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Searching for the cure — Firefly Weir 
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Played by Mai who has 201 posts.
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Neha Vuesain
For @Bojack
Early evening. Clear skies.
-10*F, 17*C

Was she going crazy, or did it feel like her entire body was on fire? The change happened gradually, affecting her body slowly. First it seemed to be the warmth of the weather, then the stuffiness of the communal den. Then her nose grew more sensitive, finding the foreign, sickly sweet smell of the other females off putting. What was worse, the scents of the males seemed thicker, more musky. Her skin began to prickle, her lush winter coat feeling far too heavy on her petite, slender frame. Neha didn't understand the oh so simple reason behind the way her body was responding, but what she did know, was that she didn't like it.

She needed space. Room to breathe. She couldn't stand to be in the Cove one moment longer! She felt as if she would suffocate there at any moment! So she ran, heading west and down the mountain. If it was cooler air she sought, then her rational side would have convinced her to stay at higher altitude. But she was anything but rational now. She cared little where her paws took her; all that mattered was that it was far away. She thought...hoped that the rushing wind blowing through her coat would cool her down, but it didn't. That annoying, heated itch under her skin only grew in intensity. Frustrated, jaws clenched into a grimace, the fully grown Princess had thrown herself to the ground, into a melting snow pile for relief. Like a mad woman, she wriggled and rolled on her back and sides, all four legs splayed comically. She didn't care how dirty or wet her light golden and silver fur got. All that mattered was the icy chill she yearned for to make her skin stop burning!

After a good half hour of this, the pile of snow was flattened, her fur disheveled and damp. Her jaws parted slightly, her breaths came rapidly, chest heaving from the workout. Soft brown eyes narrowed, lips curling in silent irritation as once again, those warm pinpricks crept over every square inch of her skin. This was getting ridiculous! She had seen her mother act in much the same manner before, as well as some of the other adult females in the pack. But why was it happening to her now?! Was there something wrong with her? Oh how she pitied every female wolf who had to go through this, at this time of year, if this indeed was their fate. Unable to take the torment of her body anymore, she sprinted forward. It was evening now and the sun had just retired for the day. In the distance the unmistakable glimmer of water had caught her eye. Ignoring the brush that was between her and the small pool of water, she pushed her way through a small opening and arrived at it's banks. At this time of year, Neha normally would have hesitated, well aware of how frigid most water sources were. But this time she strode right in and didn't stop until it reached her hips. The icy bite of the water soothed her flesh, earning from her a pleased sigh of relief.
Played by Becca who has 36 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
BoJack ---
He needed a break from everything. The change in the females was driving him mad (despite there not being many were he currently was). BoJack knew better than to try and get frisky with the men guarding those in heat so protectively. Nor did he really have the desire to risk having some girl he wasn't even slightly emotionally invested in pop out pups. He didn't even like the thought of himself being a father. Just ew.

With nothing better to do, he shuffled about the lands. His paws lead him west into the unknown. This wasn't ground he had covered with Nimble. She was the one female who he could happily be around right now. He felt better now that she was getting some care and they had somewhere to stay until something good came to her memory. For now, it was merely hoping for the best. To be quite honest, BoJack was content to keep her around as long as possible. He wouldn't say that out loud obviously but it was certainly something he thought about. Things would be a difference once she remembered where she belonged. When she remembered that she didn't belong in his care. He felt a hole where his heart should be just thinking about it.

So deep in thought, he wasn't sure where he had ended up but there was a smell. The smell. He had no intention to follow it but he couldn't stop himself. Eager to see who it was. He spotted a younger girl who seemed to be cooling herself off in one of the most dangerous ways possible. This must have been her first heat, he assumed from age and actions. BoJack didn't feel like he was the right guy for girls to be running into when they were coming of age. It made him feel dirty and wrong that he might end up setting the bar for all those other males out there who were surely better than him.