It was there. She knew it was. Her ebony nose twitched as the scent of a rodent wafted into her nostrils. Tawny body frozen in a crouched position as her muzzle hovered inches away from the surface of the snow. An ear twitched as the rodent scurried beneath the untouched layer of snow. It was there. Rocking back on her hindlegs, Ade pushed with all her strength with her hindlegs to propel herself straight down into the snow where the rodent hid. She had seen foxes use this maneuver while hunting. However, Ade was no fox.
Overestimating the power she held in her hind quarters, the push was strong enough to not only overshoot her target, but also had enough power to topple her butt over her head. Landing with a silent thud, her upper body completely submerged in the deep snow. Even being immersed in the snow, she could hear the rodent scurry away from her. And it seemed to be just laughing away at her. Bicolored eyes narrowed in frustration, but the emotion was halfhearted. A fit of laughter followed as she imagined how amusing she had to look to someone not stuck in the snow.
After a few more laughs at herself, Adelayde attempted to get herself out of the position she had gotten herself in, but it was to no avail. Now it wasn't as funny as it had been before. “Oh no...” She sighed as she tried to wiggle her butt but nothing would budge against the snow. She didn't have the right angle to get herself out of this predicament. Shoot. Now there was only one thing she could do in a situation like this...