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The Great Wild Woolly — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
There's no posting order guys, let's get this hunt going ;D
Standing a safe distance away from the fallen muskox, Lorcan’s golden eyes locked onto his snow-covered figure through the growing darkness. Not long after he had arrived himself in response to Odin’s howl, did his sister @Kara make an appearance. The agouti male greeted her with a friendly wag of his tail as he watched her approach his brother and his russet ears perked up as he caught her question towards the dark boy. Remaining silent, to allow the siblings to converse privately, Lorcan’s attention was caught by the growing scent of @Craw and it wasn’t long until his monochrome figure appeared on the scene and moved to stand beside him. Lorcan dipped his head down respectively before turning to gaze across to the two younger wolves as their father spoke to them.

Lorcan returned the nod towards @Saradathia wagged his tail in excitement as she moved quietly to stand beside him in place of Craw. “Good. It looks pretty weak, smells injured.” He replied in a hushed voice, before his salmon pink tongue swept hungrily across his charcoal lips and his golden eyes flickered over to @Morganna as she joined the gathering, nodding towards her politely. Catching the dark figure of @Greer leaping up onto the rock through the darkness, Lorcan noticed the flash of white fangs which surely signalled hungry anticipation for the kill that was sure to happen.

Russet ears swerved towards young @Odin again as he began voice his plan and direct each member into position. The boy’s plan was good and the agouti subordinate nodded in agreement before moving back to give the muskox more room and hang back whilst the others began to the hunt. Dark lips curled back and his tongue swept across his fangs in anticipation as he let out a bark of excitement waiting for the moment when he would be needed.
(This post was last modified: Jan 14, 2017, 09:29 AM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Ghost who has 61 posts.
Inactive Pup
Kára Archer
Feel free to pp Kara falling back with the others after everyone gets a good few bites in

Kára was chomping at the bit the minute that she say the great hairy beast pleating pitifully and trying to scramble onto its hooves. Add that to Odin being instructed to lead the hunt and the girl was stamping her paws impatiently as they strategized. She may not fancy herself to be a hunter in the future (truthfully she didn't fancy herself to be much of any role in the future, that was too much responsibility) but she did love sinking her teeth into living things. After all, half the fun of the pranks she and Odin played was finding the slimy things and playing with them until they died.

Nobody had ever told them it was impolite to play with their food.

It didn't take more than a second after Craw directed them to do what Odin said before the fiery pup was on the move. Rushing out ahead of everyone else, blood lust in her eyes she charged into the hunt. Kára had learned long ago that whenever she went into battle that her larger brother would have her back and protect her from harm and this would be no different. Once she reached the poor miserable beast who was doing its best to hobble away from the approaching pack and lunged. Teeth sinking satisfyingly into the back haunch of the creature, hanging on for as long as she could before tearing away, taking a chunk of hair and flesh with her.

Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall
If @Saradathia, @Lorcan and @Greer want to post attacks this round I'll have Odin PP it being finished off and we can all celebrate next round! If you would rather be skipped just let me know, I wanna get this wrapped up soon <3

Morganna held back a moment to watch her children move forward. The beast was cumbersome and the fresh snow hampered it, while the furrows he created in his escape created perfect little highways for the pursuers. She did just love it when a plan came together like this. Picking up her pace to hold with the rest of their little band she had to appreciate that her son had enough perception to keep those with stamina back for the second round, send the hard hitters in first to make this an easy meal. They were a credit to @Wraith when they thought to behave like this (a credit to their mother when they were out raising hell for the fun of it though, she could never get too mad at them for that).

Kara wasted no time in surging forward, Odin fast to follow. Morganna pulled further alongside the beast to tease it just a little more, jaws snapping towards a short furred cheek and almost earning herself a horn in the face for her troubles. She still managed a smirk, as the swing of its head caused a falter in its steps, enough to allow the children to take a decent chunk of flesh each with them. But it was her turn now, that the beast was slowing to deliver sharp bites to the tender flesh just behind the creature's foreleg. Blood was everywhere, a red river left in the failing beast's trail. She slowed her steps enough to allow the second wave to surge forward. They were going to eat well tonight.

