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Elk River Blues — Lost Lake 
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Played by Ghost who has 291 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Draven Leigh
sorry this took so long!

Draven listened intently as Vesper outlined their plan, nodding solemnly as the words reran in his min until he was sure he knew exactly what to do. While his time as a pup had been better built for stamina the closer he became to being a full-fledged adult the more muscular his frame was becoming. By the time he was two he would be as fast as a wolf with his stature could be, and stronger than he would have thought possible. His frame would still be lean and tall but his dark coat would cover hardened muscles, partially from living so long on the mountain and hiking their trails everyday.

Because of this the yearling knew that he would tire quicker than some of the smaller members of the pack, such as Neha but that he would be able to hit harder when he did strike. The final blows would be left to Vesper or Kajika but Draven was determined to contribute as much as possible. Still feeling awkward about being so close yet so far from Neha, and having a strange twisting feeling in his gut thinking about the pups being anywhere near the hunt his gaze dropped to his paws. His mossy green eyes would remain firmly planted in this position until they were ready to fall into position and he would take his spot at the far end of the semi circle, ready to lash out should the elk get too close.

[Image: draven-greypixel01.gif]
Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain
New round where the hunting/kill actually takes place, then after this we will have one final round eating/exits so we can finally finish this up. Apologies for this dragging out for so long! No posting order! Minor PP of Neha and Moonshadow running to get this round really going, hopes that's okay <3 @Namid @Kajika @Lunette @Draven @Moonshadow @Neha

Plan formed and no objections made, it was now time to make their blueprints a reality by assigning specific roles that suited each other's strengths before the ball truly got rolling and the hunt officially underway. Who knew how long the beast would stay within the territory blaring its nuisance calls, but Vespertio wasn't about to test their luck and look the gift Elk they had received in the mouth. Molten gold gaze shifted between the faces of those gathered, eventually settling his sight on Neha and Moonshadow who seemed to be the most equipped wolves to begin the chase being lighter in comparison to the hefty males.

"Neha, I'd like for you and Moonshadow to start the chase and flank the animal on either side so it has no choice but to run straight toward wherever you two can manage to guide it. Find a good place to corner it and then --" Attention diverted from the girls to Draven and Kajika while he spoke the next portion of their plans. "You two follow close behind with me so we can aid the girls with encircling the Elk so it can't escape. If you see an opportunity to strike and make a mark, do so, but be mindful of where your fellow pack mates are so nobody is put in danger or steps on each other's toes." The latter directed at all of them in general.

Then his gaze once more shifted to find the youthful face of his youngest daughter and beloved mate, gold eyes locking onto mismatched ones. "Stay close so Lunette can watch, but far enough she won't get hurt." Vesper knew Namid would be damned if she allowed any harm to befall their daughter, but it was a warning the father couldn't stress enough during this vital lesson. Once tasks were dished out, the hunt began and cream legs darted out not far behind the pale agouti and ebony silhouette of the girls up ahead. The first phase of the hunt well underway now.

(This post was last modified: Apr 18, 2017, 07:41 PM by Vespertio.)
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

Now that they had decided on a plan it was time to put that plan into action before they would lose their chance to fill their caches with the meat from the bull. This was an important chance for the wolves of the cove as the bull could provide enough meat to last them for awhile.  The dark man was eager to get the hunt under way, the sooner they took the elk down the better.  Less chances for something to go wrong if they acted quickly and smartly.

Vespertio soon gave out orders for Moonshadow and Neha to start the chase and try to corner the bull.  He and Draven we're to follow with behind with the alpha and watch for their opportunities to strike.  Kaijika gave a nod to the patriarch to show ye understood his position and what he needed to do. As always he was a little worried what could happen but he focused on the a good outcome.  They'd never had anything terrible happen so he hoped they could continue that with this hunt.

His gaze went to the young Vuesain as Vespertio spoke to Namid about keeping her safe while she had the chance to watch the hunt.  This was important for the girl so she could participate when she was older. Once he's spoke to his mate Kajika followed in behind as the alpha moved to follow the girls.  The dark beta fell in behind his student as he prepared himself for what was to come.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Fenrir who has 137 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lunette Vuesain

Lunette Vuesain

I’ve got my love stuck in my head

It was.. exciting, she decided, in a way that was scary and sickening and soon spiraled into the territory of 'awful'. It made her feel giddy and light and nauseous, so she leaned against her mother's leg and pressed her nose into that silver chest fur. Something was going on—a hunt, duh—but it was like an uncomfortable thing pressed into the back of her mouth and down her throat. She didn't like it. If all hunts were to be like this, she didn't want to hunt.

