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Flower In The Snow — Secluded Spring 
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Played by who has N/A posts.
((@Tyne but anyone more than welcome to join in at any time <3 Sorry this took so long to get up! ))

Each day she spent in White Fir Notch seemed to get easier, and the tension and worry the flower once felt about not being accepted was beginning to fade. She'd met some of her packmates, made a cache for her personal treasures and herbs, learned about and moved into the communal den at night -- this, she suspected, was the needle to pop her balloon of anxieties -- to strengthen bonds with the pack. The understanding and kindness with which she had been treated with and, when needed, corrected, allowed Witch to believe she made a good decision here. If she couldn't be with those who had raised her, at least she was with other wolves that she liked to think cared for her. 

The late Winter dawn was quiet and serene as Witch stretched to her paws and headed out, nose tilted up to the sky to take in every scent she could around the frost and the wet. She trudged through the snow with only a little struggle, shivering lightly against the freezing cold against her legs and the thought of the colder months ahead. The coast had been warmer than this, even in the bitter times of cold, and never had she seen so much snow. 

Her dainty paws slashed through the snow for a while, and eventually even Witchhazel knew she'd crossed the borders and left them behind her recently -- this didn't stop her from gliding forward to look for something for the pack, herb or prey. She couldn't come back empty pawed, not if she wanted to feel she was at least starting to earn her keep. 

Eventually, she was a few miles out, and still looking intently for something of interest. Her blue and green eyes swept the landscape before her, relishing and loathing the white powder at the same time, cursing silently to the wind for the dampening of scents.  
Played by Grae who has 187 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tyne Kersey

OOC! Oh no worries! Works better for his travel timeline anyways haha

Charcoal dusted ears laid against his skull to keep the frgid air out of them. His head hung low and he grumbled as he trudged through the snow. All he wanted was to be back in Bella Coola with his family. It was warmer there and he would have his parents and the rest of his packmates. The prospect of making it home was the only reason he kept moving through the dreaded white powder. His mind wandered back to his packmates whom he left back in the Lore, back in Grizzly Hallow. He hoped the Mizuno siblings were doing alright. He felt a pang of guilt for leaving them behind but he thought they'd be fine. Little did he know that Niq'x and Blitz left without a word to their youngest sibling @Pip. He wouldn't have left if the had known they were going to do that.

Shaking the thoughts of his age mates aside as he looked for somewhere to rest. He had decided to walk through the night since he had had a small meal back when he rescued @Reyes from that snow drift. Now he wanted to take a rest before looking for another meal. Golden eyes searched for something that could serve as a makeshift den. As he searched a scent filled his nose causing him to stop in his tracks. He took a deep breath to gather more of the scent. It was a mixture of - of - was that salt?!? That's all the Kersey male needed to start racing towards the holder of the scent. All logic went out the window to his geographical location and the possibility of being at the coast. There was too much snow and the elevation was much too high. But that didn't matter because the chance of being home was too great. His creamy limbs kicked up the snow as he ran but they soon skidded to a stop. Before him was an off-white and russet female. She appeared to be roughly his size but the hint of salt was strong on her pelt. She also smelled of others meaning she belonged to a pack. Little did he know she was the third wolf of said pack that he's met. Taking a neutral stance he alerted her to his presence with a small chuff. Was he really almost home?

[Image: tyne_by_becuffin-dblzjdk.png]

For OOC preferences just check Moonshadow's profile
Played by Seria who has 45 posts.
Kobe Moonshade
@Tyne @Witchhazel

Kobe looked up as his ears turned behind him. The sound of crunching snow caught his attention and he turned. Was it prey or a wolf? His nose answered his question before his eyes did. A large russet and white female trudged through the snow a good feet away. Although he couldn’t help but be intimidated by her size, she was attractive. Very attractive and that made her all the more intimidating and him, wary.
He tilted his head as he watched her, was she…looking for something? His curiosity dampened as another stepped onto the scene. Kobe stepped back, the dark grey male was also larger than him. The black wolf pulled his lips back at his predicament. He was frustrated? Irradiated? That must be it but he still wasn’t sure as to why.

He shook his head to clear his thoughts. It wasn’t like him to dwell on the presence of others. They were larger than him. They were an immediate threat. What else was there to ponder? Leaving obviously was his best option but even as he thought it, Kobe looked on. Then taking a step forward, he made his own approach. Winter was progressing worse than he’d expected if he could obtain another preferably larger wolf as a companion his odds of survival would increase exponentially. He was by no means a fan of other wolves but was drawn to the idea of mutual gain. After all who was to say he’d have to put up with them past winter?

