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Crispy — Windsong Fjord 
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Played by Poppin' who has 176 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hecate Liar
Anyone join, preferably someone new:)

It had been almost half a year since she'd gone for "the walk". Most of it was kicking dust up and circling the drain- though she never seemed to get close enough to fall in. She met a few grisly loners out yonder, most of them attempting to strike up conversation. But Hecate had gone relatively silent. Her old flame had died down to a simmer and her parts were grimy with rust. To her surprise, the abundance of small rodents and pests fed and nourished her. Although her physical state was adequate, there was a pressure in her heart where she had decided to abandon her family. She left everything without a word; her almost newborn girl, and the closest friend she had ever had. Hecate was constantly putting it off, in fact, she went miles out of her way to make sure neither @Sven or @Attica could catch wind of her.

She strolled into the Lore through the Larkall Lowlands, threading between two neighboring packs to try and find the residence of an old acquaintance. @Gent wasn't really close, they'd only bumped into each other a few times. But he had always shown some kind of empathy towards her... she thought. Empathy was a sort of alien concept to her, being relatively self-centered and reserved when it came to comforting others.

The spring weather was just turning around the corner, March's bitter thaw melting the layers of ice beneath her rough paws. Hecate hung her tail low at the ankles, maintaining a low profile as she slipped through the cracks of the highly populated upper Snowmarch Expense. She had made it through Whitestone Monadnock's grip, shimmying past that vile, illiterate fucking bitch @Morganna and her male prostitute @Craw. Hecate had mellowed out, but she still hated that fucker. Her paws were sore from trotting along, coming to a leisurely walk and then halt, resting on her haunches to rest and stretch out.
(This post was last modified: Mar 08, 2017, 04:22 AM by Hecate.)
the armed queen
Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
Hope it's okay for me to throw my libido-fueled monster in here >:3

The Casanova was enjoying his time in the Lore so far. Lachesis and Lilya were a bit of an odd encounter, but he still had very high hopes for all of the rest of his meetings. The sweet scent of the approaching spring was everywhere... or, maybe, that was just the scent of the women in all the packs around him. This was his favorite time of the year, even if he wasn't necessarily having the best luck so far. The month was still young, and he was still optimistic.

That optimism grew when he spotted her. All that beautiful white fur - Ayti had always had a penchant for snow-colored wolves - and those stunning green eyes. She was positively elegant, thin but well-muscled and healthy. She looked as though she was perhaps a little older than the mocha-colored male, with all his muddled browns and golds the opposites to her gorgeous whites and greens. A good contrast, in Ayti's opinion, but he was pretty sure that he thought that about almost every wolf he met.

The large man cleared his throat as he approached, in a very different way than he had approached Lilya. He was relaxed, tail waving behind him, and hazel eyes soft and sultry as he surveyed her stunning form. She slowed and lay down, and Ayti didn't really want to dwarf her, so he adjusted his form to accommodate her lower posture. He didn't want to seem too overwhelming - as he pushed the limits to how big a wolf could be, and he was slightly intimidating (even if he actually wasn't, in personality), so he thought it would be best to just take a neutral approach.

"Hey, there," he greeted, his voice a low and smooth rumble in his throat. Almost like a purr. "What's a pretty little thing like you doing in a barren place like this?" He stopped a few wolf-lengths away from her to allow her the freedom to approach if she desired. "What's your name, darling?"
(This post was last modified: Mar 08, 2017, 03:43 AM by Aytigin. Edit Reason: fudged up the format )
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health
Played by Poppin' who has 176 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hecate Liar

Her peaceful morning of silence was interrupted by the snap of twigs and brittle ice. Her breath hitched in her lungs, heart thundering in her ears. She could make the outline of a large figure trotting towards her through the trees. They found me. But how? She thought, jumping to her feet and preparing to rev the engine and bolt at a moments notice. A dark chocolate torso fought its way out of the brush and into the light, not Morganna or Craw... or Sven. Her shoulders relaxed a bit, eyeing the man from head to toe. She noticed the absolute swagger this stranger carried himself with, tail raised above the hocks in an overly friendly fashion. As he strolled up closer, he assaulted her with sweet talk. She had one other experience with a man like this, around the same time too. But her relationship with @Greer had been gentle and quiet; while on a completely opposite side of the spectrum, she had controlling and passionate @Skoll. But for a lady her age, she had plenty of enough experience.

