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Winter Fever — Hidden Tree 
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Played by Trix who has 4 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Shunka Alivus
Shunka, you've caught a nasty cold!
Morning, partly sunny. 8*F, -15*C
*Note: Shunka is in the early phases of hypothermia*

Fate never seemed to give him a break, did it? He was convinced that from the earliest days of his life, a curse had been placed upon his soul. Clinging tightly like a veil of corrupt darkness, refusing to relinquish it's hold, no matter how hard he struggled. What he had done to deserve such a mess of a life, he would never understand. Shunka had been the ideal child any parent could ask for. He had been energetic, mild mannered, obedient and a good pupil. He had never caused mischief, or stirred up trouble amongst his siblings. Perhaps that was the reason...that he had been almost too perfect.

He had made his way south in the recent weeks, cautiously weaving through this great new land called Relic Lore. He was still on edge, his daily panic attacks ready to sneak up on him at any moment. But at least he was no longer jumping out of his skin at the slightest sound or suspicious little sight. Going it alone was tough in these harsh winter months. He had to push through, to make it till spring, when prey would be more easy to come by. But again, luck was just out of reach for the lone male. His success in catching a bite sized meal was at an all time low, and his body condition was beginning to go downhill. His thick tawny coat had grown unkempt and patchy in spots, his waistline thinning. All signs that this was a wolf having a tough time of it.

And on top of it all, just two days ago, he began to feel ill. His throat burned, his chest ached and his nose was running. His winter coat seemed useless when his body began to shiver uncontrollably. His normally powerful, thick legs felt like they were made of jelly. Every last drop of energy was sapped from his body. Shunka had barely been able to find what looked like a safe place to hunker down. The long abandoned den would have to do for a few days, until he recovered. Inside, he remained curled up in a tight ball of fur, away from the elements. Trying to get warm, to ignore the waves of nausea which were now a constant presence. Surely a space such as this would be warm enough to stop a case of the chills. It wasn't. No matter what he did, or how long he waited, he wasn't getting any better. 
(This post was last modified: Feb 24, 2017, 05:23 PM by Shunka.)
Played by Brian who has 259 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Sylva Riverflow
The small female limped through the snow, the quiet crunching underpaw was the only signs of life in the quiet woods, the dull sunlight filtered down through the barren branches of the trees, ears perked, Sylva was listening to the soft creaking as a chilly breeze blew through the canopy. “buurr.” She said with a shiver, her thick coat managing to keep her warm, though why she had come this far south, she wasn’t really sure, Sylva liked visiting old haunts, and the Wildwoods were one of the first places she had met another wolf, Tyne. She had hunted with him, literally crashing into a bush on their first meeting. Her hazel gaze drifted from the trees, down toward the pristine snow below her, so much had changed in the past year, she had faced physical pain, mental pain, heartache, some feelings that still confused the Notch wolf.

Before the ebony wolf laid pawprints in the snow, she paused, giving the treks an experimental sniff. “Loner…” she thought, glancing around, she could just leave whoever it was alone, but it just wasn’t in her nature to just wander off. Eventually, following the scent toward what looked like an old den, Sylva called out quietly “Hello?”
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
1/3 Medic

Ravenna had not expected to move north so soon again. Of course, Ravenna had no intentions of going anywhere near as far north as she had gone on her travels recently. She had merely only traveled this way on an effort to look for herbs. Although snow still patched the land in some parts, in the open fields and meadows just south of her home and on a sunny day like this she knew that the spring was coming once again. It would mean the growth of new herbs. The return of the herds. The waking of smaller, slumbering creatures and most exciting, the birth of new pups. She was uncertain actually if Enoki would be breeding to Nicolo or not, though they had spent some time together it seemed... And what of her uncle, Renier? She thought these things over as she wondered north away from home, with a hopes of finding some kind of healing property worth carrying back home. She knew it was still too early for most greens or flowers, though perhaps mushrooms or a certain bark? Ravenna began sniffing around the area with an intensity, feeling as though she was on the trail of something useful - something familiar. Finally. It has been hours, after all. Though in her sniffing about she also caught the scent of wolves. Two, it seemed, a male and a female and although she did not catch the male was a loner, smelt pack on the other. Ravenna approached with a caution, hearing the woman's voice, though did not make any attempt at the moment to make herself specifically known.
(This post was last modified: Feb 25, 2017, 01:06 AM by Ravenna.)

Played by Trix who has 4 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Shunka Alivus

The large bundle of tawny and gray fur that was Shunka laid completely still, as if asleep. The only sign of life being the quaking shivers that ran from the base of his head, all the way down to his tail and paws. The tremors were getting more frequent, more intense. Behind his closed eyes, he began to worry. Cutting through the silence came a soft voice, calling out into the den. Slowly, he picked his head up, dark nose blasted by cold, now away from the protection of his fur. Blearily, he blinked his eyes open and peered out into the daylight. Not far away, stood a petite, dark female. This was the one who he had assumed, called out to him. But there was someone else nearby too, with an entirely different scent. Both of these had to be pack wolves.