He knew that the female belonged to a pack almost immediately. The scent of other wolves clung to her fur but he was almost certain the male was a loner, his stance was too neutral. Neither submissive nor assertive, he wasn’t looking for trouble. Kobe wasn’t either but his ears were forward and tail was held level with his back. They triumphed him in size but that didn’t stop him from a display of confidence.

“The snow is deeper than I expected,” he said as he neared them. “What say you? Winter is always a harsh time of year. Are you from these parts?” Kobe’s gaze confidently shifted from the female to the male in turn. “I’m Kobe, who are you?”
~~ Do it or don't do it, you'll regret both ~~

Played by who has N/A posts.
If it was interesting she wanted, then interesting her goddess would provide for the daughter -- not one but two males found her swiftly, and Witchhazel felt her hackles flare momentarily in anxiety before the girl forced them down and put a wag in her tail to show she was, in fact, friendly. Her need for company, for friendship, was much stronger than her dislike of strangers and untrusting nature. 

The first approached with gusto, gazing on her in what she determined as disbelief and Witch fixed a questioning frown on the guy with a sharp, but not unkind,
                          "Can I help you?"

She didn't notice the other to her side until he'd approached, missing his internal battle in the distraction the other male who seemed quite interested in something about her. Her ears swiveled to him first and, with another glance at Tyne, moved to greet the smaller man -- her bicolored gaze swept his frame curiously, appreciating the slower approach to her than their other company but nonetheless deterred from further closing any distance as she listened, and unlike she'd given the other stranger, there was a momentary and strained smile to creep across her maw. The pudgy woman' stance matched his own, confident and queenly but not demanding like a leader. Her bicolored gaze flickered to the other, including him and inviting him to listen to her words too.

                                                            "I live close to here, in White Fir Notch -- if either of you needed a place for the winter, I can call my alpha."
Played by Grae who has 187 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tyne Kersey

As he came closer he could smell the salt clearer. Although it was weaker than he would have expected if he was really home. Maybe he's only a little ways away. The woman turned at his chuff with a frown adorning her face. His charcoal ears flattened momentarily at her sharp words. Maybe he had insulted her. The initial guilt from his true nature quickly melted away as his harder shell took over once more. This shell of not caring, being closed off, grumpy, and not all that sociable. His ears raised once more towards the woman but before he could reply his ears picked up the approach of another. His golden gaze fell upon a smaller and darker male. His coat was completely black expect the two very circles that outlined his grey eyes. With a quick sniff he could tell that the dark man had no lingering scent of salt or others. It was a disappointment but not completely discouraging for he knew he wasn't quite home. This man could have simply come from the same direction Tyne has, traveling west towards the coast. With the arrival of another Tyne might have just left if it weren't for the woman carrying a scent of his home. This was much too valuable information for him to just abandon. He would stay and get his answer at the very least

The words easily reached the pair as the loner approached. Ya the snow was deeper but it was nothing compared to what he was walking through when he found Reyes. As the dark man continued it was clear he wasn't talking to the tawny man but almost seemed to ignore him. This ticked the Kersey male off as he gave his tail a couple of quick lashes. But he stood silently until he was addressed with a question for his name. He paused momentarily considering not offering it up. "Tyne" he replied dryly. He would have asked for a name in return but the woman began to speak. Golden eyes looked towards her as she explained that she was from a pack near by. White Fir Notch. It didn't ring a bell. It could very well be a new formed pack that hr would not have known about since he's been away from Bella Cool a for so long. She offered to call her alphas if either male needed sanctuary for the winter. His stomach rumbled and a wave of chills overcame him at the prospect of food and a warm place to sleep. He shook it off. No he had to get home. Had to tell the elders of what happened and send a rescue team for the Mizuno siblings. He looked at the woman and gave her a small smile, he didn't want to off put her anymore as to potentially scare her off. "Why thank you miss for the kind offer. To answer your previous question I couldn't help but notice the scent of salt upon your coat and was wondering if you could be so kind to tell me how far I am from the coast." He bowed his head out of respect. Despite his closed off demeanor he was raised to always have the utmost respect for women and he would always do so.

[Image: tyne_by_becuffin-dblzjdk.png]

For OOC preferences just check Moonshadow's profile
Played by Seria who has 45 posts.
Kobe Moonshade
Kobe swallowed his irritation. He couldn’t get over the fact that he was the smallest of the two wolves. He was used to throwing his weight around with wolves who equaled his size or were dwarfed by him. Being so completely dwarfed was something that kept nagging him. If he’d been facing one of the wolves instead of one he knew he’d provoke a fight. It infuriated him that he had to keep his wits about him and watch his words.

