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down in the forest — Spectral Woods 
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Played by Arla who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arion Celencio
@Nalda first, then open to any of OTB <3 tried to avoid PPing, let me know if you want anything changed!

While they had come to a collective agreement during their meeting with Ember things still felt strained. Arion didn’t like it. Whatever was going on between the two girls was their issue, not his, but it was beginning to feel like it was becoming his problem. A frown creased his dark features as they maneuvered through the trees, putting distance between themselves and the Pines. The smudge could not deny he was curious as to what business Ember had to attend to before joining them, but he dared not question it. Joining Oak Tree Bend had been her choice after all. Arion knew she wouldn’t be far behind them.

It had been quite some time since the smudge had ventured this far south. But this time there was no going back; no returning home. There was no home to return to. It had been quite some time since Broken Timbers had actually felt like home, and it had crumbled before Arion’s eyes. Truthfully he was not as bothered by the disintegration as he should have been—to Arion, it was an opportunity for a new adventure. He still had Nalda and Ember with him—that was all that mattered. They were his family. R couldn’t imagine being separated from them, even if they didn’t always get along with each other.

Traveling with Nalda made it feel as though they were just on another expedition; exploring the unknown and getting into heaps of trouble. It reminded him of the good old days, when the uncomfortable weight of anxiety wasn’t nestled between his shoulders. He was actually able to enjoy himself, even despite his demons lurking in the shadows of his mind. But he had always enjoyed his time with the agouti. She always found a way to make him forget about his problems and reminded him to just be, even if she wasn’t aware of it. He was thankful for their friendship—he would have left the Lore behind if it had not been for her (and Ember).

Once they reached the edge of Oak Tree territory he stopped, his pale gaze turning to his companion. He dared not venture too close, for he did not want to make a bad first impression. His lips curled into a soft smile as he turned his nose to the sky, hoping Nalda would join him, in calling for a wolf of the Bend.

Played by PuppyThief who has 181 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sorry for the wait guys, Nalda is here! @Serach @Aponi

Nalda felt adrift. Being with Arion had always made her feel better, freer than on her own; No matter how backwards that sounds! When they explored together it was double the eyes, double the ears, double the curiosity! But he never slowed her down, unlike all other acquaintances in the dark girl's life, Ari was able to keep up with her, in thought as well as physically. So being just the two of them? It was like a never ending adventure, an opportunity to investigate what they wanted, take their time with no constraints. Some days she felt like she could stay like this forever. Almost. On others she felt the cold bite at her nose and paws, no matter how close she curled up next to him; She felt her skin crawl under fur that had not been properly kept, too much walking and working, too little time for such matters; And she felt her stomach rumble and contract around its emptiness. Sure they could scrap up some smaller game, but their combined hunting experience was not much to speak of. Mostly they'd done what she did best, scavenging on weaker creatures that had succumbed to the cold before themselves. But she was a smart girl, enough to know they couldn't sustain themselves like this, so they continued towards their target.

How long exactly it was before they made it to Oak Tree Bend, she wasn't sure, they certainly didn't hurry. There were too many other distractions, too many things to savor, despite the downside; What's the rush? Besides, though she didn't mention it to Arion, she liked the idea of @Ember finishing her business and getting there before them. What a face she would make asking for her friends and learning they weren't there. It put a wry smirk on the cream and russet muzzle. Well, FRIEND I guess… By now it was pretty clear that the Reinier cared no more for Nalda than the reverse. The dark girl tsked to herself, shaking her oversized ears, she didn't need Ember, just like she didn't need her family or anyone else. Except maybe Ari. And then there was the Bend. Yes, the other girl might have been the first to speak the idea, but the thought had been lurking in Nalda's head long before that. Family… As much as she wanted to dismiss it, as much as she hated the wounds both of her parents had caused, could she truly give it up?

Now they were here, pushed by Ember's sudden inclination, to do what she'd been to afraid to on her own. Luckily she had Arion with her, and when his icy eyes met hers, the soft smile drawing a wry grin out on her own face, she felt confident this was the right move. His call rang loud even among the dense woods, and a few moments after, Nalda added her own voice, hoping it might make a difference. Really her hope was frail, she knew only that Naira had been among their ranks last summer, as well as Kyna and her mother; But is it enough? All the confidence she had projected in front of Ember was gone now. She was afraid, afraid of being let down one more time.

Word count: 544

"Speech" Thoughts

Because of work, my activity will fluctuate every other week. For more information and OOC preferrences check out my profile
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata
@Serach @Arion

The grey head lifted in surprise from where she had been sniffing at the borders, satisfied that it had only been deer near the territory and not any intruders. While she had asked the pack to be recruiting when possible the woman had not been expecting a loner to be coming to them, let alone two of them from the sound of it. Quickly abandoning her patrol Aponi used this as an excuse to pick up the pace and stretch her limbs a little, jogging towards where the call had arisen. Slowing before she reached them the Aquila's head and tail rose proudly, to the place where she was born to hold herself.

