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You Painted Pictures on the Fields — Stonewatch Timbers 
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Played by Emmett who has 375 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Cottongrass, the aurora borealis has colored the snow red and green!
For @Reyes! And @Askan if he wants to come. Set somewhere along the northernmost edges of Stonewatch Timbers near the coordinates (81.67242, -54.49219).

It was the middle of the night and it was cold. But Cottongrass quickly found that he didn't care about either of those things. Because the sky was lighting up in shades of green and red, dancing across the night sky and shining down upon the snow. It was sort of like the world was alive. The kind of alive that was tangible and fun and exciting, going beyond growing plants and running water. Cottongrass found that it was one of the few best things to happen to him ever since everyone seemed to have upped and left him behind.

And with nothing else left to do in the middle of the night besides shiver, he found himself following the lights through forest and hill alike. In some places the lights were a teasing flicker shining down between reaching branches. In other places the sky lights shined down in full force, washing clearings into bright colours that Cottongrass wanted to reach out and touch. But every time he reached out to grab at the light, they moved out of reach. Every time he found himself chasing after the bright hues of the aurora borealis. Until finally, it led him to the place where the mountainous ridges and thick forests waned. Where the ground down into the open tundra with sparse trees littering the border.

It was there he stood, watching the lights of the aurora borealis snake across the land. And he was silent, watching the show unfold before him with sparkling eyes and an open-mouth look of awe. His gaping was interrupted when something in the upper branches of the tree next to him shook, drawing his attention to the sound. He didn't see anything. Behind him his tail started to wag, a tentative and alert motion. Because what if it was an owl. He and the owl could be friends! They could look at the sky lights together! Maybe Cottongrass could even convince the bird to come down and play! A smile broke out across his features and he took a step back so he could get a full view of the tree that housed the mysterious creature. The one that he was about 70 percent sure was an owl.

With his head tilted back and eyes closed, Cottongrass let out his very best impression of an owl hooting. It was loud. It was long. It was about as warbled as it could be. And he couldn't be prouder of himself as he stood there before the tree, waiting for some kind of reaction.

(This post was last modified: Apr 09, 2017, 08:12 PM by Cottongrass.)
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

It was beginning to become quite normal to see Cottongrass tangle himself up into odd positions – it hardly phased the Wild Rye Fields wolf at all to see him dancing about, or crab walking, or even stuck upside down with all four legs jammed straight up into the air. Today found him standing, and that might have been a surprise in and of itself, had the yearling not been howling back at an owl like he might call it down from the sky to play. Reyes might have scolded the kid, but-- Well. Owls were a special sort. You didn’t bother the owls. You didn’t yell at the owls. Answer them? Well, he wasn’t sure about that one, but he wasn’t going to make it worse by raising his voice.

So he chuffed instead, warning he kid before he began to trot over, temporarily forgetting about how cold he was, or that he’d come out to hunt during the darkness, when things stirred, when his dark coat kept him hidden in the snow. “Cotton? You still out here, huh?” he asked the kid, his tail giving a slow wag as he approached. The Rye wolf halted only a few lengths away, chuffing again. “Ain’t you cold?”

REYES | Dead man walking.

[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
*Flings the north's resident trashkan in*

Askan was tired, he was cold- and where the hell was Reyes? Sure, he understood that sometimes he needed space and time alone. Askan was okay with that, you weren't going to hear him moan about it or throw a tantrum. But did that mean it was fine for him to just wander off in the dead of night? No it fucking wasn't. For one, he hadn't even told Askan where he was going. Which was rude beyond belief, in his eyes anyway. And two, it was freezing, did he really expect him to keep on sleeping soundly without his mate to keep him warm? It was bullshit, all of it and to say that Askan was feeling crabby wasn't at all an overstatement.

He just wanted to go back to bed and have Reyes by his side. Was that too much to ask for?

And so he stumbled through the night, following Reyes' scent as it led out of the field and to the north-western reaches of the timbers. With hindsight he'd realise that this wasn't such a good idea, that he should have at least made more of an effort to wake up before he commenced his Reyes hunt. He knew the timbers well enough-ish? So there wasn't exactly a risk of him getting lost, it was more likely that he'd fall and sprain and ankle. But of course, he didn't think about that.

Yawning for the hundredth time, The Selwyn continued to plod along, thinking about all the things he'd grumble at Reyes once he found his fat ass. What was he even doing out here? They'd been hunting together in these woods countless times but he'd never come here in the dead of night. Not like this. It was sort of suspicious now that he thought about it. What was he up to, slinking about like a shadow? Hmm. He trusted Reyes, that was a given and nor would it change, but that didn't mean he wasn't curious to see what he was up to.

