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you filled your bones with junk. — Grizzly Hollow 
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Played by Ace who has 87 posts.
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Felix Macieo

Veho’s alert chilled the young wolf to the bone. Yes, he knew that Joan’s disappearance wasn’t good, but he too sometimes felt the need to explore – it didn’t worry him as much as Oula’s had. She only intended to be gone for a short while, but even then, the boy simply assumed she’d gotten distracted. At worst, perhaps his mother had twisted an ankle and was slow on return; never, in one hundred lifetimes, had he imagined any wolf would do this to another.

He was grateful, more than words could express, that his packmate had found him. It took all his social skills not to just hurl his body at Tyne; even then, he trotted close, anxiety written all over his fine features as he give an over emphasized shrug. “No. But I think she was with my dad,” he muttered softly, his mismatched eyes ringed with white. But the other wolf’s suggestion made sense, even if his friend hadn’t been with the male alpha. There was no place safer, right?

Felix swallowed hard, and give Tyne an aggressive nod. “Yeah. I mean, if you don’t mind,” he murmured, ears plastered against his skull. There was little he wanted more than one parent. Just one would do.

Played by Silvia who has 164 posts.
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Amaryllis Azalea
The distress and anger was almost palpable, even from the distance amaryllis was standing at but a cold dread washed over her as Danger. Lone wolf. Using Oula as bait. Were heard in her ears. Just who were they dealing with? Someone was using oula as bait? For what end?! She almost couldn’t believe it if it wasn’t coming from Veho and the fact Oula had been gone far longer than needed.

Have you seen Tomen and Nineva? At this, she felt a surge of both guilt and protectiveness at the thought that maybe Tomen and Nineva were out there, with this lone wolf wandering around and begun moving away from the limestone bluffs. He wasn’t going to snatch another one of her family.

No, haven’t but am now looking. She howled out in response to Veho, trotting in a direction she thought at least one of them might be. She had only visited Frog Chirp Creek once or twice but she had caught the scent of Tomen and Pip the few times she had gone. Hopefully, she’d find either both or one of them at the creek or on the way to it. She just prayed neither of them had taken the fancy to wander away from the pack right now.
[Image: ama_sig_by_becuffin-db825cv.png]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 350 posts.
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Nineva Hervok
Gone from the territory on one of her many scouting adventures, Nineva was the return leg but only drew within close enough distance in time to hear Veho's second howl. The distress in it immediately dumped a bucket of adrenaline in her system, and she was no longer trotting leisurely but bolting for the pack's borders. The tautness within the muscles of her left hind leg caused the limb to hitch, slowing her down slightly despite her best struggles against it.

She heard her name, and Tomen's too, and threw back her skull to add her own bouncing song that she was on her way, the pitch warbling with her gait. Her ears drew upward them, attempting to catch @Tomen's voice too, but it did not come. Her heart dropped into the acid of her stomach. Where was he?

Again her throat was bared as she called out again, this time begging her friend to answer. Veho's tuneful signal of danger repeated over and over again within her head. What if something had happened to him? Ignoring the growing pain within her hind leg, she pressed on even faster, pushing her muscles as far as was possible.

Zerxes' poisonous eyes floated through her mind, conjoining with the phantom features she had by now created for Belladonna's murderer. Jaws snapped, that wicked laughter clouded her mind. What if either of them had Oula? What if they had gotten Tomen?
Played by Vet who has 89 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ophelia Macieo

Someone else has.

Someone had taken her mother? No! No, she'd only just gotten her back! They were only just starting to get along again! Peridot eyes focused on @Veho and for the first time in her life, there was true fear written there. What were they going to do? Why didn't they go hurt whoever took Mama to make them tell? They had to go find her, bring her home!

