She was hungry almost ravenous like. The dove had moved away from her sleeping pile and went to the nearest cache. Taking a plump hare and slinking down the monadnock to eat in peace. She had little concern for if someone had called dibs on this hare. It was in her jaws now which meant it was hers. Granted if someone she genuinely enjoyed came around she might consider letting them have some. That was if someone made it near her in time for there to be some left.
The pale second found a nice rock to lay on with her meal. She set it down between her paws and began to eat away. It perhaps didn't soothe all the rumbling in her stomach but it would do for now. Piety gnawed away at the hare as her muddy eyes looked out into the tundra. It was a peaceful morning. She wondered if she was the first up or if someone else had beat her.
With half the hare down she lifted her head, good ear flicking softly. Perhaps she could round Wraith and Morganna up for a little hunting. Something larger sounded extremely good right now. Maybe they'd get lucky and there would be a stray deer. A hungry expectant mother could only hope.
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