There were voices ahead- or rather there was one voice ahead Askan recognised without even needing to think about. Reyes was talking to someone, but from where he lingered behind the massive cottonwood tree he wasn't able to see where Reyes was or who he was talking to. Now, Askan had never been the spying sort who hid out of sight and engaged in espionage. But he figured at the very least he'd stay out of the way until he knew what was going on. And then he'd drag Reyes home, snuggle up and go back to sleep.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health
Played by Emmett who has 375 posts.
Inactive Deceased
@Reyes <3

The longer he stood there before the tree waiting for what might be an owl to answer him, the more unsure he grew. Because what if it wasn't an owl? He might have been hooting at a squirrel or a chipmunk or a... Mouse? Okay, he didn't know what kind of animal it might have been besides an owl. But it was probably one that didn't speak in hoots and made a different noise entirely. Which would have been awkward for the both of them. Because Cottongrass didn't know how to make any other animal noises and he sure as hell couldn't understand any besides wolf. Maybe he could just try his best?

He really did want someone he could play with, or at least watch the aurora borealis with. And he wasn't picky either. (But he really hoped it was an owl.) He took another careful step back from the tree, drawing in a deep breath while he got ready to do another animal impression. But his attempt was cut woefully short when someone chuffed at him. It was enough to make him twitch, throwing his head over his shoulder to look at the stranger behind him. He relaxed the moment he recognized the dark fur and grey eyes.

"Reyes!" He chirped, tail wagging hard behind him while he whipped around to face the older wolf head on. Because Reyes was someone he could watch the northern lights with! The smile on his face only grew as he gave a few excited bounds towards his friend. Even when his steps immediately came to a halt moments later when Reyes kept talking.

Because was he cold?

"I don't think so." He said, head cocked and expression confused. Because he was no more cold than he ever was. Which meant that he wasn't freezing but he wasn't exactly warm and cozy either. Really, he didn't think about it. And he thought it was a weird question for Reyes to ask him first thing. But Cottongrass wasn't exactly one to talk. "Are you?" He asked finally, tail giving a tentative swish behind him. It occurred to him that he didn't know what he was doing just then.

(This post was last modified: Apr 09, 2017, 09:08 PM by Cottongrass.)
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

For a moment, the older wolf simply gave pause. How…could you not know whether or not you were cold? As soon as the biting discomfort crept in, Reyes was sure to notice – and announce it, loudly. A wry smile crossed over his features as the boy’s bouncing ceased. He closed the gap and offered him a short nudge, a silent affirmation before settling himself upon the frozen earth. “Hell yeah I am. Been cold since winter rolled in,” he snorted, the wry expression never leaving his face.

The biting cold of the northern woods was not something he was ever going to get used to. It wasn’t something he’d ever planned on getting used to, either, but-- One ear flicked backwards at a nearby sound. He’d never planned on meeting Askan, either. Funny, how things changed.

“So what are you doin’ out here, cabrón?” he asked, as if it were a friendly nickname. And it sort of was. Cotton was kind of a dumbass, but he was Reyes’ dumbass. It certainly felt that way at this point, the amount of time they spent running into each other. “‘less you were plannin’ on hunting, too? Could work together.” If that was the kid’s plan, anyways.

@Askan -- He's vaguely aware, but only just lol.
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

They sure were talking as though they knew each other, like they were cosy friends. Which was...fine, after all it wasn't as though Askan owned Reyes. At least not in the sense where he was in any position to dictate where he went or who he spoke to. But still, communication was important, right? Askan couldn't help but feel abandoned, put out, as though his partner had chosen whoever this was over himself. That hurt, and sleepy Askan wasn't so good at dealing with stuff like that.

He knew that he'd planned to snoop for a bit and then act on what he'd overheard, but from what he could tell they weren't talking about anything of real substance. Reyes was bitching about the cold-which he had a point, it was freezing- and somehow that led them to discuss whether they were going to hunt together. Surely if the Southerner wanted to hunt so badly he could have just asked Askan, you know at a reasonable time of day.

Hunting in the dark did have its advantages, Askan knew that but he'd never been a night owl. Night time was bed time and that was final. Was this a habit of his mate's though, or had he only caught him the act of a one off? It was troubling to think that this was something he might have to spend the rest of his life dealing with. Sleeping alone was not his idea of fun, so thinking of it that way was more than enough to make the sleepy Selwyn sigh in dismay.

Perhaps a little too loudly.


Maybe no one had noticed. They were talking, surely they were too busy paying attention to each other to notice, but just in case in crept away from his cottonwood tree and instead took refuge behind a little mound, just large enough to hide his bulky frame. He could see better now from this position and as he squinted-Cottongrass? Oh yes, it had to be him. He'd recognise that ball of white fluffy anywhere. So what was he- Askan had to clamp his mouth closed to ensure another yawn didn't escape- doing here? And why at this hour? How suspicious indeed.Hmmm.