The look in his blue eyes was naturally soft, but their stare held a hint of desperation this time. Instinctively his ears flattened back against his head in submission as a low whine slipped past his lips. "W-why is it so cold...?" He asked in an unusually soft voice, hardly fitting for a wolf of his impressive size. She wasn't shivering, not with her full winter coat. So why was he? With a groan, he attempted to shift forward, to gather his paws under himself, but stumbled. His paws had gone numb, and yet he still didn't understand why. "My paws...I can't feel them..." He wheezed, sniffling pathetically. As if giving up already, Shunka slid back down onto his belly completely. His strength was sapped. He couldn't even muster the strength to fly into one of his usual fits of panic. He didn't expect this wolf, nor the other to help him. Not a sorry excuse for a wolf such as himself. In his eyes, he was useless. So he would be content if nature picked him off.
(This post was last modified: Feb 28, 2017, 03:11 AM by Shunka.)
Played by Brian who has 259 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Sylva Riverflow
Medic post 1/3

The ebony healer waited quietly, at first unaware of a third presence, but her attention zeroed in on the brute alone, his question, his body language, all it did was raise red flags for the medic. The moment he stumbled, she damned all consequences, rushing forward to support him, Unsure to what was plaguing him at first, she knew though, that she had to get him to sit down, though it seemed, he had the same plan, sliding down to lay before she could even brush shoulders with in.

“It’s going to be alright.” she said gently, settling down close by, but not physically touching him yet, her hazel gaze quickly skimmed over him, he was weak and hungry, that much she could figure out, the shivering that...wasn't something she had seen much of, unless someone was sick, but he had asked about the cold. “We need to get you warm friend” She said as realization reached her, @Gent had mentioned it before, she couldn’t recall what name he had used, but when a wolf’s body got too cold, it started to shut down, it looked like this soul was already in those stages.

She paused for a moment, sniffing the air, someone else was nearby, becoming weary of that now, Sylva repositioned herself unconsciously putting herself between the direction the scent blew and Shunka, her gaze returning to the shivering pile of fur. “Alright, please listen, I don’t know who you are, or where you came from, but I’m Sylva. The Rivers have brought us together today for a reason, I don’t know what it is or why, but you’re sick my friend, your body’s trying to shut down on you, but we're not going to let it, are we? You’ve been strong enough to make it this far, I know you’re strong enough to make it through alright? To beat it, all you have to do is listen alright? We need to get you back into that den, curled up tightly and pressed against me, we need to get your body warmed up. It will do the rest on it’s own after that my friend.”
Played by Nova who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Reiko Tainn
The young wolf plodded forward, winding his path this way and that through the many trees of the Wildwood. Morning usually meant he followed Kerb or his father, but today he had set out on his own. Routine was getting to him, and he was determined to have a little adventure of his own, alone.

Scents began to tease his nostril. Ones that promised of wolves unmet. Past experience caused him to move forward with wariness. Kerberos had taught him not all strangers are bad, but the strange encounter with the white wolf was not something he would easily forget.

Curiosity propelled him closer. The further he trotted along, it seemed they were where his dad had showed them where he had born. Hidden Tree. Why it was not the Draw's territory, he found himself a little protective over it. His grandparents were at rest in this realm. He did not understand why it attracted others. Yellow eyes fell on a silver wolf, then spied large,tawny one upon the ground a black colored lady seemed to be trying to help.

Uh... A single paw hung in air as he hesitated. He didn't know anybody, but the one was in distress. He knew it wasn't right to turn the other way. It was with a force of courage he pushed closer. "Ya need some help?" He'd sorta helped a girl once, and his mother was a medic. But, he could be reading the situation very wrong.
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
Medic 2/3

There was an obvious problem here between these two wolves, Ravenna began to notice, as the large tawny male exited the den and walked out into the open air. Even from here Ravenna could see he was shaken, this thin form, the unhealthy look of his coat. He stumbled in his placement only to quickly then sit down as though too weak to stand. The smaller, dark woman then approached him, blocking Ravenna's viewing. Although she could not exactly make out what she had said, she could hear her speaking to the wolf, moving closer, comforting and nearing the den once more. Perhaps they knew one another after all?

Turning away from the pair, Ravenna went back to her true intention of being here, which had not included ease dropping. Along the brush here, was a skunkbush plant. The leaves upon it were tiny, a very pale green as they tried to break free from winter and grow. Ravenna was lucky that the leaves of this plant did not interest her, but the limbs itself, where the bark was for medical usage. She yanked at the limbs, ripping at the poor plant until she had herself a pile of five long, thin sticks. Once she was finished tearing the plant limb from limb in a very literal fashion, Ravenna nosed the sticks together and grabbed the collection into her mouth. She strode back from which she came, just close enough to be noticed by the other two wolves within the den once more. She pauses, dark ears perking into their direction, her head tilting ever slightly. Now, another wolf had joined the fray, a much younger male. Hearing his question as he was closer to her, her shoulders rolled in question, mouth still filled with sticks.