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I'd like to say I'm fine — Wild Rye Fields 
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Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
For.... You guessed it @Reyes    Note to self: leaving this a lil vague on the Percy front.

Askan stared out at the Lowlands to the north, his eyes hunting, searching for any hint of movement. It was pointless, he knew that, if she was able to return home of her own free will she would have  done so by now, but he couldn't just sit around doing nothing. The others were all still looking, dedicating every ounce of their energy to looking for her and what was he doing? Staying at home and watching the castle. Askan knew full well they couldn't leave their home unattended, just in case she did come back. So there the Yukon wolf was, quietly loosing his mind as he sat atop the ride of the lookout, hoping that his friend would come back.

So that he didn't have to feel so alone.

Sure, the pack was growing and becoming stronger with each passing day, but what did matter when one of their own, a part of their family was gone? Poof, like she was never ever going to be seen again.

Askan scowled. His 'meeting' with Reyes the other night had helped him unwind some, he'd even felt relaxed at the time. But right there and then he was as taut as bow string. His shoulders ached from how tense he was, and all he really needed was some time to relax and just take it easy. To let his hair down, so to speak. But being stubborn and worried, well he couldn't just go ahead and do that, could he? Not when he felt trapped, like he was in a gilded cage.

But Askan had given his word, he would remain here, even if it were torturous to him. As stated before, he was a man of his word and he'd be damned it he was going to break it just so he could run off on a useless search.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Well, in the short period in between the time that Drestig had welcomed Reyes into the pack and right now, this very moment, nothing drastic had changed. He knew it was foolish, but the swarthy male had expected, on some level, to feel different once his status had changed from loner fighting for survival to pack wolf part of something…bigger. And that’s what this was, right? He was supposed to help the pack, and in return, he was safer, right? That’s how this was supposed to work.

But nothing changed.

Nothing at all, except maybe Reyes felt a bit stupider for actually believing in something so dumb. What he needed to do was get his mind off this bullshit, and so he set out to exploring the territory belonging to the Wild Rye Fields pack. This was supposed to be his home now, even if it was weird, and flat, and snowy. It wasn’t like he was never allowed to leave, after all, but first, he was going to learn. Then, maybe, be a bit more adventurous in his endeavors.

A few hours into his investigation found him rounding about the lookout when a familiar scent smacked him upside the head. Ears flipped forward, and then back – wouldn’t want that oaf thinking he was excited, or anything – and Reyes barked, loping towards the dark shape among the piles of snow. “Hey, cabrón! ‘m here now, huh?”

Are you happy now?

REYES | Dead man walking.

[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Perhaps if Askan had been a little sharper, more on point he would have noticed the new addition to their little family. He knew about Niles and how Castel had recruited him, but as of that point he hadn't yet met the yearling. Nor was he really in a hurry to do so.  It wasn't anything personal, he hadn't even met the guy so he couldn't claim whether he liked him or not, it was simply that Askan had too much on his mind. He was in no mood to babysit anyone, or show them the ropes as he usually would have. For now, the newbie would just have to make do with Castel keeping him company.

Which Niles probably didn't mind, considering their 'closeness' and all.So when Askan heard a voice from behind him, he couldn't help the fact that his ears pressed flat to his head and he stood, turned around to see who'd crept up on him with a callous, stony expression on his face. For a split second his lips twitched, threatening to peel pack into a snarl as a question danced on the tip of his tongue. But then his eyes widened when he saw- Reyes? The aggression leaked from his form and his hackles de-puffed as Askan watched on with confusion.


This was surprising. The loner had promised and Askan trusted him but... He wasn't sure why, or how he'd even allowed it to happen, but doubt had wiggled into his mind and he had been able to stop himself from wondering if Reyes had simply been telling the Rye wolf what he wanted to hear. That he had simply been playing along with no real intention to follow through. But here he was, standing before him, with those grey eyes and scars. Stepping forward, closing the gap between them, Askan pressed his nose to the expanse of his throat and sniffed. If Drestig had allowed him to join the pack he would no doubt smell like the Rye King, at least even a little. And there it was, Drestig's scent as clear as day.

He was one of them, part of the family.

"I see." He mumbled, pulling away with a slight tint of reluctance.

What now though? Was he supposed to say something? Thank you? That didn't seem right. Was this supposed to be a big amazing moment with fireworks and magic? If so, it didn't really feel like it. It was quiet, subdued. But something was there, something he couldn't quite put his paw on. Either way, he knew that this was right. Good even.

The Rye Guardian cleared his throat. "Drestig probably didn't say it as such, but we don't like slackers around here. We're a family yes, but everyone has their part to play. Have you considered yours yet?"

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

“¿Estás esperando a alguien más?” Reyes snorted softly, the puffed hackles not lost on him. That they were not meant for the lon-- He needed to stop thinking like that, damnit. That they were not meant for him should have been a relief, but that Askan saw it necessary to greet other members of the pack like that at all left the scarred male with a small, nagging feeling. Maybe he’d rushed into this. Maybe this really wasn’t right for him. Maybe Wild Rye Fields was no different than all the other packs he’d considered, or thought about, or whatever.

