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Oh no, anyone but her. — Wild Rye Fields 
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Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

This was all rather overwhelming. First his sister just appeared out of the fog like an unwelcome, overzealous apparition, then Adelayde came barrelling on into the situation screeching her lungs out like she wanted all of Relic Lore to hear her. Askan pressed his ears to his head and winced as his packmate introduced herself and splurged forth a series of unrelenting questions. It was all too much. Too loud. And all of a sudden his sister turned on him, accusing and berating him for things he didn't think were his fault.

Then she had to go and make things worse-it that were even possible! Askan reeled back with a 'GAH' as Everly planted a wet one on his nose. Where had that come from? Everything was all going a little too fast for him to keep up. All he knew was that this was confusing, so of course as was natural for him, he got annoyed. Very annoyed. His brows knit down into the fiercest, most glowerly of glowers and his eyes seethed with contempt. His hackles stood on end and his tail pointed to attention, making his feelings very clear. He was pissed, very much so.

He would have never have claimed that Adelayde was his friend, in fact he was pretty pissed that she had. How presumptuous of her. She might have perceived him as her friend, but as of that moment it was all rather one sided. He was not in the mood to be fond of anyone. Not even his family.

Shoving Adelayde out of the way with a hefty shoulder, Askan stared down his sister. "Dear sister..." He spoke slowly, his words dripping with venom. "Why are you here? What's so important that warranted you trespassing into our land? Remember what Father said, be respectful of other's personal space and boundaries. Do you remember that speech? Cause it doesn't seem like you do."

A shiver of anger tingled down his spine and Askan had to take a deep, slow breath to cool himself. He knew what his sister was like and as annoying as she was, but even so her behaviour never warranted physical retaliation. Or at least that was what he told himself, over and over like a mantra. He glanced over his shoulder and noticed the faint outline of a dark wolf watching from a distance. It wasn't Percy and neither was it the old man. Remington then? He looked back to the two tawny wolves ahead of him, then turned his focus on Adelayde.

"Yes, this is my sister, Everly." He said, casting another glare her way. "And yes, she came a long way, but she won't be staying for long I'm sure."

(This post was last modified: Jan 20, 2017, 11:33 PM by Askan.)
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[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva
Noticed only a small thing, Ade would technically be off to the side behind him after he shoved her out of the way. So when he looks to Ade, he'd be looking back pretty much. Just a small thing! <3
Post 2/2 Guardian dem

Had Adelayde not been in an excited fit that she was meeting not only someone from Askan's past that he never spoke a word of, but a sister, she would have noticed Askan's discomfort and rising irritation with the situation at hand. Normally, Ade could easily catch onto when his limit was about to be reached with her sunshine and rainbows, though she never could understand why it made him so irritated and grumpy. The knitted brow and his eyes were easiest to perceive, before even his body language translated his feelings for him. Nonetheless, she would give him his space and radiate her sunshine elsewhere without him. However, she had been so worked up that she noticed nothing. It was all a fuzzy, happy blur. 

So when Askan pushed her aside, her sunshine smile didn't falter until she heard his poisonous tone as he spoke to his sister. Deciding it was definitely best to stay on the sidelines for now, Adelayde took a step back to give them a few moments of space. Perhaps, the Rye second should have thought more before barreling into this. Maybe they had bad blood and that was why Askan wasn't too fond of his sister joining them. Though, she normally would just assume that's how Askan dealt with everyone, even family it seems now. 

With wide eyes she watched silently for once, as he berated his sister. The temptation to tsk at him for treating her as such an intruder, Ade reminded herself, not that it wasn't her place; she didn't really care if it wasn't particularly her place she wasn't afraid to tell him he was being brash and selfish; but this was not the time. Standing back, she watched Askan closely as he seemed to realize the line he was close to crossing as he took a deep breath. Good cool your jets. His gaze then turned towards the lookout and hers followed to spot where the dark silhouette stood who most likely had to be Remington, the new girl she had yet to become strongly acquainted with. Noting that she should seek her out in the morning, she turned back to see Askan's gaze fix upon her. 

