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This city made us crazy — Whitestone Monadnock 
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Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall
@Lorcan <3

It was inevitable really, the subtle changes in the weather cueing her body into this maddening state, the scent in the den thick with it among the crowded bodies, it was enough to make her wretch. She extracted herself from the warm pocket between @Wraith and @Piety, not even pausing for her usual morning stretch before she broke free into the frigid tundra air. @Craw had been spending his time with his family from the north and they hadn't really had a chance to discuss... well any of this, and it left the leader with a growing sense of dread. She didn't want to do this again, even though she knew it was her duty the events of the year before had left her anxious. Yes, her children had both survived, but Odin was missing an eye, what if...


What if...

She wretched once, nothing but bile burning the back of her throat but never rising any higher. She was hot all over and the stink... She growled as the itch began to creep under her skin. Of all the times... She groaned and threw herself down in the snow that still blanketed the top of the monadnock, chin dragging as her legs splayed out behind to propel her through the snow like a tobogganing otter. She rolled to her back, legs flailing in the air as she tried to cool down and gain some composure, hoping the rest of them were content to sleep in just a little longer.

[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Dark lashes fluttered awake as Lorcan’s golden eyes groggily scanned the pile of sleeping bodies that surrounded him. The air was thick and hot inside the den and his nostrils flared at the pungent scent that filled the underground chamber. The bridge of his nose wrinkled in discomfort; the combination of heat, sweat and that strange overpowering scent was too much to handle all at once and so, carefully, Lorcan shuffled his way out of the crowded den to get some fresh air.

The icy air and the soft cushion of snow beneath his paws helped somewhat to cool him down as he exited the den. The Whitestone subordinate bowed down into a stretch, salmon pink tongue lolling from the side of his mouth, before he rose back to stand and gave a thorough shake of his pelt. Feeling a little more refreshed, his nose dropped down to sniff at the fresh paw-prints which littered the snow outside the den. That strange scent was there again. Black tipped tail swayed curiously behind him as he inhaled the scent and tentatively moved to follow the tracks, compelled the investigate.

Up ahead he spotted the familiar dark shape of @Morganna who, unusually, seemed to be sprawled in the snow much like Piety would do on occasion. Slowly, he moved in to approach her, muzzle moving in close to sniff with interest at the thick obsidian coat. Standing over her, golden eyes peered down at her curiously. “Good morning, Ma’am.” You smell weird. He greeted her with an inquisitive bark, taking a moment to flatten his ears and curl his tail under him submissively. “How are you this morning?” Why do you smell weird? Salmon pink tongue swept across his jaw anxiously, unsure of her mood and if she would appreciate being disturbed. 
(This post was last modified: Mar 01, 2017, 11:30 AM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity
Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall

She could hear the movement behind her but she didn't pay it much mind, intent on rubbing her neck and throat throught the snow, knowing it would do nothing to make her feel better in the long run but far too antsy to sit still. When she felt him draw closer, saw the shadow of his muzzle stretching out to sniff at her she froze, pressing up on her elbows as an ear turned to take in the morning greeting and his questioning after her well being. Well this could be fun. A sly smirk was thrown over her shoulder at the tawny medic, a playful light in her eyes as she considered her answer. "Well aren't you bold?" It wasn't often she would take the time to articulate so well, so surely it wouldn't take much for the man to figure out something was up.

Morganna rose to her feet, eyes staying trained on Lorcan as she bowed to stretch and her jaws parted in a yawn, her waving tail only served to fan the stench of her heat more heavily into the air. Oh gods above and below she hated it, but unavoidable as it was she might as well learn to have some fun with it. @Craw wasn't here, @Wraith was still in the den with @Piety, for now, they were alone and Morganna stepped closer with a predatory look in her eye.

[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
The smirk which tugged at the corners of the dark woman’s lips unnerved him a little. Whilst, unlike Piety, he had not spent a great deal of time with Morganna, he recognised that look. It was the very same devilish expression that had been planted on her face when she had referred to the Rye wolves and told them to play nice. Russet ears pressed back against his head as he become unsure of her intentions, the playful glint in her peach eyes working to only further confuse the subordinate.

His brows furrowed at her words, twisting awkwardly. “Um…ma’am?” He mumbled, unsure of what the appropriate response should be, as he took two steps back to place a little space between them and continued to study her. His tail swayed curiously behind him as she rose to her feet and yawned and he continued to puzzle over what exactly it was she smelt of. If she had been rolling in something, then Lorcan wanted to know exactly what it was and roll in it himself. It smelled ever so appealing.

At the wave of her tail, the scent wafted through the air and straight to his nose. Dark nostrils flared again as he deeply inhaled the intoxicating scent and, all the more curious, Lorcan moved tentatively closer, with his nose reaching out to try and sniff and nuzzle her rear end to investigate.  
(This post was last modified: Mar 02, 2017, 11:56 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall

@Lorcan's uncertainty was endearing and Morganna unleashed a low throaty chuckle. She wondered if he had ever had to endure a spring like this, surrounded by women he wasn't related to, filled with needs he could probably fullfil given half a chance. She certainly didn't envy him, her first season was hard enough, thinking she had come down with some illness or a horrid case of fleas. She let him get a little closer, muscles tensing as she prepared to knock him on his arse if he tried anything out of line, a low warning growl offered to let him know he was getting awfully close to a line that he should not cross.

