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Go Ribbit In The Night — Frog Chirp Creek 
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Played by Sarah who has 16 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Joan Maceio
pp was okay'd by puppy, @Ophelia have at it
Joan's frown deepened and her lower lip began to quiver when she realized Ophie didn't care that she had hurt her: Ophie's sides were about to split open from her ferocious laughter. Somehow causing someone a lot of pain was just the funniest thing in the forest. Her face reddened, realizing that without meaning to she had said a very bad word and because her sister was without mercy this would be used against her for the rest of her life probably. And that's when Joan realized that the other girl was still there and she had heard the very bad word, too. Horrified, Joan discovered that the girl was laughing just as hard as her rotten, runty sister. Not only was she laughing, completely oblivious to Joan's pain, she agreed with Ophelia—Ophelia, the one who was grounded.

Tattle-tale? The silver flameheart rounded on the red girl, eyes dangerously narrow. Joan wasn't telling on Ophelia. She had only come here to collect her because she was trying to save her from getting in any worse trouble, though now she was considering telling on her. And what was so wrong with following the rules and making sure they were upheld? The rules were sometimes the only thing that could protect her from Ophelia.

When the awful, smelly stranger turned away to talk about her as if she weren't there that's when Joan decided she had reached the limits of her restraint—they had already heard her swear, after all, so there wasn't much more to lose. "That's enough!" she announced with a roar, rising up on her back legs to give rude little Flair a shove. But she grossly underestimated how scrappy this girl from another pack was, and even with their paws flapping and the angry yips, Joan had not expected the other girl to escalate the severity of their combat without warning: when she reached out with her paw to smack her again on the face she found her paw inside the red girl's mouth. And the pain she felt was far worse than Ophelia's teeth on her behind. Joan shrieked, reeling back and ripping her paw from the girl's mouth. No blood, but it sure felt like there would be blood.

"I HATE you!" she blurted out, spittle flying from her mouth as she roared at the girl, then rounding on her sister, "I hate you all! You deserve each other." And flying back into the forest, trying not to howl in pain as tears welled up in the corner of her eyes as her injured paw hit the ground beneath her with every step.
Joan @ ~8 months: Adult fur and winter coat grown in, eyes are now grey, nearly adult sized. Human age ~11-12
Played by Vet who has 89 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ophelia Macieo

Pleased to have made a quick friend, one who shared her views of the rules, Ophelia beamed beautifully at the russet girl, tail wagging wildly. She was so caught up in her laughter and fun that she missed her sister's quivering lip and hurt expression. All Ophie knew was that she never got to have this much fun at home. "Yeap," the pale princess snickered, nodding towards Joannie with at least some affection. They may fight, but she truly loved her sister. "She's mine. You know Felix?" Part of her felt jealous that Fee had met her first. But at least he had good taste in friends.

The girl hardly had her name out before Joannie let loose. Shocked and completely caught off guard, Ophelia could only stand there frozen as their pair scuffled. Not once in her life had she ever heard her sister raise her voice like that. She almost sounded like Mama. Tan ears flew back with uncertainty and Ophelia wavered on whether or not to join into the fight or not. By the time she took her first step closer, it was over. @Joan had ripped free from Flair's mouth and Ophie let out a quiet whine in sympathy for her sister's injured paw.

It was drowned out by Joan's furious declaration of hatred.

Floored, Ophie lowered her head, properly cowed as her sister raced back home. "I didn't think I bit her that hard." And it didn't look like @Flair had either. Had they simply bruised her sister's ego? Likely. They had been hard on her, calling her tattle tale and other names. It wasn't very nice, Ophie would admit.

"You're okay?" Ophie asked with concern. "I'm sorry. I should check on her. See you around?" she asked hopefully.

With a nod, the pale princess raced off, calling after her sister.

Ophie's exit. Feel free to fade thread unless you want another post in puppy.
(This post was last modified: Jan 14, 2017, 11:10 PM by Ophelia.)
Played by PuppyThief who has 370 posts.
Paradise Falls IV. Second
Flair Smoke-Athesila
Gonna go on and archive, thanks for the thread lovelies! <3 (tags to let you know @Ophelia @Joan)

The smile that lit up her new friend's face was undeniably gorgeous, it's brightness underlining her delicate features. Flair found herself grinning back almost stupidly, bushy red tail waving just as rapidly as the ivory counterpart. So taken was she in fact, that she all but forgot the other sister, moping in her corner. But it seemed the darling was not as meek as she'd first appeared, her outcry breaking Flair off before she had a chance to answer Ophelia's question. Russet ears flattened back, head swiveling to face the larger girl just as she lunged right at her. Snarling in surprise, Flair threw up her own paws in defense, grabbling with the grey pest as best she could. Joan was a good deal larger than her, but that was nothing she wasn't used to from fighting her brother. Still, the attack had taken her quite by surprise and as smack after smack rained down over her, she felt anger roil her blood.

Here she had been making friends, finally finding someone not obsessed with strict, unnecessary rules, and this giant dweeb was intend on spoiling the fun; No way! The next time paw came towards her face, Flair quickly parted her bared teeth, grabbing onto the other girl and giving a sufficient squeeze. Miss goodie-four-paws instantly recoiled, a delightful yowl escaping her, and the reddish pup grinned wolfishly; That'll teach you!

Unfortunately Joan wasn't as tough as Cináed, taking the retaliation a lot harder than Flair had expected. The declaration of hate didn't face her much, though making a similar claim towards her own sister seemed rough, even to the brutish redhead. It was two pairs of shocked, wide eyes that met as the larger girl ran off with what sounded a lot like sobbing noises escaping her. Flair shook her head lightly, a humbled ring to her voice as she answered: "I didn't mean to…" She wasn't used to her roughhousing getting that kind of reaction. Her ears were sagging a bit with guilt, but Ophie's question brought a light smile to her lips, and another, more ardent shake of her head; "Naw… She didn't really hit me that good." An apologetic shrug of her shoulder's followed, as the rage quickly ebbed from her and she felt bad for taking things too far.

So she understood the pale girls need to take off after her sister, had it been Enia, Flair would have done the same – hell she would probably have bitten the shit out of anyone who tried to bite her sister. Now she nodded, smiling a little wider and wagging her tail; "Sure!" It was an easy promise to make, she would very much like to spend more time with Opheila. Then, after a short break she added: "Tell her I'm sorry?" It wasn't something the fire pelted girl said often, and it was spoken in an almost sheepish tone, but she did think she might have been just a bit too rough on the stranger, and she didn't want to get her new friend in trouble for it.

Soon after, the other pups were both gone, and Flair turned her own nose homeward, hoping the spat hadn't made her too late for curfew, and that news of it would never reach her parent's ears.

Word count: 549

Thoughts ”Speech”
(This post was last modified: Jan 29, 2017, 11:00 PM by Flair.)