He knew that they were both acquainted, but secret late night rendezvous? That was...Not good at all.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Emmett who has 375 posts.
Inactive Deceased
@Reyes <3

Sometimes—and only sometimes!—Cottongrass couldn't help but think that Reyes was a big puppy when it came to cold weather. That the older wolf always thought it was too cold or that there was too much snow even when Cottongrass never thought twice about it. But maybe he was okay with that. And he really couldn't talk when he liked to worry about everything and anything for no other reason than he could. So when Reyes snorted that he's "been cold since winter rolled in,”, Cottongrass just let out a hum of easy-going acceptance and shuffled towards him.

He circled around the older wolf once before plopping himself down on his hindquarters, sliding until he was comfortable on his stomach. And without an ounce of hesitation—he leaned into Reyes' side. He even went on to wiggle and squirm, getting himself good and cozy because he was content to enjoy the darkly-furred wolf's presence while it lasted. Because who knew when they would see each other again. But then Reyes spoke and Cottongrass perked up, his bushy tail giving a few lazy wags in the snow behind him.

Talking was fine. Talking was good.

"Oh." He mumbled, because what was he doing out here? His head cocked and he drew his gaze towards the distant outline of one of many trees, back lighted in pale moonlight. "I think there was an owl in that tree?" He could feel his cheeks heating up and he didn't know why. "I dunno, it might've been a big leaf or something." It just felt silly that he was romping about in the middle of what was apparently a cold night, trying to play with an owl. He settled his head back down on his fore paws, ear twitching at the sound of Reyes' voice again.

He looked back up at the male, hearing the great kerfuffle coming from behind them but not quite registering it yet as nothing but background noise. "Do you wanna hun—" His voice suddenly trailed off mid-sentence as his ears twitched, because not even Cottongrass could be that oblivious for that long. He looked over his shoulder into the all-consuming darkness of the trees and night.

And his yellow, owl-like eyes saw nothing but blackness. His tail gave a tentative wag as his ears twisted forward, head tilted in curiosity. He hoped it was the owl he talked about just moments ago, now tangible and out of hiding. That would be cool.

Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

“An owl?” Reyes plopped down next to the younger wolf, his tail swishing down as well. He followed the youth’s gaze back towards the trees. Mirroring the younger animal, his tail swished. They watched the tree, and nothing happened, but he hummed anyways. “I like owls. Liked listenin’ to ‘em.” Back on the mountaintop, he’d given each specific call a name. They all had a different call. Vaguely, he wondered if it was the same kind of owl.

He tipped his head, about to answer when Cotton cut himself off altogether. His ears flipped back, hair already beginning to prickle on the back of his neck once he realized they were not alone. The yearling said nothing else and the pack wolf continued to bristle, getting back to his feet as he turned about. His ears pricked before falling back against his skull, growling softly at the treeline—

“Askan?” He knew that smell. He’d know that smell anywhere, even a hundred moons from now, a hundred miles away, a hundred lifetimes later. He’d know the scent of home for the rest of his life, no matter what – and all the nights and days after that. “Askan, get th’ fuck out of there. Don’t creep.”

Fuckin’ weirdo.

“You’re scarin’ our owl, cabrón.”

@Askan ~<3
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Askan thought he was so well hidden, that there was no chance that he'd be discovered. And for a while it seemed as though he was right. Reyes and Cotton continued to talk and nothing interesting happened. Just bland conversation that Askan wasn't awake enough to even try and care about. If he wanted to stay up all night and talk to the fluffball then he could, sure, Askan wasn't happy about it but...It was better than the other alternatives that had crept into his mind on the way here.

He could go home and try and sleep, but if it was that easy he wouldn't have left in the first place, now would he? Yawning once again, Askan pawed at his eyes with a groan. He was at a loss of what to do. should he sneak away or- a growl rumbled in the depths of Reyes' throat and Askan stiffened. For a moment he crouched there as still as he could manage as a hundred, sleep scrambled thoughts flitted through his mind. What was he snarling at? Was there something else about? Or had Reyes realised that they had company lingering in the shadows?

The Selwyn wasn't left in the proverbial dark for long as not a moment later the sound of his name made his ears flick to attention. So he knew it was him then, how? He was pretty sure he hadn't said anything aloud and...Askan sniffed. His scent. Duh. He should have thought about that, but being as tired as he was it wasn't entirely his fault he wasn't quick on the draw. Should have realised that sooner really. Ah well.

Pushing himself to his feet, Askan poked his head over the top of his little mound and frowned, though his expression lacked it's usual sharp edge and instead he looked more like a sleepy puppy who'd be woken up too soon. Pretty pathetic really. The man needed some sleep, sooner rather than later.

"M'not a creep." He grumbled as he slunk out of the shadows and as soon as he was close enough he thunked himself down at Reyes' side. There that was better, he wasn't so cold. Still wasn't enough to stop a colossal yawn from escaping though."M'tired."

Leaching his mate's heat it took Askan a moment to put together the rest of his words. Owl? What? Where? And how did it belong to them? Shooting a glance at Cotton, Askan buried his nose into the warmth of Reyes' pelt. Whatever, they could have their owl, it didn't matter to him.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]