Ophelia turned to look around and her gaze fell upon Pip. As soon as their eyes met, the pup watched as the omega's eyes skittered away. Both pride and regret surged within her for it. She'd made little to no progress with concerns to earning the sea wolf's trust, though forgiveness had already been given freely. The pale princess almost wished she wouldn't have forgiven her at all as it made the lack of trust painful. But for once, the girl thought about Pip and her situation as well as the packmates that would be worried for her safety considering her lack of voice.

She lifted her muzzle and howled out a quick Pip is safe, here with us.

With that done, she nodded and gave an expression akin to a smile when she caught the omega peering at her curiously before returning her attention to Veho. "Daddy, what do we do?" she asked impatiently, anxious for @Oula's safety.

Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
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Pip Mizuno-Sørenson

Listening as others offered their voices to the howl, Pip relaxed a little. Though @Tomen's voice had yet to join, at least the others were safe. That @Nineva didn't appear to be with him was concerning - it wasn't like the male to wander far off for long. Had he fallen victim to Azar as well? But, no, no. Surely the man would have mentioned it. Had he not one, but two packmates caught in his clutches, surely he would have said as much just to rub their noses in it.

When the young princess spoke up on her behalf, Pip blinked in surprise. Ophelia was the last she thought who would want the others to know of her safety. It was actually the first selfless act the little omega had ever seen from the girl. Though the pup had already turned away, Pip smiled kindly.

Just as Ophelia had, Pip too looked to @Veho for answers. Though the sea wolf was the farthest from aggressive, her love for Oula outweighed any meek behavior of hers. She would fight that wretched male if it would bring the warrior woman back to them! Besides...Pip really didn't like that man. He was snide and crude and thought far too highly of himself, lacking any manner of respect for an Alpha's status.

[Image: pipwave_by_becuffin-dblzaqt.png]
Played by Grey who has 444 posts.
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Rook Lyall
something scanty/small from me while I resurface from wedding things...hnng. sorry~

don't repeat my mistakes, I won't sleep 'til you're safe inside

One by one the calls came in turns, the cubs and his pack mates. From somewhere nearby to all the way to the Bluffs, they all answered back that they were safe. As quick as Veho's howl had gone up, long distance conversation was easily drawn up. Rook's skittish feet began to stumble towards the den, ears twisting to and fro as he still awaited for his son's call. "Tomen," he whispered to himself. The utterance itself was not loud enough to summon the adolescent Lyall to him or prompt him to respond, but it worried Rook that he had not answered.

Wrought with worry, the masked man poorly navigated towards the place where his daughter and partner stood. He hadn't been no more than a quick sprint away; it made sense for him to simply close the distance between them.

Ophelia sought the Leader for direction, "Daddy, what do we do?"

It was here that Rook saw Veho as he was to the cubs. It made the shame within him rear its ugly head and cast a scornful eye. He would have to forgive himself sooner or later, he figured, but for now he looked with obvious longing and want at his significant other. Everything that had unfolded in the wake of Oula's disappearance had made Grizzly Hollow's true Leader reveal itself for Rook to see and realize. With a bowed head and flattened ears, he approached the trio of wolves, remaining quiet as he stood a few wolf-lengths from behind the near-yearling. Like Ophelia and Pip, he too awaited instruction, wishing that he and Felix could have done more. At the back of his mind, he also continued to await Tomen's call. This wouldn't be the first time the pack was in danger, Rook, himself, was all too familiar with situations like this...

Chances are I have a BEN WHISHAW gif for that.
Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo
@Nineva @Rook @Amaryllis @Pip @Tyne -- Final round!  Please reply by 3/25.  We can claim for a pack event afterwards.  <3

Nineva had answered.

That was one small question that was put to relief – but at this point, he realized Yvly had not responded, either. Had he hands, he’d be rubbing his temples. But now was not the time for panic. He moved only enough to press his larger body against Ophelia’s side, hoping only to offer her physical comfort when he had no solution for the more intense problems. “Thank you,” he murmured quietly, aware she was doing her own communicating while he was informing the rest of the pack. The young princess was offered a quick kiss to her crown, but unfortunately, she was not the only one with questions. Rook was offered only a brief nod, for he couldn’t keep them all waiting. “First, we regroup, my little love. We will win nothing by running into this blind.”

