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Cause I got issues, but you've got 'em too — Ghastly Woods 
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Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

The nip to Askan's side was met with a halfhearted grumble. He was on the receiving end of so many nibbles, nips and shoulder bumps that he didn't really think anything more of it anymore. Unless Reyes bit him particularly hard or with malicious intent he didn't think he'd ever make a fuss of it, or at least not on the same scale he had the time they had first huddled beneath those slopping cliffs. Looking back his reaction then really did seem over-the-top and he could understand why Reyes had taken offence to it. The prospect of flinching away and sputtering didn't even occur to him, it was as foreign as a wolf trying to fly. Funny how things had changed.

The Selwyn wasn't left in the dark for much longer, as Reyes was quick to reiterate and expand on what his terms were. And honestly it felt as though the ground had crumbled beneath his paws, as though he was standing on nothing but not quite floating either. It was almost as though he was tethered to Reyes, that it was his presence that kept him from falling into the void. It all just seemed so surreal, like he had misheard him. That the word mates meant something different in the south compared to here. It was what he assumed at first and had been about to say as such, but the conviction in Reyes' eyes made it clear he knew exactly what he was saying and the implications his words would have.

"Oh." Askan murmured, more than a little dazed.

It wasn't that he was repulsed or anything like that, it was just so odd that someone, anyone and especially Reyes would want anything to do with him. And with the word mate  carrying such...Intimate connotations, he couldn't help but feel like a fish out of water. As though someone else more suitable should be in his position, someone more worthy of Reyes' affection. He harboured affection for Askan though, really? Like really really? Why oh why? Had he hit his head? Was he okay? At the same time though, when he tried to imagine someone else in his place he couldn't help but want to snarl, to puff up and ward off this imagined figured. Which had to mean something right?

He did like Reyes! He'd say so on a few occasions and in that way he would have to admit that he felt affection for him too- in his own Askan-esque way.

"Are you sure? I mean, I know I'm not...Good with a lot of stuff. I'm not a girl and I don't care that you aren't either but.." He frowned as he wasn't quite sure how to finish that sentence. He stared down at his feet. "Why? You could do a lot better."

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank


Reyes’ smile froze, something frosty icing over steel grey eyes. He might have backtracked had something not crawled up from the snow below, rooting him where he stood. It was only a few breaths, but it seemed to take hours as his companion turned his words over and over again in his mind. He ground his molars as he weighted, unable to escape as he weighted for the world to fall down around his ears. Shouldn’t have said anything. Shouldn’t have tried to change a good thing.

His ears slowly laid back against his crown, tail thrashing once or twice as he waited for the inevitable to come.

Finally, Askan spoke – and it was not the shouts or accusations he was expecting. For all he liked the beta, the other wolf could spit acid when the mood struck him just right. Steel eyes watching the other Rye male with a bit of distance. Worry? He wouldn’t give it a word. His mouth felt as dry as the arid mountain top he’d been raised on – the words that fell over him offered no reassurance. “Yeah? Wouldn’t have fuckin’ asked,” he muttered, mouth twisting into knots. Was this a trap? “I don’t-- You ain’t like anyone else. Ever. Maybe you aren’t fuckin’ perfect but you’re right for me.” He gave a small shudder. “So no. I couldn’t do any better.”

There wasn’t anything better – and he didn’t have to look around to know that, either.

[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Reyes didn't look happy and Askan didn't know what to say to make it better.

He hadn't meant to offend him, that was the last thing he wanted. But for some reason or another Reyes took his words as an affront and so when he spoke there was a rough tinge that Askan couldn't quite place. Not that he really had a lot of time to think about it as the other wasn't quite done with speaking his mind.

All of this was quite a lot to process and considering that their relationship was on the line, it was imperative that Askan took the time to listen and think about what he wanted to say. It was in the Yukon wolf's nature to be honest, as he'd never been the sort to spin a web of lies but in times like this he almost wished that he could.

Or it would be more accurate to say that he wished he was able to hide the heart that he wore on his proverbial sleeve. He wanted to sound confident, reassuring, but it was almost impossible to summon such emotions when he felt so...Reyes' words went right to his chest and whilst it wouldn't be right to say that they hurt, they did make it squeeze in a way that he was unfamiliar with. Everything was so warm, his face, the pit of his stomach, he half expected the snow to start melting beneath his paws.

You aren't fucking perfect but you're right for me.

He was certainly right about the first part and even though he didn't want to, it was hard to argue with his conviction.Reyes actually wanted him? It was an odd feeling, a positive one he didn't quite know to make of. But it was nice and Reyes was good and they already spent so much time together, wasn't it only natural that their relationship progressed as such? It certainly didn't feel wrong. No alarm sirens were going off. In fact, as he thought about it he struggled to come up with a reason as to why this could be bad. Did he really care what others thought? Did they matter?

