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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
@Anaia,@Vespertio,&@Namid.  This is backdated to the 20th of March.  Kajika had returned home with Anaia in tow.  This is her join thread.

It had been a long journey back with Anaia in tow but as the border of the cove came into view Kajika couldn't help the leap his heart did.  He'd missed his home and his pack mates especially Lunette and he wanted to know where things stood between him and Des. He was worried about how things were with her since he didn't feel they had been left in a very good place.  He had to worry about that later as he had another pressing matter to deal with.  His gaze went to Anaia who was still with him as the approached the border, speaking with Vespertio and Naimd about her acceptance into the pack needed to be done then.

He stopped just before the border and waited for Anaia to catch up to him.  “Don't worry, just be honest and yourself,” he coached when she caught up.  A smile crossed his features, “Vespertio and Namid are good and fair alphas and as long as you work hard and follow the rules I am sure you will be okay.  I'm always available if you need anything.” He'd told her these things many times before but he didn't think it would hurt for her to hear them again.  He brushed her cheek with his muzzle, “I will call them and give you a few moments to get your thoughts together.” That said he lifted his muzzle into the air calling for his Alpha’s to join him at the border and sending the message that he'd returned home at last.

(This post was last modified: Mar 21, 2017, 02:55 PM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Flywolf who has 128 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anaia Lieris

OOC! Sorry! I'll try to post more steady @Namid , @Vespertio  


Word Count: 236

Her paws hurt. So did her head.  She was thirsty and tired and felt like she could sleep for a week straight.  She didn’t know how much longer they had to travel, but she hoped they were getting close.  They were on a mountain now, after all, and she couldn’t really see any more.  She really hoped this was it.

When Kajika finally stopped, Anaia almost cried with relief.  She struggled to catch up before collapsing, but he began coaching her.  She realized she could smell a pack border under her feet, and her stomach leapt into her throat.  She nodded with wide eyes, and then her traveling companion let out a howl.  She’d been so tired she forgot to be nervous the last few days, but now it was all hitting her at once. What would she say? He said to just be herself, but herself hadn’t been good enough before – why should it be now?

What kinds of alphas were these? The way Kajika went on, they were nothing like Morganna and Craw had been.  What kind of life would this be? She had to admit she liked being among the trees so much better than the tundra; the air smelled nice and there was much less wind.

She didn’t have too long to marvel over her surroundings or dwell on questions she should have asked before, as they were soon no longer alone.

"Speech"  Thought

[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]
Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain
This is later in the same day Vesper has a one on one thread with Des so may be a bit vague in regards to that

There was no mistaking just whom that howl belonged to as the baritone notes filled the thin mountainous air with news of Kajika's return. A wave of relief the ebony man had returned safely and curiosity washing over the agouti patriarch that the man had not just walked into the territory to greet them face to face instead of halting at the borders. It was this piqued level of curiosity that had Vesper shimmying his way down the snow-dusted ladder resembling trunk of a fallen tree that leaned against the communal den, the very tree that gave the pack their namesake. 

Nearing the bottom a single bound had the Great Plains male landing with a soft plop into the snowy blanket underfoot, a quick shake ridding the bits of scattered powder from his pelt before creamy limbs sauntered off toward the location Kajika's call had originated from. Time ticked by and gradually the stark silhouette of a black figure manifested against the wintry backdrop, molten gold gaze soon being captured by movement along the dark man's side. A figure as ghostly pale as the surrounding snow which provided near flawless camouflage had her golden-amber eyes not ruined her position the closer Vespertio approached. So it would seem the male second had done some recruiting as well as scouting during his trip away. Kajika was truly a man full of surprises.