She suspected that with her own exit from the den and his departure on her heels that the rest of them wouldn't be far behind. While she doubted he would find it amusing to be caught in such a compromising postition the Archer almost delighted in the endless amusement it might provide her. She sidestepped, bringing her flank alongside his, her tail giving another inviting wave, wondering just how much of what was going on was registering in his young mind, and how much self control he truly possessed. Her grin only grew as she looked back towards the den.


[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by Vet who has 367 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Wraith Kael

@Morganna, the little minx, was torturing the boy. And Wraith had no doubt the damned woman knew just what she was doing to entice the black brute out of the den. But of all the things the Second expected, spotting @Lorcan with his nose halfway to third base was not among them.

Wraith could count the number of times he had growled at his packmates readily. The most recent had actually been in warning to Morganna when he'd thought she was responsible for Odin's grievous injury. Of course, he'd been mistaken then and quick to retract the poor behavior. Otherwise, it wasn't often he needed to give such a show to have those of the Monadnock falling in line. For the most part, the males were relatively eager to please.

But he growled now. The rumble was low and filled with threat as he lifted his lips in a clear sign of warning for the youngster to back off before he made him. "You want to watch where you shove your nose, Lorcan, or you'll be losing it this season." Even without the growl and lifted lip, Wraith's golden gaze danced with enough fire to scare off anyone wise enough to heed the promise written there.

[Image: wm2_by_becuffin-dblzotz.png]
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Russet ears perked up at the sound of Morganna’s chuckle. The sound put the Whitestone subordinate at some ease, presuming the sound to mean that she was in a positive mood. Slowly, he following his nose, hot breath clouding over her skin as the agouti male inhaled that dangerously appealing scent and advanced towards her rear end where the scent was most pungent.

He didn’t notice her body stiffen, too focused on finding that sweet spot, but the low growl that rumbled past her lips was enough for him to take note and pause. Muzzle lifted from around her tail and tipped up as golden eyes glanced up to her in question, ears pressed back against his head submissively.

Stepping back a little, he watched silently and with keen interest as she moved to place her flank alongside his. His limbs became a little rigid as he became confused and unsure of her intentions. But his nostrils flared up again when she waved her tail and instinctively, he began to move and curve back around to try and nuzzle beneath her tail.

A growl filled the air, causing him to spook, but it wasn’t Morganna. Peering out from behind Morganna’s rear, wide golden eyes were met with the sight of another dark figure. Wraith. The flash of his fangs made it very clear that he had done something wrong and the verbal threat only confirmed it.

A whine whistled past his lips as his guilty gaze flickered from Wraith and then back to Morganna, before he turned it to the ground and slowly backed away from the woman. With his tail tucked between his legs, Lorcan carefully slunk towards the exit, hoping that he wouldn’t get chased out.

~Lorcan exit unless stopped/spoken to~
(This post was last modified: Mar 05, 2017, 11:02 AM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Vet who has 367 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Wraith Kael

Though there was some guilt that settled in his gut to have spooked the healer, Wraith would not have hesitated to snarl at him again if Lorcan chose not to heed his warning. As soon as the male whined and backed away, the Second allowed his tail to lower and his lips to fall back over his teeth. Violence was not something that came readily to Wraith, but spring was always a tense season. Even more so this year, it seemed. He was on edge. With Craw missing in action with his former packmates - why that left the spider-faced male thinking he could be excused from his duties to his current pack, Wraith had no idea - the brute felt the need to keep the other subordinates away from his mate.

Turning to @Morganna, he rumbled with soft displeasure. "Stop teasing the lad," he suggested, settling beside her with a huff. Since it was within easy reach, he nipped at one of her ears and gave a sharp tug. A heavy sigh passed the male's lips as he settled his chin across the back of her neck. "I'm sorry," he murmured for her ears alone. "I don't know what the hell he's thinking." By his tone, it was clear he wasn't speaking of Lorcan. That Craw could leave her wanting at a time like this aggravated him more than he could say. Had things gone differently, Wraith would bed her himself. But he would not violate a mated bond, and now he had his own to think about.

"Want me to track him down and drag him back by his ears?" Wraith asked softly, trying to bring light to the situation. Where was the pack heading? Down what path was Craw dragging them? There really was only one question left.

Would Morganna let him?

[Image: wm2_by_becuffin-dblzotz.png]
Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall

Aww, she watched with a wicked smile as Lorcan took his leave, barely containing the chuckle that wanted to break free as Wraith came to close the distance between them. The tug on her ear was met with a playful click of her teeth and a low growl, she was having fun and he had to go and ruin it didn't he? Although she supposed, a large part of that was her own fault. She had been the one to push him towards Piety in the first place. Of course he'd go getting all noble on her now. "No need fer apologies, it's not yer fault," he hadn't done anything wrong.

But his offer was met with a scoff. "Don't trouble yerself, just keep an eye on Piety, I can take care o' this m'self." There was a bitter edge to her words, but acceptance as well. She had done it before, she would do it again. It was her job as leader to ensure there were children come spring and if her partner chose not to partake well that didn't change the requirements on her end. The set of her jaw betrayed her opinion before she opened her mouth. There was hardly a chance of ever coming back from this. "If yer gonna drag him anywhere, yer better off goin' the other way." She wasn't sure she could bring herself to look at him, let alone abide his presence in her home.

[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]