"I don't... I've never liked anyone else the same way I like you." And that had to mean something, considering how he felt about most other people. "And well we always spend time together, so the idea of doing it from here on out seems kinda...I dunno, nice to me. " He pulled in a deep breath, trying to gather what little courage he had. "I guess what I'm trying to say is...I'm no good at this shit, but I wanna get better at it with you. If you still want to, that is." Behind him his tail slowly began to wag. He didn't want to be too optimistic or overstep the line but, was it silly of him to hope that Reyes would understand him?  If anyone could it would be him.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

That tentative little tail wiggle was probably one of the most precious things Reyes had ever seen in his entire life. He would never, ever, ever admit to such out loud – but the thought was there, and it earned a crooked smile that only grew as Askan stumbled over his words as he tried to make sense of whatever it was the pair of males were trying to venture into. That was just the beta’s comportment whenever they attempted something new. Uncharted territory? Sure, but that had hardly stopped the southerner from exploring anything that piqued his interests before.

For a moment, he simply had nothing else to say. So he rumbled, deep in his chest, stepping forward to start pressing small kisses back against Askan’s dark muzzle. His own tail wiggled furiously behind him, betraying whatever stoicism he’d otherwise try to hide behind.

“Good. It’s settled.” Not so hard. Reyes released the breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding all this time. This time, he brushed his entire body up against Askan, ignoring how foolish he probably looked while waggling all over the place. He was happy, damnit! Sue him for indulging in it little. “You wanna stay in this little den tonight, amado?”

Another little hiding place, just for them.

[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

The anticipation was killing him. Was Reyes still mad? Or worse yet, did he hate him now? It was a very real possibility, one that he soon might have to face and yet Askan couldn't stomach it. The thought alone was enough to make him feel tight chested, like Reyes was holding his heart in his jaws. It was almost too much, the pressure, the prolonged silence. Askan didn't know what to do and for the life of him didn't know whether he'd said the right things.

It was true Askan's words hadn't entirely made sense, that his speech was far from eloquent but he had meant every word. The Selwyn usually thought that talk was cheap, that it was best to speak through actions. And yet, in this circumstance they just weren't enough, they were insufficient in conveying how he felt. Though that said, he was beginning to feel as though talking hadn't done much good either. Maybe it was his fault, in cutting himself off from the world he'd limited his ability to connect with others. But surely that couldn't be true, after all he'd never felt as close to anyone as he was to Reyes. Probably wouldn't ever again, knowing him.

Despite his obvious hesitancy Askan's tail still swayed and his butt still wiggled to the beat. It was soothing, like a metronome ticking away, keeping him grounded and reminding him that time hadn't slowed to a crawl. It was all in his head. Everything was fine.

And then everything was better than fine. Reyes was up in his face once again, pressing kisses to his muzzle and flapping his tail about as though he was trying to blow out a fire. It was all so earnest and warm that Askan couldn't help but lean into his touch as his tail began to blur behind him, his butt wiggling along with it. If he let out a cheery yip or two, then it wasn't anyone else's business as this was their damn moment. Theirs and theirs alone.

Grumbling in content, Askan remained firmly on the spot as Reyes brushed past him and further enveloped in his scent. Just as he'd done before on The Lookout. Not so different, something had changed and yet it felt the same. It felt right, like being back home after a long journey. Like settling into an age old routine without even realising it.

"Might as well, it'd be a waste otherwise." Reyes had gone to the effort of finding it, so they might as well use it. Looked cosy enough. "It's a little early to bed down now though, isn't it?" Askan grinned as an idea popped into his head. He pulled away and leaned down into a bow, his butt shimmying all the while. "How about we kill time with another game?"

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Everything changed, and nothing had. They were the same as they were before, but a small weight had been lifted as they too lifted the veil of uncertainty. Askan wiggled his whole body, and so did Reyes, all but mirroring the other swarthy male as he continued to circle him, pressing up his body against the other wolf’s bulk all the while. If, by the end, they had no individual smell and instead a mutual one, well, so be it.

He hummed thoughtfully as he regarded the small den – Askan did have a point. The sun was on its way down, but certainly not yet below the horizon. It seemed a waste to bed. Before he could agree, the Rye beta was shuffling beside him; to his great surprise, Askan was lowering himself into a play bow. Eyebrows shot upwards in momentary shock, his body stilling at the complete release of the wolf’s usual grouchy shell – but before his mind could get away from him, he offered a small bark, and did the same.

Why the hell not? Sure, they weren’t fuckin’ kids anymore, but no one was out here in the middle of – wherever they were – to see them! He slapped the snow with his forelimbs before darting forward, jaw snapping as he tried to nip his companion’s sides. “Terms?” he asked gruffly, pretending as if his tail weren’t swinging wildly behind him.

[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Dodging backwards out of Reyes' reach, Askan tilted his head and hummed as though he had to think about it.

