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Red as Strawberries in Summertime — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
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Aideen Smoke-Athesila
For @Enia <3 - territory discovery!
Ruby Berry Patch(?) IMAGE
  Near the edge of the thicket, sheltered from the open fields by a dense row of bramble, lies a small clearing, dotted in sunlight filtering through the wide canopy above. Trees and underbrush pull back, leaving an area of low vegetation, thriving in the secluded pocket of light. Nestled among the bright green leaves of clover and Salmons Seal is another, sweet smelling plant, growing heavy with small red fruits at the height of summer. The juicy  berries are a lavish prize for those who find their way here at the right time of year, and the secluded space might prove perfect for quiet reflection all year round.

The heat of the day was starting to wane, drawing wolves and other animals alike out from their midday shelter. Though the Thicket gave cover from the high noon sun, warmth still build up beneath the leaves, leaving the inhabitants to laze around, too drowsy from the heat to do anything productive. The hours around dawn and dusk had become the peak time for the Woodland wolves, hunting, gathering and patrolling while the air was cooler. Aideen was no different, having spend the midday napping, only just now slipping from the chilly den. She'd gladly have kept sleeping, but there were things she needed to do, no matter the temperature.

Shaking out her fur, the alphess yawned, blinking as she looked around at her Thicket. A soft smile graced her face as she looked at her home, tail waving high behind her. She started moving slowly, allowing her body to wake up as she made her way towards the borders. Taking her time, the trained medic quickly fell into the habit of smelling and checking plants as she went along, noting new sprouts and areas with herbs that were ready for harvest. As leader, her responsibilities had shifted somewhat away from those of her healing days, but with @Miccah leading beside her, the queen had been able to keep touch with her passion. Her former guardian husband patrolled the borders zealously, aided by several aspiring guardians within their ranks. As such, Aideen felt safe keeping her own patrols less rigid, swerving both into and out of the territory, to check on both well known and new patches of medicine.

Today her nose led her out into the edges of the Thicket, guiding her through tight patches of bramble – which she navigated with the skill of the well accustomed – until she suddenly hit an unexpected opening in the dense forest. Sunlight trickled down to the ground through unusually open canopies, feeding a patch of fresh greenery. She quickly recognized several herbs with medicinal properties, among them rich veins of Salmons Seal, the scent she'd been following. But there was more than just herbs growing lushly in the sun, bright ruby specks dotted the length of the patch, a puissant, sweet scent rising from them. Copper eyes immediately lit with joyous curiosity, a wide grin spreading on dark lips; Berries!

Word count: 388

"Speech" Thoughts
Played by Lightning who has 82 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enia Athesila

The dark sister was not nearly as adventurous as her fiery sister or curious brother. Whenever she left the den, Enia told herself that she was simply taking note of where her siblings were going off to. It would do no good if they got into trouble and she would not be able to tell her mother! Nothing interesting had happened for quite some time though and Nia found herself growing bored with strolling around the territory. All the bothered herself with was avoiding the sharp, little dangerous things that were scattered about on the thicket floor. It was almost like a game so she could pretend like she was having fun.

Her boredom turned to joy when she crossed paths with what could be none other than her mother's scent. Unable to contain her excitement, the child's rump wiggled in a fury, a small giggle bubbling forth as she pushed forward. Nia made sure to avoid the pointy things on the ground, fear pounding in her veins whenever she stumbled too close to one. The dark pup just simply had to catch up with her mother! It felt like it took forever for her to find her mother but eventually, her mother's smell overpowered her. It was not long after that a familiar form appeared in Enia's baby blue orbs.

Another giggle of happiness slipped past her maw as she pounced happily forward, her voice loud, “Mama! Watcha doin?” The young girl did not particularly like having to share her mother's attention with her siblings. If she was going to have some time to steal the light and put it on herself, then so be it.

(This post was last modified: Aug 06, 2016, 03:50 AM by Enia.)
Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila

She enjoyed her moment of peace, closing her eyes and breathing in deeply, the mix of sweet and sharp aroma's filling her nose. It was rare now, that she got a chance to nurture her former craft, like Nina before her, leadership and family had taken up the new queen's time, stealing away from herbs and healing. She was not bitter about it, her new life was full of happiness, and she felt both proud and privileged to stand at the head of the Woodlands. She loved her children, her mate and her pack! But sometimes, she did miss the solitude of foraging, that touch of adventure it had brought to her life, setting out to search the farther reaches of the Edens for medicines. So it was a welcome chance, to feel just a little of that old thrill, discovering this new patch of greens.