The male froze as a cold nose brushed over his scars, but said nothing, ears slipping backwards by fractions. Whatever spark had been in moonstone eyes had been replaced by typical, cold steel, and Reyes scoffed softly. “I just got here, pendejo. Not even a whole day, so no, I haven’t given it any damn thought.” If he’d been keeping an eye peeled for the wolf that stood before him, well, that was private information, anyways. And this ain’t my family, anyways, he thought bitterly, but there was no point in sharing that, either. If all he wanted to do was argue with Askan, he didn’t need to join the damn back.

His family was back in the American southwest, and now—

Reyes shook out his pelt, throwing a shoulder into Askan as he brushed by the dark male. “Figured on learning the borders before anything else. Why, you got some big idea, cabrón?”

REYES | Dead man walking.

[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Reyes was speaking that language again but Askan couldn't find the will or desire to make a fuss about it. If anything, it was more of a character quirk than anything else, a part of Reyes that made him Reyes. A little bit of frustration remained as Askan didn't like to be kept in the dark, but it wasn't so bad that he figured he needed to bring it up there and then. For now, the lon- the Rye wolf was welcome to talk as he pleased. As long as he wasn't too rude, the Selwyn didn't mind a bit of back talk- it was maybe even a little fun- but he wasn't looking to get insulted either. That was no fun after all.

Perhaps Reyes was right, maybe Askan was a little too quick to grill him. He'd simply been unsure of what to say, those were the first words that popped to mind. He meant no offence or harm. Whilst the Selwyn wasn't one to apologise, he figured he might as well try to smooth things over with his new pack mate, to help ensure good teamwork and all that obviously. It wasn't anything to do with other reasons the Yukon wolf might have. It all for the good of the pack, seriously it was. Or so he told himself anyway.

Grumbling at the good natured nudge-or shove more like it- Askan turned away and flicked his tail in Reyes' face. Serves him right.

"I might." He told him, gazing out on the tundra once again.

He knew that everything else had been dropped and would remain so until they found Percy, but even so their neighbours to the north were still an ever present threat. Askan couldn't leave and join the search but maybe there was something he could do here that would help the pack in the long run. And Reyes he was rather...hefty, to say the least. Another guardian wouldn't go amiss, surely.

"Why? What about you? Have anything in mind?" He asked, turning to look at Reyes once more.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

The wolf’s flag flicked across his nose, and without a thought Reyes snaked his head forward, nipping at the tail tip. Shouldn’t put your limbs in such a dangerous place, not with teeth, not with a wolf more than happy to use them. On Askan’s tail, on his ear, on his damn face, anywhere on his damn furry body if the man wasn’t careful. The burly male clicked his teeth again, just for good measure, and settled easily at the beta’s flank, following his buttercup gaze out into the tundra.

So blindingly white.


“Do you listen when I talk to you, chaco? Or does it make no difference if I’m speakin’ ingles o español, eh?” Didn’t he just say he was trying to learn the borders? It was a bit different than being a loner, sure, but Reyes was pretty sure the territory on the whole was important. Maybe he was just barking up the wrong tree here, but-- He raised a smoky brow, twin moons shifting to study Askan’s profile instead. “You could come with. Or…” The corners of his mouth twisted upwards and he shifted slightly, nipping at the flank right next to him. “You owe me a wrestle. Still.”

REYES | Dead man walking.

[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Askan huffed at the nip to his tail. He'd seen it coming, he knew that if he swished him he was going to get bitten and he was not disappointed. Reyes followed on through. At first the Selwyn had misconstrued his biting as a sign of aggression, that Reyes was trying to start something, that he was asking to have his arse handed to him on a platter. But no, it was just his way. He was into biting, that sort of thing. Askan had quickly realised that if he wanted to spend more time with him, then he'd have to deal with it and his snappy mouth. Which was fine, he supposed, worth the hassle at the very least.

Not only did Reyes have a snappy mouth, but clearly it was smart too. It wasn't as though the Yukon had intentional ignored him, as snarky as Reyes was, Askan honestly did make an effort to hear what he had to say. He might not always like what was said but the point remained the same. It had all been accidental, but the rogues' tone made it clear this little mistake was not appreciated. Which made sense, Askan supposed, as he too didn't like having to repeat himself. Another trait they shared it common.

The Rye Guardian would have been content to show him the borders, to point out where the markers were and where he'd hidden his own little personal caches-lest he fancy a snack when on patrol- when Reyes trailed off, something clearly on his mind. Raising a brow in silent question, he waited for him to continue, to spit it out. But instead he smirked-damn that clever smile- and once again nipped at the Selwyn, this time at his flank.