Papa handed out orders, saying some would chase, and some would strike—they would not give it an opportunity to get away. Little silver ears flicked to and fro on her head, drinking in the instructions, and sorting them somewhere in her head, labeled 'for later use'. Once that was over, they moved out, silent and deadly across the frosty ground. Kajika was a black shadow sweeping away with Vespertio and Draven, while Neha and Moonshadow slunk away to cut the beast off. Lunette stuck close to her mother as they followed behind, her nose and eyes eager despite the sickening feeling coursing through her entire body.
Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall

OOC! Boo I suck I'm sorry y'all Dx

Her nerves were a wreck but the reassurance from her co lead was vital. His instructions and roles were taken into account. So she and @Neha would begin the chase, driving the bull towards a clearing where the males could wear it out and finally take it out. A nod was given to the tawny king before silver orbs looked towards his eldest daughter. Meeting the princess' chocolate gaze Moon gave her a small nod and a grin. Let's do this.

The large dark she wolf stood, giving her pelt a good shake and her limbs a good stretch. Then she was off, large paws made their was easily over rocky terrain towards the bellowing bull. The anticipation of the hunt flowed through her. Adrenaline coursed through her veins, her hackles rose and her lips curled in a devious grin. Tilting her head back the temp alpha gave a battle cry before lunging after the elk. The chase had begun. Moon snarled and snapped at the bull as she flanked its left side sending it flying in a panic through the cove. She kept herself positioned along its flank as to avoid its sharp hooves when it kicked. Inky, snapping maw darted towards and away from the elk to heard it. Moonshadow was well aware of the rest of the pack, but kept her focus on her task. She would make a better note of where her family was once the bull was cornered.

[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Mai who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neha Vuesain

Ears pricked attentively, earthy eyes fixated on her father as he laid out the instructions for Moonshadow and herself. They were to be the chasers, flanking the Elk and cornering it so the rest of the pack could go in for the kill. She dipped her slender muzzle in understanding, making a promise to herself that she would avoid the legs. They were powerful and those hooves were sharp. A perfect recipe for injuring a wolf beyond recovery. Eyes glinting with excitement, she shared an enthusiastic look with the dark Beta, before sprinting off after her.

The world behind her faded away, and all she could see was the form of the Elk, with it's mighty rack of antlers, prancing proudly throughout the Cove. It's bellows filled her ears, growing louder as she drew closer. Her slender legs stretched out under her body, tucking in and then back out again, for maximum speed. Her muzzle crinkled, lips peeling apart whilst small strings of saliva pooled down. As Moonshadow swung to the left to flank the bull, the eldest Vuesain swept towards the right, with perfect timing. A low snarl bellowed from her vocals as she drew besides the heaving flank of her prey. The once haughty bull, now startled by the two aggressive wolves at it's side, bellowed a shrill cry, rearing back on it's hind legs defiantly. Chocolate eyes widened in alarm and she pulled back to get out of the way of the hooves that came stomping down on the hard soil, just inches from where she had been placed before.

Not to be outdone or scared off so easily, Neha sent the Elk a narrowed, determined glare. With a swift thrust, she snapped at it's ribs. Her slicing teeth grazed the fine hairs lining it's hide, but didn't pierce the skin. The idea was to get it moving...to trap it. She spun round, coordinating her movements with that of Moonshadow's. She knew that from behind, the rest of the pack would be swarming, moving in. If she and Moonshadow could keep it distracted long enough, the others would be upon it in moments. And the fate of the bull would be sealed.
Neha can often be found close to Aleister's side and therefore may appear in any of his threads.
Played by Ghost who has 291 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Draven Leigh

Draven nodded silently at the orders that were given and waited to fall back into place. His large frame was lean but well muscled and it made sense for him to belong to the group that needed the brawn rather than the speed. His green eyes watched intently as Moonshadow and Neha began a deadly dance with the buck, his own dark paws carrying him closer all the time. He had to fight back the instinct to rush in and protect the smaller tawny girl even if they weren't talking right now. The buck's racks swung dangerously to and fro between the two wolves that had moved in first and the Leigh teen grit his teeth. Hunting had never been his expertise, though his skills were not horrible he was just more of an average skilled wolf. This however, felt like it had higher stakes than a typical hunt.

Draven fell into the position that had been dictated to him, choosing the side closest to Moonshadow so that Vespertio could take the middle. He added his own snarls and flashing jaws into the mix as the buck began to back towards the wall in panic, they had it surrounded. Knowing better than to lunge from where he stood towards the beast's face, he would only be met with hooves and the rack he settled on distracting it. The more he could distract the prey the easier it would be for the other's to take it down. Draven would offer them further muscle if needed but for now he did what he could.

[Image: draven-greypixel01.gif]