Her seclusion was not long though, as the sound of rustling in the thicket, brought Aideen back to the present, eyes opening as a warm laugh sounded from behind. There was only the smallest prick of disappointment at being disturbed in her heart, easily overpowered by her joy, as the mother turned to greet her daughter; "Sweetheart, you're out far today!" She smiled at the girl, the tiniest note of chide in her voice. She didn't like seeing her pups beyond the borders, they were still too young to go out on their own. But in her heart she knew this was little against what the older two was no doubt getting up to, and it was clear enough that Enia had followed her scent here, not to run off alone, but to be with her mother; I can't scold her for that… In fact she deserved praise! Aideen lowered her head to bring her nose level with the child's, looking into her bright eyes. "How did you find me?" She asked in an excited tone, wagging her tail high behind her to show the girl how pleased she was with her, while putting on an air of wonder, as if she could not fathom how the pup had managed to track her down.

A small lick to her dark crest was offered as further praise before Aideen straightened back up, looking back over her shoulder at the tight patch of herbs and berries. "I came here looking for medicines, plants," She explained, grinning down at her daughter as she added: "Looks like I found something more!" Rather than clarify further, the mother motioned with her paw, encouraging her child to investigate for herself; She must be curious!

Word count: 434

"Speech" Thoughts
Played by Lightning who has 82 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enia Athesila

Small ears flattened against her head as she recognized the familiar tone that her mother always used on her siblings. Occasionally, it would be used on her but usually it was for a good cause. She thought that it would have been nice to spend some time with her mother. Perhaps, she thought wrong though because her mother's bright smile clearly went against the tone she used with her. Enia gladly bounced up to her mother, clear eyes bright and wide. When her creamy mother leaned down to ask her a question, the small Athesila giggled. Wasn't the answer to that question obvious? “I phullowed you.” She beamed up at the woman in front of her, hoping she was proud.

Her train of thought quickly shifted, however, when her mother finally answered her question. She had never heard of the term her mother used. Medicine was something new, but she new what a plant was. Ever curious about new things, Enia peered over where her mother had just looked, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. Everything looked the same except for a pair of brightly colored things, which certainly couldn't be bad. Medicine certainly sounded like a bad word and it was not something that the young girl ever wanted to try. Her mother's mention of something more intrigued Enia, but one glance around and the pup could only assume it was the bright things she had seen earlier. Approaching one of the fallen ones on the ground, the dark girl lowered her head to the ground a gave it a curious sniff. Her head suddenly snapped back, her eyes full of light as she turned toward her mother. “Smell nice!” She giggled out to her mom, a small smile on her lips.

(This post was last modified: Oct 31, 2016, 07:38 AM by Enia.)
Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila

She chuckled brightly down at her daughter, ears and tail waving wildly in response to her excitement. The girl seemed surprised by the question, already so comfortable with her instincts that using and following scent felt obvious to her. Aideen beamed with pride, even as the pup moved on to happily investigate the patch of green, oblivious to the milestone she had reached. Her nose continued to impress, guiding her to a fallen berry, which she prodded inquisitively.

There was a smile on her thin, dark lips as she made her proclamation, and her mother returned it whole-heartedly. It might not be valuable for medicine, but that expression on Nia's face made the strawberry patch a priceless find none the less. Aideen nodded her agreement and approval, encouraging happily: "Why don't you taste it?" To further reassure the child, she walked over to her side, lowering her own head to sniff at the sweet-smelling plants. She'd always had a soft spot for berries.

Her own first experience with this particular kind hadn't been until she left home, on her journey south, just before she came to Relic Lore. Their scent had reminded her of the blackberries she'd eaten as a pup, growing on a bush above their den entrance, just like the one under which Enia and her siblings had been born. As always, memories of the Smoke's childhood were bittersweet, but she shook them off, refusing to let her homesickness over shadow this moment with her daughter. Instead she smiled down at the dark girl, gesturing again at the fruit, invitingly.

Word count: 262

"Speech" Thoughts
Played by Lightning who has 82 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enia Athesila

Her momma was so beautiful and Enia would do anything she asked, but when it came to trying something new, especially food, the young girl was reluctant. The dark pup made a small sound of protest to Aideen's question, not wanting to try something that looked so different. Most of the things she ate had fur on it and were much bigger than what her mother was trying to get her to try. The girl's nose wrinkled, wide eyes watching in fascination as her mother stepped towards the red things. She could not deny her mother, especially when she seemed to think that the red things would taste good.

She blew air out of her nose, eyes sparkling up at her mother. Nodding, she sniffed at the sweet smelling thing again. If it had a nice smell, then it must take good too, right? The little girl nibbled on one of the red things to find that it immediately squished in her mouth, the texture surprising her. A kind of juice immediately sprang forth on her taste buds. Small eyes grew wide, intrigued by this new flavor. Her mother was right in convincing her to try it. Tilting her head up to see her momma's face, her voice was soft, “What is't?” She bent down to try another one, this time being more generous with the amount she put into her mouth. A small giggle escaped her mouth at the pleasantry of it all. It was certainly different from what she was use to, but it was a good different.

Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila

She had to suppress a grin at the girl's scrunched up face, recognizing the aversion towards the new that all her pups seemed to display now and then. This wasn't the stubborn rebellion her siblings might have exhibited in the same situation though, rather, the mother guessed, Enia was afraid of what she didn't know. Aideen looked at her most timid child with loving pride, watching as she slowly gathered up her courage to take a small nip of the berry. A pleased coo fell from her lips as it happened, praising the girl for her bravery. Watching her savor the tiny bite, the mother giggled lightly as a myriad of expressions passed over her little face, finally settling on one of delight. She grinned brightly down at her daughter, waving her tail cheerfully at the question; "It's called a strawberry, they're good right?" The question was answered when Nia quickly bent to take a larger bite, laughing brilliantly at the taste.

Returning the pups laughter, Aideen pushed her nose against the girl's before reaching out to snatch a berry of her own, relishing the sweetness. Strawberries might have no medicinal qualities, but the power of such a summer treat should not be underestimated. Licking her lips, the healer turned again to her daughter, chuckling softly at the sight of her face spotted with red juice. The mother shook her head, reaching forwards to clean the dark fur. Berry juice was sticky business, but that didn't stop the parent, salmon tongue running continuously from the tip of her daughters muzzle, all the way up between her ears while a low, affectionate hum rumbled in her chest. She was happy to share this sweet moment with her youngest daughter.

Word count: 288

"Speech" Thoughts
Played by Lightning who has 82 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enia Athesila

The young girl stared in appreciation down at the berries. Strawberries to be exact, as her mother corrected. There was always a certain thrill the little girl had whenever she acquired alone time with her mother. Enia would store this memory away in her mind and look back on it when she was lonely, but the little girl would always know that her mother loved and cherished her. A bright smile lit up her face as her mother bumped noses with her, a pleasant sigh escaping her lips. Nia's chin, now sticky with dried juice from the berry, stuck to her chest but she found that it did not matter how unclean she felt. It mattered more to her that she was spending time with the one woman she looked up to more than anyone else.

She hummed in response to her mother's question. Light brown eyes squinted up against the sunlight so that she could get a better glimpse of her mother's face. This was what happiness was, Enia decided. It wouldn't get better than this. Her tail wagged behind her, lips parting searching for anything that would get her more time with her mother, but settled on a simple, I love you, Momma.” Large eyes blinked innocently up at the leader of Secret Woodlands, unknowing of the horrors the world held and were waiting to show her.

Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila

What a gorgeous, happy little girl she had, smiling up at her as she finished her bath. It would always amuse and amaze Aideen how different her children had turned out. They were still young, but already they showed such individuality. Cináed was like his father, calm and protective, though with a knack for asking questions she suspected might come more from her side. Flair was her grandmother's spitting image, and Aideen could easily imagine that her mother had been just like her as a child: brash, wild and rebellious. Now Enia, Nia was a curious in between, quiet almost appearing shy, but just as full of questions as her brother, once you cracked the shell. She was a gentle soul, but Aideen had seen hints of her sister's fire in her, and when her curiosity truly got the better of her, she could show the same stubbornness as the others.

Now Aideen grinned down at her daughter, her eyes seeming to glow in the sunlight, just like the bright red and green surrounding them. Her little voice sounded, so honest and happy it nearly brought tears to the mother's eyes, the words warming her like no others ever had. "I love you too sweetheart, more than you'll ever know!" She assured in a low, tender voice, giving her daughter another affectionate lick. In that moment, her world could get no brighter. If only it could last forever. But, even if other responsibilities would call her back to the rest of the pack soon enough, it did not mean they couldn't come back here. With a soft smile, Aideen looked around at the small patch, many of its berries yet pale green, needing more time in the sun to ripen. Yes, they would come here again and gorge themselves under the warm light so rare within their home.

"What do you say we make this our special place, you and me?" She asked her daughter, a playful twinkle in her eye. A sweet little secret, just for the two of them.

Word count: 341

"Speech" Thoughts
Played by Lightning who has 82 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enia Athesila

Enia was oblivious to the history behind their namesakes but she was smart enough to know that she was certainly quite different from her siblings. They never did get along with one another, which frustrated Nia to no end. Why can't we all just get along? Of course, the young girl had no inkling as to just how sheltered she was from the world at that time. Her life would not always be all sunshine and berries but then with her mother, she would always remember a time where happiness had prevailed in her life. She grinned happily up at her mother, eyes wide with love at her mother's equally matched tones of affection. The youngest Athesila knew she could always count on her mother to make her feel better and the girl could never imagine life without her.

She liked this place and the young girl was sure she would remember it. Her mother never disappointed and today was no different. Enia felt her heart give an excited flip at her mother's words, a bright grin lighting up her face. Nodding her answer, she spoke, “Yes. Jus' us phou.” Life couldn't get much better than this, she was convinced. Innocent eyes peered up at her mother, a small yawn escaping her mouth. The young girl's excursion had surely taken a lot out of her and Nia felt that it was definitely time for a nap!