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the horse's mouth — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Becca who has 36 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
BoJack ---
Territory Discovery! AW <3
Name: Lone Tree Stand (Drooping Willows, Southern Eden)
Coordinates: -74.30735, -45
Picture: here
Description: North of Willow Ridge stands an old willow tree all by itself. The ground around the tree is mostly dirt and sparse patches of grass. A few small shrubs grow around the base of the tree hiding its roots from those passing by. No matter the time of year it seems the tree doesn't grow foliage giving it a rather ominous feeling.

He was exhausted. Between the scents of females and making sure Nimble was still comfortable he didn't have much time to be truly comfortable himself. BoJack just kept trying at every chance he got to sneak out and explore. Anything to keep him from doing something he'd so horribly regret. He had not been born to be alone but this time of year was always so hard to socialize. Hormones everywhere made for awkward interactions that he might have taken part in had he not had a few things to attend to. He just so badly wanted to scoop up Nimble and disappear again. She was young enough to not be affected by the awful things that the changing seasons did. He could still be around her and curl up with her at night despite this time of year. While BoJack was all for enjoying life's pleasures he didn't like the consequences that came with. Did anyone, though?

The large male shuffled about rather aimlessly, his paws leading him north as the snow came down. It powdered his coat and covered the ground. That's where his focus had been. On the ground. He didn't look around to see where he was or where he was going. He just wanted to find Nimble a gift before returning home. A small thanks for sticking around and not giving up on him yet. BoJack wondered how long it would be until that day came. Once she was fully better would she disappear without a trace? Would he be left in the Willows paying off their debt while she explored the world alone? He didn't want to think about those things but he couldn't help it. He knew he couldn't keep her forever. She had family somewhere that surely missed her, worried about what had happened to her. Was anyone concerned how he'd feel when she disappeared? Did they think he wouldn't miss her too?

With a loud sigh, the large male lifted his head to see where he was. The trees around him had thinned but there was one large bare tree sitting in the middle of everything. It's branches started out thick before working into much thinner sporadic pieces. It was strange, to say the least. He circled around its wide base a few times. His silver eyes looked both up and down. Shrubs covered the roots as if keeping the origin of the tree a secret. BoJack was content to let secrets remain secrets.

He plopped down into a laying position on the snowy ground under the bare tree. This was his tree for now. No one else (save for perhaps Nimble) would be allowed to join him here.
Played by Riley who has 102 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
/tosses iyes
Iyes found herself enraptured with the trees that were growing in this part of the Lore, slowing down her pace as she was passing through to stare at just how weird they looked. Some still retained some sort of leaf, the iced-on snow giving the appearance of white tendrils descending from the sky. There was a big ol' stinking pack scent south of where she was, and she decided it was for the best if it remained as south as she could get, but she couldn't quite chase herself out yet. 

Her orange eyes wandered up the length of the trees, following the narrow, dark trunks to the dozens branches that split off and tapered into leaf fingerlings coated with white. When one came up close enough she would veer just a little off course and walk beneath it, feeling its cold fingertips brush against her scruff. She kept herself on a continuous forward march, but craned her head this and that way to ponder and observe as she did so. Soon the trees began to thin, became less frequent, and eventually disappeared all together. A soft sigh escaped her dark muzzle into a puff of smoke in the air, sad there was nothing fun to look at anymore - though this way she'd be able to make her way faster now that she wasn't distracted. 

Or so she thought. Suddenly on the horizon there appeared another tree, like the other ones, but as she followed the trunk up and watched the branches split - there was nothing clinging to the tapering ends. It was just tendrils of darkness, reaching into the air and falling down - against the bleak winter sky. Iyes gave an internal shudder as she came closer, scrunching her nose. It was a bit.. ominous, almost. Really gave her the heebs and jeebs. So naturally, she needed to go inspect it in further detail. Tentatively she came closer, half expecting something to pop out at her, completely unaware the dark wolf-shaped splotch on the ground at its base was a wolf.  
(This post was last modified: Mar 05, 2017, 02:05 AM by Iyes.)
Played by Becca who has 36 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
BoJack ---
He just wanted to be comfortable with this tree. His body laying under it's spindly, dark branches that reached down but never touched him even if he was standing. His silver eyes looked out amongst the land that laid before. There was a dark speck moving across the snowy terrain but BoJack was sure he'd be noticed or they'd go a different way. Except he was positive they were just getting closer with no sign of turning. The closer they got the more positive he was that it wasn't Nimble either. He stayed still in his spot with extremely high hopes that they'd turn soon.

It seemed he was out of luck. BoJack quickly jumped to his feet and gave a series of rough barks towards the other girl. His tail harshly waved behind him as his eyes narrowed in on her. She was small and young. Reminded him of Nimble. The male quickly fixed himself into a more neutral position. "Oh, uh." He struggled while looking for a reason to reel her back after his aggressive explosion. "I thought you were someone else. I'm really sorry 'bout that." He shifted his weight awkwardly. He felt really bad now. What if she was really like Nimble? Lost, confused, alone. It made some feeling that wasn't exactly guilt stir in his gut.

"BoJack." The male offered his name with a casual shrug as if it didn't matter. He probably seemed like a damn loon already anyway.
Played by Riley who has 102 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
The blotch within her eyeline suddenly shifted, becoming a wolf instead of a shadow and rising tall with a series of vicious barks to warn her. Fear washed through her blood, hot then cold, and lacking in grace she leapt several inches up and backwards, landing with a gasp that she couldn't pretend to contain. The silvery fur that formed a patch upon her hackles rose, followed by all the fur down her spine and through her tail until it resembled something more like a cheap feather-duster instead. She fixed her wide orange eyes on the black-coated male.