Stepping forward the snow coming to almost her knees this late in the season, a mid-winter blizzard had rolled through just days before. The blue eyes were quick to cast over both of the visitors, assessing them from what she could see from their appearance. Yearlings the pair were, obviously loners but they seemed to be at least in decent condition, a good sign to be sure.

The silver face was unreadable as she spoke, "Aponi Aquila of Oak Tree Bend." The rest was up to them. Part of her felt softly as she looked upon the girl, reminded of Kyna wandering somewhere in the Lore possibly trying to join another pack. As much anger as she felt for the blonde girl and the betrayal was something she would never forget @Kyna would always be her daughter. Aponi wanted no ill for her, and would welcome her back should she come but the mother would not go seeking her, she had done everything she could have to repair their relationship and in the end it made no difference.

(This post was last modified: Jan 12, 2017, 04:42 AM by Aponi.)
[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Shadow who has 410 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Serach Donata
The snows were piling higher with every passing day, and not for the first time since they had made their proud speeches of thriving regardless, Serach wanted to lay in a snow drift and not get up. Every goddamn day was a struggle, and it was wearing on him. But he had made a promise to Aponi and the rest of the Bend that he would not give up, and so he continued to plough on and portray more confidence than he was truly feeling. In his youth, he had lived in quiet anguish and despair by roaming through the woods on his own, entirely occupied by feeling sorry for himself. He couldn't do that anymore, no matter how tempting it was. Instead, he worked with Aponi to mark and secure their borders, paying particular attention to any tracks or signs of things out of the ordinary. Where before no predator would dare cross their borders, they were not as strong as they used to be, and who knew what winter would do to the mind of a hungry and brash predator?

He was paying particular attention to the signs and scents of lone wolves, in the hopes that they could begin to recruit more to their numbers. They had already had one new face join their ranks, although he wasn't of particularly good health at the moment. He hadn't been so sure, but he was bolstered by the fact that there were still wolves out there who did not associate the Bend with a place that needed to be avoided. So when he heard the calls, of not one but two wolves, his spirits were lifted and he took off through the deep snow to answer them.

Aponi beat him there, although not by much, and Serach's lips curled into a genuine smile as he walked up behind her. His tail and head were held high, a position growing increasingly natural for him with every passing day, as he took his place at her side. These were younger wolves, but they were healthy and looked to be in good shape, although maybe a little worn (but who among them were not, these days?). "Hello," he said, not unkindly. "I'm Serach Donata. We're the leaders of the Bend." He explained, nodding his head at Aponi to underscore what their body language was already telling them. "How can we help you?"
[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Arla who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arion Celencio
sorry for wait guys!!! :c @Nalda @Aponi @Serach

It was still strange to the ink Celencio that he was actually looking to join a pack that wasn’t Broken Timber Pines. The broken forest had been a part of his life since birth—it had been where he lost both his father and mother, but it had also been where he found a new family. A better one.

He was thankful for the tawny girl at his side, along with the twins (even if there was only one of them left). They had become his family when his own had grown distant. R didn’t know if he would be able to do this without them. If it had not been for their suggestion to join the Bend the smudge wasn’t so sure he would have stuck around. Perhaps he would have gone west… maybe north… or even further east, over the red hills and outside of the Lore…

It did not take long for someone to answer their call. A pale female approached first, offering nothing more than her name in greeting. Immediately the boy dipped his head, adverting his icy gaze as another approached—a cream-coloured male. Just like the female—Aponi—the second wolf introduced himself, indicating that they were the leaders of Oak Tree Bend. His tail was tucked tight against his body, ears falling back slightly as his pale gaze studied his friend, briefly, before returning to the pair before them. “Arion Celencio,” he started, quietly, his tongue feeling unusually dry as he spoke. “We have come from Broken Timber Pines.” He did not offer anything more as it was not his place to introduce her when she was fully capable of doing it herself.

Played by PuppyThief who has 181 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Waiting had never suited the broody girl, so she was pleased when their howls were answered quickly. The woman appeared like a ghost out of the fog, her silver fur seeming to glisten against the snow. She was only slightly larger than the two yearlings, but appeared imposing none the same, her stance stately and pale blue eyes sharp, one side of her muzzle marred by the pink marks of a healing injury. Submission was another thing that wasn't in the young shewolf's nature, though this female appeared much more worthy of such than Iopah had. Still it took a glance sideways, briefly catching her companion's gaze, for Nalda to realize what was expected of her, and she begrudgingly copied the boy's stance, bowing her head to the alphess; For truly that was who she had to be.

Her voice was crisp as the frosty air as she offered a name, one that made golden eyes widen in surprise. Nalda looked the woman over again, as if knowing her identity would somehow change what she saw. But Aponi remained the same, regal, unfamiliar. It was hard to believe this was really her, there seemed to be very little resemblance with neither Kyna or Naira, except perhaps that distinct way of carrying herself. There was a faint familiarity though, even if it was one the yearling did not like to acknowledge; Suppose it's not so strange for them to look alike… Her thoughts were interrupted when another figure appeared, pale fur blending even better with the snow and fog than his partner. But once he took up position beside her he was distinguished easily enough, and his words, kinder than the queen's, confirmed that they were indeed the leaders here; Not… What I expected.

