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confiteor deo omnipotenti — Charred Ash Draw 
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Played by Namara who has 184 posts.
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Maera Slayer

The Slayer had been sticking particularly close to the territory, taking it easy for all of their sakes: herself, Kerberos, and their unborn child or children. She’d been the first, she was fairly certain, to notice the small changes in her scent, but the cat was out of the bag now. Of course, she knew they didn’t have to worry about repercussions. It felt almost surreal, knowing that this was allowed, that not every pack was like the one she was supposed to have been born in… she’d fight for them like her family, because that was very much what they were now. Just like she’d fight for her offspring and her mate – blood and hellfire wouldn’t stand in her path.

That protective nature had been brewing from the moment that she’d decided to let Kerberos in all those months ago. The moment she’d taken him on as a travelling partner, and later a friend and confident… her walls were slowly crumbling down and for once, she didn’t feel a need to repair them. They were strong enough to repel those she didn’t know, but weak enough to provide and be more than the statue she’d been in the past. She was surprisingly grateful for it.

The raven woman moved carefully through the lands, a slow day for her as she adjusted to the subtle changes that were starting to form in her body, sniffing around for a snack to sate her hunger and secretly hoping to bump into her husband despite not actively seeking him out or calling for him. She was sure he was just as busy as she normally was.

Played by becca who has 463 posts.
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Kerberos Rigel
He was finally back in The Wildwood after his trip to Fallen Tree Cove. The tawny second was exhausted but he knew he owed someone a little visit. He crept back into the borders and trailed after her scent. There had been subtle changes and it made him excited. His nose held low to the ground he kept a swift pace. Kerberos hoped she wasn't too busy for him right now.

Her dark form came into view and he let out a soft, low whine. He slowly made his way to her with his tail making small waving motions between his legs. He went to brush against her side and offer a soft kiss on the chin if she'd accept it. Kerberos could never be sure what mood she might be in but oh boy did he hope that she was feeling at least slightly affectionate.

"I missed you." He whispered softly in a kind tone. Kerberos knew he'd have to be done wandering for some time. "How're you feeling, love?" He asked with a kind smile. The tawny male was constantly worrying and concerned about her. What she might need, what she was doing, how she was doing. He was had to come with to terms with the fact that it might not be just her that he had to worry about.
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Played by Namara who has 184 posts.
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Maera Slayer

Distracted from her search by a low whine, Maera slowly came to a halt, her head turning to catch sight of a very familiar figure submitting to her, a wide grin hinting at her features. Her tongue ghosted across the back of his ear as she nuzzled his neck softly and breathed in his scent. He was home. She felt more anxious when he was away – she was certain it was because of the change in her scent and what that meant for them. Him being father away from her, in a place where she didn’t know what fate might have befallen him, set her on edge.

“I missed you too, dear.” She murmured lightly in response to her husband, managing to mask the exhaustion that was peaking behind her eyes. All of these changes that were starting to happen were wiping her out, and she wasn’t sure if that was normal. Either way, there was definitely something going on in her abdomen. “Better now that you’re here.” She whispered with her grin only growing against her maw. “I was just out looking for a snack was all… then I was going to take a nap.” He looked tired himself, and so perhaps he would be joining her, back where he belonged.

“How was your trip?” She trusted things had gone well by his lack of injury and that made her feel a little better about his absence.

[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
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Kerberos Rigel
Was he exhausted? Absolutely. Did the desire to be with Maera overpower that exhaustion? Also absolutely. He leaned into her embrace as her words soothed any worries that she might be in a bad mood. "I can help you find the best cache or we can try to hunt something. Up to you." He whispered softly. The first option sounded the best but if his love was in the mood to hunt then he would accompany her. "I'm joining you on that nap, though." The tawny male laughed softly. It would do him well to sleep curled up next to her. Maybe he could even convince Reiko to join in.

His tail swayed as she asked about his trip. "It was alright, the Cove's a really pretty place. I really think you'd like it up there." He spoke with a small smile. Even if Kerberos found the most glorious view ever he knew that the Draw would always be home. "Did you do anything exciting while I was away?" Kerb wanted to make sure that she was still getting exercise and being social even when he wasn't around. While he was positive she could busy herself with border patrols for hours he also hoped that she would find some joy in chatting with others in their quaint little home.
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Played by Namara who has 184 posts.
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Maera Slayer

She had to mull over the options for a moment, considering whether or not fresh kill was worth the precious time they could use to be resting… it was funny how she wasn’t driven by hunger anymore. She was still getting use to food being stored away in all manners of places, and she quite liked that aspect to pack life, particularly in moments like this. She let out a soft chuckle when he informed her that a nap seemed to be on his agenda as well. “Let’s find a cache.” She almost felt like she was getting lazy, but then she remembered that she wasn’t – one small incident of lethargy didn’t warrant a lazy-sentence.

She started to move, hoping he’d keep up, which really he should, since he seemed to be the more active of the two at the moment as she listened about the cove, a soft smile appearing carefully on her features, content with listening to his adventures as her wandering paws ached. Still, she couldn’t go, especially not now. “Maybe someday you’ll have to take me there.” She suggested softly, wondering if that would even be allowed, or if the wolves of the Cove would be okay with that. She was built for something far different than scouting out faraway lands, and with children on the way, she wouldn’t be able to realistically get out and about for quite some time.

