the duckling he grabbed a chunk of bark between his teeth and pulled. A sharp crack of wood breaking filled his ears as he stumbled back dropping the bark.

The bared wood was riddled with holes and he watched as some red and black critters scurried away. There was actually quite a few and Latif felt a large grin spread across his face. Now to call the marbled lady over. That's when he realized that he didn't even know her name.
Hey I found something over here! He shouted hoping she would hear him. Once she came to the stump he would ask her name.
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer

Plan in place the duo went their separate ways in search of something substantial to qualm the little ducklings insistent peeping, Enoki heading downstream while her partner in this ordeal went upstream. Not far behind was the little duckling itself, paddling its webbed feet to keep up with the pace of its temporary care taker through the water. Smoldering amber eyes glanced this way and that in search of a suitable area where surely a smorgasbord of insects was bound to be found, but alas the piebald female was having no luck in locating such. All she could see were twigs and various other vegetation collected along the banks of the stream, but nothing an insect would call home.

Enoki wondered if he was having any better luck finding something, yet she wouldn't have to wonder for long. Ebony ears pricked forward and the magpie's limbs halted mid step upon hearing her silver companion call out that he had found something, head peering over an ivory clad shoulder before turning around to hurry over toward his discovery with the little duckling right at her heels. It's peeping frantic the further she became from its side. "What did you find?" She asked once the distance between them was closed, lowering her head slightly to investigate the old stump she assumed to be why he had called her over. Already she could see a few various bugs scattering about the freshly exposed wood inside, her tail immediately picking up a quick wag. Hopefully this would do!

Played by Hex who has 40 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Latif Itri
OOC: Sorry about the late post.

Latif stared at the old stump wondering if he should try and grab some of the bugs and put them into a pile while he waited for the marbled lady to show up with the duckling. Would the duckling even eat dead bugs? It didn't take long for his new companion to arrive and view his find. So he didn't have to find an answer to his question which relieved him. He didn't want to collect a bunch of bugs and then have them discarded simply because they were dead. The duckling was peeping insistently at them and Latif gave it a small smile before speaking. There's some bugs under the bark. I bet if we pull some off the duckling can get at them and then we don't have to pick them off one by one. It would save some time that was for sure. Who wanted to hunt for bugs one by one?

Not waiting for a response Latif moved to grab the bark once more. Tugging on it he pulled off a section and quickly dropped it on the ground. Just like he had thought some bugs quickly scurried around trying to figure out what was going on and where safety was. If he bugs were quick though then the duckling was quicker. It jumped after them eating them one after the other in quick succession. Latif laughed as he watched the antics of the duckling. Yep, this was going to be one story that he would have to share with his family when he went to visit them.

I just realized that we haven't even introduced ourselves yet. Latif began with a chuckle, as the duckling tried to grab the bugs that had scrambled into the grass. My names Latif Itri.
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer

An ear closest to her companion cocked to the side to catch his words as her smoldering gaze continued to examine the stump that would hopefully solve their duckling problem, eventually casting her gaze away from it to settle it upon the silvery male. What he said made sense and without an invitation she too took a step forward to grasp a portion of loose bark between her teeth, her face contorting into a slightly bitter face due to the distasteful flavor of the wood as she gave a jerk of her head to tear the piece off and let it tumble free next to the piece @Latif had torn off himself.

It seemed to become an instant smorgasbord of insects that scurried everywhere over the pieces of wood in frantic attempts to find shelter from the outside world again, but the speed of the crawling bugs lacked in comparison to the starving duckling that swiftly made quick work of picking them off one by one. A light laugh of her own fell from Enoki's dark lips and a couple steps were taken back before lowering herself into a comfortable lay, watching the little orphan dine contently for a moment before her attention was once more drawn toward the other wolf present. Another bemused bout of laughter escaped her lips and her ivory dipped tail thumped against the ground, a bright smile settling over her facial features. "I guess we got so wrapped up helping this duckling we forgot formalities. It's a pleasure to properly meet you, Latif. I'm Enoki Ashrelle of Willow Ridge."

Played by Hex who has 40 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Latif Itri
It looked like his idea was working as the duckling continued to chase after the bugs that tried to race for protection. The marbled lady had even ripped off her own chunk to add to the small ducklings feast. It was something to see Latif admitted to himself, as another laugh parted his lips. It wasn't ever day that one got to see something like this and the pale man was glad that he had happened across the two of them when he had. Who wanted to go on an adventure and then not find something worth talking about? Boring it would be boring.