She could see the exasperation in his daffodil eyes, so she chose to keep her words to herself and let him air his irritation out. Expecting another berating response towards her, instead he simply confirmed their relationship and turned back towards Everly. The Rye wolf opened her ebony lips to invite Everly to stay with them, Ade didn't see why she couldn't stay. Though, she shut them immediately as she remembered it wasn't the time. And perhaps this time it wasn't her place as well. 

(This post was last modified: Feb 23, 2017, 11:44 PM by Adelayde. Edit Reason: i suck at proofreading )
Played by Switch who has 145 posts.
Inactive No Rank

A third wolf, the tawny female between her and their Leader Jessie, arrived on the scene. She had been here awhile Remi would venture to guess. Remi wasn't the only one watching. Sharply, her head turned to see the youngest, Phoenix, coming to stand beside her in her own bewilderment. She didn't seem fond of joining the trio, and an ear twitched at her sound of annoyance. Well, she couldn't blame her there. She didn't exactly want to join the crowd either. There was far too much energy. There was something more carried in that single word the girl uttered. She looked from the corner of her eye, wondering. She had a close relationship with Askan, but didn't seem pleased by this development. It made her wonder why. Then again he didn't seem thrilled about his sister's sudden presence either.

Remi watched her go, but made a mental note of it. She had little experience with younger ones, but those days were not far behind her. Taking in a steady breath, she thought about getting to know the two strangers. But, like Phoenix decided against it. She'd let Askan worry about it. Surely he had his paws full. A twitch of her tail she padded off in her own direction.


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Played by Alice who has 13 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Everly Selwyn
All this was well and good but there was something in Askan's tone of voice which shunted a piece of Everly's sunshine out of place. As amusing as it was to stand here and laugh about him having an honest-to-goodness friend, ultimately she was only here to do two things: first, to enjoy having found him, and then to bring him back. The first was being spoiled by his complete lack of reciprocated enthusiasm, and the second was spoiled by their company; while not really the sort to filter herself excessively, it seemed inappropriate to talk too frankly about her purpose in front of someone who he lived with. That would've been kinda rude.

So while she lifted her head in defiance of his unfriendly attempt to chide her despite her being so happy to see him - because gosh, would it have been too much to be like HEY EVERLY WOW HOW ARE YOU DOING I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU SINCE I FLOUNCED OFF ALL THAT TIME AGO - it wasn't until his last line did he cross the line.

Of course I'm not, dumbass! she wanted to cry out, and bite him on the stupid nose. Because I'm taking you back with me! But she'd already decided that wasn't appropriate, and she could tell that he wasn't likely to be receptive to it, so instead she just took a step back, tail and ears drooping, brows knitting together in distress, and let her lower lip begin to wibble.

"K-kanna," she sniffed, "are you really angry with me? I came all this way... just to see you again... I've come so far... are you really gonna send me away?"

The woman behind Askan had gone quiet, but Everly already had her sussed out. There was no way she'd let her friend's heartbroken sister be so cruelly abandoned by her cold but (very very deep down) principled brother.

And there was no way that Askan would do that even if they were alone, she was sure of it... but had to make sure of it, regardless.
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Yes, Askan had been quite snappy and standoffish towards his sister, but was he angry with her?

Not really. His anger was quick to flare up, but was equally as fast at simmering down. He knew what his sister was like, he knew that she meant well, even if she did have some sort of agenda hidden up her sleeve. Because come on, would she really have come all of this way just to say hello? Even Everly had a better sense of priorities, and she was the sort who thought friendly chit-chat was a necessity. Truly, the Selwyn was just a little taken back and frustrated by the whole ridiculousness of this situation. It wasn't that he hadn't missed her-as he had, sort of- but it was more that in his mind she just shouldn't be here. His life in the Selwyn pack was in the past, he'd drawn a line in the sand and left it all behind, but here Everly was smudging out his line and mushing the two together in a way that seemed wrong to the Rye wolf.