This wasn't going to be one of their serious games, the sort in which they put their pride on the line- where Askan would sulk if he lost. It was just for fun, to pass the time and if that meant they had to act like pups then so be it. No one was around, it was just the two of them. Here they could do or say whatever they wanted, so if  Askan decided he wanted to try something new and be a little coy or - dare he say it- even a little flirtatious, then he damn well was going to be. No one could stop him now, he was on cloud nine.

"Terms?" He echoed, mimicking Reyes' gruff tone as a smirk pulled at his lips. "I don't think so."Without warning, Askan span around and darted off, his neck twisted so he could yell over his shoulder. "Catch me if you can, you fat ass!"

Galloping through the snow, Askan leapt up the embankment and shoved his way through the foliage till the lake was in sight. As the sun was beginning to set the and the sky burned a fierce orange, the lake appeared as though it had been cast aflame and that if his paw touched the surface he would be burned. Askan continued to rush along, continuously throwing glances over his shoulder as he ran along the lake side. Reyes was catching up, but rather than be frustrated by this, Askan simply grinned. It was what he wanted, after all why run if he didn't want to be caught?

Just as he'd anticipated and not a moment too soon, Askan felt Reyes' weight slam down upon him from behind. And of course, it sent him toppling to the ground with an undignified "Oooffffff." Instinctively, he would have shaken the elder off and clambered to his feet, but that wasn't possible with Reyes sprawled out on top of him as though the setting sun had reduced him to a melted puddle of fur and muscle. He was heavy and big, but Askan didn't mind the weight, nor the warmth.

"Well...You caught me." He admitted, as his tail thumped at the snow. His eyes wandered to the lake and a slight frown pulled at his features. "It looks like the sky has fallen. Like... Skyfall Glen?" He asked, tipping his head up as he tried to catch sight of his mate. Wow, it felt different thinking of him in such a way. But that's what they were now, it was a fact set in stone. "What do you think?"

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

This was fun.

Maybe not what he expected – they were hardly wolves built for the races – but out here, in the fading color, he didn’t mind. Didn’t mind the burn in his lungs as the cold air slithered down his throat, didn’t mind the snow kicked up in his face as he trailed after Askan, forever a length or two behind. The chase was the enjoyment, until he finally closed the gap between the two. It was with one small effort that launched himself forward, catching enough of his partner’s hindquarter’s to bring the other down into the snow.

He fell with a soft noise, legs sprawling in all directions as the majority of his weight settled over Askan’s broad form. Perhaps it took him a moment or two longer than it should to get up. He leaned forward, nibbling on the beta’s ruff while he talked, his tail matching the metronome behind. “Skyfall Glen? I like it.” He named the last place ‘steps to the sky’, after all. Maybe that was a thing, for them. Their sky.

Finally, he hoisted himself up, pressing his nose behind Askan’s ear. “Donde cayo el cielo. Where the sky fell.” He kissed him there, and drew back. “C’mon, amado.”

[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Askan closed his eyes and hummed in content as he felt Reyes kiss the little sweet spot behind his ear.

What a sight they must have been. It was no secret they they were both a little rough around the edges, crass and crabby when other wolves would at least try to be a polite. But what was the point in being nice to a wolf that was clearly looking down on them? By no means did their affection for each other mean that they were going to walk with a spring in their step, or they were going to talk all jolly like. No, their relationship was their own and if anyone tried to butt in they'd have to deal with two sets of snapping jaws. Thinking of it that way did settle the ambivalence he'd once had about this sort of relationship, after being mates just meant that they'd always have each others backs. No matter what.

With a grumble- as though he'd wanted to stay like that forever- Askan clambered to his feet and shook himself off. Swatting Reyes in the face with his tail in the process, accidentally of course. Before Reyes could get his tail in a twist, the Selwyn turned to face him and gave his shoulder an affection head bump to smooth things over. After all, Askan knew well enough that the elder could get a little pissy at times. Not that he could or even wanted to complain. It was part of his charm.

"That eager to settle down huh?" Askan side eyed him with a wry smile, but he too was ready to call it a day. Their journey had been long and they were both due for a well deserved rest. "Must be getting old. Don't worry too much, I like you anyway. Grey fur and all. And those grey eyes. And your nice butt and-....I'm going to stop talking now." He coughed and his face flushed red with heat and mortification. Smooth Askan, real smooth.

At least things couldn't get any worse. Reyes was stuck with him no matter what stupid things he said. He'd brought the topic up so it wasn't like he could worm his way out of it. Not that Askan wanted him to try, not at all. He was pretty sure it would devastate him, in ways he wasn't even aware of yet but... He wouldn't, surely? Askan risked a quick look at Reyes as they trudged along, heading back the way they came. Nah, he wouldn't. He was just as stuck in this wonderful mess as Askan was.


(This post was last modified: Mar 25, 2017, 10:46 PM by Reyes. Edit Reason: Fade. )
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