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Shaken, Not Stirred My Dear — Hot Springs 
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Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

“Look here, mamacita, don’t go runnin’ your mouth when you ain’t got no clue. Respect is a thing earned. I love my mama, but she made some real bad choices. I mean, look at me.” His grin grew only toothier at the reference. Yeah, sure, he got his sisters out of it. Reyes loved the hell out of his sisters, but the woman had picked one deadbeat dad already.

I wish I knew how to break this spell.

Fuck, but he hoped she hadn’t picked up another worthless sack of fur once he and his sisters had taken off. She managed one springtime without, but—

Reyes sighed and shook his head, pushing his dam from his thoughts. Nothing he could do ‘til springtime, and even then, he wasn’t certain he wanted to truck south and see what trouble she’d gotten into. Pale eyes flashed and narrowed, teeth appearing a moment later. “You got it, princesa. I ain’t nice enough to be no damn ‘pack wolf’. And I ain’t here to settle at all. I got shit to do. Just gotta get through the winter and I’ll get back to work.”

The snow sucked, but he’d lived through worse. He’d get through this too – deal with the ideas later when all this icy crap melted.

[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
ugh this is short ;-; I'm sorry @Reyes

She rolled her eyes at his comment. The pale woman knew more than one might think she did. "So are you the best or worst bad choice your mother made?" Her words a little sharp. If he wanted to be so rude she would play such a game.

The pale Santoro turned her head to look at her snarky company. "Mind sharing what your work, plans, shit to do exactly is?" She was certainly a nosy little thing but she couldn't help it. If something was brought up in the discussion it was an open invitation to investigate that subject. Right? That was how those things worked, or so she liked to think.

Piety couldn't lie that this interaction had her more interested by the minute. A dark and brash male with some kind of 'business' to do. Well, who wouldn't be interested in that? He even spoke with some fancy foreign tongue that she partially loved and partially hated. For all she knew he could be insulting her in one of those weird languages.
[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank
…what was she, a bleeding idiot? The little joke had clearly sailed right over Piety’s head. “The worst choice, blanca. Take a listen, would you?” The loner’s ears flattened against his crown as he huffed – he was fairly certain he’d made as much obvious. His patience was beginning to thin quickly. While the pale female might have been more interested by the moment, Reyes found himself quickly growing more and more rankled by the interaction. There was nothing interesting about a stranger harping on his choice of language, among other things, and—

“Why the fuck would I tell you that?” he scoffed, snorting as he lifted his head. “I don’t know you.”

Don’t know who she knew, what kind of wolf she was…beyond the incredibly nosy kind, that was. He had no reason to trust Piety whatsoever, and the crawling feeling on the back of his neck made it evident that this was his time to go. Nothing good was going to come out of this investigation, not even a damn drink, not with the stinking water like that. Shaking his head, Reyes began his retreat, turning away from the springs with little ceremony. “See you, stranger. Try not to freeze to death, huh?”

[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]