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Razorhurst — Whitestone Monadnock 
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Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall
For @Mittani <3 After he gets back with the gang.

I'm where you wanna be
Morganna Archer

Any other time of year such a swelling of ranks would be considered a boon, but with prey on the run and the snow growing deeper by the day Morganna just couldn't bring herself to be happy about it. "Of all the shitful timing..." She pushed through another snowdrift looking for any sign of wide churned up tracks that would hint at something worth catching. She needed to kill something. To rip and tear and taste blood on her tongue. Sparring wasn't enough for this level of frustration, it was the willows all over again. Don't be hasty, and look how that turned out.

She could smell them on the breeze even if she couldn't see their tracks. So they must have been heading towards her instead. Scattered stones served as a visual shield as the familiar high pitched yattering of the coyotes drew nearer. There were at least two and while the odds may have been stacked against her she wasn't about to let something like numbers get in her way. The first to come into sight wasn't yet a yearling and she attacked with reckless abandon, heedless to the two angry parents following close behind. Her teeth closed over the middle of the narrow spine, a satisfying crunch and yelp all the warning the parents needed. It was over for the youngster whether he knew it yet or not. There was only so far he could drag himself with two front limbs.

She dropped her prize and stepped over it, pinned ears and peeled teeth daring the other canines to come and get him. She'd more than happy to do the same for them.

[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by Becca who has 47 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mittani Morelli
The Mittani
Juliet loves the beat and the lust it commands
Drop the dagger and lather the blood on your hands, Romeo

He needed a break. By a break, he meant he needed to put his teeth into the flesh of others. Mittani truly hoped there was a lowest around but it seemed there was no dignified lowest besides children and yearlings. While one might see the Morelli man as a monster he would not harm a child or yearling if he could help himself. So perhaps an animal would have to do.

The poet had merely dismissed most of the others, gave @Cheedo a private small good bye and reassured her she'd be fine for now. He never tied himself down to anything. Although perhaps he had made a few thin strings to Cheedo. She was the only one he had truly cared for and she always came back to him. How could he not allow himself a few small feelings for her? That was mostly the reason why he grew so worried about passing her off. Would Craw steal her back? Would Cheedo slink off to Craw again?

His internal questions let his anger bubble up more. He tried to hush his mind as he prowled through the snow. His mind only remained quite for so long until he spotted Morganna with unwanted company. She had a smaller one beneath her well-built frame but there were two angry parents that fell into the scene. With ease he let himself take a spot next to the dark woman. He snarled as his teeth made way to meet the other coyotes. Not once did his pale gold eyes fall off of their forms.

(This post was last modified: Jan 18, 2017, 04:27 PM by Mittani.)
Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall
I'm where you wanna be
Morganna Archer

Adrenalin and rage coursing through her veins as it was, she barely registered @Mittani's approach until the scavengers lost their nerve and started to back up. She lifted her hind paw to step on her captive, eliciting a pained squeal from the pitiful creature, anxiety clearly painted on the cousin canines faces, but the odds were stacked against them, and they weren't as stupid as they looked. As they took the chance to escape, a disappointed snort was all she could manage. She wanted the fight to come to her for once, although with prey as scarce as it had been, perhaps they'd be reduced to running coyotes and foxes down as prey before the winter was done.

There was a gurgle to the breathing of the one beneath her, it's pitiful attempts at escape inch by agonising inch all for nought with its back half hanging limp. If the sound was anything to go by she must have bitten harder than she intended, the slow bleed into the creatures' lungs a slow death indeed. She was reminded of the bobcat kittens, former occupants of the pack den and how Craw had been so merciful to end their lives then and there. This one wouldn't have that luxury unless the Morelli decided to step in and end it's suffering, she would wait and watch to see what he made of the situation.

[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by Becca who has 47 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mittani Morelli
I’ll be back from the dead soon
I’ll be watching from the center of the hollow moon

He was disappointed, to say the least as the coyotes showed their smarts. As they left he lunged forward with snapping jaws. Rushing them off into an oblivion of fear. While he might have wanted one for his own keeping he assumed that maybe it was for the best he didn't.

A wicked grin curled up on his face as he heard the pitiful yip. The poet turned around and approached the dark lady. She seemed to be having a type of fun that he could enjoy. "Push on the ribs, enough to hurt and crack but don't puncture the filling lungs." He watched her waiting to see if she would follow his instructions. The pale man licked his lips eagerly. It had been some time since he could witness a good suffering, let alone enjoy it with someone. His dear Cheedo wasn't made for these things so he never pushed her to enjoy them. Now Morganna, a lover of Craw, was a different story.

His pale golden eyes watched with intent focus. He was looking for every sign of pain and where it stemmed from. How much would she do? How far would she go until enough was enough?

Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall

Her stare was deadpan as she watched the male watch her, eyes hardening around the edges as he thought to try and give her direction. Her fur puffed at the gall of it, hackles standing high over her shoulders as her chin tucked defensively. Just who the fuck did he think he was? That he might think she wanted, nay needed his direction or approval? The lack of food had been getting to them all no doubt, the ache in her gut-gnawing at what little frayed patience she had ever possessed. The drowning coyote was forgotten. She had found herself something else to play with.

Lips pulled back to reveal her teeth, a low growl of warning sent forth. She was not some simpering wreck that trotted around licking @Craw's heels, not like the pitiful things he had dragged back with him from the north. She wouldn't be prodded to do his bidding, nor cowed, and if he didn't manage to get that through his head quick smart she would have no hesitation to reinforce the message by kicking his arse. Her tail inched higher, demanding submission, while the look in her eye dared him to defy her. This was all a game of weights and measures. She didn't like the uncertainty these northern wolves presented and she wasn't going out of her way to hide it.

[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by Becca who has 47 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mittani Morelli
He was full of himself but he wasn't exactly stupid. This was the alpha and Craw's little lover. If he wanted to stand a chance he was best not to piss her off much more than he somehow already did. He lowered his head with a clenched jaw, tail quickly followed as it pushed inwards between his legs. He hated this. He hated every last second but he was not about to be torn into because someone couldn't handle a little instruction. So he would stay still until she decided to ease up on him.

He wondered if anyone wanted him here besides Craw. Mittani knew the option to steal Cheedo and leave was always there. He had little concern for others feelings and Craw really couldn't expect the Morelli man to stick around here forever, could he? If he did, then perhaps that cliff fall had damaged the male's head and perception. Things were just too crowded here for the pale man. Not to mention that his lack of control on things was not pleasant at all. He needed something with power, control, strength. Mittani was not a man made to sit and do the work of others. This would not do for much longer.