It left a bitter taste in his mouth.

"No." He sighed, his bright eyes flicking to his sister. "I'm not mad, not really. You just... I forgot what you were like, I guess." He shrugged. This was so lame, why was he so bad at stuff like this?

By no means did he intend to chase her off, but did he really want her to stay? She was such a pain in his ass at the best of times, she was so spoiled and too cheery. But she was his sister and they had been close, once. What sort of man would he be if he cast his sister out into the cold? An awful one, the sort that Askan would have resented and cast icy looks their way. Adelayde seemed pretty chipper about Everly's arrival, maybe with her hanging around the McKenzie would bother her instead of him. That'd be nice. But then again did he really want his sister to 'do what she did', to be a bad influence on the other Rye beta?

He could almost hear their giggling now. Askan shuddered.

"And no, I'm not sending you away. You're welcome to stay, as long as you ask my alpha first. You remember how to be polite still don't you?" He asked, stepping forward so he could gently knock into her with a hefty shoulder. She had always been pretty touchy feely. He thought she'd appreciate the effort.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva
Short and crappy post is crappy, but didn't want to keep this thread waiting
3/3 Guardian dem

Watching silently, her mismatched eyes glanced back and forth between the Selwyn siblings waiting for the tense air to dissipate. It was Everly that sunk down, her whole figure growing sad and pitiful, breaking her own heart as she watched on. She couldn't take the saddened sister as she stammered through her words that were meant for Askan. Glancing at Askan with a pouted lip of her own, she couldn't let him turn her away. Like she said, Everly had come a long way. And she was his sister, he couldn't turn away family, especially when she came all this way just for him.

Her gaze was unwavering until Askan finally spoke. Good, he wasn't mad even though Ade couldn't imagine how he possibly could be mad at his dear sister. Smiling, she looked at Everly with a delighted gaze, her tail swaying back and forth at her hocks. Askan continued to tell her she was welcome to stay as long as Drestig allowed her in and Adelayde knew their alpha would allow her in, especially with woman being Askan's relative. What joy this was going to be getting to know one of Askan's sisters. She could already tell she was a polar opposite to Askan, much more akin to her own personality. And who wouldn't want to get to know someone like that? 

(This post was last modified: Feb 28, 2017, 02:45 PM by Adelayde.)
Played by Alice who has 13 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Everly Selwyn
last post from me! just tag me whoever wants to archive.


Her tail rose to wag tentatively, latching on to that hint of acceptance with a carefully-controlled hunger; too much, and he would be scared back into his little defensive corner, she had no doubt. But while she'd known that a little theatrics would work, she couldn't help but notice the slightest of changes in Askan himself - a kind of confidence, she mused, or no - a kind of comfort. He was comfortable here. The small part of Everly that was truly empathic wondered at it, marvelled at it, couldn't help but burst with curiosity about what it was here which could have changed her darling sibling so.

Ah, but there he was - forgot what you were like, and she rolled her eyes and tittered to herself as if she shouldn't be surprised at his oafish behaviour, because, really, she shouldn't.

He hadn't changed that much.

The sad, shrunken manner dissolved with every new word of acceptance, until he agreed that she could stay (as if he had the final say) and the deal was done, signed in blood and everything. "What a thing to say!" she cried in mock-insult at his parting remark, but happily shoved him right back, his gesture appreciated. She leaned up to bop his nose with hers (perhaps a little aggressively) with a stern smile, in contrast to the tail waving merrily behind her. "We both know I'm the one with the manners." And with a wink and a giggle, she hopped about to face the woman who had been watching closely, all shining smiles again. "It's so nice to meet you! I want to meet everyone! Oh, I'm so excited!" She just had to see what was so magical about this place that it had cast a spell on her Kanna.