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Training Wheels — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain
For the dearest @Neha bc mommy daughter bonding time is always refreshing

Because Namid was out and about, she thought she might as well go and finally see how her eldest daughter was doing. There had been some interaction here and there between the two, but not so much that needed to be done. She felt horrible, honestly, for they hadn’t been able to talk to her about how her visit with her uncle had been or any other experiences she might have had. What kind of mother was she, honestly?

The Lake Queen figured that her look alike might be at the infirmary, since Draven and her were both aspiring healers. Perhaps she could help her with any questions she had, or they could go look for some herbs together? Either way the silver matriarch had set out with the goal to spend a little one on one time with the girl. Upon entering the scene she paused outside the den, scenting to see if the girl was there. She let out a woof, plopping her butt on the ground. “Neha, love?” she called, hoping for an answer, and also hoping that the girl wasn’t too mad at her. Of course it wouldn’t be without reason, but whatever it might be she also hoped that her child would talk it out with her. Neha had never been the shy type and if she wanted to give her mother and ear full then she would take it in stride.

Played by Mai who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neha Vuesain

A nice mother daughter chit chat, involving catching up on lost time, was not what fate had in store for the newly arisen Queen today. While Neha had heard the news of her mothers successful reclaim of the top spot amongst the female ranks, she had not bothered with seeking out her idol for a well deserved congratulations. Neha was by no means mad at Namid for being so withdrawn and distant during her time as a subordinate. Yet still the truth of her descent in the ranks remained a mystery. She chalked it up to a phase, or weariness. Not something so much more serious.

Ever since late November, the normally active, bouncy young woman had changed. Her fight with Draven by the lake several months ago had triggered something in her. Their heated argument, the bitter exchange of words and accusations hurt like a festering wound. And now it was Neha who was distant. It was as if mother and daughter had suddenly swapped places. Any time she was home, in the safety of her own land, the Princess had made it a point in making herself scarce. She spent her days away from the pack, mostly, or tucked up deep inside the infirmary. There she would sort tediously through the gathered herbs, while the remainder of her time she spent asleep. When she was awake, which was most often at night now, she was listless. Stricken with KATZENJAMMER. Her mind replayed the events of that day over and over, and no matter how hard she tried to forget, she simply couldn't. Fits of quiet sobbing would overcome her, without warning. She had always been so feisty and brave, but now, when she was broken down, she was as fragile as the thinnest ice.

She had been curled up in a tight little ball, brown eyes gazing emptily at the dirt walls. Recently dried streaks from tears lined her cheeks. She didn't feel like going outside to face the world, or even hunt, despite the persistent ache in her belly. That was when she heard the call of Namid, and her gentle, sweet voice. Her ears pricked up, only to immediately fall again. Just hearing the sound of it was enough to nearly make her choke up all over again. But oh, how grateful she was! Her mother would understand, surely she would. There was nothing she felt she couldn't speak to her mommy about. Dragging herself up off the ground, she peeked her head outside. "Yes mom?" She asked without her usual energy. Despite her youth, Neha both looked and sounded absolutely drained. She didn't even look up to meet her mother's mis-matched gaze. Most definitely uncharacteristic of her. If the evidence on her face wasn't enough that something was wrong, then the distinct lack of fire in her eyes was. 

(This post was last modified: Jan 19, 2017, 04:32 AM by Neha.)
Neha can often be found close to Aleister's side and therefore may appear in any of his threads.
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain

The pale queen waited outside the den for a few moments, patiently waiting for any sort of sign that her daughter was residing inside. She almost decided to go elsewhere to look for her when she could hear movement, silver dusted auds sweeping forward and her smile widening to crinkle the corners of her eyes lovingly. A soft wag settled into her tail as the silver crown of her mini-me appeared, escaping the confines to meet the world around. But, as her head lifted to show her face the wagging slowly stopped and her smile lowered to a more gentle, concerned look. The girl who exited the den was not her normal little spitfire, the one who would go out as a pup and drag along a terrified Cernan into whatever mischief they could manage then saunter back fully ready to receive an earful from her parents. This wasn’t her little girl who was so ready to take on the world and her heart gave a dull ache.

She moved forward and ran her muzzle across her daughter’s cheek, swiping her tongue across her ear affectionately. “How about you and I go get something to eat from one of the caches, hm? Split a rabbit?” she said. The woman didn’t think that the near-adult was quite to the point of depression like her mother had been, but it was certain that she was seriously put off. She wanted to make sure that she was eating, but a whole rabbit would probably not sound so appetizing to a seemingly unhungry stomach. Namid knew this from experience.

