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don't they make medicine for heartbreak? — Oak Tree Bend 
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Aponi Donata
Leaving it very vague whether the others had joined yet
January 22nd, Freezing fog -7F/-22C


The fog that hung within the woods was extra dense this morning as dawn cracked across the territory but Aponi didn't mind. On the contrary, she quite enjoyed the thick air during her border patrols, not only did it blend her silver coat perfectly but it gave her an advantage to those not skilled in the woods. The alpha knew the territory like the back of her paw after her year here but those who were loners or intruders wouldn't have the same luxury. The thick boughs of the forest loomed into view only when you were practically upon them and any foe wouldn't stand a chance against the fleet footed wolf.

Though the branches of trees grew closely together the border were marked with the odd burst of orange and gold lit fog as the sun made it's rise into the sky. Pausing the enjoy the slight warmth that the rays allowed her Aponi closed her eyes, sighing in contentment and ignoring the way her breath made a puff of steam. If she could pretend she could picture the warmth of summer in this moment maybe she could ignore the winter. Truthfully, the cold didn't bother her much at all; she had after all grown up on a mountain. Her impatience for the warmer months lay somewhere deeper, somewhere she visited in her dreams. Thoughts of small pale pups running through the blue forest, the legacy her and Serach had spoken of come to life.

Unfortunately, these dreams were many months from being a reality and in the meantime she had a pack to help run and a border to protect. Huffing as she came back to reality Aponi moved forward through the fog once more, silver pelt disappearing the second she stepped out of the sun.