It was then that Pip, too, was offered a small nod – he noticed her, even if he had no additional answers for the omega, or anyone else looking to him just now. The weight of their gazes was all but crushing, but oh-- He sighed softly before tipping his head upwards, and inhaling deeply. Regroup, he sang out in a single tone. {i}Pairs only if you leave. We will be prepared.[/i[

He would figure everything out after that.

[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]
Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Pip Mizuno-Sørenson

Regroup. It was a sound plan in Pip's opinion for the safety of the pack, but what about Oula? The little mute worried for her, recalling vividly the wolf's face at the border and how he'd been practically bragging and preening for his own job well done in the warrior's capture. It had surprised the mute to hear Veho agree to the man's terms, but hoped it had only been to send him on his way elsewhere.

Pip was not a violent spirit at heart. When it came to meeting strangers, she would rather cower away and let them do as they pleased. However, when it came to the safety of her packmates, her family, even the meek sea wolf could harbor the ferocity of an orca, a fellow wolf of the sea. She had watched many times in Bella Coola the way the whales would herd their prey and even beach themselves to have a chance at catching seals. They would tear into flesh with stunning accuracy. Thinking back to Azar and the way he threatened Oula, Pip could see herself grabbing him by the snout and dragging him into the sea to drown.

The mute shook her head, forcing away the darkness in her gaze. She took a breath and looked to Veho. He would provide the leadership they needed to get through this and bring the warrior woman home.

[Image: pipwave_by_becuffin-dblzaqt.png]
Played by Vet who has 89 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ophelia Macieo

At her father's gratitude, Ophelia practically glowed with praise, looking every bit the beauty queen she was meant to be without the attitude. Her tail wagged as her peridot eyes gleamed with pleasure and she pressed happily against him. That he would notice and make mention of it was all the encouragement she needed to do something similar later on.

"You're welcome, Daddy," she murmured in response, smiling sweetly. The same smile was even shared with the mute for a moment until her attention was pulled back towards Veho. Regroup and plan accordingly. And keep everyone calm, Ophelia noted silently. Avoid panic. Despite the panic she knew she should be feeling, with Daddy's demeanor as it was, she could only remain stoic and prepared for whatever it was he needed of her. Whatever was necessary to bring Mama home, that was what she'd do.

The pale princess definitely wanted to join whatever search parties were to be sent out to find her mama. And she would beat the behind of whatever had stolen her away! Beat them so hard, they'd never walk again and then they couldn't hunt and then they'd starve! The girl frowned as she thought how ugly a thought that was and then shrugged, realizing she didn't care. If someone wanted to hurt her family, they could definitely starve and she wouldn't feel bad at all!

Played by Ace who has 87 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Felix Macieo


At least that would make finding his father a little easier. Felix allowed himself a soft sigh of relief, his shoulders sagging a little bit as he glanced back over at Tyne. Certain the older wolf had heard the same message, he watched him for a moment before nodding his head in his father’s direction. Regroup with the alpha. That was easy. With all the chaos and questions he had, with all the anxiety bubbling up underneath his ribcage, it was an easy task to accomplish. Find Veho, answer to Veho, follow the rules. Surely his father would have a plan for them, one he didn’t want to broadcast.

And that was good. That was safe. The plan was for Grizzly Hollow, and not anyone else.

Checking once to make sure he wasn’t leaving the sea wolf behind, the youth set off with a brisk lope towards the epicenter of his father’s howls. There was little else on his mind, other than finding him – and when they finally came into view, he was relieved to see Pip, and Ophelia as well. The rest of his family was safe (and he hadn’t kept Tyne from his family, either). He deflated a little further, and circled to the small group, joining his sister’s side.

His father would know what to do.

Gently paging @Rook @Amaryllis @Tyne so we can wrap this up!