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never seen a wreck like this — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
At the borders of WR for @Renier

objects in space

After his little hit on the head most of his time had been spent with @Amaryllis. She was nice and he was thankful for her but he had grown tired in a way. Tired of being in the same place all the time. Tired of sleeping and barely doing much more. His head had felt much better over the past few days but he still was cautioned to be careful. Told that head injury could be bad. The dark male always sighed and agreed. It wasn't like anyone was wrong.

So he had briefly left Grizzly Hollow with the intention of being back in four days (five days max). There was so much flurry in the female side he didn't expect anyone except @Nineva to notice he was out and about. He would come home, though. This wasn't like every other time he had left somewhere.

Even before he had left he knew exactly where he was heading to. His true home. Willow Ridge. He had last checked up on them before being apart of Grizzly Hollow so now was as good of a time as any. The trip had been uneventful so he was relieved when the bare Willows had come into sight. He wondered who might answer his call today. Perhaps something had changed from his last visitng. Polietly he approached the borders, stance neutral like usual as he lifted his head to the skies and called out. Letting them know it was him and he wished to speak with anyone who would answer.

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Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
shoot it, shoot it out
renier lyall
cause they want a little more

Things settled down, and nothing seemed amiss as he returned from his own travels. But, he fell back into his routine which consisted of finding prey, watching the borders, and marking them heavily. Making it clear should a lone wolf dare doddle there would be someone waiting for them.

He pushed through snow, making a new section, he was a little surprised to hear a familiar voice. One that had come and gone not too long ago. What could he possibly need now? His voice wasn't very specific. With the state of things the Lyall was sure he would beat Nicolo there, so he took off in a heartbeat, bounding through mild drifts till he reached a more cleared trail closer to the visitor. Deacon just hoping to come stay for a little bit? Or just checking up?

Even as his golden eyes fell on the dark male, he knew who it was. Yet, the rogue was grateful to see he still maintained distance, and respect. "What brings you all the way out here today Deacon?" He inquired with a partial cheerful tone.

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(This post was last modified: Jan 08, 2017, 10:07 PM by Renier.)
[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
At Willow Ridge it never did take long for someone to come greet you. The tawny form of @Renier appeared and Deacon slowly lowered himself for a moment. He even offered a quick whine. "I'm just swinging by for a visit. I hit my head not too long ago so I've been cooped up and needed a trip. Figured where better to go visit than home?" Deacon smiled wide as his tail swayed behind him happily.

Truth be told he always felt like he was teasing himself by visiting home. He was with Grizzly Hollow and the temptation of the willows was always stirring when he saw them. "I know I was here not too long ago but how is everyone? Any trouble from neighbors or strangers?" While the dark Archer-Lyall had never been extremely close with his cousin, he was still family and would receive the same respect, politeness, and care as any of his family would. The thought of his mother and father crossed his mind. His mother's scent still lingered on the borders but his father's wasn't. "Dad still not back?" Deacon's voice wasn't as sad as one might have expected it to be. He always worried but there was no use getting worked up over something he didn't have any power to change. If one of his brothers, Niles supposedly, had gone with Angier than Dea fully expected his aging father to be well taken care of.
have you checked out my player preferences?
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
shoot it, shoot it out
renier lyall
cause they want a little more

The Lyall made sure there was little time to wait when someone rang. Rather it was a new or familiar face. It was at least one thing he could take pride in. He noticed the young man drop in height, his whine pulling the rogue's ears forward. Renier sensed no ill intent from the Archer, but it was nice to see manners when it came to the Willow Ridge territory. Even if he'd been born and raised here.

"Can't disagree with you there. I hope that means you're head is better." There was a ghost of a smirk, as a brow cocked, a slight tease. Likely, he had recovered from the injury fairly well to be all the way out here. If he had the good sense Renier thought.

The Archer went straight to the inquiries that must have brought him out here. If it was any other Renier wouldn't have divulged the information very freely. "No, it's pretty quiet here lately. I'm hoping to be on more friendly terms with the Hollow than we have been in the past." Neither had given each other grief for awhile, and he would like to keep it that way unless given reason not to. Which he found doubtful. He paid @Deacon a thoughtful look, wondering what he may think of it. There was something else."With your Aunt Adele's passing Enoki and I have taken leadership, hoping it may help." But, he wondered how long it would be till Nicolo would request it back at his convenience.

The mention of Angier, the Lyall let out a sigh, and a quick jerk of his head. No, they hadn't had any news about the man. Renier had a feeling they would see him again, but kept the thought to himself. "Sure you're all right? "

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[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
kind of jumbled, sorry @Renier

His cousin was a nice man, always had been as far as Deacon was aware. "It's doing alright. Headaches here and there but nothing a little rest can't fix." He shrugged as his smile partially faded. Truthfully his headaches were awful but he didn't wanna worry the tawny man.

The dark man nodded his head in both understanding and agreement with what Renier had said. "It does make sense, I suppose. No need to stay hostile if the bad blood could be washed away." Deacon was a little clueless on what had the two packs labeling each other as enemies. But he just played it as he did. His ears perked and his head cocked softly at the news of his aunt passing. "I'm sorry to hear that. I wasn't close to her but I'm sure it's affected uncle and mother, if not all of you, very deeply. But I am glad to hear the Ridge lays in the paws of two trustworthy wolves. How is Enoki, anyway?" He hadn't run into the female out in the marsh again. Deacon often returned there with hopes he would but each time was more and more disappointing. He would forgive her with ease. Especially if she had taken charge of the Ridge.

Deacon openly frowned as Renier jerked his head. There was nothing verbal said except for "Sure you're all right?" As if he didn't know, the Archer-Lyall shrugged his shoulders. "Probably not but I'm alive. Can't ask for much more."
have you checked out my player preferences?
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
shoot it, shoot it out
renier lyall
cause they want a little more

Why he had a guess Deacon be better off in bed, than here Renier wasn't his mother. Deacon was grown enough to do as he pleased. It seemed his need for here was greater than rest.

While the Lyall wasn't sure Deacon knew of the past with Grizzly Hollow, they seemed to be of the same mind about it. Leaving it there, instead of continuing to drag it fourth. If only it was so easy to get rid of the rest of past memories and move forward...

He didn't expect the news of his aunt to affect him. Renier couldn't say he was close to Adele either, but at least this was the only grief she'd given the Ridge. As sad as it was. He inquired of the well being of the piebald lady of the Ridge."She seems well. Just busy trying to take care of everything." Like someone else once upon a time.

It pained Renier for all their sake not to have Angier here. It seemed like his son was in need of him. It reminded him too much of his own father. Of his young brother, and things that were simply unfair. Why the young man was evidently saddened, he spoke wise words despite how depressing they were. You could ask for more, but life would just laugh at the notion.

A sigh slipped from his mouth. "Come, how about we take a walk and talk. Did your mother really tell you why your sister left?" Likely why your father left in the first place. Why the Ridge is a mess.

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[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]