Did she do anything exciting?

“A couple border patrols… a couple hunts. Nothing too impressive.” She hadn’t met any resistance on either, and so exciting wasn’t exactly what she’d use to describe it.

[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
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Kerberos Rigel

He nodded his head in agreement and moved by her side. His nose occasionally sniffing the air to sort through her scent and the scent of a cache. Kerberos had a hankering for deer but he wasn't sure if they were going to be that lucky. He wondered if he should do a voluntary hunt. It would help relieve stress and fill their stomachs. Then again he wasn't sure if they had anything around worth hunting. He'd have to search about the wildwood and see if anything had come through lately.

His tail swayed and brushed against Maera at her words. "I'd love to. I also really think you'd like Namid. She's really kind and is another wolf who has those strange two different colored eyes." He wondered if his mate would be as surprised as he had been. "She also kind of reminds me of Naira and Triell, laid back but also serious when needed." He wondered if all leaders were like that. Maybe it was some kind of unspoken requirement.

He giggled softly. "Those things could be exciting. Although I am kind of glad nothing hectic happened while I was out." He was already a bit panicked that the signs of her being an expectant mother were showing (even if they did have permission) so he didn't need to panic of her hunting big game or brawling with unwanted company.

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Played by Namara who has 184 posts.
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Maera Slayer

She smiled softly, quickly forcing herself to reel back the slight jealousy she felt burn at her heart. When had she gotten so protective, so territorial, over what she’d claimed as hers? He went on a scouting mission and she needed to calm down. “I’d love to meet her someday.” She agreed softly, nudging his shoulder as they walked, carefully letting her nose search for any nearby scents that could indicate a cache. Laid back but serious – the pack structure worked for her as a subordinate, but she knew if she were to ever lead herself, she’d need to be strict. It was just who she was.

While normally she’d spoil for a fight, a part of her strong personality she supposed, she understood her limits, causing that soft smile to form on her maw as she let out a light chuckle. “For once, I am too.” She was also glad he was home now, even if she’d already mentioned it, it put her at ease. She couldn’t watch over him, or watch his back, when he was outside of pack lands, especially on long journeys like the one he’d just returned from. It was silly, she knew, but part of her did worry - what if he doesn’t come back?. She knew that the Tainn’s were good wolves, but she’d developed a sort of dependence on him that she’d never had with anyone else and the thought of being alone was not one she wanted to consider.

[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
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Kerberos Rigel
sorry for the wait :c

His tail swayed happily as his mate said she'd like to meet the Cove leader. Kerberos was hopeful that the two females would get along well. He enjoyed both of them, but obviously, Maera had his heart so there was no competition between the two. A smile sat on his face as they walked along. Fur mingling as he took in her scent. With the heat gone and that new scent in its place, he had grown eager. Kerberos was always checking on her to see any new changes or how she was feeling. It was a new giddy sensation inside of him. He hoped she felt it too.

The tawny Rigel casually placed a kiss on her cheek as love and pride shone in his eyes. He wondered how hard it was for her to be taking things easier. Kerberos was aware that his love liked to live dangerously and bold. For her sake (and maybe some of his) she seemed to be doing things calmly. Daily naps, slow patrols, no spars and no outlandish hunts from as much as he knew. It soothed some of his worries.

He noticed they were coming up on a cache. His tail eagerly swayed and he bumped Maera's shoulder gently. "Shall we see what our options are?" A smirk lining his dark lips as his head turned to look at the Slayer.
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Played by Namara who has 184 posts.
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Maera Slayer

Truthfully, Maera was relieved that in their attempt to find food to hunt, they instead found a cache. When did she get so lazy? How had her mother ever survived this process as a lone wolf, let alone with four children when Maera could hardly stand it in a pack setting? The Slayer woman felt overly lethargic about it all, and it bothered her to no end… but she always reminded herself that the end product, their children, was worth all of this irritation now. From what she understood, irritation was a natural feeling when you had life constantly stirring around your stomach, even in the early stages. Between that and the worries she had, the ones that screamed that she’d be an awful mother, and that she’d let her children down… well, it’d been an interesting first couple of weeks, and she’d kept a lot of it bottled up to herself.

He posed the question as that grin split her dark maw and she nodded. “Definitely. I feel like I could eat a whole moose… but I always feel like that so anything will work.” She responded as her nose twitched to try and catch a whiff of whatever might be lingering below the surface. She bumped his shoulder right back.

[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel

He eagerly began to dig into the cache to expose what was inside. A full rabbit and a half eaten one were exposed. It wasn't much but he supposed it was better than nothing. The soon to be father nosed the full rabbit towards his mate. She was the one eating for more than one being. "I'll fill it back up after a nap." His tail swayed easily behind him. Once his energy was full again he would get back into the swing of things around here.

The tawny Rigel took the half hare and slowly began to turn around. His tail giving a soft flick to invite his love to follow along. He wanted to find a place to eat in solitude. Well, solitude with his dear Maera. He found a nice log to rest by. Settling himself into it and inviting the dark Slayer to settle next to him with a nosing at the empty space next to him.

Without missing a beat he slowly began to eat his already half eaten hare. It was better than nothing he supposed. His yellow eyes occasionally glanced over at his wife to see how she was fairing with her meal. He wasn't sure if he had ever seen her get sick but it wasn't exactly a secret that sometimes she couldn't hold down a meal.

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