But again, it might prove an advantage. Keeping to the role, Nalda bowed towards Serach, batty ears flattened in respect. She wasn't sure exactly where to start, and so Arion beat her to the question, providing her with an opening. "Wha's Broken T'mber Pines, i's n'more," She corrected meekly, glancing up at the male leader without quite meeting his eyes; "'m Nalda." Then her attention turned to the woman, a nervous note to her voice that wasn't entirely feigned; "We'needed a new place t'stay an' I thought'bout 'ere 'cus," She lifted her gaze then, briefly meeting those cool, glaucous eyes; "I think 'm your niece."

Word count: 398

"Speech" Thoughts

Because of work, my activity will fluctuate every other week. For more information and OOC preferrences check out my profile
Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata

The pair were quick to appease their silent call for submission, tails tucking beneath them and gazes averting respectfully. With it the silver woman's tail lowered into a slightly more neutral position though her head remained raised. Pressing her shoulder gently into Serach's in greeting Aponi offered him a quick smile to the side as her eyes met his. A single brow quirked at the mention of a pack Broken Timber Pines, curios as neither of the two smelled anything other than loners.

Ah, so they had been from the Pines, but the pack was no more.

The blue eyes softened slightly and the edge of her lips twitched slightly with a smile, this at least was something she could empathize with. Hadn't it been a little over a year ago that she herself had come knocking at the Bend after the fall of the Plateau? Not only that, but remaining until a pack crumbled spoke volumes of the yearlings, Arion and Nalda's loyalty to those who they had served.

At the next words it wasn't one brow that rose but both of them skyrocketed. Her niece? Nalda was about Kyna's age so it could have been either Datura or Nova, unless she had some other secret siblings wandering around the Lore. With Naira as a mother she wouldn't be surprised. Something about those ears though, overly large for the skull and the full barrelled chest. The awkward posing of it all had always been her sister's calling card, something Aponi herself had teased her for mercilessly.

"Nova had children?"

[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Shadow who has 410 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Serach Donata
@Arion you're up!

The younger wolves reacted as they should in the presence of pack leaders at the borders. Both lowered their tails and averted their eyes. In response, he could feel Aponi relax next to him, and he met her shoulder press with one of his own. Everything was going as it should, and although he kept a poker face, he could not help feel elated at the prospect of having two new pack members in the Bend. Even their young age did not deter him, where once he had turned away lone wolves because of their youth and inexperience. Like Aponi, though, he had questions. What had happened to Broken Timber Pines? Even Nalda's answer, although welcome, did not truly answer the why of it.

But before Serach had a chance to respond, the young girl turned her attention on Aponi and confessed the why of their decision to come to the Bend of all places. Pale yellow eyes widening in surprise, Serach turned to look at Aponi as well. He had known she had littermates, but much of the details of her life before the Bend were still a mystery to him. But despite his surprise, he could not help but smile and slowly shake his head in an "are you kidding me" kind of way. "I'm having deja vu to meeting Lena in the woods," he told her, the similarities in the situation more than just a little amusing to him. How many more nieces and nephews would come crawling out of the woodwork?

Looking back to Arion, he decided to ask his own question while the family drama played out beside them. "Arion, what happened to the Pines? I can't say we've had a close relationship with them, so this is the first time we're hearing about it."
[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Arla who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arion Celencio
sorry for the wait guys <3 @Nalda

The smudge remained quiet as his friend spoke, introducing herself and correcting his statement about their former pack. He bumped her shoulder softly to show his appreciation, and as an act of encouragement as she began to explain their reason behind seeking out the Bend. While the Celencio had no ties to this pack himself he wanted to be with his friends. They were the only family he had left—he could not imagine being separated from them. Arion only wished that Ember could be here with them, now, but he understood. She would come when she was ready. He just hoped that the three of them would be accepted into the ranks of Oak Tree Bend, for he did not know where else he would go. There was nowhere for him.

As the pale female asked his friend a question his paws shifted uncomfortably beneath him. His ears twitched at the mention of his name, his icy stare focusing on the agouti wolf before him as a question was directed at him. A frown creased his lips before he spoke, brows narrowing softly. “It just… just fell apart, sir,” he started glumly, his ears falling against his skull. “The leadership was unstable and kept changing. Wolves kept disappearing and our numbers diminished so much we disbanded.” His tongue felt unusually dry as it bounced around his mouth. “The pack felt disconnected for a long time before that.”

The boy fell silent once more, but this time it was only for a moment. His features softened suddenly, his pale gaze falling onto his friend. She,” he motioned to his pale counterpart with his nose, a small smile wiping the previous frown away, “is the only family I have left.” As the words rolled off his tongue he directed his attention back to Serach, his toes curling into the dirt.