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while i'm alive — Wild Cherry Orchard 
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Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
All welcome but for @Balthazar

He didn't talk much unless addressed directly. His company was after someone and Deacon had been told little about this someone. A female by the name Jynx who supposedly was a russet agouti. Or something along those lines. Truth be told, Deacon was only here to keep him company and perhaps raise his odds for survival. At least that's how he saw it.

They had entered the Orchard with ease. Not having run into much trouble so far was nice. It would be much nicer if they could run into something to hunt, though. While he wasn't starving he missed gnawing on his femur (which he was determined to go back for) and missed the feeling of a full belly. It was foolish to go on his own in the winter but he didn't give himself much of an option. Sure, he could have gone back to the willows but he needed to make sure no one was hunting him down - because he liked to think he was that important - before showing up on his mother's doorstep.

With a snort, he tossed his head to look at the rusty-hued man. "I'm gonna sniff around and see if there's anything to hunt." Deacon made his way around the trees as he held his nose close to the snowy ground.
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Played by Kydnt who has 28 posts.
Balthazar Asurn

Bathazar found his new companion rather agreeable to be around. The most agreeable thing was how the young wolf kept mostly to himself. Besides giving him the basic outline of his search, there weren't many words shared between them. And that suited the russet man just fine. He didn't want to be anyone's babysitter, friend, councilor, or any of the things sociable wolves tended to look for in the company of others. He didn't really care where the black wolf came from, where he was going, his hopes and dreams, any of that, and fortunately he wasn't burdened with such useless tales. They were simply two animals using each other to get by.

They had made their way from the sickly, twisted woods into a slightly more lively, open glade. A whiff of something on the wind caused his stomach to hungrily clench. As if putting his own thoughts to word, Deacon suggested they take some time to hunt. "Sounds good, I'll check over here," The male rumbled, branching off on his own path with his leathery damp nose lowered to the snow. He snuffed in the cold air, looking for something live, something dead, it didn't matter, as long as it was edible. One couldn't be too picky in the winter. 
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
There was nothing around that he could see. No birds worth catching, no stray herds, even a rabbit burrow that he had stuck his nose into was cold and empty. How did they expect to find someone if they were running a chance of starvation at every missed meal? Sure they could keep pushing on and keep searching each area for both the meal and this Jynx girl but they could only go so far.

He looked over his shoulder to where Azar had headed off to look. Deacon honestly wasn't too concerned with what the man did as long as he didn't bring forth unnecessary trouble. The man had promised him a better bone in a sense and this certainly wasn't it. While he didn't expect everything to be easy he also didn't want this man to expect he was gonna throw his life away to help find some female that meant nothing to Deacon.

Perhaps there'd be more luck up ahead. The large dark man trudged along, splitting off even further from his company. He could always up and leave but what fun would that be? Not to mention where would he go? The mountain would be hard to pass in the winter but he figured it might not be impossible. He could also head north and see what all was there.
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Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Kydnt who has 28 posts.
Balthazar Asurn

With his nose set close to the ground, Balthazar finally caught the scent of something edible. He followed after the aroma of rabbit, and with his attention so set close in front of him he nearly didn't notice the sudden change in terrain until it was almost too late. "Ahh fuck!" The man cursed, his paws skittering at the edge of a sudden drop off. His eyes skimmed downward, finding a massive pit.

Well, for all he knew, maybe the world's biggest rabbit had dug that hole, but he was pretty sure it was a plain old sinkhole. One that he wasn't took keen on falling into, as he was pretty sure he'd never make it out again without some assistance. And he trusted the boy about as far as he could throw him, so it wasn't a situation he wanted to test out. Carefully he beast skirted around the hole, continuing on his search.

Coming to a small clearing between the cherry trees, Balthazar finally found what he was looking for. A small group of hares, their white hides blending almost perfectly in with the snowy ground. A smile curled at the edges of his lips as his tongue hungrily lapped out over them. His broad shoulders rolled beneath his pelt as he stalked forward, his belly brushing the snow. One of the hares lifted its head, large ears pointed upward and glassy dark eyes shot towards him. Balthazar took the sign and ran forward, flushing the snowshoe hares from their spot. He chased them through the trees towards his companion, barking to alert Deacon he was coming with dinner en route.
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
He had nothing. Not even a good scent to go off of. This was not how he imagined it'd be. Perhaps he was spoiled (he was) because he expected a meal just to show up, but couldn't one hope? The dark Archer Lyall couldn't wait for the warmer months when things were more lively and prey was so so much more abundant in numbers and size. The thoughts of plump rabbits and well-fed deer filled his mind. He could feel his mouth beginning to water at the thought. It just made him realize how hungry he really was.

With no luck over here, it was a relief that Azar started barking out. Deacon was quick to set into action after the speedy hares. His jaws snapping in hopes he might catch one by the leg or even the waist. The way they darted in and out of bushes or around trees caused a growl to lift up from the dark male. Did these dumb fluff balls really think they were going to escape their fate of becoming a meal? Ha, pathetic little things.

He made sure to keep a good pace with them. His eyes flickered off of them for only a few mere seconds to make sure he wasn't being led into a tree or shrub.
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