"Welcome home Kajika. I see you've brought a friend along with you." A warm smile adorned his lips as his gaze shifted briefly from the pale woman at his side to the dark facial features of his returned subordinate then back toward the female. "I'm Vespertio Vuesain, who may you be?" He kept his voice warm and friendly despite his domineering stance to portray his ranking to help ease any nerves the woman may be feeling, although his curiosity remained piqued as to why she had decided to venture to their hidden abode upon the mountain.
(This post was last modified: Mar 23, 2017, 06:17 PM by Vespertio.)
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain
I have loved the stars too fondly

A familiar song rose into the air and Namid’s auds swiveled forward, a smile breaking out onto her lips. Finally the dark man had returned, and she could only assume by the fact that he had stopped at the borders that he had returned with company. Her heart beat sped up, a part of her hoping that she had perhaps come by Lunette or Ismena. What she wouldn’t give for one of her girls to come back. Her pace broke into a run, coming upon the scene in a matter of minutes.

When she arrived she found she was correct that Kajika had brought another, but she skillfully composed herself with a warm smile to hide the disappointment that it wasn’t one of her children. They would come back to her, she had to have faith. She moved to her husband’s side, pressing an affectionate bump to his cheek. It was incredibly hard for her to keep from giving into the fire that roared in her at his presence, the need to just be with him and end this uncomfortable heat. But it was for the best, she knew it, and so she grudgingly made herself separate from him a few steps.

“Hello, I am Namid Vuesain,” she gave in quick greeting, her mismatched gaze taking in the small, pale woman. She seemed timid but this was nothing new to the lake patriarch. They were, after all, a sanctuary to the wounded and lost. Which of these categories did the woman fit into she wondered?

To be fearful of the night
[Image: 32zm32p.png]
[Image: 2qxvuio.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
It wasn't the first time he'd brought a wolf home of course last time when he'd brought Moonshadow home he'd spoken to his alpha's first. It hadn't worked out as such this time and while he was almost certain Anaia would be accepted into the pack he still found himself hoping for the best.  As he had told her plenty of times during their journey south, if she did her part to help the pack then she would be fine.  She was a nice girl so he felt she would get along with the other members well.  He had coached her on how she needed to handle herself so there wasn't much left to do but wait for the arrival of Namid and Vespertio.  Then they would have their answer on if she would be accepted or not

They didn't have to wait long for his call to be answered, Vespertio being the first to arrive. A smile crossed the dark man's features as the male lead came into view.  “It's good to be back,” he said with a dip of his head, “I have, she would like to join Fallen Tree Cove,” he said explaining why Anaia was with him.  Namid joined them another wide smile crossing his features and a dip of his head given to her too. He then stepped aside but not before giving Anaia a small nudge forward, “You can do this,” he whispered into her ear before moving behind her to allow her to have the full attention of his alphas.  She had to do this herself and while he had faith she would be okay he still worried a little after what had happened at Whitestone.
(This post was last modified: Mar 23, 2017, 08:46 PM by Kajika.)
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Played by Flywolf who has 128 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anaia Lieris



Word Count: 243

He arrived first, soon followed by his mate. Vespertio and Namid. Anaia couldn’t help but think these names were almost softer, kinder, than her former alphas.  She could only hope their personalities were as well.

Their kind smiles and warm introductions helped to put the pale girl at ease.  This was already different than her induction into Whitestone Monadnock, though that may be because she was not asking for help this time.  Kajika greeted his alphas, then informed them she would like to join before stepping back and giving her an encouraging nudge.  She swallowed, hard, and shakily stepped forward, lowering her head and ears in deference to their status.

“I’m Anaia.” She said quietly, glancing up at them but not daring to meet their eyes.  “If you’ll have me, I would like to be a member of Fallen Tree Cove.”

She searched her mind for what she could offer them, but came up empty.  It all seemed like empty promises – promises she’d failed to keep before.  Why should this time be any different. So she decided to speak plainly.  It seemed like the appropriate thing to do.

“I… I am not sure what I have to offer; all I know is I would like a second chance.  To start over; begin again.” Wasn’t that all anyone wanted when faced with hardship? She hoped this pack could help her, and that she, in return, could find a way to help them.  To find her place in this world.