Letting his haunches rest on the ground Latif eyed his other companion again. She went on to lay on the grass before introducing herself as Enoki of Willow Ridge. Pleasure to meet you as well and I'm glad I could meet our feathered little friend to. This encounter has made for an interesting day that's for sure. He responded with a bright smile. This encounter had made the day a heck of a lot more interesting that was for sure. If he hadn't come across them he probably would have simply walked until nightfall and that wouldn't have been any fun at all.

Which what do you plan to do with out little friend if we can't find more ducks? Latif asked tipping his head slightly. Did she plan to take it back to Willow Ridge with her or did she plan to leave it out here? He didn't have any qualms with taking the duckling with him until he could find more ducks but she had been the one it had seemed to bond with the most. Plus she had found it first as well.
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer
A small bout of laughter fell from Enoki's lips in agreement to his words, dark hued tail thumping contently against the grass on the ground. "Indeed it has and this will make quite the tale to tell my fellow pack mates back home. If they even believe me that is." She tacked on, another soft chuckle escaping her lips allowing a small grin to appear shortly afterward. The magpie was pretty sure it wasn't a common occurrence in nature for a wolf, let alone two to help out a defenseless duckling which could have easily served as a meager snack for either of the two predatory creatures instead of a responsibility. Regardless, that meant little to the two toned woman although the question Latif asked next did cause a brow to raise.

She hadn't really given thought to what would become of this situation after they had found the orphaned duckling food since their minds had been so focused on fulfilling that major task. A minor frown adorned her marred snout as she adjusted her gaze from the pale man to settle it upon the feasting duckling, a soft sigh expelled slowly. "I haven't really given it much thought. I don't think I can take it back with me. I'm pretty sure one of the others in the pack will find it to be a nice snack one day and I'd hate for it to succumb to such a fate by my own unintentional doing." It would break the woman's poor heart to find the duckling missing one day and a tuft of feathers at the paws of a pack mate that hadn't known better. Besides, a wolf pack was no home for water fowl. Perhaps he could take it with him if they didn't find other ducks to adopt it soon.
Played by Hex who has 40 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Latif Itri
Latif felt quite happy knowing that Enoki felt the same way about this encounter. It just made the whole situation more enjoyable because no one wanted to be around a grumpy butt when they were having fun. Apparently, her packmates wouldn't believe her though and he let out a snort of amusement. Of all the things that they could have run across a duckling was better than say a cougar cub and that would be even more unbelievable compared to the current situation. Well then you can keep them guessing on if it actually happened or not then. He responded with a mischievous look.

Now came the important question. What was she going to do with the duckling? Would she take it with her or would she leave it here? It would be an easy snack if left alone and he wasn't keen on that option. A sigh came from her as she thought and Latif gazed at her with interest. What was she thinking? It didn't take long for her to find out because in the next breath she was speaking. It seemed that she thought her pack mates were a threat as well to the duckling's life as well. He had hoped that she would be able to take the duckling with her but seeing as how she didn't think that option was safe...

I can take the duckling with me. Latif offered his head tipping a bit. I'm not bound to a pack so I can look for more ducks outside this area plus I'm definitely not going to try and nibble on it. Not after all this.
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer
Go ahead and fade with them going separate ways in your post so we can finally wrap this up. <3

Sadly the magpie wouldn't be able to take the orphaned duckling herself; a move that in the end would benefit the creature, but luckily it seemed that Latif would be the wolf in shining armor. Unlike herself, as he mentioned, he didn't have the ball and chain of a pack to tie him down which left him more capable of scouring for other ducks to adopt the little duckling than she could. A grateful smile adorned Enoki's face and a small nod of appreciation was given before she shifted to stand on all fours again, smoldering amber gaze rising to gauge the current time of day. Already the sun was beginning to make its descent toward the horizon and that alone reminded the woman that it was about time she headed back.

Returning her attention to the paler wolf, her smile smile softened further. "In that case I wish you the best of luck in finding more ducks. The sun is starting to set and with that I should start heading back home before it gets too dark. It was a pleasure to meet you even if the situation was quite the odd one." She chuckled, a glint of amusement in her eyes before continuing. She still doubted anyone back home would truly believe her about this. "Perhaps we'll meet again some day? If you're ever in the area seek me out further south. Maybe then my pack will believe me about this." A playful wink granted after giving her pelt a quick shake.