With a sweep of his gaze his demeanor changed, his tail lowering from the dominant flag to something considerably more neutral. Iyes did not return the favor instantly. The pounding of her heart was so fierce it nearly vibrated the she-wolf's petite frame. In all situations she usually avoided run-ins with authority and this one came so abruptly that it had scrambled her ability to think clearly and she froze, unable to give in to one instinct or the other.

An apology followed shortly and he adjusted his position with what appeared to be remorse. Iyes allowed herself to release a breath at that point, her fur slowly reducing itself back to her regular appearance. Still, she didn't move any closer, only listened to him with a tilt of her ears. "Iyes," she responded after a beat. "Who were you expecting, barking like that?" The god damned devil? Her tone was stale as she tried to suppress the shaking of her voice. She gave a nervous wag of her tale, wondering if her dryness would bring the beast back around.  
Played by Becca who has 36 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
BoJack ---
Her reaction was completely fair. BoJack knew he had come off as aggressive rather quickly and he wouldn't have been surprised had she disappeared the moment his barks were sent out. But she stayed. Even introduced herself. Iyes. It was a nice name. Nothing like Nimble obviously but that didn't mean the young girl still didn't remind him of his companion. Her question caused him to frown slightly. He needed a reason and needed one fast. Luckily he thought he had the perfect one.

"My friend had been attacked not too long ago so I've been keeping an eye out in case they came back. You kinda looked like them. I only got a glimpse when they were leaving the scene, though." He left out the fact that it had been dark and snowy with only the northern lights giving any help. "It's a pleasure to meet you Iyes. I hope you're around here for a better reason than I am?" He still kept himself considerably low with his stance. The large male was teetering somewhere between neutral and submissive. He did have to figure that if she hadn't run off yet it was highly likely she wouldn't now.

She was smaller than Nimble, flecked with silver and browns, had bright orange eyes. The girl was missing a notch on the side of her head, white spot on her chest and some size to be Nimble. Other than those few things it felt like she was his companion back at the Ridge. Maybe he already missed her even though she was still here. BoJack didn't like that he saw her in other wolves but he couldn't help it either.
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
shoot it, shoot it out
renier lyall
cause they want a little more

After Bojack had arrived and they'd settled Nimble down, he hoped Ravenna would come home soon. She could do a proper job. At least the young wolf was doing okay, resting.

The Lyall kept silently wondering if he could trust the two. If he'd really pay back his debt. He seemed very tied to the girl, but not finding him there he followed his trail. He was hoping to know him a little better. Even if it was snowing. Renier was trying his hardest not to do something he'd regret. He could only be pushed so far.

Where was the wolf going? The direction was north, but his trail didn't seem very guided. The Lyall wondered if he was taking a moment away to try to relax. Conflicted to move forward or go back, he let out a huff and trotted north again.

In the distance was a lone tree that had seen better days. Barking began and he pursued. There was a dark shadow moving in on another one? A shake of his coat he was more cautious, until his gold eyes saw two wolves, hearing the voice of his subordinate. He gave reason for his actions, inquiring if she'd a better reason to be here than he. Renier let out a low chuff, trotting over to his pack mate. Politely, he dipped his head to the young lady, curious as well. She was not the young wolf he'd met before.

template base formed by GINNYSAURUS.
(This post was last modified: Mar 06, 2017, 09:24 PM by Renier.)
[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by Riley who has 102 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Iyes stilled as she listened to BoJack's somber story, her face adopting a neutral expression which gradually turned into a grimace. For one thing, it was the first she'd heard of anyone getting attacked. And while she was riding the wave of youthful naïveté through her life, she still didn't like to imagine a scenario where she, or anyone else for that matter, was actually hurt. With a nervous flick of her tail she glanced in either direction of her, as though this look-alike wolf might be roving the barren willows nearby.

He didn't expand too much on the matter before launching into pleasantries. Running her pale pink tongue over her dark nose she decided to accept the subject change rather than spend her time entertaining thoughts that only served to give her the heebs and or jeebs. Her orange gaze returned firmly to watch him, relaxing her posture as he remained lower than he had been before. The threat she might have posed was gone. "Well I'm not under attack," she offered feebly, in a tone that was meant to be playful but fell a little flat when she realized she was joking about someone preying on a youth. "I was just out walking, on my way to..."

Thankfully she didn't have to come up with a lie to explain why she was aimlessly wandering around the trees, as another wolf approached the gathering. She ought to have been unsurprised that the brief shoutfest attracted someone else's attention, but of course she was surprised anyway. Upon the arrival of the larger agouti male, Iyes senselessly threw all her trust towards the one who'd been there first and instinctively drew closer to BoJack. The new arrival was entirely polite, but the cautionary tale still on her mind did not allow her to trust him. Her orange eyes flickered briefly between the two adults, waiting for a sign that he was not the scary attacker's additional accomplice.
Played by Becca who has 36 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
BoJack ---
BoJack couldn't say he was shocked when someone showed up but he was shocked that it was Renier. The large male offered a polite nod towards him before his eyes fell upon Iyes. She had been talking but fell silent upon the appearance of the tawny male. He decided to take manners into his own hands. "He's safe, I promise." BoJack spoke softly in the direction of the young girl. "Renier this is Iyes. Iyes this is Renier." His silver eyes switched between the two of them to make sure that little introduction was enough to get them started off on the right paw.

He kept his posture low still since he was in the presence of a (hopefully) new friend and his current alpha. He felt a little strange in this situation but he wasn't sure why. No one was in danger or at risk of being attacked. Maybe it was just that he was stuck in this state of feeling constantly odd.

There was no use in thinking about that feeling now so her merely shoved it down into his gut and let a smile cross his lips. "You said you were on your way to somewhere?" The chocolatey male focused his attention solely on Iyes to see if she was interested in finishing what she had started to say earlier.