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our brains are sick but that's okay — Willow Ridge 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
for @Renier only.
Backdated to 2/6.

Having had time to digest the discussion that had been had with his uncle @Nicolò, there was one more wolf that Sven wanted to hear from. He'd been meaning to have a private talk with Renier for a while now about the shift in leadership, but one thing after another had stolen his attention instead. Determined that it would be put off no longer, he sought the man out with a wriggling nose and roving eyes.

Sven's feelings on the new Lyall at the helm was a mixed bag. For one, there was just that; the man was a Lyall, and not even half-blooded like his aunt and uncles. While @Ravenna had proven herself (in Sven's narrow mind) as thoroughly Archer, he supposed that of them all, Renier was the best one. What all did that really mean, though? Before the schism between Morganna and Nicolo, that would have been indisputably good. Since his disappearing act to chase after Sven's aunt, however, the teenager was far less sure.

Could he really be trusted? Or was he going to follow in the haphazard paw prints of his predecessors? Sven was determined to discover if it was even worth finding out.

Discovering the man mid-patrol, Sven barked in greeting, jogging until he fell into pace at the alpha's side.

"Hey, mind if I join you?"

(This post was last modified: Feb 21, 2017, 02:00 AM by Sven.)
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
Hunting Demonstration 1/3
Renier Lyall
don't worry about me the heart is suppose to bleed

Marching through their well walked trail, he was studying a pair of coyote tracks. Sometime before the sun it had trekked this way, searching for food. While it hadn't crossed the border, it had come too close for his liking. With thoughts to pursue it, he set foot into the powdery snow. At the sound of a bark  swiftly he raised his head to be sure it was who he thought. Sven.

 It wasn't strange for him to join him now and again. Renier felt he would earn his role of guardian soon. Maybe, he would like to get in on the chase.

"Not at all," he replied with his half smile. Company was always welcome, and why they were not blood (that he knew of) he always thought of Sven as family just as Elettra and his cousins despite what had transpired between him and Morganna.

"Was just going to see if I could find this little bugger," pale snout tipped to the tracks that lead to the heights. His gold eyes came to rest on the pale wolf to see if he was up for it. Even though he felt there had to be something more, he would wait to find out.

(This post was last modified: Feb 13, 2017, 03:51 PM by Renier.)
[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
hunting dem 1/3 ?

Sven certainly hadn't been expecting a 'no.' He also wasn't expecting that they would do anything more together than the usual trip around the pack's boundaries, other than this talk he had planned, of course. With Renier's words and gesture, Sven's eyes followed to find the relatively fresh prints. A coyote, eh? That definitely needed to be taken care of. Attica was so grown now, but she gravely lacked experience. It was likely that the rival could easily overpower and harm her, and any threat to his sibling was to be dealt with swiftly.

With a nod and a solemn, "absolutely," Sven took off at a trot after the trail, expectedly with Renier at his side.

As the duo moved after their prey, a beat of silence existed before the pale teenager decided to break it.

"I wanted to talk to you about the whole alpha thing," he admitted, ghostly eyes and off-white ears tuned finely ahead of them in search of the coyote even as he spoke.

"How do you feel about it all?"

(This post was last modified: Feb 21, 2017, 02:03 AM by Sven.)
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
Sure 2/3 Hunting Demonstration by tracking.
editI wasn't sure if this was after Elettra's death so I've been vague. But it does occur after?

Renier Lyall
don't worry about me the heart is suppose to bleed

Of the same mind, they set off to pursue the rival. Maybe, they'd leave its corpse here to remind others they had better keep clear. While smaller they were not something he would deal with lightly. It made him curious. "Has Attica seen a coyote?" He asked, not certain.

It was easy to fall in step with the white wolf as they had done now and again. A habit he didn't mind, and made him feel more at ease. Some form of normalcy of what a pack should be. His gold eyes kept careful track of the trail ahead, when Sven's voice caused an ear to tilt back. They did not stop walking, as the question was finally made. His eyes briefly swept to his to read him. Thoughtfully, he smoothed his faint mask, continuing forward, still intent on pursuing the coyote. Yet, still honestly answer.

"Sometimes I wish it had happened sooner, and things were different." If he had been in the same place last year Morganna would have stayed.  He roughly shook his head dismissing the idea. It did no one any good.

He settled on the present. "I was surprised Nicolo would give it to me. I had long debated taking it from him, but timing was never right. I thought it was better not to cause another wreck." In grief he felt it would be wrong to fight the Archer. Some kind of cheat. Even if Nicolo had been in good health, would the others think less of Renier for challenging? See it as selfish?