[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Lorcan watched the others through the darkness with his russet ears perked forwards in anticipation. The sound of the growls and snarls excited him and he couldn’t wait for the moment when he could join in the fun. Kara was quick to spur the beast into moving again, which it did slowly. His muzzle wrinkled, salmon pink tongue sweeping hungrily across his pearl-white fangs at the sight of Morganna’s jaws snapping behind its cheek and he flinched when the muskox thrashed its head, concerned for the woman’s safety. Luckily she remained unscathed and her two children took the opportunity to bite and tear flesh from the beast once again.

The scent of blood hit his nose then and caused his nostrils to flare. There on the crisp white snow, illuminated beneath the pale moonlight the agouti male could make out the stark mark of blood which trailed behind the beast. The muskox grunted in pain and Lorcan took the opportunity to move forward as Morganna slowed her pace. With a burst of energy the lean male sprinted forwards before trotting along besides the moving prey. It would know that he was there, so he hung back a little bit and waiting for the moment when its head was turned away from him. Then at the first opportunity he lunged for its neck and delivered a bite to its throat. He stumbled though as the beast continued moving forwards and he lost his grip.

Falling to the snow, Lorcan narrowly missed being stomped on as he scrambled out of the way before he clambered back on his feet and moved alongside it again. The second time he lunged for its buttock and the male clung on, dark claws digging and scratching at the rear end of the musk ox as he gnawed through its thick hide.
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall

His chest swelled with pride as he listened to his nephew, the instructions falling off his tongue with such certainty that it nearly took the older male by surprise. Once the boy was done speaking Greer’s mercury gaze flitted over to the silver spider, brows narrowing slightly as he waited for confirmation. As long as they worked together this hunt would not be difficult. It was almost too easy—which eliminated half the fun—but food was food. No matter how difficult or simple the chase.

Craw was quick to agree to Odin’s proposed plan. His toes curled against the stone he was perched atop, itching for the chase he would not get. He almost wished the musk ox would put up a fight, but with its weak physique it did not look like they would be getting a fight out of it. A frowned, slightly, his tongue pressed to the roof of his mouth as he watched Craw move forward with his sister and the little Archer’s following behind. He watched Kára streak over the snow, her fiery body lurching forward as she connected with the creature’s haunch. The previous frown turned into a crooked smile, pride flooding him once more.

Like Lorcán he hung back, waiting… waiting… His hawk-like gaze watched as his packmates lunged at the beast, teeth connecting with fur and the coppery scent of blood filling the air. Salvia began to gather between his teeth, but still he waited, watching.

The shadow followed soon after the tawny healer, his slender body leaping from his perch and snaking up the side opposite of where Lorcán was. Although the agouti had connected with the creature’s neck he was unable to maintain his grip, and instead launched an attack at its rear. Greer flung himself at the musk ox’s throat, just as his packmate had, his head twisting and pulling as he attempted to wound the creature further.

(This post was last modified: Feb 01, 2017, 06:41 AM by Greer.)
[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Brian who has 77 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Saradathia Kethian
The small wolf nodded in agreement to the plan, her gaze flicking from her packmates to the snow covered beast, so soon it's life would be snuffed out so that they could feast and survive. She didn't feel a bit of guilt about it, not one bit, it had to die so that they could live, and boy it was going to be an easy hunt at this rate. The arctic wolf took a deep breath as the pack shifted, her Silver gaze flicking from Kara to Greer and Lorcan as they moved. She watched as they moved fluidly, the pack hunt was an art piece, each wolf the paint brush and the prey's crimson blood the paint, as she took off, bounding through the snow, Saradathia intended to to paint the snowy canvas in that sanguine liquid.

A snarl escaped the white wolf as she closed the distance between her and the beast, leaping up, lunging toward it's side, aiming to sink her fangs into it's thick hide. A ripple of pleasure coursed through the small wolf as she felt the satisfying taste of blood and the subtle tearing of flesh between her ivory teeth as she hung on, her part in making the masterpiece done.
Played by becuffin who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Odin Archer
No posting order! Please try to get your last round posts in by 20th March when I'll wrap this up with Morg and archive. Remember you need 3 posts to get the LPs, 50 in pack and skills for pack hunt! @“Lorcan” @“Kara” @“Craw” @“Saradathia” @“Greer”

Odin watched on as the adults moved in, his parents surging forward once the others were in place to finish bringing the beast down. It bellowed mightily as it fell with more energy than he might have thought it could possibly possess given how lifelessly it had lain in the snow just a short while before. Bloody lips buried themselves in the thick fur over Kara's neck, a quick click of his teeth by her ear a silent suggestion that now the beast was down they should move in. He knew she would likely want to race to get there and so he took whatever small headstart he could get.

