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cylindrical sea — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Killi who has 36 posts.
Lyris Cantata



The mist from the morning still had not ceased when she returned to the tundra. She could not see more than several feet in front of her, and the mountains which she knew loomed in the distance were invisible. Her hunger was not as furious as it had been the day before, when Askan had helped her find a meal, but she was still hungry, and the Lowlands seemed like the best place, that she was aware of, to hunt. She moved quickly, her nose hovering above the snow. After about an hour of searching she grew discouraged and sought water instead.

A small stream ribboned through the tundra. It seemed odd that she had found it, visibility being so limited and Larkcall being as massive as it was. But there it was, the trickle of thawing ice growing louder as she approached. Lyris stepped in the slush, careful to keep her balance upon the slick rocks lining the tiny bank. She leaned forward, ears lowering, and lapped at the freezing water until her thirst was quenched. She licked her muzzle and the the droplets of water ceased to fall from her lips. With a sigh, the dark girl turned and headed a small distance back up the bank. There, she pawed at the snow, digging a small space where she could lie down and rest a while. One meal was not enough to bring strength back into her body, and she remained unusually fatigued.

With a soft sigh, the she-wolf lowered herself to her belly and rested her snout upon the ground.

(This post was last modified: Jan 18, 2017, 05:08 PM by Lyris. Edit Reason: You were missing [dohtml] tags :) )
Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva

Despite the limited visibility due to the wind blowing a snowy mist through the vast open tundra, the Snow woman was able to succeed in catching a hare and a lemming with a much more ease then the other day. Chuckling softly to herself as she remembered the events of yesterday, she carried her prey within her jaws as she wadded through the snow towards the Gateway of the Rye territory. Thirst burned her throat as she squinted against the blowing wind that was whipping through the tundra rather viciously this morning. She knew the creek was close as she could hear the soft bubbling it made against the ice. With her head held high to make sure her catches didn't get swallowed by the snowy abyss, she couldn't quite see anything below her towering frame.

Adelayde was already clumsy as it was without knee deep snow, limited visibility, and prey in her jaws. Now with all those scenarios added together it made for the perfect disaster which was knocking on her doorstep. Suddenly, her feet were tripped up by a solid, yet warm object. Within moments, the large woman was toppling over head first into the snow. Not this again.
(This post was last modified: Jan 18, 2017, 04:09 PM by Adelayde.)
Played by Killi who has 36 posts.
Lyris Cantata


Her lemon eyes fluttered shut. Sleep was hard for her to come by these days. She was fatigued, but she was also riddled with anxiety, gnawing at her like fleas. Lyris spent a decent amount of time lying down and resting, but actual sleep evaded her. Now, as she lay beside the brook, the soft bubbling noise lulled her like a lullaby, and she reached that beautiful realm between waking and sleeping where all her nerves were soothed. Nearing sleep, she gave one soft sigh.

Then, the interruption came.

A soft, heavy thing toppled over her and she returned to reality. With an involuntary snarl, she rolled over on her side, pushed by the unknown force. Then, she stumbled to her feet, eyes darting around for the source of the disturbance. Her yellow gaze landed upon a silver she-wolf, with perhaps the most beautiful eyes Lyris had ever seen. She stared at her, still reeling from being abruptly wrenched from sleep. Blinking, Lyris shook her coat and hastened to address the other woman.

Oh, I'm so sorry, she spoke softly. I didn't mean to growl at you. I was nearly asleep, and I did not expect... that. Lyris did not wish for the wolfess to think she had been angered. She wanted her to know that it was surprise that had caused the aggressive behavior. Are you okay, miss?

(This post was last modified: Jan 19, 2017, 05:41 PM by Lyris.)
Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva
Sorry for the wait on this!!!

As she toppled over, she knew instantly she must of ran into another wolf. As growls confirmed her assumptions, she quickly returned to her feet in case the other was angry enough to attack her. It was simply a mistake on her part, one she would surely take the blame for, for the sake of keeping things peaceful. Mismatched eyes searched for the stranger, her gaze met with a dark cloaked female with light amber eyes.

She stuttered to quickly apologize, though instead of being met with angry words, the stranger softly apologized. "No no no, no need for you to be sorry! I'm sorry for running over you. I just wasn't paying attention." She returned a apologetic smile reaching her lips as the other asked if she was alright. "Yes, I am. How about you? I didn't step on anything too hard right? Clumsy me... I really need to work on that." She said with a shake of her head before turning her mismatched eyes back up to the stranger.

"I'm Adelayde, though you can call me Ade. It's a pleasure to meet you, though I wish it wasn't such a surprise." Chuckling softly, her bicolored eyes glancing up towards her light yellow gaze as they stood mere lengths from each other.