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rise up higher then you — White Fir Notch 
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Played by Silvia who has 57 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ryker Lieris
@Lucia was babbling in his ear as they walked together, the two deciding to do a patrol together to stretch their legs.

However, Ryker’s patience for his sister was wearing thin as she kept teasing him about would he be able to see any dangers ahead of them, what if a bear came along, would that be big enough for him to see? Or would it have to be right on top of him before he noticed it?
Finally, as Lucia kept talking, something in Ryker made him snap out at his sister. His anger bubbled up and overflowed in his chest and his teeth were bared in a snarl as he turned to face Lucia. A short lifetime of being teased over something he had no control over and it making him feel inferior to his sisters finally got to him.  

“Would you just shut up already and leave me alone!” Snow flew around him as he spun around, his tail and hackles rising as he drew to his full height and stared down at his smaller sister. It wasn’t his fault his eyes were still blue and his vision wasn’t the best! Why couldn't she understand that?! “I don’t care that I can’t see past my nose and I don’t need to be reminded of it constantly by someone like you, you RUNT!” Not realising what he had just said, Ryker kept going. The burning in his chest had been fired up and it felt good to shout at Lucia after trying to be the bigger wolf and ignore her jabs at his sight. Aleris did it too but she wasn’t as bad as Lucia.“So why don’t you take your small arse and go hide somewhere else, far away from me so I don’t have to hear your whiny voice anymore?! Because my sight might be bad but my ears are still good and they're aching from having to hear your voice all morning!” Pushing his nose right up to hers as he spoke, his anger had overtaken him and his mind wasn’t processing just what he was saying when he finally yelled out; “Sometimes I wish you weren’t my sister!”

With that, Ryker turned away from his sister, his breath fogging up as he panted from his shouting and he stomped away, wanting to get far away from Lucia. It didn't matter what his words might do to his sister, it felt good to yell at her like that, after so much pent up anger and guilt over the teasing that his eyes brought him.
(This post was last modified: Jan 07, 2017, 04:22 PM by Ryker.)
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 46 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lucia Lieris
Ryker retaliating wasn't anything new, but she'd never seen him react like this before. Every bit of his body screamed aggression as he turned suddenly on her, and instinctively she crouched down, ears snapping back against her nape as she bared her own fangs at him in warning. White encircled her gilded irises, as for a moment she really thought he was gonna use those teeth against her.

Instead, he did something much, much worse.

None of what he said was anything new until that single, unforgivable word left his mouth. No one pointed out her lacking size, and that word in particular was certainly forbidden. Hearing him scream it at her physically hurt, but hotter than the painful searing of her pride was the flame of indignant rage it ignited within her.

How dare he!

His nose jabbed hers as he continued to spit with his own anger, and a low snarl was building in her chest as the touch made it all the more harder to ignore the urge to take a swipe at his stupid face. Then he said the absolute worst thing, and dared to turn his back on her, and the runt all but exploded.

"Fuck you!" she shrieked as she lunged forward, hunching her shoulder with the goal of nailing him in the hip hard enough to knock him off balance. As soon as contact was made she lifted up her paws to keep battering him.

"I hate you I don't want to be your sibling either! Why don't you just fall through some ice?!"
[Image: 6lnzS4M.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Silvia who has 57 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ryker Lieris
Even with Lucia's cry of "fuck you!" The boy was still struck in the hip and caught by surprise by his smaller sister. It made Ryker tumbled to the ground as she then raised her paws to keep on swiping at him, the blows raining down on his pelt as he tries to regain his bearings. Even if Lucia was small, her blows still hurt like hell each time they landed. Ryker snarled as he tried to get his paws back underneath him, so he could stand. If this is how Lu wanted at, then he would play. Fury coursed through his veins as his paws scrambled to find reaction in the snow and his mind tried to find a pause or break in Lucia's blows.

Eventually, managing to regain a grip beneath him, Ryker pushed himself up and Lucia away from him with a quick shoulder push. But, due to the poor eyesight Lu liked to tease him about and what had started this fight, he misjudged where the angry blur that was his sister was when he lunged for her. It didn't help that in his anger, his field of vision became even worse and he slipped on a hidden bit of ice under the snow stumbling passed Lucia and whacking himself in the face with a low hanging tree branch. Letting out a small whine, Ryker stumbled back, lettting out a small "Fuck." as he swung around to see where Lucia really was.