"Speech"  Thought

[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]
Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain
Not long after his arrival and initial greeting a familiar perfume began to permeate the air, a scent stronger and far more alluring than the snowy damsel's currently standing at their doorstep. Immediately the scent had primal instincts jumping and carefully locked away desires banging against the shackled door they lay behind once the silhouette of his mate, Namid, came forth to join the congregation. Her affectionate bump returned with his own while she introduced herself to their new potential subordinate if things went swimmingly, which honestly Vespertio doubted wouldn't. Kajika was a good judge of character and if he believed this woman was befitting of a Cove wolf than he trusted the ebony man.

Soon molten gold gaze once more settled onto the palest wolf present when words of her own began to mingle onto the crisp mountain air, the tawny man nodding in an understanding manner of her reasoning for wishing to call Lost Lake her home as well.  Over the years since he had come to stake a claim on these lands it had amused the Vuesain how all of their stories seemed to reflect one another. Each individual seeking a chance to start over, begin anew. Fallen Tree Cove truly was a sanctuary pack for those wounded and lost, in need of a second chance. 

Remaining silent the lakeside patriarch mused over the woman's words, his eyes roaming her frame for any telltale signs of what her strengths may be and where she could prove herself to be of most use for the pack. At first glance; and in comparison to the larger frame of Kajika and himself, it was evident that she was of a smaller build and perhaps built well for the art of hunting. Maybe even a scout if her heart yearned for such a role. Until he saw her in action, though, what she could do and would do remained a mystery. "I'm sure in time you will come to prove your worth to us. Kajika has a good head on his shoulders and I trust his judgment." His attention then shifted to the facial features of his wife, a creamy brow quirking. "I say we accept her, what are your thoughts, my dear?" 
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain
I have loved the stars too fondly

Kajika confirmed that he had brought the girl to join their ranks, interest flickering in her mismatched gaze but she remained quiet to allow him to finish and for the girl to speak. She moved forward, shaking like a leaf and Namid wanted to go forward and press her shoulder to hers in comfort. It always made her sad to see others in such a state of disarray and worry. Auds swiveled forward to catch everything she was saying, noting her name first. Anaia. Unique, not something she’d heard before. She liked it. Then, she proceeded to explain that she wasn’t sure if she had anything to offer. The lake queen’s head tilted in curiosity at this...different response. That in itself to her was a brave response, fully admitting that she might have nothing to offer them. She could have lied, could have given them something that she didn’t mean but she didn’t. She was already good in Namid’s book.

Her husband gave his verdict, abiding by their second chance standing and armed with the knowledge that their second had never let them down before. When it came to her time to speak and gave a nod of her own head. “I agree, Kajika has never brought us anyone who did not turn out to be anything other than a fine addition to our ranks. I see no difference here. You have my acceptance as well,” she said with a flicker of her plumaged tail. She settled her kind gaze on the woman once again, “But, Anaia, I believe you have offered us something already. You brought us honesty, something far more admirable than a piece of meat. A pack runs on honesty and trustworthiness. I have much hope for you,” she said, her smile brightening and encouraging.

To be fearful of the night
[Image: 32zm32p.png]
[Image: 2qxvuio.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

It was best that Kajika did the talking for herself so that she could show Namid and Vespertio her true self.  They would be able to make a better decision if he stepped back and interacted with just Anaia.  He'd given the girl some encouragement to help her through and he stayed close so she would know he was there if she needed him.  In the end it was she who had to do the heavy lifting and like Moonshadow she did him proud.  She had been honest in what she had told his Alpha's, that was better than giving them a lie he was sure would soon be figured out.

Even though he was pretty certain that she would he accepted the wait to find out what the verdict would be was still nerve wracking.  He listened as both Namid and Vespertio weighted in on what Anaia had told them. He felt almost the same as he had the day he had come to join the pack as he listened to them each speak their thoughts. Then finally they both confirmed what he had thought, Anaia was being accepted into the pack.  He finally stepped forward next to the pale girl, “Congratulations,” he said to her quietly giving her a nudge on the cheek.

(This post was last modified: Mar 24, 2017, 03:16 PM by Kajika.)
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