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say goodbye to who i was — Wild Rye Fields 
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Played by Van who has 237 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Castel Lyall-Noor

@Drestig seemed to be hesitating at first, which caused a trill of fear to rise in Cas' chest. She wasn't even sure why she felt so nervous about this; it wasn't as though it were a life-or-death situation, and she could always go and find another pack to join, even if he did say no. But then the dark man spoke, his voice thoughtful and realistic, which Cas was grateful for.

"No offense, sir, but I would never go to a pack with the expectancy that they would have the answer to all of my problems. I just want a place where I can count on to always be there if I need it; somewhere stable, with wolves who might accept me for who I am," she told him genuinely, dipping her head in assent to his claim. "I don't mind that you don't have a healer. In fact, it never occurred to me to even ask. There's nothing a healer can do about what's wrong with me, apart from maybe making it less painful."

A grin appeared on her own lips as he mentioned admiring her spirit, and she laughed slightly "I do try to have an admirable spirit," she faux-bragged, puffing out her chest in mock-pride. But then, at his next statement, her mood became more serious once more. "I don't make promises lightly, sir. I will back my words up with actions." She smiled and tiptoed slightly to touch her nose to his muzzle, relieved that he seemed to be willing to take her into the pack. "Thank you. I definitely won't let you down." She felt a strange swell of pride within her, and wondered if this was the type of pride that @Askan had felt when he spoke of his name's heritage several days ago. She hoped it was, because it felt... nice. Like she was doing something worthwhile with her life.

Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon
So sorry for leaving this hanging so long, stupid flu got me completely out of the loop -.-;

Her answer was surprising, bringing an astonished smile to dark man's lips. It was very rare to see that kind of wisdom in such a young wolf- hell he had met many loners twice her age who expected much more of a prospective pack. Castel seemed almost too humble in her request, something that might have appeared suspicious, had it not been mixed with blunt, slightly rambling manner she otherwise presented. In the end Drestig just huffed, shaking his head lightly and reaching out to rub his cheek along her flank as she passed, moving around and coming up her opposite side, coating her in the scent of Wild Rye Fields. Once his head was back by hers, he fell in step, slowly leading her towards the tree line and the pack den.

He met her comments with an easy grin, snorting amusedly at the little joke. She had a lot of words in her, that was for sure, but they seemed to be paired with an easy going nature and healthy attitude, both qualities that would serve her well as part of the pack. Nodding his head, the elder man spoke pleasantly, eyes idly scanning the landscape as he went; "You've come to the right place, we've got a bit of everything here. Some of them might be an acquired taste, but I'm sure you'll handle it." He turned his gaze back to the yearling to wink at the comment, amusement flickering in his embers. "You can be sure they'll save their judgment until they've gotten to know you and seen you in action, they were offered the same courtesy." His smile remained effortless as they walked, voice still calm and conversational. There was no point in pushing his rank here, she was part of the family now and as long as she stayed true to her promises he wouldn't bother to play tough.

After a short walk in silence, the powdery snow making barely a sound beneath their paws, Drestig slowed, face turning thoughtful. When he looked at his new recruit yet again, there was a small crease in his brow, eyes growing serious. "I won't tell the others about your… Condition, not as long as you can keep up. But I urge you to share with them when you feel comfortable, once they've gotten to know the rest of you. In my experience, secrets and trust don't work well together." Another smile graced his lips then, soft and genuine, and he held her gaze for a few moments, letting the message sink in. Family supported each other, but they couldn't do that without sharing each other's trust. "And on that note," He added, smile growing crooked; "I will have to tell Jessie, my mate. She's away at the moment, but I'll introduce you when she gets home." Which hopefully wouldn't be much longer.

Word count: 476