"So I have tried to do what I had told him when I returned. Keep the Ridge alive. Do what I could for Elettra, Ravenna, Attica, and you. It's no different now, except I try to count Nicolo and Enoki on that list. I have authority where I did not." His goals had not changed despite his new title. Even if he had failed in his recruiting efforts, at least he was making one.

"I do not intend to give the position back to Nicolo. I want to be sure he has the pack's best interest at heart. He wants to be a leader." Giving up leadership seemed a step in the right direction, but Renier wanted to see the effort continue. See if Nicolo would try to take it back as a true leader.

"What about you? What do you think of it?" He asked in turn. He felt Sven was worried he would flake out on them. Which the Lyall couldn't blame him for. But, was it something more?

"I thought you or Ravenna may take an interest. You younger ones are the future of the Ridge the way I see it." Even if Renier had a mate, the possibility of giving the Ridge another generation, he would not have counted the Archers out. They would be foundation of the pack, by hunting, teaching, and protecting any future pups. If they wanted to lead the Ridge, they had every right to claim it. To him they were his family now. Why he was still uncertain of Enoki, and Nicolo, he only hoped if there was something between them, the man would do things the right way. This time wouldn't alienate the others.

(This post was last modified: Feb 14, 2017, 08:24 PM by Renier.)
[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
right! hunting dem 2/3

"I don't believe so," he had answered in regards to Attica's experience with those lesser canines. However, Sven wasn't naive enough not to acknowledge that his sister was old enough by now to have run ins and adventures he'd yet to hear about. The elder sibling, while protective, also wasn't in the business of outlining each and every boogeyman in the world that Attica would need to watch for, so he couldn't recall if he'd ever specifically warned her about coyotes before. She knew enough that the world as a whole was dangerous.

Then came the answer that Sven had waited for too long to hear. While his eyes and wriggling nose attempted to stay on trail, catching half a print here and the boundary of a scent cone there, his ears were finely tuned toward his superior's words. That Renier had wanted the position even before it had been handed to him was somewhat surprising to the boy who subconsciously only considered Archers the rightful crown bearers. But then, Angier had been a Lyall, and despite Sven's great qualms with the man and his leadership, he had never considered displacing the man until his father and then Nicolo had done so.

He had to wonder, which had Elettra herself preferred? Given the proximity of her death, the thought was cimmerian and he swiftly forgot it.

But these were all good things to hear, weren't they? Renier hadn't been stuck with the position, he had wanted it and still seemed to. He wouldn't roll over for the next wolf, sought what was in the pack's best interest... if only Sven possessed clairvoyance and could confirm that these things were not only true now, but would hold out no matter what the future threw at the Ridge. That was the issue, what the boy could not get over. He'd had faith in other wolves before, thought the mountains they faced perfectly climbable, and yet despite all their bravado they had walked away from the challenges instead.

Renier had already left once, to chase after a woman who had selfishly torn the pack apart and specifically abandoned him in the same fell swoop. He was only here now because she had rejected him, raised up Craw in the place he had wanted instead. Sven wanted to believe that wolves could change, that one mistake did not define them, that passions could be rearranged. He hadn't seen it before, however; only the opposite.

Then the alpha turned the question back on Sven, which the boy admittedly, and foolishly, hadn't been prepared for. He had to think a moment, and that was when he noticed the coyote's sparse tracks veering sharply, each dig of the snow by its smaller paws now clear and fresh. It had been here just recently, and taken off after something, if not from them. Sven picked up the pace and followed the lead.

"I wish it would stop changing. I've never even seen someone take a rank, I've just seen them get passed around because they're tired of the responsibility. I mean, Nonna deserved her retirement and Angier couldn't lead blind, but the rest of it..."

No one had yet to earn it. Maybe Sven was fooling himself in thinking that climbing the ranks, taking what he wanted was the same thing as that, but really it was all the boy could think of. And he certainly didn't feel there was time to wait around until the pack nominated him for it. Especially given history, it was likely that would take far longer than it might have for, say, Niles, and certainly Ravenna. But should he tell Renier of his aims? It felt sneaky, hiding it, but what if he was discouraged, seen as a threat? Perceived to have the same spineless 'ambition' as his father? There was risk either way, and Sven found keeping it quiet more comforting.

He could spare a little bit of the truth, though.

"I never wanted it as a kid," he told him. Despite all his father's talk of how superior their lineage was, of what all they deserved because of their name, Sven had never imagined himself sitting atop that thrown. His faith, in fact, had been in Skoll, for the longest time, and he would be his supporter, his enforcer. That, of course, had all gone up in smoke.

"I think maybe one day I might have to, though. If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself, and all that."