Hecate brow rose and then fell as he purred at her. As much of a stud this new guy thought he was, she was thrice the philander he could ever aim to be. She would have been a natural womanizer... if only she was a he. Hecate's body language slipped into something more seductive and charming. Lips curled in a persuasive smile. "Lookin' fer someone like you.." She simply thrummed, completely ignoring his request for a name. "Now, where the hell're you from?" She asked, her focus raking over his body, yet subtly skipping his eyes. Ahh... he would be the perfect distraction.
(This post was last modified: Mar 08, 2017, 04:21 AM by Hecate.)
the armed queen
Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney

Aytigin's left brow arched a bit in surprise when her posture changed, and his tail swished once in appreciation as he looked over her tall, lithe figure. He smirked, just a bit, and tipped his head to the side in faux ignorance. "Someone like me, hm? Now what could that mean?" He took a seat, then, to signify that he was not going to approach her. It wasn't that he didn't want to, per say. It was more along the lines of he wanted her to feel comfortable. He wasn't a scary guy, even if he might have looked it.

She was looking over his form, too, and a soft wag of his tail acknowledged the fact. It wasn't too often that Ayti was the one being ogled, and it was a nice feeling, to have someone appreciate him for a change. This woman seemed to think that she was pretty hot stuff, too. Which, she was. Ayti wouldn't deny it. However, he had quite a few miles under his belt, as well. He wasn't going to be intimidated by her flirting, in return, and he did not overlook the fact that she had not given him a name to call her. Instead, she'd turned the conversation to him instead.

The chocolate-colored man didn't particularly like to talk about himself - the other wolves were always far more interesting - but he supposed he could. "Oh... here and there. Mostly out west. I just got here, myself." He smiled slightly and stretched out to where he was laying on his stomach and looking at her through slightly narrowed hazel eyes. "Since you don't seem too keen on telling me your name, I'll just tell you mine, instead. I'm Aytigin, m'lady. At your service."
Played by Poppin' who has 176 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hecate Liar
"Means its 'bout time I've had some fun.." She answered, half paying attention, half analyzing his posture and unique attributes. He kept up with her increasingly quick pace, her gears only just shifting into motion. Leading on with more small talk, he picked up on her sensitivity around "names", introducing himself to her. "Aytigin.." She repeated quietly, testing out the name on her tongue. She noticed the fact that he'd taken a seat, a quizzical glare shot his way. Surprised and a little perplexed, she flicked her ears back. It was clear that he would not be moving from his seat anytime soon. Well fuck, if you're not gonna do anything. She gave a short huff and then slinked forward, chin tilted up and tail flicking to show subtle dominance. If anything was clear, she was gonna take the reins on this one. She went to slip around his left side while listening to him. "At my service..huh.." She said under her breath, circling around while brushing shoulders briefly.
(This post was last modified: Mar 08, 2017, 04:56 AM by Hecate.)
the armed queen
Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
Fun, hm? Well, he was certainly up for some fun, whatever it entailed. Golden hazel eyes followed her every move as she stalked over to him, and he licked his lips. He couldn't help but be a little excited, but he had oodles of self-control. She took on a slightly dominant pose, and Ayti's tail thumped the ground once in anticipation. He liked them that way. Made it so much more fun if they took the reigns and surprised him at every turn. He had never really been a good leader, so the fact that she seemed at least willing to steer was excellent.

He chuckled a bit when she breathed his name, and he angled his ears toward her. "Yeah, but you're welcome to call me whatever you like," he rumbled, his eyes drifting half-closed as he gave the air a subtle sniff. Sent his thought process tailspinning out of control. 'At my service... huh...' she whispered, and he shot her a look from the corner of his eye. "Oh, yes, ma'am," he purred in an equally breathy whisper, his tail lazily swaying back and forth. "What would you like me to do?" He turned his head and turned two multicolored eyes to meet her peridot ones, almost in a challenge or dare.
Played by Poppin' who has 176 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hecate Liar
This was really shitty for some reason??

As she made a full rotation around him, listening to Aytigin fully curl under her will. She was always toying with power play, it was a rush of excitement that she had always found hard to come by. She had never had the chance to be the partner fully in control, it had always been the man who took the helm. But after getting a taste of this new sexual supremacy, there was no chance in hell she was ever going back.

Things were moving fast with this one, there was slight hesitation on her end. Was she really gonna go forward with this one? Or was she just gonna tease him until she got bored? Either way, she planned on never seeing him again. There was a slim chance that she was going to walk away at this point, but thinking she had the choice was somewhat of a comfort.

She purred a request for a demand in her ear, only fueling her fire more. She slipped her maw on top of his, sliding back and then closing her jaws around his nose to establish an official dominance. She stayed like this for a minute, waiting to see if he would flinch or look her back in the eyes. If he decided to rebel against her, she'd go in for a sharp nip.
(This post was last modified: Mar 09, 2017, 02:56 AM by Hecate.)
the armed queen