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Rainmaker — White Fir Notch 
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Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
We can wrap this up if you like.

Sure enough, moments after her voice had rang through the air, a familiar black shape emerged out of the rain in the distance. Gent had successfully located her, but as she noted the concerned expression only a father could wear, she had to wonder how long he had been out in the storm searching for his daughter. Thank the heavens that Lucia had by sheer chance, found Jynx in her shelter of choice. Next time she chose to slip away undetected from her parents, she might not get such a lucky break. The shift of a tiny body by her side earned a glance down to see his daughter sticking her head out to greet her father. As relief washed over his face, her muscles which had grown tense, also relaxed.

And then he thanked her, with what sounded like utmost sincerity in his voice. Humbled, she turned her contrasting yellow gaze up to meet his. A shake of her russet head followed. "Don't mention it. I would never let anything happen to your legacy." Her voice was thick with sincerity and emotion. Serving as a hint to how attached to the pups she was already becoming. A smile cracked at her lips, her ears flicking unconsciously as drop after drop of rain splashed on them. "We had some fun while we were in here anyways. This little lady..." She glanced down at Lucia with a fond smile. "...chose the perfect hiding spot to escape the rain. She learned a little bit about why the sky rumbles so angrily when it's like this." She kept her terms light natured and playful with Lucia still around. Realizing that her leader was still outside, and likely being thoroughly washed down no doubt, she looked back up at him, and inched back further into the log a ways. "Would you like to come in out of the rain?" Her eyes shifted from his face, up towards the sky, where the steely blanket of clouds seemed to be moving further away. "It looks like the storm is moving south...away from us." 
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 711 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gent Lieris
Legacy. That had always been the purpose, what he wanted more than anything in the world. Now that he had them, however, they were so much more than his blood and his name. No matter where they went in life, what they did or did not became, they were the entire universe to him. His eyes traveled to his daughter's face again, and the father smiled softly with adoration. Meanwhile, his ears swiveled to let Jynx know he was listening to her.

As the woman retreated further into her shelter, offering to him the space she was creating, he regarded the size of the opening. There was no way the whole of him was fitting in there, but Lucia had wriggled backwards along with her sitter and was watching him expectantly. She even tapped a little paw as if tell him right here. Deciding he didn't much care how wet he got, he crawled in after them. Only his front half hit, but that was alright. He lowered his head onto his forelimbs while everything from his shoulder blades back sat out in the rain.

"So, what exactly did you learn?" he asked his daughter, and listened with mirth as she excitedly began to recount it all to him...