She turned, allowing Neha to sidle up beside her before moving toward the nearest cache. Once there she set to work uncovering it, nosing around for her goal before finding an acceptable specimen. She drug it out then covered the cache once more, setting it down at her child’s paws before settling herself down. Her head cocked to the side, allowing a moment to pass before doing as she usually did. Getting straight to the point. “So, what has happened?”

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[Image: 2qxvuio.png]
Played by Mai who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neha Vuesain

Just knowing that her mother was there, surely looking upon her daughter with endless love and warmth in her eyes, was nearly enough to make Neha choke up again. But she wouldn't. Not yet. She had grown somewhat accustomed to controlling her emotions during the short time between now and her argument with Draven. Or had she? Often times when she was alone, out of nowhere, a fit of sobs and fresh tears would overtake her. She was a typical teenager suffering the effects of a wounded heart. It was for this very reason, that she refused to look up to see her mother's sweet smile. She would break down all over again.

Her eyes squinted closed and she allowed herself to breathe a soft, shaky sigh while doused in the affection from her matriarch. Gently, once, she bumped her muzzle against the underside of her pale chin, but kept her eyes downcast. The idea of sharing a meal, a rabbit from a cache, did hold some appeal to the princess. Her stomach was killing her from hunger, yet she was also afraid if she ate too much, she'd hurl it all up again. "Alright. I guess that doesn't sound too bad..." Her voice was low and quiet, unfitting for the Vuesain's true character that everyone knew so well. Slowly, almost reluctantly, she shuffled alongside Namid. With her delicate head lowered and lined perfectly with her shoulders, any onlooker would see that Neha was the picture of a wolf down in the dumps. That something was indeed, not well at all. She only so openly displayed this behavior because her mother was here. Next to Cernan, she trusted her like no other wolf in the pack. Daughters and mothers were supposed to share their secrets, to confide in one another without fear of judgement, after all.

After a specimen of rabbit was dug from the cache and placed at her feet, Neha looked at it dully for a moment. Maybe she wasn't going to even eat it after all. But a sharp wrench in her gut reminded her of how long it had been since she'd last eaten. Sliding down to rest on her belly, forelegs stretched out in front of her, she began to pick daintily at the carcass. The slight twitching movement of her ears showed that she was listening, when Namid asked the question. Mid bite, she stopped, and for the first time, brought her brown gaze up to meet the bi colored eyes of her look alike. "H-how did you know something is wrong?" She whispered, as a wave of uneasiness overcame her. Not because of what she was about to confess, or to whom. Simply that the idea of talking about the matter, which she had kept to herself for months, was unsettling to the young woman. With a sigh and a glance back to the body at her paws, she tore off one skinny hind leg with un-expected, surprising force. A motion in which reflected her anger, her confusion and hurt, towards the Lagina. "You won't like it..." She began lowly, her tone laced with a warning of the news to come. "It's about Draven..." 

(This post was last modified: Jan 24, 2017, 01:33 AM by Neha.)
Neha can often be found close to Aleister's side and therefore may appear in any of his threads.
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain

“H-how did you know something is wrong?” Neha stuttered, looking honestly shocked that her mother had noticed the change in her behavior. The Vuesain queen chuckled, raising a brow at the girl. “Darling, I raised you from a pup. You came from me. A mother’s intuition is the most powerful sixth sense in the world,” she replied. That, and the woman had eyes. It was not a challenge for anyone, much less herself, to see that the princess was down in the dumps so to say.

She watched as the girl suddenly got a little of her fire back, angrily ripping off a leg of the hare and she wanted to ask “what did the thing ever do to you” but she held herself back. No, it was wiser to allow the girl to come forth on her own. After what was a moment of deliberating her daughter finally began to speak, silver dusted auds swiveling forward to catch her words. A small frown marred her maw at the first part, wondering what on earth it could be that made her child think that she’d ever be truly upset with her. Then, she mentioned Draven and her frown tilted upwards again. Ah, so it was that time. Of course Neha was only a few short months away from full fledged adulthood and this was perfectly normal behavior. She would say that she was surprised that it hadn’t come up sooner, but the mountain kept the Cove wolves in a bubble of sorts and away from the other wolves that resided in these lands. The girl hadn’t had much of a chance to meet others her own age and therefore couldn’t have really been able to form connections with someone other than her littermate. Still, she would play the fool about what was going on exactly. “Oh goodness, what happened?” she asked with furrowed brows.

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[Image: 2qxvuio.png]