He didn’t answer the woman’s blunt question, he was distracted by her eyes. Taken aback really. He’d never seen bi-colored eyes. It was a startling impression to say the least and somehow less attractive, although he didn’t quite know why. Perhaps it lay in the fact that it was a feature that he hadn’t predicted. He wasn’t fond of being wrong or dwarfed for that matter.

He offered the other male a nod. He appreciated the name, although he didn’t show it. His expression remained impassive as if he was bored and the man insignificant. He loved names. He was never the best at recognizing wolves by appearance alone but labeling them usually kept them in his memory. For some reason, however, Kobe had the feeling that he wasn’t going to remember Tyne after this encounter. There was something about the man that didn’t seem memorable, despite his size.

The woman continued and Kobe had to bite his tongue to keep from saying something offensive. White Fir Notch. He hadn’t heard of the pack nor did he really care she came from it. It was useful information and he wondered if it was large. He guessed its borders were nearby since she was wandering about. It was something to take note of.

“No, thanks.” He shot down the offer without a second thought, not taking into account how it must have sounded. “Packs and I don’t mix. I’ve never been one to follow.” At least not quietly.

Kobe gave the other man a sideways glance. He was surprised to hear him digging for information. To what aim, the black wolf wasn’t inclined to care. He found the bow of the man’s head to the woman distasteful and it showed. Not because she was a woman but because he disdained the outward show of respect without it being earned. For a wolf who never did anything without being given a reason, the simple courtesy rubbed him the wrong way. He saw it as a waste of time. A falsity that politeness required. He felt first impressions were a front. Manners were a veil that hid the true person for one could never get to truly know the other in a single meeting.
~~ Do it or don't do it, you'll regret both ~~

Played by who has N/A posts.
Tyne's ears folded back at her tone, and at once Witch felt bad for apprehending him in such a way -- she chuffed softly as a sort of apology, but whether he heard it or not was unknown as the males looked at each other. She noted the lashing of Tyne's tail and the general irritation of Kobe, but stayed out of it. 

The pale femme never could have guessed she was part of the reason he was upset. The darker, smaller wolf offered no name and, though Witch didn't hold it against him, she would not have taken him to Gent even had he wanted to be: a wolf that couldn't so much as offer his name didn't have business in a pack. 

             "That's a shame -- I think you would make good additions to the pack."

Despite two rejections, Witch wasn't put off but for a slight wince and a throaty, almost inaudible whine: though she would have loved to strengthen the ranks of her new home with others -- moreso, to prove she was dedicated -- it didn't mean they couldn't be friends. Even if Kobe seemed gruff and far too independent for Witch to enjoy his friendship, there was no harm in being kind. It might've been easier had he said something after a swift rejection, for the Quinzel's attention was pulled by Tyne's questioning. His answer, unlike the smaller mans, seemed more thought out and made her feel a little less worse.

Tyne explained his previous behavior, and at once Witch understood. Her coat still held the thick scent of salt despite having been away from the shore: the rust crowned woman could understand the mistake. 

                                                                   "Fairly far, as much as I know. I've always smelled of the ocean, since I grew up there: I don't fault you for the mistake."
Played by Grae who has 187 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tyne Kersey

OOC! Sorry for the wait y'all!

Tyne noted the nod that the dark male gave him. It only added fuel to the tawny mans irritation. Was he so rude as to ask a name and not give one in return? It appeared that way. Golden eyes narrowed slightly as he held his gaze on the smallest of the trio. "And yours?" He asked annoyance clear in his tone. He gave his now he was going to get one. His attention was drawn back to the pale female as she offered the pair a place in her pack. Before he could speak the nameless male declined. His answer was dismissive and rude. All she was trying to do was be nice, any decent wolf could see that. Tyne snorted at his reasoning 'I've never been one to follow' while keeping his golden orbs on the woman. The Kersey's response was much kinder as he thanked her. He could appreciate her gesture even if he had a wall up.

The answer to his question about the coast was disappointing. He was still a ways away from home but it gave him a small sliver of hope that he'd be there soon. She then explained that she had grown up there but didnt seem disappointed to be away. That was interesting to the man - how could one be away from such a wonderful place and not be trying to get back. "I too grew up on the coast and I'm trying to find my way back. Would you happen to know which direction it is?" Asking which direction it was would allow him to know if he was going the right way. The woman seemed nice enough, if the dark male had been the one with salt upon his pelt then Tyne may have left after his first question. A charcoal tipped ear stayed turned towards the man in case he made any other remarks.

[Image: tyne_by_becuffin-dblzjdk.png]

For OOC preferences just check Moonshadow's profile