He owed him? Pfft, Askan wouldn't have gone that far or even worded it like that. But he supposed after their scuffle the other day, maybe in a way he did. It would only be right to pay him back, to make amends, right?

Askan shifted to look at him head on, instead of craning his neck around. "Do I now?"He asked, his voice dripping with dry amusement.

He supposed this might be a good use of their time, a decent distraction at the very least. Maybe this time Reyes could hold his own without throwing a hissy fit when he lost.A wry smirk tugged at his lips and Askan spread his gait in anticipation, ready to take a heavy hit when it came. Which would no doubt be soon, knowing Reyes.

"Well come on then." His tail wagged slowly behind him, egging Reyes on. "I'm game."

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

“Yeah, you do. Bit me last time, cabrón, and I might be into that kinda shit, but that sure ain’t what I was looking for last time. Or this time.” Something smug slithered onto the wolf’s lips as he bobbed his head – perhaps the statement was a little incendiary, but that’s what he was aiming for, wasn’t it? Reyes wasn’t a particularly underhanded wolf – he said what he meant, and got what he wanted. Perhaps not by completely procrustean means – he was no alpha, nor was he particularly tyrannical – but good old fashioned violence had a particular place in his heart, and the man was never keen on denying himself, either.

Which was to say, Askan’s slow wag meant more than his offer, and he really didn’t need to say anything more than that. A sparkle zigged across grey eyes like lightning across a cloud, and the swarthy male tossed his head eagerly. To charge would be the easy, and obvious, thing – clearly, the beta was expecting it already.

So instead, Reyes slapped the ground with forepaws before jogging forward, much slower, much easier, and darted his neck out to grab at his companion’s ear. That sly expression never left as he lurched away, grabbing for Askan’s tail as second time before skittering back through the snow.

REYES | Dead man walking.

Practicing Guardianship 1/3
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
Guardian display 1/3

He might be into that sort of thing?

Well that was...enough to throw Askan off course. It didn't rile him up, Askan wasn't annoyed or insulted by Reyes' smooth swords or wolfish grin. If anything, he was a little taken back as he felt his cheeks heat up. Did Reyes always have to be so Reyes ? Yes, apparently he did. Not one to back down, Askan forced all of that - those weird, confusing feelings that only seemed to pop up when he was about- down and shot another daring look the rogues' way. The Selwyn had meant it, he was game. Though this time, he'd try and be a little more gentler, even though Reyes had gone out of his way to imply he didn't mind it so much.

A strange and confusing thought in of itself, the sort that almost snagged the proverbial rug out from beneath Askan's feet.

Seeing as Askan had charged headfirst into their little scrap, he was more than willing to let Reyes lead this dance. Because that's what it was really wasn't it? They weren't going out of their way to hurt each other. They felt no real antagonism towards each other, despite their grumbling and squinty glares. This was just a way of moving together, not quite as one but not really as opposition either. It was hard for Askan to understand, let alone put into words, but all he knew was that this felt right. The anticipation simmered in his veins, his tail wagged faster-so much so that his butt was wiggling like a pup with bad coordination- and he let out a bark of encouragement.

Come on, get me.

It appeared as though Reyes had other plans in mind. Rather than barrelling into him, as Askan had expected and prepared for, Reyes-as casually as could be-gave the snow a good thump then trotted right up to him, pleased as a pickle. Did he think this was a joke? Askan had been willing to let him take the reins, and he'd said he wanted to tussle. So what was this about? Blinking in confusion, Askan had been about to open his mouth to ask what was up when- there it was, a quick nip to the ear. Before he could even muster a response, Reyes went in again, this time his teeth pulled at his tail.

Oh so this was what he had in mind? Well, Askan supposed he could be game. He wasn't so unreasonable, he just liked to know what was what beforehand. He like clarity. And right now things between them were as clear as day.

With an exaggerated eye roll, Askan bounded after Reyes with his tail waving behind him. This wasn't Askan's usual sort of scene-Gods forbid if someone happened upon them frolicking like this- but damn it. It was fun, sort of. A decent distraction at the very least.

"Get your fat ass back here!" Askan yelled, just a little breathless as he tore after Reyes.

It was clear that Reyes wasn't going all out, trying to escape from him as the handsome  rogue was just within reach. If Askan pushed just a little bit harder Askan could give him a good nip to his tail. But where was the fun in that? Especially when there was an all the more alluring target just right in front of him, practically asking for it.

With a powerful kick, Askan launched himself forward and he hooked his front legs around Reyes' rump and threw his weight down onto him as hard as he could. He wasn't trying to hurt him, it was simply that nothing less was going to bring Reyes to a stop. He was a force to be reckoned with. If they just so happened to roll around on the floor a bit, Askan would be content. More than that really, more so than he could probablya admit. What could he say? He was a lucky guy, few would ever have the fortune to be in such a position. To have the chance to tussle with such an opponent of course, yes, that is exactly what Askan meant.

(This post was last modified: Feb 16, 2017, 08:22 PM by Askan.)
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[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]