Lowering his frame as he approached, his tail waved frantically as he offered each of the adults a congratulatory nudge to the chin. They had done it together! And now they would all eat well and even have meat leftover for the caches. It was a boon in the colder months that even a child could appreciate the gravity of. He knew better than to dive right in though, busying himself with social niceties while his parents ate their fill. He would wait until the end to dive into the fray, perfectly content with meaty flesh to fill his stomach once the grown-ups were done.

[Image: sigodincheeb_by_becuffin-dahhpv8.png]
Played by Ghost who has 61 posts.
Inactive Pup
Kára Archer
Kara's last post

Kára begin to fall behind as soon as she had the chunk of beat in her jaws, sides heaving with exertion as she gasped for breath. She had done well but she was still a child, inexperienced and lacking the stamina that the full adults have. Silver eyes watched as each of the adult members took their turns surging forward for attacks, each wave leaving the creature weaker and slower until it finally collapsed. The pup began to salivate as the full scent of blood filled her nostrils, her parents tearing into their dinner and starting the hierarchy of the meal.

Feeling her brother's teeth in the ruff of her fur was met with a half-hearted nip towards his chest, most of her attention still focused on the adults. Watching as he got a little bit of a head start Kára took off after him, easily surpassing him on the way towards the carcass. He may be stronger than she was but she was at least three times faster. Hovering just outside of the cluster of adults surrounding the carrion the girl held back a huff of impatience. She knew the rules, her and her brother would wait until everyone was finished to eat, but that didn't stop her stomach from rumbling.

Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
last post for greer!

He pulled and he pulled at the creature, his head twisting to inflict as much damage as possible. His packmates rushed the beast, adding their claws and fangs. Despite his loner tendencies and his wandering paws, nothing beat the rush of a pack hunt. Individual hunts were seldom successful and the prey did not even come close to the size of the musk ox. The growing pack needed this—especially with the newcomers in their midst.

Once the beast had fallen the shadow stepped away to allow his sister and the silver spider to dine first, his thin legs carrying him to where Odin and Kára stood. He nudged their cheeks to praise them for their work and nipped affectionately at their ears while he waited for his turn to gorge on the fresh kill. With the pending arrival of winter the Whitestone wolves would need their strength, and more meat for their caches. Their ranks were swelling and they needed as much food as possible to support all the hungry stomachs. Which meant more hunts in the future, which the Archer was not opposed to. His niece and nephew had done a fine job today, and the shadow looked forward to hunting with them again.

He waited his turn, patiently, enjoying the company of his kin and keeping a watchful eye on the lower ranked newcomers. Greer would not allow anyone to eat out turn, for they were all hungry. It was a well-deserved meal, and would taste even better once it came time for him to eat.

(This post was last modified: Mar 16, 2017, 05:01 AM by Greer.)
[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Last post from Lorcan

Lorcan pulled against the beast with all his might as he hung from his hindquarters with his fangs buried in its flesh. With a bellow and an almighty thump the prey fell and only once he felt its limbs grow still between his jaws did the Whitestone subordinate finally let go of its hide.

Stepping back, the agouti male let loose a few excited yaps and chuffs towards his fellow pack mates to celebrate their group effort. They would feast well that night, though not before both Craw and Morganna had claimed the choices pieces. Waiting for his turn to dine, the male accepted Odin’s excited nuzzle with a purr and placed an affectionate lick to the boy’s cheek. He and his sister had done well and the older male couldn’t help but feel a pang of pride in his chest.

Casually, Lorcan lingered behind Greer and waited for him to finish eating before he finally stepped forwards to bury his muzzle into the still-warm carcass. Growls of pleasure rumbled in his throat as the male leant in to chew at the meat, salmon pink tongue sweeping hungrily across his charcoal lips to mop up every last speck available. He wouldn’t let anything go to waste. 
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together